updating the ph.x module of PWgui (i.e., synchronization with QE v-5.1svn)

git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@10888 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
kokalj 2014-04-22 12:53:17 +00:00
parent 3e76d41e09
commit d1862fcfa5
3 changed files with 250 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -56,20 +56,60 @@ tracevar reps_type w {
tracevar nat_todo w {
if { [varvalue nat_todo] < 1 } {
groupwidget atom_disp_line disable
if { [varvalue nat_todo] == "" } {
widget nat_todo_list disable
} else {
groupwidget atom_disp_line enable
if { [varvalue nat_todo] < 1 } {
widget nat_todo_list disable
} else {
widget nat_todo_list enable
tracevar qplot w {
if { [varvalue qplot] == ".true." } {
groupwidget qPointsSpec enable
groupwidget xq_list disable
} else {
groupwidget qPointsSpec disable
groupwidget xq_list enable
tracevar nqs w {
set nqs [varvalue nqs]
widgetconfigure qPoints -rows $nqs
# help postproccessing (hack for help of dvscf_star & drho_star structures)
foreach ident {dvscf_star drho_star} {
set obj [_getObjFromVarident $ident]
set id [$obj getIdFromVarident $ident]
set helptext [$obj getOptionValue $id helptext]
foreach elem {open dir ext basis pat} {
help ${ident}_$elem -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext $helptext
postprocess {
varset ldisp -value .false.
varset lraman -value .false.
varset elop -value .false.
varset trans -value .true.
varset epsil -value .false.
varset recover -value .false.
varset fpol -value .false.
varset reps_type -value {}
widget dvscf_star forget
widget drho_star forget
varset ldisp -value .false.
varset lraman -value .false.
varset elop -value .false.
varset trans -value .true.
varset epsil -value .false.
varset recover -value .false.
varset fpol -value .false.
varset reps_type -value {}
varset nat_todo -value {}
varset qplot -value {}

View File

@ -429,6 +429,107 @@ help recover -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help low_directory_check -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>low_directory_check</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>LOGICAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> .false.
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
If .true. search in the phsave directory only the
quantities requested in input.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help only_init -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>only_init</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>LOGICAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> .false.
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
If .true. only the bands and other
initialization quantities are calculated.
(used for GRID parallelization)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help qplot -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>qplot</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>LOGICAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> .false.
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
<blockquote><pre> If .true. a list of q points is read from input.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help q2d -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>q2d</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>LOGICAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> .false.
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
If .true. three q points and relative weights are
read from input. The three q points define the rectangle
q(:,1) + l (q(:,2)-q(:,1)) + m (q(:,3)-q(:,1)) where
0&lt; l,m &lt; 1. The weights are integer and those of points two
and three are the number of points in the two directions.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help q_in_band_form -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>q_in_band_form</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>LOGICAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> .false.
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
This flag is used only when qplot is .true. and q2d is
.false.. When .true. each couple of q points q(:,i+1) and
q(:,i) define the line from q(:,i) to q(:,i+1) and nq
points are generated along that line. nq is the weigth of
q(:,i). When .false. only the list of q points given as
input is calculated. The weights are not used.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help electron_phonon -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
@ -763,7 +864,7 @@ Choose the subset of atoms to be used in the linear response
calculation: "nat_todo" atoms, specified in input (see below)
are displaced. Can be used to estimate modes for a molecule
adsorbed over a surface without performing a full fledged
calculation. Use with care, at your own risk,m and be aware
calculation. Use with care, at your own risk, and be aware
that this is an approximation and may not work.
* nat_todo &lt;= nat
@ -936,7 +1037,7 @@ Notice that the defaults are different.
grouphelp {xq1 xq2 xq3} -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b> xq(1) xq(2) xq(3)
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
@ -944,13 +1045,58 @@ grouphelp {xq1 xq2 xq3} -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
The phonon wavevector, in units of 2pi/a0
(a0 = lattice parameter).
Not used if ldisp=.true.
Not used if ldisp=.true. or qplot=.true.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help nqs -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>nqs</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
Number of q points in the list. Used only if qplot=.true.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help qPoints -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>xq1, xq2, xq3</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
q-point coordinates; used only with ldisp=.true. and qplot=.true.
The phonon wavevector, in units of 2pi/a0 (a0 = lattice parameter).
The meaning of these q points and their weights nq depend on the
flags q2d and q_in_band_form. (NB: nq is integer)
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>nq</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
The weight of the q-point; the meaning of nq depends
on the flags q2d and q_in_band_form.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help nat_todo_list -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {

View File

@ -313,6 +313,41 @@ module PH\#auto -title "PWSCF GUI: module PH.x" -script {
-widget radiobox
var low_directory_check {
-label "(low_directory_check):"
-textvalue {Yes No}
-value {.true. .false.}
-widget radiobox
var only_init {
-label "Calculate only bands and other initialization quantities (only_init):"
-textvalue {Yes No}
-value {.true. .false.}
-widget radiobox
var qplot {
-label "Read a list of q-points from input (qplot):"
-textvalue {Yes No}
-value {.true. .false.}
-widget radiobox
var q2d {
-label "(q2d):"
-textvalue {Yes No}
-value {.true. .false.}
-widget radiobox
var q_in_band_form {
-label "(q_in_band_form):"
-textvalue {Yes No}
-value {.true. .false.}
-widget radiobox
var lqdir {
-label "Creates inside outdir a separate subdirectory for each q vector (lqdir):"
-textvalue {Yes No}
@ -474,6 +509,20 @@ module PH\#auto -title "PWSCF GUI: module PH.x" -script {
group qPointsSpec -name "q-points specification" -decor normal {
line nqs_line -decor none {
var nqs -label "Number of q-points:" -validate posint -widget spinint -default 1 -outfmt %3d
table qPoints {
-caption "Enter q-points coordinates and weights:"
-head {xq1 xq2 xq3 nq}
-validate {fortranreal fortranreal fortranreal int}
-cols 4
-rows 1
-outfmt {%13.8f %13.8f %13.8f %3d}
line atom_disp_line -name "List of atoms to displace:" {
var nat_todo_list {
-label "Indices of atoms (comma or whitespace separated):"
@ -489,21 +538,4 @@ module PH\#auto -title "PWSCF GUI: module PH.x" -script {
# source the HELP file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
source ph-help.tcl
# help postproccessing (hack for help of dvscf_star & drho_stur structures)
foreach ident {dvscf_star drho_star} {
set obj [_getObjFromVarident $ident]
set id [$obj getIdFromVarident $ident]
set helptext [$obj getOptionValue $id helptext]
foreach elem {open dir ext basis pat} {
help ${ident}_$elem -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext $helptext
postprocess {
widget dvscf_star forget
widget drho_star forget