Modified numerical recursive algorithm to calculate spherical harmonics.

As the previous one, it is based on the one given in Numerical Recipes
but avoids the calculation of factorials that give overflow for lmax > 11.

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@ -5,6 +5,123 @@
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or .
#define NEWYLMR
#ifdef NEWYLMR
subroutine ylmr2 (lmax2, ng, g, gg, ylm)
! Real spherical harmonics ylm(G) up to l=lmax
! lmax2 = (lmax+1)^2 is the total number of spherical harmonics
! Numerical recursive algorithm based on the one given in Numerical
! Recipes but avoiding the calculation of factorials that generate
! overflow for lmax > 11
USE kinds
USE constants, ONLY : pi, fpi
implicit none
! Input
integer :: lmax2, ng
real(DP) :: g (3, ng), gg (ng)
! Output
real(DP) :: ylm (ng,lmax2)
! local variables
real(DP), parameter :: eps = 1.0d-9
real(DP), allocatable :: cost (:), sent(:), phi (:), Q(:,:,:)
real(DP) :: c, gmod
integer :: lmax, ig, l, m, lm
integer(DP), external:: fact, semifact
if (ng < 1 .or. lmax2 < 1) return
do lmax = 0, 25
if ((lmax+1)**2 == lmax2) go to 10
end do
stop 'l > 25 or wrong number of Ylm required'
10 continue
if (lmax == 0) then
ylm(:,1) = sqrt (1.d0 / fpi)
end if
! theta and phi are polar angles, cost = cos(theta)
allocate(cost(ng), sent(ng), phi(ng), Q(ng,0:lmax,0:lmax) )
do ig = 1, ng
gmod = sqrt (gg (ig) )
if (gmod < eps) then
cost(ig) = 0.d0
cost(ig) = g(3,ig)/gmod
! beware the arc tan, it is defined modulo pi
if (g(1,ig) > eps) then
phi (ig) = atan( g(2,ig)/g(1,ig) )
else if (g(1,ig) < -1.d-9) then
phi (ig) = atan( g(2,ig)/g(1,ig) ) + pi
phi (ig) = sign( pi/2.d0,g(2,ig) )
end if
sent(:) = sqrt(max(0d0,1.d0-cost(:)**2))
! Q(:,l,m) are defined as sqrt ((l-m)!/(l+m)!) * P(:,l,m) where
! P(:,l,m) are the Legendre Polynomials (0 <= m <= l)
lm = 0
do l = 0, lmax
c = sqrt (DBLE(2*l+1) / fpi)
if ( l == 0 ) then
Q (:,0,0) = 1.d0
else if ( l == 1 ) then
Q (:,1,0) = cost(:)
Q (:,1,1) =-sent(:)/sqrt(2.d0)
! recursion on l for Q(:,l,m)
do m = 0, l - 2
Q(:,l,m) = cost(:)*(2*l-1)/sqrt(DBLE(l*l-m*m))*Q(:,l-1,m) &
- sqrt(DBLE((l-1)*(l-1)-m*m))/sqrt(DBLE(l*l-m*m))*Q(:,l-2,m)
end do
Q(:,l,l-1) = cost(:) * sqrt(DBLE(2*l-1)) * Q(:,l-1,l-1)
Q(:,l,l) = - sqrt(DBLE(2*l-1))/sqrt(DBLE(2*l))*sent(:)*Q(:,l-1,l-1)
end if
! Y_lm, m = 0
lm = lm + 1
ylm(:, lm) = c * Q(:,l,0)
do m = 1, l
! Y_lm, m > 0
lm = lm + 1
ylm(:, lm) = c * sqrt(2.d0) * Q(:,l,m) * cos (m*phi(:))
! Y_lm, m < 0
lm = lm + 1
ylm(:, lm) = c * sqrt(2.d0) * Q(:,l,m) * sin (m*phi(:))
end do
end do
deallocate(cost, sent, phi, Q)
end subroutine ylmr2
subroutine ylmr2 (lmax2, ng, g, gg, ylm)
@ -127,6 +244,8 @@ integer function fact(n)
end function fact
integer function semifact(n)
! semifact(n) = n!!
implicit none