Temporary bug fix. A slower irrek is used in the noncollinear magnetic case,

because the old one seems to be wrong in some cases when some operations
require time reversal. This solves bug number 68 indicated by Cezary Sliwa.

git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@8231 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
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dalcorso 2011-11-08 14:28:58 +00:00
parent a8b2efa281
commit cc23be5722
1 changed files with 165 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ subroutine irreducible_BZ (nrot, s, nsym, minus_q, at, bg, npk, nks, &
! of the point group of the Bravais lattice.
USE kinds, only : DP
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
USE spin_orb, ONLY : domag
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nrot, nsym, npk, s(3,3,48), t_rev(48)
@ -46,14 +48,20 @@ subroutine irreducible_BZ (nrot, s, nsym, minus_q, at, bg, npk, nks, &
! Find the coset in the point group of the Bravais lattice
sym(1:nsym) = .true.
sym(nsym+1:)= .false.
call coset (nrot, table, sym, nsym, irg)
! here we set the k-points in the irreducible wedge of the point grou
! of the crystal
call irrek (at, bg, nrot, invs, nsym, irg, minus_q, npk, nks, xk, wk, t_rev)
IF (noncolin.AND.domag) THEN
call irrek_nc(at, bg, nrot, invs, nsym, irg, minus_q, npk, nks, xk, &
wk, t_rev)
sym(1:nsym) = .true.
sym(nsym+1:)= .false.
call coset (nrot, table, sym, nsym, irg)
! here we set the k-points in the irreducible wedge of the point grou
! of the crystal
call irrek (at, bg, nrot, invs, nsym, irg, minus_q, npk, nks, xk, &
wk, t_rev)
@ -204,3 +212,152 @@ subroutine irrek (at, bg, nrot, invs, nsym, irg, minus_q, npk, &
end subroutine irrek
subroutine irrek_nc (at, bg, nrot, invs, nsym, irg, minus_q, npk, &
nks, xk, wk, t_rev)
! Given a set of special points in the Irreducible Wedge of some
! group, finds the equivalent special points in the IW of one of
! its subgroups.
USE kinds, only : DP
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: npk, nrot, nsym, invs (3, 3, 48), irg (nrot)
! maximum number of special points
! order of the parent point group
! order of the subgroup
! inverse of the elements of the symmetry group
! partition of the elements of the symmetry group into left cosets,
! as given by SUBROUTINE COSET
integer, intent(inout) :: nks
! number of special points
integer, intent(in) :: t_rev(48)
real(DP), intent(in) :: at (3, 3), bg (3, 3)
! basis vectors of the Bravais and reciprocal lattice
real(DP), intent(inout) :: xk (3, npk), wk (npk)
! special points and weights
logical, intent(in) :: minus_q
! .true. if symmetries q = -q+G are acceptable
! here the local variables
integer :: nks0, jk, kpol, irot, jrot, isym, ik, iks, start_k
! nks0: used to save the initial number of k-points
! ncos: total number of cosets
real(DP) :: xkg (3), xks (3), xkn(3), one, xk_new(3,npk), wk_new(npk), &
! coordinates of the k point in crystal axis
! coordinates of the rotated k point
! weight of each coset
! buffer which contains the weight of k points
! total weight of k-points
logical :: satm
! true if equivalent point found
nks0 = nks
DO jk = 1, nks0
! The k point is first computed in crystal axis
! xkg are the components of xk in the crystal base
xkg (:) = at (1, :) * xk (1, jk) + &
at (2, :) * xk (2, jk) + &
at (3, :) * xk (3, jk)
! Then it is rotated with each symmetry of the global group.
DO irot = 1, nrot
xks (:) = invs (:, 1, irot) * xkg (1) + &
invs (:, 2, irot) * xkg (2) + &
invs (:, 3, irot) * xkg (3)
! Now check if there is an operation of the subgroup that
! makes xks equivalent to some other already found k point
DO jrot=1,nsym
xkn (:) = invs (:, 1, jrot) * xks (1) + &
invs (:, 2, jrot) * xks (2) + &
invs (:, 3, jrot) * xks (3)
IF (t_rev(jrot)==1) xkn =-xkn
DO ik = start_k+1, nks
satm = abs (xk_new (1, ik) - xkn (1) - &
nint (xk_new (1, ik) - xkn (1) ) ) < 1.0d-5 .and. &
abs (xk_new (2, ik) - xkn (2) - &
nint (xk_new (2, ik) - xkn (2) ) ) < 1.0d-5 .and. &
abs (xk_new (3, ik) - xkn (3) - &
nint (xk_new (3, ik) - xkn (3) ) ) < 1.0d-5
! .... or equivalent to minus each other when minus_q=.t.
if (minus_q) satm = satm .or. &
abs (xk_new (1, ik) + xkn (1) - &
nint (xk_new (1, ik) + xkn (1) ) ) < 1.0d-5 .and. &
abs (xk_new (2, ik) + xkn (2) - &
nint (xk_new (2, ik) + xkn (2) ) ) < 1.0d-5 .and. &
abs (xk_new (3, ik) + xkn (3) - &
nint (xk_new (3, ik) + xkn (3) ) ) < 1.0d-5
IF ( satm ) THEN
wk_new(ik) = wk_new(ik) + wk(jk)
GOTO 100
IF (nks > npk) CALL errore('irrek_nc','too many k points',1)
! The order of the original k points is preserved
DO ik = 1, nks
! for each new k point found, check if it was in the original list
DO jk=1, nks0
xkg (:) = at (1, :) * xk (1, jk) + &
at (2, :) * xk (2, jk) + &
at (3, :) * xk (3, jk)
satm = abs (xk_new (1, ik) - xkg (1) - &
nint (xk_new (1, ik) - xkg (1) ) ) < 1.0d-5 .and. &
abs (xk_new (2, ik) - xkg (2) - &
nint (xk_new (2, ik) - xkg (2) ) ) < 1.0d-5 .and. &
abs (xk_new (3, ik) - xkg (3) - &
nint (xk_new (3, ik) - xkg (3) ) ) < 1.0d-5
IF (satm) THEN
! If it was, just update the weight
goto 200
! If it was not, bring xk_new in cartesian coodinates and copy it in the
! first free place available
xk_cart (:) = bg (:, 1) * xk_new (1, ik) + &
bg (:, 2) * xk_new (2, ik) + &
bg (:, 3) * xk_new (3, ik)
IF (iks /= nks ) CALL errore('irrek_nc','Internal problem with k points',1)
! normalize weights to one
one = SUM (wk(1:nks))
IF ( one > 0.d0 ) wk(1:nks) = wk(1:nks) / one