Updated threshold labels in PW/summary.f90

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afonari 2020-11-20 13:50:21 +00:00
parent 2e0e906b18
commit ca96fe4b6c
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ SUBROUTINE summary()
104 FORMAT(5X, &
& 'cutoff for Fock operator = ',F12.4,' Ry')
105 FORMAT(5X, &
& 'convergence threshold = ',1PE12.1,/,5X, &
& 'scf convergence threshold = ',1PE12.1,/,5X, &
& 'mixing beta = ',0PF12.4,/,5X, &
& 'number of iterations used = ',I12,2X,A,' mixing')
106 FORMAT(5X, &
& 'tot convergence thresh. = ',1PE12.1,/,5X, &
& 'energy convergence thresh.= ',1PE12.1,/,5X, &
& 'force convergence thresh. = ',1PE12.1)
107 FORMAT(5X, &
& 'press convergence thresh. = ',1PE12.1)