variable world_comm renamed to make clear it is a local one, and declared explicitely in both

mp_start_diag and init_ortho_group

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
degironc 2017-07-28 13:22:55 +00:00
parent 3e20b43121
commit c86848ceae
1 changed files with 10 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ CONTAINS
! communicators are created
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: do_distr_diag_inside_bgrp_ ! comme son nom l'indique
INTEGER :: world_comm = -1 ! internal copy of the world_comm (-1 is unset, should be set to MPI_COMM_WORLD)
INTEGER :: world_comm_local = -1 ! internal copy of the world_comm (-1 is unset, should be set to MPI_COMM_WORLD)
INTEGER :: mpime = 0 ! the global MPI task index (used in clocks) can be set with a mp_rank call
INTEGER :: nproc_ortho_try
@ -67,10 +67,9 @@ CONTAINS
INTEGER :: nparent_comm ! mumber of parent communicators
INTEGER :: ierr = 0
write (*,*) 'world_comm ', world_comm , MPI_COMM_WORLD
world_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD ! set the internal copy of the world_comm to be possibly used in other related routines
world_nproc = mp_size( world_comm ) ! the global number of processors in world_comm
mpime = mp_rank( world_comm ) ! set the global MPI task index (used in clocks)
world_comm_local = MPI_COMM_WORLD ! set the internal copy of the world_comm to be possibly used in other related routines
world_nproc = mp_size( world_comm_local ) ! the global number of processors in world_comm
mpime = mp_rank( world_comm_local ) ! set the global MPI task index (used in clocks)
parent_nproc = mp_size( parent_comm )! the number of processors in the current parent communicator
my_parent_id = mpime / parent_nproc ! set the index of the current parent communicator
nparent_comm = world_nproc/parent_nproc ! number of paren communicators
@ -80,15 +79,15 @@ CONTAINS
#if defined __SCALAPACK
np_blacs = mp_size( world_comm )
me_blacs = mp_rank( world_comm )
np_blacs = mp_size( world_comm_local )
me_blacs = mp_rank( world_comm_local )
! define a 1D grid containing all MPI tasks of the global communicator
! NOTE: world_cntx has the MPI communicator on entry and the BLACS context on exit
! BLACS_GRIDINIT() will create a copy of the communicator, which can be
! later retrieved using CALL BLACS_GET(world_cntx, 10, comm_copy)
world_cntx = world_comm
world_cntx = world_comm_local
CALL BLACS_GRIDINIT( world_cntx, 'Row', 1, np_blacs )
@ -140,6 +139,8 @@ CONTAINS
#if defined __MPI
INTEGER :: world_comm_local = -1 ! internal copy of the world_comm (-1 is unset, should be set to MPI_COMM_WORLD)
world_comm_local = MPI_COMM_WORLD ! set the internal copy of the world_comm to be possibly used in other related routines
me_all = mp_rank( comm_all )
@ -249,7 +250,7 @@ CONTAINS
! All MPI tasks defined in the global communicator take part in the definition of the BLACS grid
CALL mp_sum( blacsmap, world_comm )
CALL mp_sum( blacsmap, world_comm_local )
CALL BLACS_GRIDMAP( ortho_cntx_pe( j ), blacsmap, nprow, nprow, npcol )