Some more files moved to their final locations

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
giannozz 2012-01-19 20:22:56 +00:00
parent a36b75f4dc
commit c02a66705c
6 changed files with 6 additions and 81 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
LATEX = pdflatex
LATEX2HTML = latex2html
PDFS = constraints_HOWTO.pdf developer_man.pdf eps_man.pdf user_guide.pdf plumed_quick_ref.pdf
PDFS = constraints_HOWTO.pdf developer_man.pdf user_guide.pdf plumed_quick_ref.pdf
AUXS = $(PDFS:.pdf=.aux)
LOGS = $(PDFS:.pdf=.log)
OUTS = $(PDFS:.pdf=.out)

View File

@ -1,29 +1,19 @@
Available documentation for the Quantum ESPRESSO package in Doc/
(additional documentation is available from the QE wiki:
This directory contains the general Quantum ESPRESSO documentation.
Package-specific documentation is available in the Doc/ subdirectories
of each pakacge, or on the web site
The following files are always present in the CVS repository:
The following files are always present in the repository:
release-notes What is new in the current release + list of fixed bugs
(only those found in some official release)
user-guide.tex User guide
developer-man.tex Developers' manual
INPUT_Gamma Documentation of input data for the specialized phonon code
(Gamma-only and q=0 phonons only) phcg.x
INPUT_WFDD Input data doc for dynamics with Wannier functions (cp.x)
INPUT_XSPECTRA Input data doc for X-ray adsorption spectra (xspectra.x)
eps_man.tex Documentation for code epsilon.x, performing
dielectric function calculation with RPA
An introduction to the usage of PLUMED with QE
README.AUTOPILOT Notes on the "autopilot" feature, by Targacept, Inc.
nomefile.upf Naming convention for UPF pseudopotentials
The UPF format is described in the Quantum ESPRESSO wiki,
in page "Unified_pseudopotential_format"
Documentation for constraints
ChangeLog.old ChangeLog for the Quantum-ESPRESSO suite after aug. 2004
NO LONGER UPDATED - see below for the updated version
NO LONGER UPDATED ChangeLog before aug 2004 for PWscf
ChangeLog.cp ChangeLog before aug 2004 for CP
@ -33,28 +23,6 @@ user-guide.pdf User guide, printable version
developer-man.pdf Developers' manual, printable version
The following files are present in the released version (obtained
from the "helpdoc" utility: go into the ../doc-def/ directory, type
"make all". Note that "tcl", "tcllib", "xsltproc" are needed)
INPUT_*.txt,html Description of input parameters (text and html) for:
CP Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics code (cp.x)
CPPP Car-Parrinello postprocessing (cppp.x)
PW PWscf self-consistent code (pw.x)
NEB Nudged Elastic Band (NEB) code (neb.x)
PP Postprocessing code (pp.x)
BANDS Band reordering and plotting utility (bands.x)
PROJWFC Projection over atomic wfcs (projwave.x)
DOS Density of state calculation (dos.x)
PH Phonon calculations (ph.x)
D3 3rd-order energy derivatives (d3.x)
LD1 atomic pseudopotential generation code (ld1.x)
PWCOND Ballistic conductance (pwcond.x)
pw_export pw_export utility (pw_export.x)
More documentation for the "atomic" pseudopotential generation code
can be found in directory ../atomic_doc/
All the material included in this distribution is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;

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@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
Naming convention for UPF files (29-06-2011):
upf_filename = <atomic symbol>.<description>.UPF
description = [<field1>-]<field2>-[<field3>-]<field4>[_<field5>]
field 1 (optional)
rel = fully relativistic pseudopotential
starNl = one core-hole in Nl state
starhNl = half core-hole in Nl state
Nl can be 1s 2s 2p etc
field 2 (mandatory: XC functional)
pz = Perdew-Zunger (LDA) exch-corr
vwn = Vosko-Wilk-Nusair (LDA) exch-corr
pbe = Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) exch-corr
bp = Becke-Perdew (BP) gradient-corrected exch-corr
blyp = Becke-Lee-Yang-Parr (BLYP) exch-corr
pw91 = Perdew-Wang 91 gradient-corrected functional
tpss = Tao-Perdew-Staroverov-Scuseria (TPSS) meta-GGA
coulomb = Coulomb bare -Z/r potential
field 3 (optional)
s = semicore state s in valence
p = semicore state p in valence
d = semicore state d in valence
f = valence f state in core
n = nonlinear core-correction
field 4 (mandatory: generation method)
ae = All-Electron (no pseudization)
mt = Martins-Troullier
bhs = Bachelet-Hamann-Schlueter and derived
vbc = Von Barth-Car (direct fit)
van = Vanderbilt ultrasoft
rrkj = Rabe Rappe Kaxiras Joannopoulos (norm-conserving)
rrkjus = Rabe Rappe Kaxiras Joannopoulos (ultrasoft)
kjpaw = Projector Augmented Waves (Kresse-Joubert paper)
bpaw = Projector Augmented Waves (original Bloechl recipe)
field 5 (optional)
free field, used to distinguish different versions of the same PP
or to identify the author(s).