An additional file is now generated by NEB calculations; it is called

$prefix.crd and contains the path coordinates in pw.x input format.
Documentation updated (actually written) accordingly, I hope in the right

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
paulatto 2009-11-17 10:51:35 +00:00
parent da60c0068e
commit bfda49d039
4 changed files with 103 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -1818,6 +1818,32 @@ of the initial and final image of the elastic band have to be specified
in the ATOMIC POSITIONS card. A detailed description of all input
variables is contained in the file Doc/INPUT PW. See also Example 17.
An NEB calculation will produce a number of files in the current directory
(i.e. in the directory were the code is run) containing additional information
on the minimum-energy path. The files are organized as following, where \$prefix
is the prefix of the calculation (specified in the input file):
is a three-column file containig the position of each image on the reaction
coordinate (arb. units), its energy in eV relative to the energy of the first image
and the residual error for the image in eV/$a_0$.
contains an interpolation of the path energy profile that pass exactly through each
image; it is computed using both the image energies and their derivatives
information used by QE to restart a path calculation, its format depends on the input
details and is undocumented
atomic positions of all path images in the XCrysDen animation format,
{\texttt xcrysden -\--axsf \$prefix.axsf} to open it
atomic positions of all path images in the generic xyz format, used by
many quantum-chemistry softwares
path information in the input format used by {\texttt pw.x}, suitable for a manual
restart of the calculation
"NEB calculation are a bit tricky in general and require extreme care to be
setup correctly. NEB also takes easily hunders of iteration to converge,
of course depending on the number of atoms and of images. Here is some
@ -1834,7 +1860,9 @@ Carefully choose the initial path. Remember that QE assumes continuity
between the first and the last image at the initial condition. In other
words, periodic images are NOT used; you may have to manually translate
an atom by one or more unit cell base vectors in order to have a meaningful
initial path.
initial path. You can visualize NEB input files with XCrysDen as animations,
take some time to check if any atoms overlap or get very close in the initial
path (you will have to add intermediate images, in this case).
Try to start the NEB process with most atomic positions fixed,
in order to converge the more "problematic" ones, before leaving

View File

@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ MODULE io_files
CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: &
dat_file = 'os.dat', &! file containing the enegy profile
int_file = '', &! file containing the interpolated energy profile
crd_file = 'os.crd', &! file containing path coordinates in pw.x input format
path_file = 'os.path', &! file containing informations needed to restart a path simulation
xyz_file = '', &! file containing coordinates of all images in xyz format
axsf_file = 'os.axsf', &! file containing coordinates of all images in axsf format
@ -119,6 +120,7 @@ MODULE io_files
INTEGER :: iunxyz = 24 ! unit for saving coordinates ( xyz format )
INTEGER :: iunaxsf = 25 ! unit for saving coordinates ( axsf format )
INTEGER :: iunbroy = 26 ! unit for saving broyden's history
INTEGER :: iuncrd = 27 ! unit for saving coordinates in pw.x input format
! ... meta-dynamics

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ MODULE path_base
USE control_flags, ONLY : conv_elec, lcoarsegrained
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, amass, ityp, if_pos
USE metadyn_vars, ONLY : ncolvar
USE io_files, ONLY : prefix, tmp_dir, path_file, dat_file, &
USE io_files, ONLY : prefix, tmp_dir, path_file, dat_file, crd_file, &
int_file, xyz_file, axsf_file, broy_file
USE path_variables, ONLY : climbing, pos, istep_path, nstep_path, &
dim1, num_of_images, pes, grad_pes, mass, &
@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ MODULE path_base
path_file = TRIM( prefix ) // ".path"
dat_file = TRIM( prefix ) // ".dat"
int_file = TRIM( prefix ) // ".int"
crd_file = TRIM( prefix ) // ".crd"
xyz_file = TRIM( prefix ) // ".xyz"
axsf_file = TRIM( prefix ) // ".axsf"

View File

@ -650,20 +650,20 @@ MODULE path_io_routines
USE constants, ONLY : pi
USE input_parameters, ONLY : atom_label
USE input_parameters, ONLY : atom_label, atomic_positions
USE control_flags, ONLY : lcoarsegrained
USE cell_base, ONLY : alat, at
USE ions_base, ONLY : ityp, nat
USE cell_base, ONLY : alat, at, bg
USE ions_base, ONLY : ityp, nat, if_pos
USE path_formats, ONLY : dat_fmt, int_fmt, xyz_fmt, axsf_fmt
USE path_variables, ONLY : pos, grad_pes, pes, num_of_images, &
tangent, dim1, error
USE io_files, ONLY : iundat, iunint, iunxyz, iunaxsf, &
dat_file, int_file, xyz_file, axsf_file
USE io_files, ONLY : iundat, iunint, iunxyz, iuncrd, iunaxsf, &
dat_file, int_file, xyz_file, axsf_file, crd_file
REAL(DP) :: r, delta, x
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: a(:), b(:), c(:), d(:), f(:), s(:)
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: a(:), b(:), c(:), d(:), f(:), s(:), tau_out(:,:,:)
REAL(DP) :: ener, ener_0
INTEGER :: i, j, ia
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_i = 250
@ -771,6 +771,70 @@ MODULE path_io_routines
CLOSE( UNIT = iunxyz )
! ... the *.xyz file is written here
OPEN( UNIT = iuncrd, FILE = crd_file, STATUS = "UNKNOWN", &
ALLOCATE( tau_out(3,nat,num_of_images) )
DO i = 1, num_of_images
DO ia = 1,nat
tau_out(1,ia,i) = pos(3*ia-2,i)
tau_out(2,ia,i) = pos(3*ia-1,i)
tau_out(3,ia,i) = pos(3*ia-0,i)
SELECT CASE( atomic_positions )
! ... convert output atomic positions from internally used format
! ... (bohr units, for path) to the same format used in input
CASE( 'alat' )
WRITE( iuncrd, '(/"ATOMIC_POSITIONS (alat)")' )
tau_out(:,:,:) = tau_out(:,:,:) / alat
CASE( 'bohr' )
WRITE( iuncrd, '(/"ATOMIC_POSITIONS (bohr)")' )
CASE( 'crystal' )
WRITE( iuncrd, '(/"ATOMIC_POSITIONS (crystal)")' )
tau_out(:,:,:) = tau_out(:,:,:) / alat
DO i = 1, num_of_images
call cryst_to_cart( nat, tau_out(1,1,i), bg, -1 )
CASE( 'angstrom' )
WRITE( iuncrd, '(/"ATOMIC_POSITIONS (angstrom)")' )
tau_out(:,:,:) = tau_out(:,:,:) * bohr_radius_angs
WRITE( iuncrd, '(/"ATOMIC_POSITIONS")' )
DO i = 1, num_of_images
! Ad the image label
IF ( i == 1) THEN
WRITE( UNIT = iuncrd, FMT='("first_image")' )
ELSE IF ( i == num_of_images) THEN
WRITE( UNIT = iuncrd, FMT='("last_image")' )
WRITE( UNIT = iuncrd, FMT='("intermediate_image", i5)') i-1
DO ia = 1, nat
IF ( i == 1 .and. ANY(if_pos(:,ia) /= 1) ) THEN
WRITE( UNIT = iuncrd, FMT = '(x,a4,3f18.10,3i2)' ) &
TRIM( atom_label( ityp( ia ) ) ), &
tau_out(1:3,ia,i), if_pos(1:3,ia)
WRITE( UNIT = iuncrd, FMT = '(x,a4,3f18.10)' ) &
TRIM( atom_label( ityp( ia ) ) ), &
CLOSE( UNIT = iuncrd )
! ... the *.axsf file is written here
OPEN( UNIT = iunaxsf, FILE = axsf_file, STATUS = "UNKNOWN", &