Ford-modules part 3

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fabrizio22 2021-02-23 22:13:22 +01:00
parent 87a6745144
commit ba0f0ce89e
1 changed files with 143 additions and 113 deletions

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@ -8,40 +8,37 @@
MODULE bfgs_module
!! Ionic relaxation through the Newton-Raphson optimization scheme
!! based on the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm for the
!! estimate of the inverse Hessian matrix.
!! The ionic relaxation is performed converting cartesian (and cell)
!! positions into internal coordinates.
!! The algorithm uses a "trust radius" line search based on Wolfe
!! conditions. Steps are rejected until the first Wolfe condition
!! (sufficient energy decrease) is satisfied. Updated step length
!! is estimated from quadratic interpolation.
!! When the step is accepted inverse hessian is updated according to
!! BFGS scheme and a new search direction is obtained from NR or GDIIS
!! method. The corresponding step length is limited by trust_radius_max
!! and can't be larger than the previous step multiplied by a certain
!! factor determined by Wolfe and other convergence conditions.
! ... Ionic relaxation through the Newton-Raphson optimization scheme
! ... based on the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm for the
! ... estimate of the inverse Hessian matrix.
! ... The ionic relaxation is performed converting cartesian (and cell)
! ... positions into internal coordinates.
! ... The algorithm uses a "trust radius" line search based on Wolfe
! ... conditions. Steps are rejected until the first Wolfe condition
! ... (sufficient energy decrease) is satisfied. Updated step length
! ... is estimated from quadratic interpolation.
! ... When the step is accepted inverse hessian is updated according to
! ... BFGS scheme and a new search direction is obtained from NR or GDIIS
! ... method. The corresponding step length is limited by trust_radius_max
! ... and can't be larger than the previous step multiplied by a certain
! ... factor determined by Wolfe and other convergence conditions.
! ... Originally written ( 5/12/2003 ) and maintained ( 2003-2007 ) by
! ... Carlo Sbraccia
! ... Modified for variable-cell-shape relaxation ( 2007-2008 ) by
! ... Javier Antonio Montoya, Lorenzo Paulatto and Stefano de Gironcoli
! ... Re-analyzed by Stefano de Gironcoli ( 2010 )
! ... FCP case added by Minoru Otani and collaborators (2020)
! ... references :
! ... 1) Roger Fletcher, Practical Methods of Optimization, John Wiley and
! ... Sons, Chichester, 2nd edn, 1987.
! ... 2) Salomon R. Billeter, Alexander J. Turner, Walter Thiel,
! ... Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2, 2177 (2000).
! ... 3) Salomon R. Billeter, Alessandro Curioni, Wanda Andreoni,
! ... Comput. Mat. Science 27, 437, (2003).
! ... 4) Ren Weiqing, PhD Thesis: Numerical Methods for the Study of Energy
! ... Landscapes and Rare Events.
!! Originally written (5/12/2003) and maintained (2003-2007) by
!! Carlo Sbraccia.
!! Modified for variable-cell-shape relaxation (2007-2008) by
!! Javier Antonio Montoya, Lorenzo Paulatto and Stefano de Gironcoli.
!! Re-analyzed by Stefano de Gironcoli (2010).
!! FCP case added by Minoru Otani and collaborators (2020).
!! References:
!! 1) Roger Fletcher, Practical Methods of Optimization, John Wiley and
!! Sons, Chichester, 2nd edn, 1987.
!! 2) Salomon R. Billeter, Alexander J. Turner, Walter Thiel,
!! Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2, 2177 (2000).
!! 3) Salomon R. Billeter, Alessandro Curioni, Wanda Andreoni,
!! Comput. Mat. Science 27, 437, (2003).
!! 4) Ren Weiqing, PhD Thesis: Numerical Methods for the Study of Energy
!! Landscapes and Rare Events.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE constants, ONLY : eps4, eps8, eps16, RYTOEV
@ -66,56 +63,77 @@ MODULE bfgs_module
CHARACTER (len=320):: bfgs_file=" "
!! name of file (with path) used to store and retrieve the status
pos(:), &! positions + cell
grad(:), &! gradients + cell_force
pos_p(:), &! positions at the previous accepted iteration
grad_p(:), &! gradients at the previous accepted iteration
inv_hess(:,:), &! inverse hessian matrix (updated using BFGS formula)
metric(:,:), &
inv_metric(:,:), &
h_block(:,:), &
hinv_block(:,:), &
step(:), &! the (new) search direction (normalized NR step)
step_old(:), &! the previous search direction (normalized NR step)
pos_old(:,:), &! list of m old positions - used only by gdiis
grad_old(:,:), &! list of m old gradients - used only by gdiis
pos_best(:) ! best extrapolated positions - used only by gdiis
REAL(DP) :: &
nr_step_length, &! length of (new) Newton-Raphson step
nr_step_length_old,&! length of previous Newton-Raphson step
trust_radius, &! new displacement along the search direction
trust_radius_old, &! old displacement along the search direction
energy_p ! energy at previous accepted iteration
scf_iter, &! number of scf iterations
bfgs_iter, &! number of bfgs iterations
gdiis_iter, &! number of gdiis iterations
tr_min_hit = 0 ! set to 1 if the trust_radius has already been
! set to the minimum value at the previous step
! set to 2 if trust_radius is reset again: exit
conv_bfgs = .FALSE. ! .TRUE. when bfgs convergence has been achieved
!! positions + cell
!! gradients + cell_force
!! positions at the previous accepted iteration
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: grad_p(:)
!! gradients at the previous accepted iteration
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: inv_hess(:,:)
!! inverse hessian matrix (updated using BFGS formula)
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: metric(:,:)
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: inv_metric(:,:)
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: h_block(:,:)
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: hinv_block(:,:)
!! the (new) search direction (normalized NR step)
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: step_old(:)
!! the previous search direction (normalized NR step)
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: pos_old(:,:)
!! list of m old positions - used only by gdiis
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: grad_old(:,:)
!! list of m old gradients - used only by gdiis
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: pos_best(:)
!! best extrapolated positions - used only by gdiis
REAL(DP) :: nr_step_length
!! length of (new) Newton-Raphson step
REAL(DP) :: nr_step_length_old
!! length of previous Newton-Raphson step
REAL(DP) :: trust_radius
!! new displacement along the search direction
REAL(DP) :: trust_radius_old
!! old displacement along the search direction
REAL(DP) :: energy_p
!! energy at previous accepted iteration
INTEGER :: scf_iter
!! number of scf iterations
INTEGER :: bfgs_iter
!! number of bfgs iterations
INTEGER :: gdiis_iter
!! number of gdiis iterations
INTEGER :: tr_min_hit = 0
!! set to 1 if the trust_radius has already been set to the minimum value
!! at the previous step. Set to 2 if trust_radius is reset again: exit.
LOGICAL :: conv_bfgs = .FALSE.
!! .TRUE. when bfgs convergence has been achieved
! ... default values for bfgs_ndim, trust_radius_max, trust_radius_min,
! ... trust_radius_ini, w_1, w_2, are set in Modules/read_namelist.f90
! ... (SUBROUTINE ions_defaults) and can be assigned in the input
bfgs_initialized = .FALSE.
stdout ! standard output for writing
bfgs_ndim ! dimension of the subspace for GDIIS
! for standard BFGS algorithm, bfgs_ndim=1
REAL(DP) :: &
trust_radius_ini, &! suggested initial displacement
trust_radius_min, &! minimum allowed displacement
trust_radius_max ! maximum allowed displacement
REAL(DP) :: &! parameters for Wolfe conditions
w_1, &! 1st Wolfe condition: sufficient energy decrease
w_2 ! 2nd Wolfe condition: sufficient gradient decrease
LOGICAL :: bfgs_initialized = .FALSE.
INTEGER :: stdout
!! standard output for writing
INTEGER :: bfgs_ndim
!! dimension of the subspace for GDIIS for standard BFGS algorithm,
!! \(\text{bfgs_ndim}=1\)
REAL(DP) :: trust_radius_ini
!! suggested initial displacement
REAL(DP) :: trust_radius_min
!! minimum allowed displacement
REAL(DP) :: trust_radius_max
!! maximum allowed displacement
! ... parameters for Wolfe conditions
REAL(DP) :: w_1
!! 1st Wolfe condition: sufficient energy decrease
REAL(DP) :: w_2
!! 2nd Wolfe condition: sufficient gradient decrease
@ -123,8 +141,7 @@ CONTAINS
SUBROUTINE init_bfgs( stdout_, bfgs_ndim_, trust_radius_max_, &
trust_radius_min_, trust_radius_ini_, w_1_, w_2_)
! ... set values for several parameters of the algorithm
!! set values for several parameters of the algorithm
stdout_, &
@ -146,58 +163,69 @@ CONTAINS
bfgs_initialized = .true.
SUBROUTINE bfgs( filebfgs, pos_in, h, nelec, energy, &
grad_in, fcell, iforceh, felec, &
energy_thr, grad_thr, cell_thr, fcp_thr, &
energy_error, grad_error, cell_error, fcp_error, &
lmovecell, lfcp, fcp_cap, fcp_hess, step_accepted, stop_bfgs, istep )
! ... list of input/output arguments :
! filebfgs : file name for storing and retrieving data
! pos_in : vector containing 3N coordinates of the system ( x )
! h : 3x3 matrix of the primitive lattice vectors
! nelec : number of elecrons (for FCP)
! energy : energy of the system ( V(x) )
! grad : vector containing 3N components of grad( V(x) )
! fcell : 3x3 matrix containing the stress tensor
! iforceh : 3x3 matrix containing cell constraints
! energy_thr : threshold on energy difference for BFGS convergence
! grad_thr : threshold on grad difference for BFGS convergence
! the largest component of grad( V(x) ) is considered
! cell_thr : threshold on grad of cell for BFGS convergence
! fcp_thr : treshold on grad of FCP for BFGS convergence
! energy_error : energy difference | V(x_i) - V(x_i-1) |
! grad_error : the largest component of
! | grad(V(x_i)) - grad(V(x_i-1)) |
! cell_error : the largest component of: omega*(stress-press*I)
! fcp_error : | grad(V(x_FCP)) |
! step_accepted : .TRUE. if a new BFGS step is done
! stop_bfgs : .TRUE. if BFGS convergence has been achieved
!! BFGS algorithm.
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: pos_in(:)
!! vector containing 3N coordinates of the system ( x )
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: nelec ! number of electrons
!! 3x3 matrix of the primitive lattice vectors
!! number of electrons (for FCP)
!! energy of the system ( V(x) )
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: grad_in(:)
!! vector containing 3N components of grad( V(x) )
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: fcell(3,3)
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: felec ! force on FCP
!! 3x3 matrix containing the stress tensor
!! force on FCP
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: filebfgs
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: energy_thr, grad_thr, cell_thr, fcp_thr
!! file name for storing and retrieving data
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: energy_thr
!! threshold on energy difference for BFGS convergence
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: grad_thr
!! threshold on grad difference for BFGS convergence
!! the largest component of grad( V(x) ) is considered
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: cell_thr
!! threshold on grad of cell for BFGS convergence
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: fcp_thr
!! treshold on grad of FCP for BFGS convergence
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iforceh(3,3)
!! 3x3 matrix containing cell constraints
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: lmovecell
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: lfcp ! include FCP, or not ?
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: fcp_cap ! capacitance for FCP
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: fcp_hess ! hessian for FCP
REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: energy_error, grad_error, cell_error, fcp_error
LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: step_accepted, stop_bfgs
!! include FCP, or not ?
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: fcp_cap
!! capacitance for FCP
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: fcp_hess
!! hessian for FCP
REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: energy_error
!! energy difference \(\| V(x_i) - V(x_{i-1}) \|\)
REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: grad_error
!! the largest component of \(\|\text{grad}(V(x_i)) -
!! \text{grad}(V(x_{i-1}))\|\)
REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: cell_error
!! the largest component of: omega*(stress-press*I)
REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: fcp_error
!! \(\| \text{grad}(V(x_{FCP})) \|\)
LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: step_accepted
!! .TRUE. if a new BFGS step is done
LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: stop_bfgs
!! .TRUE. if BFGS convergence has been achieved
! ... local variables
INTEGER :: n, i, j, k, nat
LOGICAL :: lwolfe
REAL(DP) :: dE0s, den
@ -552,6 +580,8 @@ CONTAINS
SUBROUTINE gdiis_step()
!! GDIIS extrapolation
USE basic_algebra_routines
@ -651,8 +681,8 @@ CONTAINS
SUBROUTINE reset_bfgs( n, lfcp, fcp_hess )
! ... inv_hess in re-initialized to the initial guess
! ... defined as the inverse metric
!! \(\text{inv_hess}\) in re-initialized to the initial guess
!! defined as the inverse metric.