[skip-CI] More cleanup, GTH PP re-introduced, fixed a crash with PAW

This commit is contained in:
Paolo Giannozzi 2023-04-27 11:07:57 +02:00
parent ef16fa242b
commit b9ffb6f6de
5 changed files with 26 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -50,11 +50,8 @@ SUBROUTINE readpp ( input_dft, printout, ecutwfc_pp, ecutrho_pp )
USE xc_lib, ONLY: xclib_get_id
USE radial_grids, ONLY: deallocate_radial_grid, nullify_radial_grid
USE clib_wrappers, ONLY: md5_from_file
USE read_upf_v1_module, ONLY: read_upf_v1
USE read_upf_new_module, ONLY: read_upf_new
USE upf_auxtools, ONLY: upf_get_pp_format, upf_check_atwfc_norm
USE upf_auxtools, ONLY: upf_check_atwfc_norm
USE upf_to_internal, ONLY: add_upf_grid, set_upf_q
USE read_uspp_module, ONLY: readvan, readrrkj
USE m_gth, ONLY: readgth
@ -133,9 +130,14 @@ SUBROUTINE readpp ( input_dft, printout, ecutwfc_pp, ecutrho_pp )
CALL mp_bcast (ierr,ionode_id,intra_image_comm)
IF ( ierr > 0 ) CALL errore('readpp', &
'file '//TRIM(file_pseudo)//' not readable',1)
!! Unrecoverable error
IF ( ierr == -7 ) THEN
!! FIXME: GTH PP files must be read from all processors
CALL readgth( file_pseudo, nt, upf(nt), ierr )
IF ( ierr > 0 ) THEN
!! Unrecoverable error
CALL errore('readpp', 'file '//TRIM(file_pseudo)//' not readable',1)
CALL upf_bcast(upf(nt), ionode, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
!! Success: broadcast the pseudopotential to all processors
@ -314,7 +316,8 @@ SUBROUTINE upf_bcast(upf, ionode, ionode_id, comm)
CALL mp_bcast (upf%r, ionode_id, comm )
CALL mp_bcast (upf%rab, ionode_id, comm )
IF ( upf%nlcc) THEN
IF ( upf%nlcc. OR. upf%tpawp ) THEN
!! FIXME: PAW uses the pseudo-core charge even when nlcc is not present
IF ( .NOT. ionode) ALLOCATE( upf%rho_atc(upf%mesh) )
CALL mp_bcast (upf%rho_atc, ionode_id, comm )

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@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ subroutine deallocate_gth( lflag )
end subroutine deallocate_gth
subroutine readgth (iunps, np, upf, ierr)
subroutine readgth (psfile, np, upf, ierr)
USE upf_kinds, ONLY: dp
@ -532,13 +532,13 @@ subroutine readgth (iunps, np, upf, ierr)
! I/O
TYPE (pseudo_upf) :: upf
integer, intent(in) :: iunps
character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: psfile
integer, intent(in) :: np
integer, intent(out):: ierr
! Local variables
integer :: ios, pspdat, pspcod, pspxc, lmax, lloc, mmax, ii, jj, ll, nn, nnonloc, &
nprl, os, ns, iv, jv
integer :: iunps, ios, pspdat, pspcod, pspxc, lmax, lloc, mmax, &
ii, jj, ll, nn, nnonloc, nprl, os, ns, iv, jv
real(dp) :: rcore, qcore, rc2, prefact, znucl, r2well, rloc, rrl, cc(4)
character(len=256) :: info
character(len= 1), parameter :: ch10=char(10)
@ -584,6 +584,8 @@ subroutine readgth (iunps, np, upf, ierr)
upf%lchi(:) = 0
open(newunit=iunps, file=psfile, form='formatted', status='old', iostat = ios)
if ( ios .ne. 0 ) go to 400
read (iunps, '(a)', end=400, err=400, iostat=ios) info
read (iunps, *, err=400) znucl, upf%zp, pspdat
if (upf%zp <= 0._dp .or. upf%zp > 100 ) then
@ -677,6 +679,7 @@ subroutine readgth (iunps, np, upf, ierr)
upf%rho_atc(ii) = prefact * exp(-0.5_dp * upf%r(ii)**2 / rc2)
end if
close (unit=iunps)
allocate(upf%lll(upf%nbeta), upf%els_beta(upf%nbeta), upf%dion(upf%nbeta,upf%nbeta))
allocate(upf%rcut(upf%nbeta), upf%rcutus(upf%nbeta), upf%kbeta(upf%nbeta))

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@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ SUBROUTINE read_ps_new ( psfile, upf, ierr, printout )
!! ierr = -4 old Vanderbilt formatted USPP (deprecated)
!! ierr = -5 old RRKJ3 USPP format (deprecated)
!! ierr = -6 old PWscf NCPP format (deorecated)
!! ierr = -7 Goedecker-Teter-Hutter NCPP
!! Should be executed on a single processor
USE upf_io, ONLY: stdout
@ -74,6 +75,9 @@ SUBROUTINE read_ps_new ( psfile, upf, ierr, printout )
ELSE IF (psfile (lm5:l) =='.RRKJ3') THEN
CALL readrrkj (iunps, upf, ierr)
IF ( ierr == 0 ) ierr = -5
ELSE IF (psfile (lm3:l) =='.gth' .OR. psfile(lm3:l) == '.GTH' ) THEN
!! FIXME: should be done in the same way as for the other cases
ierr = -7
CALL read_ncpp (iunps, upf, ierr)
IF ( ierr == 0 ) ierr = -6
@ -108,6 +112,8 @@ SUBROUTINE read_ps_new ( psfile, upf, ierr, printout )
WRITE( stdout, "('file format is RRKJ3')")
WRITE( stdout, "('file format is old PWscf NC format')")
WRITE( stdout, "('file format is GTH (Goedecker-Teter-Hutter)')")
WRITE( stdout, "('file format could not be determined')")

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@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ CONTAINS
CALL read_pp_mesh ( upf )
allocate ( upf%rho_atc(upf%mesh) )
!! FIXME: this is needed only if the nonlinear core correction is used,
!! FIXME: but with PAW the pseudo-core charge is used also if no nlcc
IF(upf%nlcc) then
CALL xmlr_readtag( capitalize_if_v2('pp_nlcc'), &
upf%rho_atc(:) )

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@ -14,45 +14,9 @@ module upf_auxtools
implicit none
public :: upf_get_pp_format
public :: upf_check_atwfc_norm
FUNCTION upf_get_pp_format (psfile) result(pp_format)
INTEGER :: pp_format
CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: psfile
INTEGER :: l, lm3, lm4, lm5
l = LEN_TRIM (psfile)
lm3 = max(l-3,1)
lm4 = max(l-4,1)
lm5 = max(l-5,1)
IF (psfile (lm3:l) =='.xml' .OR. psfile (lm3:l) =='.XML') THEN
pp_format = 0
ELSE IF (psfile (lm3:l) =='.upf' .OR. psfile (lm3:l) =='.UPF') THEN
pp_format = 1
ELSE IF (psfile (lm3:l) =='.vdb' .OR. psfile (lm3:l) =='.van') THEN
pp_format = 2
ELSE IF (psfile (lm3:l) =='.gth') THEN
pp_format = 3
ELSE IF (psfile (lm3:l) =='.cpi' .OR. psfile (l-3:l) =='.fhi') THEN
pp_format = 6
ELSE IF (psfile (lm4:l) =='.cpmd') THEN
pp_format = 7
ELSE IF (psfile (lm4:l) =='.psml' ) THEN
pp_format = 8
ELSE IF (psfile (lm5:l) =='.RRKJ3') THEN
pp_format = 4
pp_format = 5
END FUNCTION upf_get_pp_format
SUBROUTINE upf_check_atwfc_norm(upf,psfile)