First attempt of a band parallelization for LDA+U in CP.

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
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giannozz 2014-01-06 16:41:51 +00:00
parent b8228aab91
commit b6e2ac925f
1 changed files with 71 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -115,7 +115,10 @@
USE ldaU_cp, ONLY: Hubbard_U, Hubbard_l, ldmx
USE ldaU_cp, ONLY: nwfcU, ns, e_hubbard
USE step_penalty, ONLY: penalty_e, penalty_f
USE mp_global, only: nbgrp
USE mp, ONLY: mp_sum
USE mp_pools, ONLY: inter_pool_comm, intra_pool_comm, me_pool,&
USE mp_bands, only: nbgrp
USE cp_interfaces, only: nlsm1, nlsm2_bgrp
implicit none
@ -129,6 +132,7 @@
integer is, ia, iat, nb, isp, l, m, m1, m2, k, i, ldim, ig
integer iv, jv, inl, jnl,alpha,alpha_a,alpha_s,ipol
integer, allocatable :: offset (:,:)
INTEGER :: nb_s, nb_e, mykey
if( nbgrp > 1 ) call errore(' new_ns ', &
' parallelization over bands not yet implemented ', 1 )
@ -224,6 +228,16 @@
tempsi(m1,i) = tempsi(m1,i) * Hubbard_U(is)/2.d0*f(i)
! FIXME: proj depends upon band spin,
! must be done separately for spin up and spin down
!tempsi(1:ldim,:) = proj (offset(is,ia)+1:offset(is,ia)+ldim,:)
!CALL dgemm ( 'N','N', ldim, n, ldim,-2.0_dp, &
! ns(1,1,iat,ispin(i))), ldim, &
! proj(offset(is,ia)+1,1), nwfcU,&
! 1.0_dp, tempsi, ldim )
! FIXME: this depends upon band occupations
!tempsi(1:ldim,:) = tempsi(1:ldim,:) * Hubbard_U(is)/2.d0*f(i)
CALL dgemm ( 'N','N', 2*ngw, n, ldim, 1.0_dp, &
swfc(1,offset(is,ia)+1), 2*ngw, tempsi, &
ldmx, 1.0_dp, hpsi, 2*ngw )
@ -250,14 +264,23 @@
call s_wfc ( n, bp, betae, c, spsi )
call nlsm2_bgrp( ngw, nhsa, eigr, c, dbp, nx, n )
call nlsm2_bgrp( ngw, nhsa, eigr, wfcU, wdb, nwfcU, nwfcU )
! poor-man parallelization over bands
! - if nproc_pool=1 : nb_s=1, nb_e=n, mykey=0
! - if nproc_pool<=nbnd:each processor calculates band nb_s to nb_e; mykey=0
! - if nproc_pool>nbnd :each processor takes care of band na_s=nb_e;
! mykey labels how many times each band appears (mykey=0 first time etc.)
CALL block_distribute( n, me_pool, nproc_pool, nb_s, nb_e, mykey )
do alpha_s = 1, nsp
do alpha_a = 1, na(alpha_s)
do ipol = 1,3
call dndtau(alpha_a,alpha_s,becwfc,spsi,bp,dbp,wdb, &
& offset,wfcU,eigr,betae,proj,ipol,dns)
call dndtau(alpha_a,alpha_s,becwfc,spsi,bp,dbp,wdb, &
do is = 1, nsp
do ia=1, na(is)
@ -282,6 +305,7 @@
end do
end do
end do
CALL mp_sum( forceh, inter_pool_comm )
! I am not sure why the following instruction (present in PW)
! seems to yield a wrong factor here ... PG
!if (nspin.eq.1) then
@ -291,6 +315,7 @@
deallocate ( spsi, dns, bp, dbp, wdb)
call stop_clock('new_ns:forc')
end if
deallocate ( wfcU, becwfc, proj, offset, swfc)
call stop_clock('new_ns')
@ -385,7 +410,8 @@
subroutine dndtau(alpha_a,alpha_s,becwfc,spsi,bp,dbp,wdb, &
& offset,wfcU,eigr,betae, proj,ipol,dns)
offset,wfcU,eigr,betae, proj,ipol,nb_s,nb_e,mykey,&
! This routine computes the derivative of the ns with respect to the ionic
@ -399,12 +425,14 @@
USE ldaU_cp, ONLY: Hubbard_U, Hubbard_l, ldmx
USE ldaU_cp, ONLY: nwfcU, ns
USE kinds, ONLY: DP
USE mp, ONLY: mp_sum
USE mp_pools, ONLY: intra_pool_comm
implicit none
integer ibnd,is,i,ia, m1,m2, l, iat, alpha, ldim
! input
integer, intent(in) :: offset(nsp,nat)
integer, intent(in) :: alpha_a,alpha_s,ipol
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nb_s, nb_e, mykey
real(DP), intent(in) :: wfcU(ngw,nwfcU), &
& eigr(2,ngw,nat),betae(2,ngw,nhsa), &
& becwfc(nhsa,nwfcU), &
@ -414,24 +442,28 @@
complex (DP), intent(in) :: spsi(ngw,n)
! output
real (DP), intent(out) :: dns(ldmx,ldmx,nat,nspin)
! dns derivative of ns(:,:,:,:) w.r.t. tau
! dns !derivative of ns(:,:,:,:) w.r.t. tau
integer ibnd,is,i,ia, m1,m2, l, iat, alpha, ldim
real (DP), allocatable :: dproj(:,:)
! dproj(nwfcU,n) ! derivative of proj(:,:) w.r.t. tau
! dproj(nwfcU,n) derivative of proj(:,:) w.r.t. tau
CALL start_clock('dndtau')
allocate (dproj(nwfcU,n) )
dns(:,:,:,:) = 0.d0
allocate (dproj(nwfcU,nb_s:nb_e) )
call dprojdtau(wfcU,becwfc,spsi,bp,dbp,wdb,eigr,alpha_a, &
& alpha_s,ipol,offset(alpha_s,alpha_a),dproj)
! compute the derivative of occupation numbers (the quantities dn(m1,m2))
! of the atomic orbitals. They are real quantities as well as n(m1,m2)
alpha_s,ipol,offset(alpha_s,alpha_a),nb_s,nb_e,mykey, &
! compute the derivative of occupation numbers (the quantities dn(m1,m2))
! of the atomic orbitals. They are real quantities as well as n(m1,m2)
dns(:,:,:,:) = 0.d0
! band parallelization. If each band appears more than once
! compute its contribution only once (i.e. when mykey=0)
IF ( mykey /= 0 ) GO TO 10
do is=1,nsp
do ia = 1,na(is)
@ -440,7 +472,7 @@
ldim = 2*Hubbard_l(is) + 1
do m1 = 1, ldim
do m2 = m1, ldim
do ibnd = 1,n
do ibnd = nb_s,nb_e
dns(m1,m2,iat,ispin(ibnd)) = &
& dns(m1,m2,iat,ispin(ibnd)) + &
& f(ibnd)*REAL( proj(offset(is,ia)+m1,ibnd) * &
@ -454,15 +486,16 @@
end if
end do
end do
CALL stop_clock('dndtau')
deallocate (dproj)
10 deallocate (dproj)
CALL mp_sum(dns, intra_pool_comm)
CALL stop_clock('dndtau')
end subroutine dndtau
subroutine dprojdtau(wfcU,becwfc,spsi,bp,dbp,wdb,eigr,alpha_a, &
& alpha_s,ipol,offset,dproj)
! This routine computes the first derivative of the projection
@ -484,17 +517,18 @@
USE kinds, ONLY: DP
implicit none
integer alpha_a, alpha_s,ipol, offset
integer, INTENT(in) :: alpha_a, alpha_s,ipol, offset
! input: the displaced atom
! input: the component of displacement
! input: the offset of the wfcs of the atom "alpha_a,alpha_s"
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nb_s, nb_e, mykey
complex (DP), intent(in) :: spsi(ngw,n), &
& eigr(ngw,nat)
! input: S|evc>, structure factors
real(DP), intent(in) ::becwfc(nhsa,nwfcU), &
& wfcU(2,ngw,nwfcU), &
& bp(nhsa,n), dbp(nhsa,nx,3), wdb(nhsa,nwfcU,3)
real(DP), intent(out) :: dproj(nwfcU,n)
real(DP), intent(out) :: dproj(nwfcU,nb_s:nb_e)
! output: the derivative of the projection
integer i,ig,m1,ibnd,iwf,ia,is,iv,jv,ldim,alpha,l,m,k,inl
@ -534,7 +568,8 @@
dproj0, ldim )
call mp_sum( dproj0, intra_bgrp_comm )
dproj(offset+1:offset+ldim,:) = dproj0(:,:)
! copy to dproj results for the bands treated by this processor
dproj(offset+1:offset+ldim,:) = dproj0(:,nb_s:nb_e)
deallocate (gk, dproj0, dwfc)
end if
@ -549,7 +584,7 @@
do iv=1,nh(alpha_s)
do i=1,n
do i=nb_s,nb_e
end do
@ -563,15 +598,18 @@
end do
end do
do iv=1,nh(alpha_s)
do m=1,nwfcU
do ibnd=1,n
dproj(m,ibnd) =dproj(m,ibnd) + &
& ( wfcdbeta(m,iv)*betapsi(ibnd,iv) + &
IF ( mykey == 0 ) THEN
do iv=1,nh(alpha_s)
do m=1,nwfcU
do ibnd=nb_s,nb_e
dproj(m,ibnd) =dproj(m,ibnd) + &
& ( wfcdbeta(m,iv)*betapsi(ibnd,iv) + &
& wfcbeta(m,iv)*dbetapsi(ibnd,iv) )
end do
end do
end do
end do
end if
! end band parallelization - only dproj(1,nb_s:nb_e) are calculated
deallocate (betapsi)
deallocate (dbetapsi)