Modification by M.Cococcioni

Here is the accompanying explanation:
"What I achieved is that at the last step of a bfgs calculation, when it makes a final scf restarting from scratch (and latest atomic positions and cell) it reads the occupations from file. This way it does not loose the character of the ground state it had achieved during the DFT+U(+V) scf and vc-relax. Sometimes it is qualitatively different from a DFT one (e.g. it has a different order of states) and washing this information is not good. In other words, the Hamiltonian and its ground state are functions of also the Hubbard parameters so one need to preserve the ground state they achieved. removing this information is like resetting the atomic position to the initial values after each vc-relax..."
This commit is contained in:
Iurii Timrov 2020-10-09 13:21:24 +00:00 committed by giannozz
parent 9f372a8d7b
commit b2ebccb36d
3 changed files with 103 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
New in dev version:
* Support for CMake (F. Ficarelli and D. Cesarini, CINECA, with help from
Ye Luo, P. Delugas, S. Gsaenger)
* In vc-relax with Hubbard corrections, the final SCF calculation is done by
reading atomic occupations from file produced during the vc-relax
(rather then recomputing them from scratch).
Fixed in dev version:
* Some linkers yield "missing references to ddot_" in libbeef

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
! Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ SUBROUTINE run_pwscf( exit_status )
!! @endnote
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_sum
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, ionode, ionode_id
USE parameters, ONLY : ntypx, npk
USE upf_params, ONLY : lmaxx
@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ SUBROUTINE run_pwscf( exit_status )
USE qexsd_module, ONLY : qexsd_set_status
USE funct, ONLY : dft_is_hybrid, stop_exx
USE beef, ONLY : beef_energies
USE ldaU, ONLY : lda_plus_u
@ -228,8 +231,13 @@ SUBROUTINE run_pwscf( exit_status )
lbfgs=.FALSE.; lmd=.FALSE.
WRITE( UNIT = stdout, FMT=9020 )
CALL reset_gvectors( )
! ... read atomic occupations for DFT+U(+V)
IF ( lda_plus_u ) CALL read_ns()
ELSE IF ( ions_status == 2 ) THEN
! ... check whether nonzero magnetization is real

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@ -671,3 +671,94 @@ SUBROUTINE write_nsg
SUBROUTINE read_ns()
! This routine was written for the final SCF after vc-relax (M. Cococcioni).
! The occupations ns/nsg also need to be read in order to reproduce
! the right electronic ground state. When using Hubbard corrections
! this might be different (i.e. have different ordering of states)
! from that simply obtained from the superposition of free ions.
! In other words the KS Hamiltonian (and its ground state) is also
! functional of the Hubbard interaction parameters.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
USE mp_images, ONLY : intra_image_comm
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode, ionode_id
USE scf, ONLY : rho, v
USE ldaU, ONLY : lda_plus_u_kind, nsg, v_nsg, hub_back
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
USE io_files, ONLY : restart_dir
INTEGER :: iunocc, iunocc1, ierr
CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: dirname
REAL(DP) :: eth, eth1
dirname = restart_dir()
IF ( ionode ) THEN
OPEN ( NEWUNIT=iunocc, FILE = TRIM(dirname) // 'occup.txt', &
FORM='formatted', STATUS='old', IOSTAT=ierr )
IF (lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.0) THEN
READ( UNIT = iunocc, FMT = *, iostat = ierr ) rho%ns
IF (hub_back) THEN
READ( UNIT = iunocc, FMT = * , iostat = ierr) rho%nsb
ELSEIF (lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.1) THEN
IF (noncolin) THEN
READ( UNIT = iunocc, FMT = *, iostat = ierr ) rho%ns_nc
READ( UNIT = iunocc, FMT = *, iostat = ierr ) rho%ns
ELSEIF (lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.2) THEN
READ( UNIT = iunocc, FMT = * , iostat = ierr) nsg
IF (lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.0) THEN
rho%ns(:,:,:,:) = 0.D0
IF (hub_back) rho%nsb(:,:,:,:) = 0.D0
ELSEIF (lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.1) THEN
IF (noncolin) THEN
rho%ns_nc(:,:,:,:) = 0.D0
rho%ns(:,:,:,:) = 0.D0
ELSEIF (lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.2) THEN
nsg(:,:,:,:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
CALL mp_bcast( ierr, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
IF (lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.0) THEN
CALL mp_bcast(rho%ns, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
CALL v_hubbard (rho%ns, v%ns, eth)
IF (hub_back) THEN
CALL mp_bcast(rho%nsb, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
CALL v_hubbard_b (rho%nsb, v%nsb, eth1)
eth = eth + eth1
ELSEIF (lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.1) THEN
IF (noncolin) THEN
CALL mp_bcast(rho%ns_nc, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
CALL v_hubbard_full_nc (rho%ns_nc, v%ns_nc, eth)
CALL mp_bcast(rho%ns, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
CALL v_hubbard_full (rho%ns, v%ns, eth)
ELSEIF (lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.2) THEN
CALL mp_bcast(nsg, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
CALL v_hubbard_extended (nsg, v_nsg, eth)