Merge branch 'EPWv.5.3.1' into 'develop'

EPW v.5.3.1

See merge request epw/q-e!33
This commit is contained in:
Hyungjun Lee 2020-11-25 16:37:14 +00:00
commit a6830c1b14
8 changed files with 448 additions and 295 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ New in 6.7 version:
* In vc-relax with Hubbard corrections, the final SCF calculation is done by
reading atomic occupations from file produced during the vc-relax
(rather then recomputing them from scratch).
* EPW:
(1) ZG package to generate special displacements for first-principles non-perturbative calculations
at finite temperatures [Marios Zacharias and Feliciano Giustino, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013357, (2020)].
(2) Plotting of Fermi surface.
For the full list of new features, bug fixes, and changes leading to backward incompatibility issues,
please visit the Releases page of the EPW documentation site [].
Fixed in 6.7 version:
* Some linkers yield "missing references to ddot_" in libbeef

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@ -55,16 +55,19 @@ STEPS for generating the "ZG-displacement" for the calculation of temperature-de
temperature dependent properties. For help, please see the example folder by "tar -xvf example.tar.gz".
In file "example/silicon/ZG_displacement_generation/inputs/" we show the example for
constructing a 4x4x4 ZG-configuration. One could potentially generate any supercell size
by simply changing "dimx","dimy","dimz", and the list of q-points (see below).
by simply changing "dimx","dimy","dimz", and the list of q-points (optional, see below).
"" has the standard format as a "" file for Quantum Espresso.
Here we use the following input parameters:
i) "ZG_conf" : Logical flag that enables the creation of the ZG-displacement.
(default .false.)
(default .true.)
"T" : Real number indicating the temperature at which the calculations will be performed.
"T" essentially defines the amplitude of the normal coordinates.
(default 0.00)
"dimx","dimy","dimz" : Integers corresponding to the dimensionality of the supercell.
"dimx","dimy","dimz" : Integers corresponding to the dimensionality of the supercell i.e.:
size of supercell will be [dimx * a(1), dimy * a(2), dimz * a(3)],
where a(1), a(2), a(3) are the lattice vectors of the unit cell used
to compute the phonons.
(default 0, 0, 0)
"atm_zg(1), etc.." : String describing the element of each atomic species
(default "Element")
@ -86,7 +89,7 @@ STEPS for generating the "ZG-displacement" for the calculation of temperature-de
(ii) only single phonon displacements are of interest (see below)
(default .true.)
"threshold" : Real number indicating the error at which the algorithm stops while it's
looking for possible combinations of signs. Once this limit is reached
looking for possible combinations of signs. Once this limit is reached,
the ZG-displacement is constructed. The threshold is usually chosen
to be less than 5% of the diagonal terms, i.e. those terms that contribute
to the calculation of temperature-dependent properties.
@ -96,16 +99,22 @@ STEPS for generating the "ZG-displacement" for the calculation of temperature-de
"single_phonon_displ": Logical flag that allows to displace the nuclei along single phonon modes.
Use output configurations to compute electron-phonon matrix elements with a direct
supercell calculation. Set the displacement to the zero point by "T = 0".
This generates the output files: "single_phonon-displacements.dat" and
This finite displacement should carry precisely the effect of diagonal elements of [g(q)+g(-q)].
Output files: "single_phonon-displacements.dat" and "single_phonon-velocities.dat".
(default .false.)
"qlist_AB.txt" : This file containes the q-list in crystal coordinates that appears in the "" example after
the input flags. It corresponds to the q-points commensurate to the supercell size. Only one
of the q-point time-reversal partners is kept for the construction of the ZG-displacement.
The calculations, for the moment, assume systems with time-reversal symmetry.
"q_external" : Logical flag that allows the use of a q-point list specified by the user in the input file.
If .false. the q-point list is specified by the supercell dimensions dimx, dimy, and dimz.
If .true. the q-point list must be provided by the user (see "qlist_AB.txt").
(default .false.)
"qlist_AB.txt" : This file contains the external q-list in crystal coordinates as in the "" example,
after the input flags. It corresponds to the q-points commensurate to the supercell size.
Only one of the q-point time-reversal partners is kept for the construction of the
ZG-displacement. The calculations, for the moment, assume systems with time-reversal symmetry.
For the generation of the "qlist_AB.txt" set the q-gird in file
"example/silicon/input/" and run "../../../src/create_qlist.x < > qlist.out".
Paste the output of "qlist_AB.txt" to "" after namelist &input.
One can modify the "create_qlist.f90" to generate a different path for consecutive q-points.
Paste the output of "qlist_AB.txt" to "" after namelist &input. Set the flag
q_external = .true. for the code to read the list.
ii) To generate the ZG-displacement run "/path_to_your_espresso/bin/ZG.x <> ZG_444.out".
This generates three output files: the "equil_pos.txt", "ZG-configuration.dat" and "ZG-velocities.dat".
@ -161,7 +170,6 @@ Steps:
"JDOS_Gaus.x" located in the "src/JDOS" folder. Command: "/path_to/JDOS_Gaus.x < > JDOS_Gaus.out".
For extracting the band gap from the joint-density of states follow the procedure in Ref.[Phys. Rev. B 94, 075125, (2016)].
5. Compare your results with the data in the directory 'example/silicon/JDOS/outputs/333'.
Gnuplot commands are aslo given to facilitate comparison.

View File

@ -73,13 +73,15 @@ PROGRAM ZG
! supplied in input (default)
! amass masses of atoms in the supercell (a.m.u.), one per atom type
! (default: use masses read from file flfrc)
! "q_in_band_form" and "q_in_cryst_coord" meaningful if "q_external"
! (see below) is set to .true.
! q_in_band_form IF .TRUE. the q points are given in band form:
! Only the first and last point of one or more lines
! are given. See below. (default: .FALSE.).
! q_in_cryst_coord IF .TRUE. input q points are in crystalline
! coordinates (default: .FALSE.)
! loto_2d set to .true. to activate two-dimensional treatment of LO-TO
! splitting.
! siplitting.
! IF (q_in_band_form) THEN
! nq ! number of q points
@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ PROGRAM ZG
! Input cards to control "ZG_configuration" subroutine:
! "ZG_conf" : Logical flag that enables the creation of the ZG-displacement.
! (default .false.)
! (default .true.)
! "T" : Real number indicating the temperature at which the calculations will be performed.
! "T" essentially defines the amplitude of the normal coordinates.
! (default 0.00)
@ -137,16 +139,24 @@ PROGRAM ZG
! "single_phonon_displ": Logical flag that allows to displace the nuclei along single phonon modes.
! Use output configurations to compute electron-phonon matrix elements with a direct
! supercell calculation. Set the displacement to the zero point by "T = 0".
! This generates the output files: "single_phonon-displacements.dat" and
! This finite displacement should carry precisely the effect of diagonal elements of [g(q)+g(-q)].
! Output files: "single_phonon-displacements.dat" and
! "single_phonon-velocities.dat".
! (default .false.)
! "qlist_AB.txt" : This file containes the q-list in crystal coordinates that appears in the "" example after
! the input flags. It corresponds to the q-points commensurate to the supercell size. Only one
! of the q-point time-reversal partners is kept for the construction of the ZG-displacement.
! The calculations, for the moment, assume systems with time-reversal symmetry.
! "q_external" : Logical flag that allows the use of a q-point list specified by the user in the input file.
! If .false. the q-point list is specified by the supercell dimensions dimx, dimy, and dimz.
! If .false. any q-point list after the input flags is ignored.
! If .true. the q-point list must be provided by the user (see "qlist_AB.txt").
! (default .false.)
! "qlist_AB.txt" : This file contains the external q-list in crystal coordinates as in the "" example,
! after the input flags. It corresponds to the q-points commensurate to the supercell size.
! Only one of the q-point time-reversal partners is kept for the construction of the
! ZG-displacement. The calculations, for the moment, assume systems with time-reversal symmetry.
! For the generation of the "qlist_AB.txt" set the q-gird in file
! "example/silicon/input/" and run "../../../src/create_qlist.x < > qlist.out".
! Paste the output of "qlist_AB.txt" to "" after namelist &input.
! One can modify the "create_qlist.f90" to generate a different path for consecutive q-points.
! Paste the output of "qlist_AB.txt" to "" after namelist &input. Set the flag
! q_external = .true. for the code to read the list.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
@ -204,13 +214,12 @@ PROGRAM ZG
REAL(DP) :: delta
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: xqaux(:,:)
INTEGER :: n, i, j, it, nq, nqx, na, nb, iout, nqtot, iout_dyn, iout_eig
INTEGER :: n, i, j, it, nq, nqx, na, nb, nqtot
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: num_rap_mode(:,:)
LOGICAL :: q_in_band_form
! .... variables for band plotting based on similarity of eigenvalues
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: f_of_q(:,:,:,:)
INTEGER :: location(1), isig
CHARACTER(LEN=6) :: int_to_char
@ -221,25 +230,22 @@ PROGRAM ZG
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: input_line, buffer
CHARACTER(LEN= 10) :: point_label_type
CHARACTER(len=80) :: k_points = 'tpiba'
! mz_b
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: z_nq_zg(:,:,:) ! nomdes, nmodes, nq
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: q_nq_zg(:,:) ! 3, nq
LOGICAL :: ZG_conf, synch, incl_qA
LOGICAL :: ZG_conf, synch, incl_qA, q_external
LOGICAL :: compute_error, single_phonon_displ
INTEGER :: dimx, dimy, dimz, nloops
REAL(DP) :: error_thresh, T
CHARACTER(LEN=3) :: atm_zg(ntypx)
! mz_e
NAMELIST /input/ flfrc, amass, asr, at, &
& ntyp, loto_2d, &
& q_in_band_form, q_in_cryst_coord, &
& point_label_type, &
! mz_b we add the inputs for generating the ZG-configuration
& ZG_conf, dimx, dimy, dimz, nloops, error_thresh, &
NAMELIST /input/ flfrc, amass, asr, at, ntyp, loto_2d, &
& q_in_band_form, q_in_cryst_coord, point_label_type, &
! we add the inputs for generating the ZG-configuration
& ZG_conf, dimx, dimy, dimz, nloops, error_thresh, q_external, &
& compute_error, synch, atm_zg, T, incl_qA, single_phonon_displ
! ZG_conf --> IF TRUE compute the ZG_configuration
! mz_e
CALL mp_startup()
CALL environment_start('ZG')
@ -263,20 +269,21 @@ PROGRAM ZG
q_in_cryst_coord = .FALSE.
! mz_b
ZG_conf = .FALSE.
ZG_conf = .TRUE.
compute_error = .TRUE.
single_phonon_displ = .FALSE.
nloops = 15000
error_thresh = 5.0E-02
T = 0
synch = .FALSE.
q_external = .FALSE.
incl_qA = .TRUE.
single_phonon_displ = .FALSE.
T = 0
error_thresh = 5.0E-02
dimx = 0
dimy = 0
dimz = 0
nloops = 15000
atm_zg = "Element"
! mz_e
IF (ionode) READ (5, input,IOSTAT=ios)
@ -292,25 +299,26 @@ PROGRAM ZG
CALL mp_bcast(q_in_cryst_coord, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(point_label_type, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(loto_2d,ionode_id, world_comm)
! mz_b
CALL mp_bcast(ZG_conf, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(compute_error, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(single_phonon_displ, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(atm_zg, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(nloops, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(error_thresh, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(T, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(synch, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(q_external, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(incl_qA, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(single_phonon_displ, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(T, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(error_thresh, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(dimx, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(dimy, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(dimz, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(nloops, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(atm_zg, ionode_id, world_comm)
! To check that use specify supercell dimensions
IF (ZG_conf) THEN
IF ((dimx < 1) .OR. (dimy < 1) .OR. (dimz < 1)) CALL errore('ZG', 'reading supercell size', dimx)
! mz_e
! read force constants
@ -409,16 +417,27 @@ PROGRAM ZG
! read q-point list
IF (.NOT. q_external) THEN
CALL qpoint_gen1(dimx, dimy, dimz, nq)
! nq = ctrAB
CALL mp_bcast(nq, ionode_id, world_comm)
ALLOCATE ( q(3, nq) )
CALL qpoint_gen2(dimx, dimy, dimz, nq, q)
CALL mp_bcast(q, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL cryst_to_cart(nq, q, bg, +1) ! convert them to Cartesian
IF (ionode) READ (5, *) nq
CALL mp_bcast(nq, ionode_id, world_comm)
ALLOCATE ( q(3, nq) )
IF (.NOT.q_in_band_form) THEN
DO n = 1, nq
! mz_edits
IF (ionode) READ (5, *) (q(i, n), i = 1, 3)
! IF (ionode) READ (5,'(3F10.6)') q(:, n)
! mz_done
CALL mp_bcast(q, ionode_id, world_comm)
@ -496,6 +515,7 @@ PROGRAM ZG
ENDIF ! q_external, q-list
IF (asr /= 'no') THEN
CALL set_asr (asr, nr1, nr2, nr3, frc, zeu, &
@ -504,13 +524,13 @@ PROGRAM ZG
ALLOCATE ( dyn(3, 3, nat, nat), dyn_blk(3, 3, nat_blk, nat_blk) )
ALLOCATE ( z(3 * nat, 3 * nat), w2(3*nat, nq), f_of_q(3, 3, nat, nat) )
! mz_b
IF (ionode .AND. ZG_conf) THEN
ALLOCATE ( z_nq_zg(3 * nat, 3 * nat, nq), q_nq_zg(3, nq))
z_nq_zg(:, :, :) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
q_nq_zg(:, :) = 0.d0
! mz_e
IF (xmlifc) CALL set_sym(nat, tau, ityp, nspin_mag, m_loc )
@ -578,19 +598,13 @@ PROGRAM ZG
! mz comments out !!!!!!!! if( call WRITE_dyn_on_file(q(1, n), dyn, nat, iout_dyn)
CALL dyndiag(nat, ntyp, amass, ityp, dyn, w2(1, n), z)
! mz_b fill a 3D matrix with all eigenvectors
! fill a 3D matrix with all eigenvectors
CALL mp_bcast(z, ionode_id, world_comm)
IF (ionode .AND. ZG_conf) THEN
z_nq_zg(:, :, n) = z(:, :)
q_nq_zg(:, n) = q(:, n)
! mz_e
!!!!! mz comments out ! IF ( &
!!!!! & CALL WRITE_eigenvectors(nat, ntyp, amass, ityp,q(1, n),w2(1, n), z, iout_eig)
! Cannot use the small group of \Gamma to analize the symmetry
! of the mode IF there is an electric field.
@ -604,15 +618,9 @@ PROGRAM ZG
!!!!!!!!!mz IF ( CALL WRITEmodes(nat,q(1, n),w2(1, n), z, iout)
IF(iout .NE. 0.and.ionode) CLOSE(unit=iout)
IF(iout_dyn .NE. 0) CLOSE(unit=iout_dyn)
IF(iout_eig .NE. 0) CLOSE(unit=iout_eig)
@ -621,20 +629,19 @@ PROGRAM ZG
CALL mp_bcast(w2, ionode_id, world_comm)
IF ( ionode .AND. ZG_conf ) call ZG_configuration(nq, nat, ntyp, amass, &
ityp, q_nq_zg, w2, z_nq_zg, ios, &
dimx, dimy, dimz, nloops, error_thresh, synch, tau, alat, atm_zg, &
ntypx, at, q_in_cryst_coord, q_in_band_form, T, incl_qA, &
ntypx, at, q_in_cryst_coord, q_external, T, incl_qA, &
compute_error, single_phonon_displ)
DEALLOCATE (z, w2, dyn, dyn_blk)
! mz_b
IF (ionode .AND. ZG_conf) DEALLOCATE (z_nq_zg, q_nq_zg)
! mz_e
! for a2F
@ -2129,20 +2136,135 @@ SUBROUTINE find_representations_mode_q ( nat, ntyp, xq, w2, u, tau, ityp, &
END SUBROUTINE find_representations_mode_q
!mz adds this routine
SUBROUTINE qpoint_gen1(dimx, dimy, dimz, ctrAB)
use kinds, only: dp
! input
INTEGER, intent(in) :: dimx, dimy, dimz
INTEGER, intent(out) :: ctrAB
!! REAL(DP), intent(out) :: q_AB(:,:)
! local
INTEGER :: i, j, k, n, ctr, nqs
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: q_all(:,:)
REAL(DP) :: q_B(3), q_A(3), eps
nqs = dimx * dimy * dimz
eps = 1.0E-06
ALLOCATE(q_all(3, nqs))
DO i = 1, dimx
DO j = 1, dimy
DO k = 1, dimz
! this is nothing but consecutive ordering
n = (k - 1) + (j - 1) * dimz + (i - 1) * dimy * dimz + 1
! q_all are the components of the complete grid in crystal axis
q_all(1, n) = dble(i - 1) / dimx ! + dble(k1)/2/dimx
q_all(2, n) = dble(j - 1) / dimy ! + dble(k2)/2/dimy
q_all(3, n) = dble(k - 1) / dimz ! + dble(k3)/2/dimz ! k1 , k2 , k3 is for the shift
ctr = 0
ctrAB = 0
DO i = 1, nqs
q_A = q_all(:, i) + q_all(:, i) ! q_A to find if q belongs in A
IF (((ABS(q_A(1)) .LT. eps) .OR. (abs(abs(q_A(1)) - 1) .LT. eps)) .AND. &
((ABS(q_A(2)) .LT. eps) .OR. (abs(abs(q_A(2)) - 1) .LT. eps)) .AND. &
((ABS(q_A(3)) .LT. eps) .OR. (abs(abs(q_A(3)) - 1) .LT. eps))) THEN
ctrAB = ctrAB + 1
DO j = i + 1, nqs
q_B = q_all(:, i) + q_all(:, j)
IF (((ABS(q_B(1)) .LT. eps) .OR. (abs(abs(q_B(1)) - 1) .LT. eps)) .AND. &
((ABS(q_B(2)) .LT. eps) .OR. (abs(abs(q_B(2)) - 1) .LT. eps)) .AND. &
((ABS(q_B(3)) .LT. eps) .OR. (abs(abs(q_B(3)) - 1) .LT. eps))) THEN
ctr = ctr + 1
ctrAB = ctrAB + 1
END SUBROUTINE qpoint_gen1
SUBROUTINE qpoint_gen2(dimx, dimy, dimz, ctrAB, q_AB)
use kinds, only: dp
! input
INTEGER, intent(in) :: dimx, dimy, dimz, ctrAB
REAL(DP), intent(out) :: q_AB(3, ctrAB)
! local
INTEGER :: i, j, k, n, ctr, nqs
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: q_all(:, :)
REAL(DP) :: q_B(3), q_A(3), eps
nqs = dimx * dimy * dimz
eps = 1.0E-06
ALLOCATE(q_all(3, nqs))
DO i = 1, dimx
DO j = 1, dimy
DO k = 1, dimz
! this is nothing but consecutive ordering
n = (k - 1) + (j - 1) * dimz + (i - 1) * dimy * dimz + 1
! q_all are the components of the complete grid in crystal axis
q_all(1, n) = dble(i - 1) / dimx ! + dble(k1)/2/dimx
q_all(2, n) = dble(j - 1) / dimy ! + dble(k2)/2/dimy
q_all(3, n) = dble(k - 1) / dimz ! + dble(k3)/2/dimz ! k1 , k2 , k3 is for the shift
ctr = 0
DO i = 1, nqs
q_A = q_all(:, i) + q_all(:, i) ! q_A to find if q belongs in A
IF (((ABS(q_A(1)) .LT. eps) .OR. (abs(abs(q_A(1)) - 1) .LT. eps)) .AND. &
((ABS(q_A(2)) .LT. eps) .OR. (abs(abs(q_A(2)) - 1) .LT. eps)) .AND. &
((ABS(q_A(3)) .LT. eps) .OR. (abs(abs(q_A(3)) - 1) .LT. eps))) THEN
ctr = ctr + 1
q_AB(:, ctr) = q_all(:, i)
! write(*,*) "A", q_AB(:, ctr)
DO j = i + 1, nqs
q_B = q_all(:, i) + q_all(:, j)
IF (((ABS(q_B(1)) .LT. eps) .OR. (abs(abs(q_B(1)) - 1) .LT. eps)) .AND. &
((ABS(q_B(2)) .LT. eps) .OR. (abs(abs(q_B(2)) - 1) .LT. eps)) .AND. &
((ABS(q_B(3)) .LT. eps) .OR. (abs(abs(q_B(3)) - 1) .LT. eps))) THEN
ctr = ctr + 1
q_AB(:, ctr) = q_all(:, i)
! write(*,*) q_AB(:, ctr)
END SUBROUTINE qpoint_gen2
SUBROUTINE ZG_configuration(nq, nat, ntyp, amass, ityp, q, w2, z_nq_zg, ios, &
dimx, dimy, dimz, nloops, error_thresh, synch, tau, alat, atm, &
ntypx, at, q_in_cryst_coord, q_in_band_form, T, incl_qA, &
ntypx, at, q_in_cryst_coord, q_external, T, incl_qA, &
compute_error, single_phonon_displ)
use kinds, only: dp
use constants, only: amu_ry, ry_to_thz, ry_to_cmm1, H_PLANCK_SI, &
USE cell_base, ONLY : bg
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode
implicit none
! input
CHARACTER(LEN=3), intent(in) :: atm(ntypx)
LOGICAL, intent(in) :: synch, q_in_cryst_coord, q_in_band_form
LOGICAL, intent(in) :: synch, q_in_cryst_coord, q_external
LOGICAL, intent(in) :: incl_qA, compute_error, single_phonon_displ
INTEGER, intent(in) :: dimx, dimy, dimz, nloops
INTEGER, intent(in) :: nq, nat, ntyp, ios, ntypx
@ -2155,7 +2277,7 @@ SUBROUTINE ZG_configuration(nq, nat, ntyp, amass, ityp, q, w2, z_nq_zg, ios, &
! local
CHARACTER(len=256) :: filename
CHARACTER(len=256) :: pointer_etta, pointer_T
CHARACTER(len=256) :: pointer_etta
INTEGER :: nat3, na, nta, ipol, i, j, k, qp, ii, p, kk
INTEGER :: nq_tot, pn, combs, combs_all, sum_zg
@ -2285,12 +2407,16 @@ SUBROUTINE ZG_configuration(nq, nat, ntyp, amass, ityp, q, w2, z_nq_zg, ios, &
! WRITE(*,*) "total vibrational energy per cell", 2*dotp/dimx/dimy/dimz, "Ry"
IF (q_external) THEN
IF (q_in_cryst_coord .EQV. .FALSE.) THEN
! in both cases convert them to crystal
CALL cryst_to_cart(nq, q, at, -1)
CALL cryst_to_cart(nq, q, at, -1)
CALL cryst_to_cart(nq, q, at, -1)
! To distinguish between different sets of qpoints, A, B, C
! to find how many points belong to set A and then allocate matrix accordingly
! NOTE that we want the qpoints always in crystal coordinates
@ -2421,7 +2547,6 @@ SUBROUTINE ZG_configuration(nq, nat, ntyp, amass, ityp, q, w2, z_nq_zg, ios, &
DO ii = 1, pn - 1
M_over = 0.d0
! Construct the overlap matrix M_{\nu,\nu'}
!WRITE(*,*) i
S_svd = 0.d0
DO p = 1, nat3
DO j = 1, nat3
@ -2447,13 +2572,11 @@ SUBROUTINE ZG_configuration(nq, nat, ntyp, amass, ityp, q, w2, z_nq_zg, ios, &
DO qp = 1, nat3
DO k = 1, nat3
dotp_mat(qp, k) = CONJG(M_over(qp, qp, ii)) * CONJG(U_svd_d(k, ii))
! WRITE(*,*) REAL(dotp_mat(qp, k)), aimag(dotp_mat(qp, k))
dotp_mat = ABS(REAL(dotp_mat))
DO qp = 1, nat3
p = MAXLOC(REAL(dotp_mat(qp,:)), 1)
!!! WRITE(*,*) p, "p_values"
U_svd_d_new(qp, ii) = U_svd_d(p, ii)
DO qp = 1, nat3
@ -2461,7 +2584,6 @@ SUBROUTINE ZG_configuration(nq, nat, ntyp, amass, ityp, q, w2, z_nq_zg, ios, &
z_nq_synch(k, qp, ii + i + 1) = U_svd_d_new(qp, ii) * z_zg(k, qp, ii + i + 1)
! overWRITE z_zg
z_zg(:, :, ii + i + 1) = z_nq_synch(:, :, ii + i + 1)
ENDDO ! ii-loop
ENDDO ! i-loop
@ -2503,17 +2625,15 @@ SUBROUTINE ZG_configuration(nq, nat, ntyp, amass, ityp, q, w2, z_nq_zg, ios, &
dotp_mat = ABS(DBLE(dotp_mat))
DO qp = 1, nat3
p = MAXLOC(DBLE(dotp_mat(qp, :)), 1)
!! WRITE(*,*) p, "p_values"
U_svd_d_new(qp, ii) = U_svd_d(p, ii)
! WRITE(*,*) "diago"
DO qp = 1, nat3
DO k = 1, nat3
z_nq_synch(k, qp, ii + ctr + 1) = U_svd_d_new(qp, ii) * z_zg(k, qp, ii + ctr + 1)
! overWRITE z_zg
! overwrite z_zg
z_zg(:, :, ii + ctr + 1) = z_nq_synch(:, :, ii + ctr + 1)
ENDDO ! ii-loop
ENDIF ! mod(ctrAB, pn)
@ -2563,7 +2683,7 @@ SUBROUTINE ZG_configuration(nq, nat, ntyp, amass, ityp, q, w2, z_nq_zg, ios, &
combs = combs + i
combs_all = 2 * combs + nat3 !; % with x1^2, x2^2 ...
!WRITE(*,*) combs, combs_all
! combs_all refere also to all possible pais ({\k,\a}, {\k' \a'})
@ -2581,7 +2701,6 @@ SUBROUTINE ZG_configuration(nq, nat, ntyp, amass, ityp, q, w2, z_nq_zg, ios, &
! we just select possible permutations until the error is lower than a
! threshold. The lower the threshold the longer the algorithm can take.
! filename = 'ZG-configuration.txt'
WRITE(pointer_T,'(f5.1)') T
WRITE(pointer_etta,'(f5.3)') error_thresh
filename = 'ZG-configuration_' // TRIM( pointer_etta ) // '.dat' !'.fp'
OPEN (unit = 80, file = filename, status = 'unknown', form = 'formatted')
@ -2707,7 +2826,7 @@ SUBROUTINE ZG_configuration(nq, nat, ntyp, amass, ityp, q, w2, z_nq_zg, ios, &
!Compute error
!WRITE(80,*) "Sum of diagonal terms per q-point:", SUM(sum_diag_D)/ctrAB
IF (compute_error) THEN
sum_error_D = 0.0d0
@ -2743,7 +2862,7 @@ SUBROUTINE ZG_configuration(nq, nat, ntyp, amass, ityp, q, w2, z_nq_zg, ios, &
dotp = dotp + q(i, ii) * Rlist(j, ii)!
ENDDO ! ii
sum_error_B2(ctr2) = sum_error_B2(ctr2) + cos(2.0d0 * pi * dotp) * F_vect(p, i)
!WRITE(*,*) "cosss", cos(2.0d0*pi*dotp)
ctr2 = ctr2 + 1
@ -2814,7 +2933,7 @@ SUBROUTINE ZG_configuration(nq, nat, ntyp, amass, ityp, q, w2, z_nq_zg, ios, &
IF (ABS(qB(ctrB, 1)) < eps) qB(ctrB, 1) = 0.0
IF (ABS(qB(ctrB, 2)) < eps) qB(ctrB, 2) = 0.0
IF (ABS(qB(ctrB, 3)) < eps) qB(ctrB, 3) = 0.0
!WRITE(*,*) "ohohoB", qB(ctrB,:)
@ -2836,9 +2955,9 @@ SUBROUTINE ZG_configuration(nq, nat, ntyp, amass, ityp, q, w2, z_nq_zg, ios, &
WRITE(80,'(A20, 1F6.2,A2)') 'Temperature is: ' , T ,' K'
WRITE(80,*) "Atomic positions", nat * nq_tot
WRITE(81,*) "ZG-Velocities (Ang/ps)"
! Generate displacements and velocities
! remember nq_tot is also equal to the number of cells
! Here now I ll generate the displacements according to
! Generate displacements and velocities.
! Remember nq_tot is also equal to the number of cells
! Here the displacements are generated according to
! Np^(- 1/2)(Mo/Mk)^(1/2)[\sum_{q \in B} e^{1qR_p}e^v_{ka}(q)(x_{qv}+y_{q\nu})
! z_zg(nat3, nat3, nq))
@ -2872,7 +2991,7 @@ SUBROUTINE ZG_configuration(nq, nat, ntyp, amass, ityp, q, w2, z_nq_zg, ios, &
DO qp = 1, ctrA
dotp = 0.0d0
DO ii = 1, 3
dotp = dotp + qA(qp, ii) * Rlist(p, ii)! + qlistA(q, 2) * Rlist(p, 2) +qlistA(q, 3) * Rlist(p, 3)
dotp = dotp + qA(qp, ii) * Rlist(p, ii)!
DO j = 1, nat3
D_tau(p, k, i) = D_tau(p, k, i) + SQRT(1.0d0 / nq_tot / amass(nta)) * cos(2.0d0 * pi * dotp) &
@ -2884,7 +3003,7 @@ SUBROUTINE ZG_configuration(nq, nat, ntyp, amass, ityp, q, w2, z_nq_zg, ios, &
ENDIF ! IF incl_qA
ctr = ctr + 1 ! for k and i
IF (abs(D_tau(p, k, i)) .GT. 5) CALL errore('ZG', 'Displacement very large', D_tau(p, k, i) )
IF (ABS(D_tau(p, k, i)) .GT. 5) CALL errore('ZG', 'Displacement very large', D_tau(p, k, i) )
D_tau(p, k, i) = equil_p(p, k, i) + D_tau(p, k, i) ! add equil structure
ENDDO ! end i for cart directions
ENDDO ! end k loop over nat
@ -3109,13 +3228,13 @@ SUBROUTINE single_phonon(nq_tot, nat, ctrB, ctrA, nat3, ityp, ntyp, &
nta = ityp(k)
DO i = 1, 3 ! i is for cart directions
D_tau(p, k, i) = D_tau(p, k, i) + SQRT(2.0d0 / nq_tot / amass(nta)) * DBLE(EXP(imagi * 2.0d0 * pi * dotp) &
* z_nq_B(ctr, j, qp) * (1.d0 + imagi) * abs(Cx_matB(j, qp)))
* z_nq_B(ctr, j, qp) * (1.d0 + imagi) * ABS(Cx_matB(j, qp)))
P_tau(p, k, i) = P_tau(p, k, i) + SQRT(2.0d0 / nq_tot * amass(nta)) * DBLE(EXP(imagi * 2.0d0 * pi * dotp) &
* z_nq_B(ctr, j, qp) * (1.d0 + imagi) * abs(Cpx_matB(j, qp))) / (amass(nta) * AMU_SI)
* z_nq_B(ctr, j, qp) * (1.d0 + imagi) * ABS(Cpx_matB(j, qp))) / (amass(nta) * AMU_SI)
! Here we calculate the momenta of the nuclei and finally
!we divide by (amass(nta) *AMU_SI) to get the velocities.
ctr = ctr + 1 ! for k and i
IF (abs(D_tau(p, k, i)) .GT. 5) CALL errore('ZG', 'Displacement very large', D_tau(p, k, i) )
IF (ABS(D_tau(p, k, i)) .GT. 5) CALL errore('ZG', 'Displacement very large', D_tau(p, k, i) )
D_tau(p, k, i) = equil_p(p, k, i) + D_tau(p, k, i) ! add equil structure
ENDDO ! i loop
! write output data
@ -3144,13 +3263,13 @@ SUBROUTINE single_phonon(nq_tot, nat, ctrB, ctrA, nat3, ityp, ntyp, &
nta = ityp(k)
DO i = 1, 3 ! i is for cart directions
D_tau(p, k, i) = D_tau(p, k, i) + SQRT(2.0d0 / nq_tot / amass(nta)) * DBLE(EXP(imagi * 2.0d0 * pi * dotp) &
* z_nq_A(ctr, j, qp) * (1.d0 + imagi) * abs(Cx_matA(j, qp)))
* z_nq_A(ctr, j, qp) * (1.d0 + imagi) * ABS(Cx_matA(j, qp)))
P_tau(p, k, i) = P_tau(p, k, i) + SQRT(2.0d0 / nq_tot * amass(nta)) * DBLE(EXP(imagi * 2.0d0 * pi * dotp) &
* z_nq_A(ctr, j, qp) * (1.d0 + imagi) * abs(Cpx_matA(j, qp))) / (amass(nta) * AMU_SI)
* z_nq_A(ctr, j, qp) * (1.d0 + imagi) * ABS(Cpx_matA(j, qp))) / (amass(nta) * AMU_SI)
! Here we calculate the momenta of the nuclei and finally
!we divide by (amass(nta) *AMU_SI) to get the velocities.
ctr = ctr + 1 ! for k and i
IF (abs(D_tau(p, k, i)) .GT. 5) CALL errore('ZG', 'Displacement very large', D_tau(p, k, i) )
IF (ABS(D_tau(p, k, i)) .GT. 5) CALL errore('ZG', 'Displacement very large', D_tau(p, k, i) )
D_tau(p, k, i) = equil_p(p, k, i) + D_tau(p, k, i) ! add equil structure
ENDDO ! i loop
! write output data
@ -3162,36 +3281,6 @@ SUBROUTINE single_phonon(nq_tot, nat, ctrB, ctrA, nat3, ityp, ntyp, &
ENDDO ! j loop
ENDDO ! qp loop
! !Repeat for minus q now:
! !
! WRITE(85,'(A30, 3F8.4, A15, i)') "Phonon mode at q-point", -qB(qp, :), " and branch:", j
! WRITE(86,'(A30, 3F8.4, A15, i)') "Phonon mode at q-point", -qB(qp, :), " and branch:", j
! D_tau = 0.0d0
! P_tau = 0.0d0
! DO p = 1, nq_tot
! dotp = 0.0d0
! DO ii = 1, 3
! dotp = dotp + -qB(qp, ii) * Rlist(p, ii)! dot product between q and R
! ctr = 1
! DO k = 1, nat ! k represents the atom
! nta = ityp(k)
! DO i = 1, 3 ! i is for cart directions
! D_tau(p, k, i) = D_tau(p, k, i) + SQRT(2.0d0 / nq_tot / amass(nta)) * DBLE(EXP(imagi * 2.0d0 * pi * dotp) &
! * CONJG(z_nq_B(ctr, j, qp)) * (1.d0 - imagi) * abs(Cx_matB(j, qp)))
! P_tau(p, k, i) = P_tau(p, k, i) + SQRT(2.0d0 / nq_tot * amass(nta)) * DBLE(EXP(imagi * 2.0d0 * pi * dotp) &
! * CONJG(z_nq_B(ctr, j, qp)) * (1.d0 - imagi) * abs(Cpx_matB(j, qp))) / (amass(nta) * AMU_SI)
! ! Here we calculate the momenta of the nuclei and finally
! !we divide by (amass(nta) *AMU_SI) to get the velocities.
! ctr = ctr + 1 ! for k and i
! D_tau(p, k, i) = equil_p(p, k, i) + D_tau(p, k, i) ! add equil structure
! ENDDO ! i loop
! ! write output data
! WRITE(85,'(A6, 3F13.8)') atm(ityp(k)), D_tau(p, k, :)
! WRITE(86,'(A6, 3F15.8)') atm(ityp(k)), P_tau(p, k,:) * 1.0E-12 ! multiply to obtain picoseconds
! !
! ENDDO ! k loop
! ENDDO ! p loop
DEALLOCATE(D_tau, P_tau)

View File

@ -724,15 +724,20 @@
OPEN(iubvec, FILE = tempfile, ACTION = 'read', IOSTAT = ios)
IF (ios /= 0) THEN
! if it doesn't exist, then we just set the bvec and wb to zero
! HL 11/2020: The part below is commented since it makes sense to stop the calculation
! in case that there is no *.bvec file with vme = .true. .
nnb = 1
ALLOCATE(bvec(3, nnb, nkstot), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('vmebloch2wan', 'Error allocating bvec', 1)
ALLOCATE(wb(nnb), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('vmebloch2wan', 'Error allocating wb', 1)
bvec = zero
wb = zero
! !
! ! if it doesn't exist, then we just set the bvec and wb to zero
! !
! nnb = 1
! ALLOCATE(bvec(3, nnb, nkstot), STAT = ierr)
! IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('vmebloch2wan', 'Error allocating bvec', 1)
! ALLOCATE(wb(nnb), STAT = ierr)
! IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('vmebloch2wan', 'Error allocating wb', 1)
! bvec = zero
! wb = zero
CALL errore ('vmebloch2wan','You selected vme =.true. but error opening' // tempfile, 0)
READ(iubvec,*) tempfile
READ(iubvec,*) nkstot_tmp, nnb

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
!! author: Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Carla Verdi, Feliciano Giustino
!! version: v5.3
!! version: v5.3.1
!! license: GNU
!! summary: EPW main driver
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
CHARACTER(LEN = 12) :: code = 'EPW'
!! Name of the program
version_number = '5.3.0'
version_number = '5.3.1'
CALL init_clocks(.TRUE.)

View File

@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@
IF (homogeneous) THEN
! In case of k-point symmetry
IF (mp_mesh_k .AND. etf_mem < 3) THEN
IF (iterative_bte) THEN
IF (iterative_bte .OR. ephwrite) THEN
ALLOCATE(bztoibz_tmp(nkf1 * nkf2 * nkf3), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('qwindow', 'Error allocating bztoibz_tmp', 1)
bztoibz_tmp(:) = 0
@ -1409,7 +1409,7 @@
! In case of k-point symmetry
IF (mp_mesh_k .AND. etf_mem < 3) THEN
IF (iterative_bte) THEN
IF (iterative_bte .OR. ephwrite) THEN
ALLOCATE(bztoibz_tmp(nkf1 * nkf2 * nkf3), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('qwindow', 'Error allocating bztoibz_tmp', 1)
bztoibz_tmp(:) = 0

View File

@ -1787,7 +1787,7 @@
! SP - July 2020
! We should not recompute bztoibz
DO ikbz = 1, nkftot
ixkff(ikbz) = ixkf(map_rebal(bztoibz(ikbz)))
ixkff(ikbz) = ixkf(bztoibz(ikbz))

View File

@ -108,10 +108,22 @@
! Local variables
CHARACTER(LEN = 255) :: dummy
!! Copy of field read for parsing
CHARACTER(LEN = 255) :: lvalue
!! Parsed logical value
LOGICAL :: random
!! Random
LOGICAL :: notfound
!! If .TRUE., there is no "write_hr".
!! Band index
INTEGER :: pos
!! Position in strings
INTEGER :: pos1
!! Position in strings
INTEGER :: pos2
!! Position in strings
REAL(KIND = DP) :: et_tmp(nbnd, nkstot)
!! eigenvalues on full coarse k-mesh
@ -156,11 +168,44 @@
WRITE(iuwinfil, '("num_iter = ", i7)') num_iter
IF (vme) WRITE(iuwinfil, '(a)') "write_bvec = .true."
! HL 11/2020: The code block below is necessary
! until the bug fix in W90 is merged into its master branch.
IF (vme) THEN
notfound = .TRUE.
DO i = 1, nwanxx
IF (wdata(i) /= ' ') THEN
pos = INDEX(TRIM(ADJUSTL(wdata(i))), 'write_hr')
IF (pos == 1) THEN
dummy = wdata(i) (LEN('write_hr') + 1:)
pos1 = INDEX(dummy, '!')
pos2 = INDEX(dummy, '#')
IF (pos1 == 0 .AND. pos2 == 0) lvalue = dummy
IF (pos1 == 0 .AND. pos2 > 0) lvalue = dummy(:pos2 - 1)
IF (pos2 == 0 .AND. pos1 > 0) lvalue = dummy(:pos1 - 1)
IF (pos1 > 0 .AND. pos2 > 0) lvalue = dummy(:MIN(pos1, pos2) - 1)
lvalue = TRIM(ADJUSTL(lvalue))
IF (lvalue(1:1) == '=' .OR. lvalue(1:1) == ':') THEN
lvalue = lvalue(2:)
IF (INDEX(lvalue, 't') > 0) THEN
notfound = .FALSE.
ELSEIF (INDEX(lvalue, 'f') > 0) THEN
wdata(i) = "write_hr = .true."
notfound = .FALSE.
! Write any extra parameters to the file
DO i = 1, nwanxx
IF (wdata(i) /= ' ') WRITE(iuwinfil, *) wdata(i)
IF (wdata(i) /= ' ') WRITE(iuwinfil, *) TRIM(wdata(i))
IF (vme .AND. notfound) WRITE(iuwinfil, *) "write_hr = .true."
ENDIF ! meta_ionode