pw2wannier90: pool parallelization for dmn

compute_dmn loops over 1) irreducible k points, and 2) symmetries,
not regular k points like other routines.
In this implementation, I distributed the irreducible k points among pools.
This commit is contained in:
Jae-Mo Lihm 2021-11-22 23:12:30 +09:00
parent 2bc6ba6148
commit a30c420b21
1 changed files with 76 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ PROGRAM pw2wannier90
IF (npool > 1 .and. wan_mode == 'library') CALL errore('pw2wannier90', &
'pools not implemented for library mode', 1)
IF (npool > 1 .and. (write_unk .OR. write_dmn)) &
IF (npool > 1 .and. (write_unk)) &
CALL errore('pw2wannier90', 'pools not implemented for this feature', npool)
! Check: bands distribution not implemented
@ -1603,8 +1603,8 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_dmn
USE uspp_param, ONLY : upf, nh, lmaxq, nhm
USE becmod, ONLY : bec_type, becp, calbec, &
allocate_bec_type, deallocate_bec_type
USE mp_pools, ONLY : intra_pool_comm
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum, mp_bcast
USE mp_pools, ONLY : intra_pool_comm, inter_pool_comm, me_pool, root_pool, my_pool_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum, mp_bcast, mp_barrier
USE mp_world, ONLY : world_comm
USE noncollin_module,ONLY : noncolin, npol
USE gvecw, ONLY : gcutw
@ -1655,6 +1655,8 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_dmn
INTEGER :: npw, mmn_tot, ik, ikp, ipol, isym, npwq, i, m, n, ir, jsym
INTEGER :: ikb, jkb, ih, jh, na, nt, ijkb0, ind, nir
INTEGER :: ikevc, ikpevcq, s, counter, iun_dmn, iun_sym, ig, igp, ip, jp, np, iw, jw
INTEGER :: ir_start, ir_end
INTEGER :: ik_global, ipool, ik_local
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: phase(:), aux(:), aux2(:), &
becp2(:,:), Mkb(:,:), aux_nc(:,:)
real(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: rbecp2(:,:),sr(:,:,:)
@ -1675,6 +1677,12 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_dmn
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: psic_all(:), temppsic_all(:)
LOGICAL :: have_sym
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: evc_k(:, :), evc_sk(:, :)
INTEGER :: igk_k_ir(npwx)
!! G vector index at irreducible k point
INTEGER :: igk_k_sk(npwx)
!! G vector index at S*k point
REAL(DP) :: g2kin_(npwx)
!! Dummy g2kin_ to call gk_sort
IF (noncolin) CALL errore('compute_dmn', 'Non-collinear not implemented', 1)
IF (gamma_only) CALL errore('compute_dmn', 'gamma-only not implemented', 1)
@ -1949,8 +1957,8 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_dmn
end do
end do
CALL utility_open_output_file("dmn", .TRUE., iun_dmn)
IF (ionode) THEN
CALL utility_open_output_file("dmn", .TRUE., iun_dmn)
WRITE(iun_dmn, '(4i9)') num_bands, nsym, nir, iknum
WRITE(iun_dmn, *)
WRITE(iun_dmn, '(10i9)') ik2ir(1:iknum)
@ -2045,9 +2053,6 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_dmn
WRITE(stdout,'(a,i8)') ' DMN(d_matrix_band): nir = ',nir
ALLOCATE(Mkb(num_bands, nbnd))
ALLOCATE( workg(npwx) )
@ -2055,14 +2060,33 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_dmn
nxxs = dffts%nr1x *dffts%nr2x *dffts%nr3x
ALLOCATE(psic_all(nxxs), temppsic_all(nxxs) )
DO ir=1,nir
! Pool parallelization: divide irreducible k points, not regular k points
CALL divide(inter_pool_comm, nir, ir_start, ir_end)
WRITE(stdout,'(a,i8)') ' DMN(d_matrix_band): nir = ', nir
WRITE(stdout,'(a,i8)') ' DMN(d_matrix_band): nir in this pool = ', ir_end - ir_start + 1
DO ir = ir_start, ir_end
ik_global = ir2ik(ir) ! global index of the ir-th irreducible k point
WRITE (stdout,'(i8)',advance='no') ir
IF( MOD(ir,10) == 0 ) WRITE (stdout,*)
ikevc = ik + ikstart - 1
npw = ngk(ik)
CALL davcio(evc, 2*nwordwfc, iunwfc, ikevc, -1)
! Read wavefunction at ikevc
ikevc = ik_global + ikstart - 1
CALL pool_and_local_kpoint_index(nkstot, ikevc, ipool, ik_local)
CALL utility_read_wfc_from_pool(ipool, ik_local, evc)
! Set igk_k_ir, the G vector ordering at ik_global
IF (ipool == my_pool_id) THEN
! Use local G vector ordering
npw = ngk(ik_local)
igk_k_ir = igk_k(:, ik_local)
! k point from different pool. Calculate G vector ordering.
CALL gk_sort(xk_all(1, ik_global), ngm, g, gcutw, npw, igk_k_ir, g2kin_)
! Trim excluded bands from evc
evc_k(:, :) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
@ -2076,17 +2100,28 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_dmn
IF (okvan) THEN
CALL init_us_2 (npw, igk_k(1,ik), xk(1,ik), vkb)
CALL calbec (npw, vkb, evc_k, becp, num_bands)
CALL init_us_2(npw, igk_k_ir, xk_all(1, ik_global), vkb)
CALL calbec(npw, vkb, evc_k, becp, num_bands)
DO isym = 1, nsym
ikp = iks2k(ik,isym)
npwq = ngk(ikp)
! read wfc at S*k
ikp = iks2k(ik_global, isym)
! Read wavefunction at ikpevcq (S*k)
ikpevcq = ikp + ikstart - 1
CALL davcio(evc, 2*nwordwfc, iunwfc, ikpevcq, -1 )
CALL pool_and_local_kpoint_index(nkstot, ikpevcq, ipool, ik_local)
CALL utility_read_wfc_from_pool(ipool, ik_local, evc)
! Set igk_k_sk, the G vector ordering at S*k (ikp)
IF (ipool == my_pool_id) THEN
! Use local G vector ordering
npwq = ngk(ik_local)
igk_k_sk = igk_k(:, ik_local)
! k point from different pool. Calculate G vector ordering.
CALL gk_sort(xk_all(1, ikp), ngm, g, gcutw, npwq, igk_k_sk, g2kin_)
! Trim excluded bands from evc
evc_sk(:, :) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
@ -2099,7 +2134,7 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_dmn
! apply translation vector t.
DO ig = 1, npwq
arg = SUM( ( MATMUL(g(:,igk_k(ig,ikp)), sr(:,:,isym)) + xk(:,ik) ) * tvec(:,isym) ) * tpi
arg = SUM( ( MATMUL(g(:,igk_k_sk(ig)), sr(:,:,isym)) + xk_all(:, ik_global) ) * tvec(:,isym) ) * tpi
phase1 = CMPLX(COS(arg), SIN(arg), KIND=DP)
DO n = 1, num_bands
evc_sk(ig, n) = evc_sk(ig, n) * phase1
@ -2108,11 +2143,11 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_dmn
! compute the phase
phase(:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
! missing phase G of above is given here and below.
IF(iks2g(ik,isym) >= 0) phase(dffts%nl(iks2g(ik,isym)))=(1d0,0d0)
IF(iks2g(ik_global, isym) >= 0) phase(dffts%nl(iks2g(ik_global, isym)))=(1d0,0d0)
CALL invfft ('Wave', phase, dffts)
DO n = 1, num_bands
psic(:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
psic(dffts%nl(igk_k(1:npwq,ikp))) = evc_sk(1:npwq, n)
psic(dffts%nl(igk_k_sk(1:npwq))) = evc_sk(1:npwq, n)
! go to real space
CALL invfft ('Wave', psic, dffts)
#if defined(__MPI)
@ -2130,13 +2165,12 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_dmn
psic(1:dffts%nnr) = psic(1:dffts%nnr) * phase(1:dffts%nnr)
! go back to G space
CALL fwfft ('Wave', psic, dffts)
evc_sk(1:npw, n) = psic(dffts%nl (igk_k(1:npw,ik) ) )
evc_sk(1:npw, n) = psic(dffts%nl (igk_k_ir(1:npw) ) )
IF (okvan) THEN
CALL init_us_2(npw, igk_k(1,ik), xk(1,ik), vkb)
IF (gamma_only) THEN
CALL errore("compute_dmn", "gamma-only mode not implemented", 1)
@ -2201,26 +2235,34 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_dmn
! Write Mkb to file
IF (ionode) WRITE (iun_dmn,*)
DO n = 1, num_bands
DO m = 1, num_bands
IF (ionode) WRITE (iun_dmn, '( " (", ES18.10, ",", ES18.10, ")" )') CONJG(Mkb(n,m))
IF (me_pool == root_pool) THEN
WRITE (iun_dmn,*)
DO n = 1, num_bands
DO m = 1, num_bands
WRITE (iun_dmn, '( " (", ES18.10, ",", ES18.10, ")" )') CONJG(Mkb(n,m))
ENDDO !isym
IF (MOD(nir, 10) /= 0) WRITE(stdout, *)
WRITE(stdout, *) ' DMN(d_matrix_band) calculated'
IF (ionode .AND. wan_mode=='standalone') CLOSE (iun_dmn)
IF (me_pool == root_pool .AND. wan_mode=='standalone') CLOSE (iun_dmn, STATUS="KEEP")
CALL mp_barrier(world_comm)
! If using pool parallelization, concatenate files written by other nodes
! to the main output.
CALL utility_merge_files("dmn", .TRUE., -1)
DEALLOCATE (Mkb, phase)
DEALLOCATE(temppsic_all, psic_all)
IF(okvan) THEN
CALL deallocate_bec_type (becp)
@ -2232,8 +2274,7 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_dmn
CALL stop_clock( 'compute_dmn' )
END SUBROUTINE compute_dmn