Some time ago I modified routine at2celldm so that it computed the value of

ibrav even if it was set to 0 and lattice defined by at vectors. It wasn't
such a great idea: may break the phonon code, produces a different output
for scf and non-scf runs, does not account for the unlikely but not impossible
case of rotatted cell. This commit reverts to the previous behaviour, while
still allowing to guess an ibrav if desired.
This commit is contained in:
Paolo Giannozzi 2018-12-03 21:39:32 +01:00
parent 4ef775a971
commit 98d6147e92
4 changed files with 16 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ SUBROUTINE run_dist ( exit_status )
REAL(dp) :: dr(3), dd, dn1, dn2, dn3, scalef, arg
REAL(dp) :: angolo(nn*(nn-1)/2), drv(3), drn(3,nn), temp, rtemp(3)
REAL(dp) :: celldm(6), a, b, c, cosab, cosac, cosbc
@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ SUBROUTINE run_dist ( exit_status )
! and reprinted along with the lattice vectors, irrespective of
! what was provided in output - useful for checking and conversion
IF ( ibrav == 0 ) ibrav= at2ibrav (at(1,1), at(1,2), at(1,3))
CALL at2celldm ( ibrav, alat, at(1,1), at(1,2), at(1,3), celldm )
CALL celldm2abc ( ibrav, celldm, a,b,c,cosab,cosac,cosbc )

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@ -379,30 +379,23 @@ END SUBROUTINE latgen
SUBROUTINE at2celldm (ibrav,alat,a1,a2,a3,celldm)
! Returns celldm parameters from lattice vectors
! Tries to guess ibrav if not specified (ibrav=0)
! See latgen for definition of celldm and lattice vectors
! Returns celldm parameters computed from lattice vectors a1,a2,a3
! If Bravais lattice index ibrav=0, only celldm(1) is set to alat.
! See latgen for definition of celldm and lattice vectors.
! a1, a2, a3, ibrav, alat are not modified
USE kinds, ONLY: DP
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ibrav
real(DP), INTENT(in) :: alat, a1(3), a2(3), a3(3)
real(DP), INTENT(out) :: celldm(6)
INTEGER :: jbrav
REAL(DP), INTENT(in) :: alat, a1(3), a2(3), a3(3)
REAL(DP), INTENT(out) :: celldm(6)
celldm = 0.d0
jbrav = 0
IF ( ibrav == 0 ) THEN
jbrav= at2ibrav (a1, a2, a3)
IF ( jbrav == 0 ) CALL infomsg('at2celldm', &
'could not determine ibrav for lattice vectors')
jbrav = ibrav
SELECT CASE ( jbrav )
SELECT CASE ( ibrav )
CASE (0)
celldm(1) = alat
CASE (1)
celldm(1) = sqrt( dot_product (a1,a1) )
CASE (2)
@ -446,7 +439,7 @@ SUBROUTINE at2celldm (ibrav,alat,a1,a2,a3,celldm)
celldm(1) = sqrt( dot_product (a1,a1) )
celldm(2) = sqrt( dot_product(a2(:),a2(:)) ) / celldm(1)
celldm(3) = sqrt( dot_product(a3(:),a3(:)) ) / celldm(1)
IF ( jbrav == 12 ) THEN
IF ( ibrav == 12 ) THEN
celldm(4) = dot_product(a1(:),a2(:)) / celldm(1) / &
@ -468,7 +461,7 @@ SUBROUTINE at2celldm (ibrav,alat,a1,a2,a3,celldm)
celldm(5) = a3(1)/a1(1)/celldm(3)/2.0_dp
!celldm(5) = DOT_PRODUCT(a1(:),a3(:)) / &
! SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(a1(:),a1(:)) * DOT_PRODUCT(a3(:),a3(:)))
CASE (0,14)
CASE (14)
celldm(1) = sqrt(dot_product(a1(:),a1(:)))
celldm(2) = sqrt( dot_product(a2(:),a2(:))) / celldm(1)
celldm(3) = sqrt( dot_product(a3(:),a3(:))) / celldm(1)
@ -482,8 +475,6 @@ SUBROUTINE at2celldm (ibrav,alat,a1,a2,a3,celldm)
CALL infomsg('at2celldm', 'wrong ibrav?')
IF ( alat > 0.0_dp) celldm(1) = celldm(1)*alat
INTEGER FUNCTION at2ibrav (a1, a2, a3) RESULT (ibrav)

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@ -641,7 +641,8 @@ PROGRAM plotband
WRITE (1,'(a)') "set title '"//trim(filename)//"_projected' noenhanced"
WRITE (1,'(a,f12.6,a)') &
&"plot '"//trim(filenamegnu)//&
&"' u 1:($2 - ",eref,"):3 w l palette lw 1 notitle, \"
&"' u 1:($2 - ",eref,"):3 w l palette lw 1 notitle, "//CHAR(91)
! char(91) = backslash; syntax "something \" confuses the PGI compiler
WRITE (1,'(f12.6,a)') &
&Ef-eref," lt 2 lw 0.5 lc rgb 'grey50' notitle"
CLOSE (unit=1)

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@ -1203,7 +1203,7 @@ MODULE pw_restart_new
!! if ibrav is present, cell parameters were computed by subroutine
!! "latgen" using ibrav and celldm parameters: recalculate celldm
CALL at2celldm (ibrav,1.0_dp,at(:,1),at(:,2),at(:,3),celldm)
CALL at2celldm (ibrav,alat,at(:,1),at(:,2),at(:,3),celldm)
tpiba = tpi/alat
tpiba2= tpiba**2