more cleanup, mainly in PH dir

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
degironc 2003-04-29 11:20:28 +00:00
parent 236a0a42f3
commit 92070bf269
21 changed files with 395 additions and 516 deletions

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@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ subroutine addusddens (drhoscf, dbecsum, irr, mode0, npe, iflag)
! input: if zero does not compute drho
! input: the number of perturbations
complex(kind=DP) :: drhoscf (nrxx, nspin, npe), dbecsum (nhm * &
(nhm + 1) / 2, nat, nspin, npe)
complex(kind=DP) :: drhoscf (nrxx, nspin, npe), &
dbecsum (nhm*(nhm+1)/2, nat, nspin, npe)
! inp/out: change of the charge density
!input: sum over kv of bec
integer :: irr, mode0
@ -53,22 +53,14 @@ subroutine addusddens (drhoscf, dbecsum, irr, mode0, npe, iflag)
! counter on spin
! counter on combined beta functions
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: qmod (:),&
qpg (:,:),&
ylmk0 (:,:)
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: qmod (:), qpg (:,:), ylmk0 (:,:)
! the modulus of q+G
! the values of q+G
! the spherical harmonics
complex(kind=DP) :: fact, zsum, bb, alpha, alpha_0, u1, u2, u3
complex(kind=DP), allocatable :: sk (:),&
qg (:),&
drhous (:,:),&
aux (:,:,:)
! auxiliary variables
! auxiliary variable
! auxiliary variable
! auxiliary variables
complex(kind=DP), allocatable :: sk (:), drhous (:,:), aux (:,:,:)
! the structure factor
! auxiliary variable for FFT
! contain the charge of drho
@ -78,11 +70,9 @@ subroutine addusddens (drhoscf, dbecsum, irr, mode0, npe, iflag)
call start_clock ('addusddens')
allocate (aux( ngm , nspin , 3))
allocate (sk ( ngm))
allocate (qg ( nrxx))
allocate (ylmk0( ngm , lqx * lqx))
allocate (qmod ( ngm))
if (.not.lgamma) allocate (qpg( 3 , ngm))
if (iflag.eq.0) allocate (drhous( nrxx, nspin))
! write(6,*) aux, ylmk0, qmod
! And then we compute the additional charge in reciprocal space
@ -98,7 +88,6 @@ subroutine addusddens (drhoscf, dbecsum, irr, mode0, npe, iflag)
do ig = 1, ngm
qmod (ig) = sqrt (gg (ig) )
fact = 0.5d0 * DCMPLX (0.d0, - tpiba)
call setv (6 * ngm * nspin, 0.d0, aux, 1)
@ -116,8 +105,10 @@ subroutine addusddens (drhoscf, dbecsum, irr, mode0, npe, iflag)
! calculate the structure factor
do ig = 1, ngm
sk (ig) = eigts1 (ig1 (ig), na) * eigts2 (ig2 (ig), na) &
* eigts3 (ig3 (ig), na) * eigqts (na) * qgm (ig)
sk (ig) = eigts1 (ig1 (ig), na) * &
eigts2 (ig2 (ig), na) * &
eigts3 (ig3 (ig), na) * &
eigqts (na) * qgm (ig)
! And qgmq and becp and dbecq
@ -129,27 +120,25 @@ subroutine addusddens (drhoscf, dbecsum, irr, mode0, npe, iflag)
u1 = u (mu + 1, mode)
u2 = u (mu + 2, mode)
u3 = u (mu + 3, mode)
if (abs (u1) + abs (u2) + abs (u3) .gt.1d-12.and.iflag.eq.1) &
if (abs(u1) + abs(u2) + abs(u3) .gt.1d-12 .and. &
iflag.eq.1) then
bb = becsum (ijh, na, is)
zsum = zsum + 0.5d0 * (alphasum (ijh, 1, na, is) * u1 + &
alphasum (ijh, 2, na, is) * u2 + alphasum (ijh, 3, na, &
is) * u3)
zsum = zsum + 0.5d0 * &
( alphasum (ijh, 1, na, is) * u1 &
+ alphasum (ijh, 2, na, is) * u2 &
+ alphasum (ijh, 3, na, is) * u3)
u1 = u1 * fact
u2 = u2 * fact
u3 = u3 * fact
alpha_0 = xq (1) * u1 + xq (2) * u2 + xq (3) * u3
alpha_0 = xq(1)*u1 + xq(2)*u2 + xq(3)*u3
do ig = 1, ngm
alpha = alpha_0 + g (1, ig) * u1 + g (2, ig) * u2 + g (3, &
ig) * u3
aux (ig, is, ipert) = aux (ig, is, ipert) + (zsum + &
alpha * bb) * sk (ig)
alpha = alpha_0 + &
g(1,ig)*u1 + g(2,ig)*u2 + g(3,ig)*u3
aux(ig,is,ipert) = aux(ig,is,ipert) + &
(zsum + alpha*bb) * sk(ig)
call ZAXPY (ngm, zsum, sk, 1, aux (1, is, ipert), &
call ZAXPY (ngm, zsum, sk, 1, aux(1,is,ipert), 1)
@ -164,36 +153,31 @@ subroutine addusddens (drhoscf, dbecsum, irr, mode0, npe, iflag)
do ipert = 1, npert (irr)
mu = mode0 + ipert
if (iflag.eq.0) call davcio (drhous, lrdrhous, iudrhous, mu, &
- 1)
do is = 1, nspin
call setv (2 * nrxx, 0.d0, qg, 1)
call setv (2 * nrxx, 0.d0, psic, 1)
do ig = 1, ngm
qg (nl (ig) ) = aux (ig, is, ipert)
psic (nl (ig) ) = aux (ig, is, ipert)
call cft3 (qg, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, 1)
if (iflag.eq.0) then
do ir = 1, nrxx
drhoscf (ir, is, ipert) = drhoscf (ir, is, ipert) + 2.d0 * qg ( &
ir) + drhous (ir, is)
do ir = 1, nrxx
drhoscf (ir, is, ipert) = drhoscf (ir, is, ipert) + 2.d0 * qg ( &
call cft3 (psic, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, 1)
call DAXPY (2*nrxx, 2.d0, psic, 1, drhoscf(1,is,ipert), 1)
if (iflag.eq.0) deallocate (drhous)
if (.not.lgamma) deallocate (qpg)
deallocate (ylmk0)
deallocate (qmod)
deallocate (qg)
deallocate (sk)
deallocate (aux)
if (iflag.eq.0) then
allocate (drhous( nrxx, nspin))
do ipert = 1, npert (irr)
mu = mode0 + ipert
call davcio (drhous, lrdrhous, iudrhous, mu, -1)
call DAXPY (2*nrxx*nspin, 1.d0, drhous, 1, drhoscf(1,1,ipert), 1)
end do
deallocate (drhous)
end if
call stop_clock ('addusddens')
end subroutine addusddens

View File

@ -39,20 +39,18 @@ subroutine addusldos (ldos, becsum1)
! the spherical harmonics
! the modulus of G
complex(kind=DP), allocatable :: qg (:), aux (:,:)
complex(kind=DP), allocatable :: aux (:,:)
! auxiliary variable for FFT
! auxiliary variable for rho(G)
allocate (aux ( ngm , nspin))
allocate (qg ( nrxx))
allocate (qmod( ngm))
allocate (ylmk0 ( ngm , lqx * lqx))
call setv (2 * ngm * nspin, 0.d0, aux, 1)
aux (:,:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
call ylmr2 (lqx * lqx, ngm, g, gg, ylmk0)
do ig = 1, ngm
qmod (ig) = sqrt (gg (ig) )
do nt = 1, ntyp
if (tvanp (nt) ) then
@ -68,9 +66,11 @@ subroutine addusldos (ldos, becsum1)
do is = 1, nspin
do ig = 1, ngm
aux (ig, is) = aux (ig, is) + qgm (ig) * becsum1 (ijh, na, &
is) * (eigts1 (ig1 (ig), na) * eigts2 (ig2 (ig), na) &
* eigts3 (ig3 (ig), na) )
aux (ig, is) = aux (ig, is) + &
qgm (ig) * becsum1 (ijh, na, is) * &
( eigts1 (ig1 (ig), na) * &
eigts2 (ig2 (ig), na) * &
eigts3 (ig3 (ig), na) )
@ -84,23 +84,16 @@ subroutine addusldos (ldos, becsum1)
if (okvan) then
do is = 1, nspin
call setv (2 * nrxx, 0.d0, qg, 1)
psic (:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
do ig = 1, ngm
qg (nl (ig) ) = aux (ig, is)
psic (nl (ig) ) = aux (ig, is)
call cft3 (qg, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, 1)
do ir = 1, nrxx
ldos (ir, is) = ldos (ir, is) + DREAL (qg (ir) )
call cft3 (psic, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, 1)
call DAXPY (nrxx, 1.d0, psic, 2, ldos(1,is), 2 )
deallocate (ylmk0)
deallocate (qmod)
deallocate (qg)
deallocate (aux)
end subroutine addusldos

View File

@ -34,69 +34,67 @@ integer :: ik, ikk, ikq, ijkb0, ijh, ikb, jkb, ih, jh, na, nt, &
! counter on polarizations
! counter on bands
real(kind=DP) :: wgg1
! auxiliary weight
if (.not.okvan) return
call setv ( (nhm * (nhm + 1) ) / 2 * nat * 3 * nspin, 0.d0, &
alphasum, 1)
call setv ( (nhm*(nhm+1))/2*nat*3*nspin, 0.d0, alphasum, 1)
do ik = 1, nksq
if (lgamma) then
ikk = ik
ikq = ik
ikk = 2 * ik - 1
ikq = ikk + 1
if (lsda) current_spin = isk (ikk)
ijkb0 = 0
do nt = 1, ntyp
if (tvanp (nt) ) then
do na = 1, nat
if (ityp (na) .eq.nt) then
ijh = 0
do ih = 1, nh (nt)
ikb = ijkb0 + ih
ijh = ijh + 1
do ibnd = 1, nbnd_occ (ikk)
wgg1 = wg (ibnd, ikk)
do ipol = 1, 3
alphasum (ijh, ipol, na, current_spin) = alphasum (ijh, &
ipol, na, current_spin) + 2.d0 * wgg1 * DREAL (conjg ( &
alphap (ikb, ibnd, ipol, ik) ) * becp1 (ikb, ibnd, ik) )
do jh = 1, nh (nt)
jkb = ijkb0 + jh
if ( ijh = ijh + 1
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
if ( then
wgg1 = wg (ibnd, ikk)
do ipol = 1, 3
alphasum (ijh, ipol, na, current_spin) = alphasum (ijh, &
ipol, na, current_spin) + 2.d0 * wgg1 * DREAL (conjg ( &
alphap (ikb, ibnd, ipol, ik) ) * becp1 (jkb, ibnd, ik) &
+ conjg (becp1 (ikb, ibnd, ik) ) * alphap (jkb, ibnd, &
ipol, ik) )
if (lgamma) then
ikk = ik
ikq = ik
ikk = 2 * ik - 1
ikq = ikk + 1
if (lsda) current_spin = isk (ikk)
ijkb0 = 0
do nt = 1, ntyp
if (tvanp (nt) ) then
do na = 1, nat
if (ityp (na) .eq.nt) then
ijh = 0
do ih = 1, nh (nt)
ikb = ijkb0 + ih
ijh = ijh + 1
do ibnd = 1, nbnd_occ (ikk)
wgg1 = wg (ibnd, ikk)
do ipol = 1, 3
alphasum(ijh,ipol,na,current_spin) = &
alphasum(ijh,ipol,na,current_spin) + 2.d0 * wgg1 * &
DREAL (conjg (alphap (ikb,ibnd,ipol,ik) ) * &
becp1 (ikb,ibnd,ik) )
do jh = 1, nh (nt)
jkb = ijkb0 + jh
if ( ijh = ijh + 1
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
if ( then
wgg1 = wg (ibnd, ikk)
do ipol = 1, 3
alphasum(ijh,ipol,na,current_spin) = &
alphasum(ijh,ipol,na,current_spin) + &
2.d0 * wgg1 * &
DREAL (conjg ( alphap (ikb,ibnd,ipol,ik) ) * &
becp1 (jkb,ibnd,ik) + &
conjg ( becp1 (ikb,ibnd,ik) ) * &
alphap (jkb,ibnd,ipol,ik) )
ijkb0 = ijkb0 + nh (nt)
do na = 1, nat
if (ityp (na) .eq.nt) ijkb0 = ijkb0 + nh (nt)
ijkb0 = ijkb0 + nh (nt)
do na = 1, nat
if (ityp (na) .eq.nt) ijkb0 = ijkb0 + nh (nt)
! do na=1,nat
! nt=ityp(na)

View File

@ -25,69 +25,59 @@ use parameters, only : DP
use phcom
implicit none
integer :: ik, ikk, ikq, ijkb0, ijh, ikb, jkb, ih, jh, na, nt, &
! counter on k points
! counters on beta functions
! counters on beta functions
! counters for atoms
! counter on bands
integer :: ik, ikk, ikq, ijkb0, ijh, ikb, jkb, ih, jh, na, nt, ibnd
! counter on k points, beta functions, atoms and bands
real(kind=DP) :: wgg1 ! auxiliary weight
real(kind=DP) :: wgg1
! auxiliary weight
if (.not.okvan) return
call setv ( (nhm * (nhm + 1) ) / 2 * nat * nspin, 0.d0, becsum, 1)
do ik = 1, nksq
if (lgamma) then
ikk = ik
ikq = ik
ikk = 2 * ik - 1
ikq = ikk + 1
if (lsda) current_spin = isk (ikk)
ijkb0 = 0
do nt = 1, ntyp
if (tvanp (nt) ) then
do na = 1, nat
if (ityp (na) .eq.nt) then
ijh = 0
do ih = 1, nh (nt)
ikb = ijkb0 + ih
ijh = ijh + 1
do ibnd = 1, nbnd_occ (ikk)
wgg1 = wg (ibnd, ikk)
becsum (ijh, na, current_spin) = becsum (ijh, na, &
current_spin) + wgg1 * DREAL (conjg (becp1 (ikb, ibnd, ik) ) &
* becp1 (ikb, ibnd, ik) )
do jh = 1, nh (nt)
jkb = ijkb0 + jh
if ( ijh = ijh + 1
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
if ( then
wgg1 = wg (ibnd, ikk)
becsum (ijh, na, current_spin) = becsum (ijh, na, &
current_spin) + wgg1 * 2.d0 * DREAL (conjg (becp1 (ikb, &
ibnd, ik) ) * becp1 (jkb, ibnd, ik) )
ijkb0 = ijkb0 + nh (nt)
if (lgamma) then
ikk = ik
ikq = ik
ikk = 2 * ik - 1
ikq = ikk + 1
if (lsda) current_spin = isk (ikk)
ijkb0 = 0
do nt = 1, ntyp
if (tvanp (nt) ) then
do na = 1, nat
if (ityp (na) .eq.nt) then
ijh = 0
do ih = 1, nh (nt)
ikb = ijkb0 + ih
ijh = ijh + 1
do ibnd = 1, nbnd_occ (ikk)
wgg1 = wg (ibnd, ikk)
becsum(ijh,na,current_spin) = &
becsum(ijh,na,current_spin) + wgg1 * &
DREAL ( conjg(becp1(ikb,ibnd,ik)) * becp1(ikb,ibnd,ik) )
do jh = 1, nh (nt)
jkb = ijkb0 + jh
if ( ijh = ijh + 1
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
if ( then
wgg1 = wg (ibnd, ikk)
becsum(ijh,na,current_spin) = &
becsum(ijh,na,current_spin) + wgg1 * 2.d0 * &
DREAL ( conjg(becp1(ikb,ibnd,ik)) * &
becp1(jkb,ibnd,ik) )
ijkb0 = ijkb0 + nh (nt)
do na = 1, nat
if (ityp(na).eq.nt) ijkb0 = ijkb0 + nh (nt)
do na = 1, nat
if (ityp (na) .eq.nt) ijkb0 = ijkb0 + nh (nt)
! do na=1,nat
! nt=ityp(na)

View File

@ -23,8 +23,7 @@ subroutine drho
use phcom
implicit none
integer :: nt, mode, mu, na, is, ir, irr, iper, npe, nrstot, nu_i, &
integer :: nt, mode, mu, na, is, ir, irr, iper, npe, nrstot, nu_i, nu_j
! counter on atomic types
! counter on modes
! counter on atoms and polarizations

View File

@ -55,16 +55,14 @@ subroutine dv_of_drho (mode, dvscf, flag)
if (nlcc_any.and.flag) then
call addcore (mode, drhoc)
do is = 1, nspin
call DAXPY (nrxx, fac, rho_core, 1, rho (1, is), 1)
call DAXPY (2 * nrxx, fac, drhoc, 1, dvscf (1, is), 1)
call DAXPY (nrxx, fac, rho_core, 1, rho (1, is), 1)
call DAXPY (2*nrxx, fac, drhoc, 1, dvscf (1, is), 1)
do is = 1, nspin
do is1 = 1, nspin
do ir = 1, nrxx
dvaux (ir, is) = dvaux (ir, is) + dmuxc (ir, is, is1) * dvscf (ir, &
dvaux(ir,is) = dvaux(ir,is) + dmuxc(ir,is,is1) * dvscf(ir,is1)
@ -78,37 +76,33 @@ subroutine dv_of_drho (mode, dvscf, flag)
alat, omega, dvaux)
if (nlcc_any.and.flag) then
do is = 1, nspin
call DAXPY (nrxx, - fac, rho_core, 1, rho (1, is), 1)
call DAXPY (2 * nrxx, - fac, drhoc, 1, dvscf (1, is), 1)
call DAXPY (nrxx, -fac, rho_core, 1, rho (1, is), 1)
call DAXPY (2*nrxx, -fac, drhoc, 1, dvscf (1, is), 1)
! copy the total (up+down) delta rho in dvscf(*,1) and go to G-space
do is = 2, nspin
call DAXPY (2 * nrxx, 1.d0, dvscf (1, is), 1, dvscf (1, 1), &
call DAXPY (2 * nrxx, 1.d0, dvscf(1,is), 1, dvscf(1,1), 1)
call cft3 (dvscf, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, - 1)
call cft3 (dvscf, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, -1)
! hartree contribution is computed in reciprocal space
do is = 1, nspin
call cft3 (dvaux (1, is), nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, &
- 1)
call cft3 (dvaux (1, is), nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, - 1)
do ig = 1, ngm
qg2 = (g (1, ig) + xq (1) ) **2 + (g (2, ig) + xq (2) ) **2 + &
(g (3, ig) + xq (3) ) **2
qg2 = (g(1,ig)+xq(1))**2 + (g(2,ig)+xq(2))**2 + (g(3,ig)+xq(3))**2
if ( then
dvaux (nl (ig), is) = dvaux (nl (ig), is) + e2 * fpi * dvscf ( &
nl (ig), 1) / (tpiba2 * qg2)
dvaux(nl(ig),is) = dvaux(nl(ig),is) + &
e2 * fpi * dvscf(nl(ig),1) / (tpiba2 * qg2)
! and transformed back to real space
call cft3 (dvaux (1, is), nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, &
+ 1)
call cft3 (dvaux (1, is), nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, +1)
! at the end the two contributes are added

View File

@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ subroutine dvanqq
call ylmr2 (lqx * lqx, ngm, g, gg, ylmk0)
do ig = 1, ngm
qmodg (ig) = sqrt (gg (ig) )
if (.not.lgamma) then
call setqmod (ngm, xq, g, qmod, qpg)
@ -125,7 +124,6 @@ subroutine dvanqq
aux5 (ig, na, ipol) = sk (ig) * (g (ipol, ig) + xq (ipol) )
do ntb = 1, ntyp
if (tvanp (ntb) ) then
@ -150,7 +148,6 @@ subroutine dvanqq
aux1 (ig) = qgmq (ig) * eigts1 (ig1 (ig), nb) &
* eigts2 (ig2 (ig), nb) &
* eigts3 (ig3 (ig), nb)
do na = 1, nat
fact = eigqts (na) * conjg (eigqts (nb) )
@ -158,7 +155,6 @@ subroutine dvanqq
! nb is the atom of the augmentation function
do ipol = 1, 3
int2 (ih, jh, ipol, na, nb) = fact * fact1 * &
ZDOTC (ngm, aux1, 1, aux5(1,na,ipol), 1)
do jpol = 1, 3

View File

@ -25,19 +25,18 @@ implicit none
integer :: npe
! input: the number of perturbation
complex(kind=DP) :: drhoscf (nrxx, nspin, npe), ldos (nrxx, nspin), &
ldoss (nrxxs, nspin)
! inp/out:the change of the charge
! inp: local DOS at Ef
! inp: local DOS at Ef without augme
complex(kind=DP) :: drhoscf(nrxx,nspin,npe), &
ldos(nrxx,nspin), ldoss(nrxxs,nspin)
! inp/out:the change of the charge
! inp: local DOS at Ef
! inp: local DOS at Ef without augme
real(kind=DP) :: dos_ef
! inp: density of states at Ef
! inp: density of states at Ef
integer :: irr
! inp: index of the current irr. rep.
! inp: index of the current irr. rep.
logical :: flag
! inp: if true the eigenfunctions are updated
! inp: if true the eigenfunctions are updated
! local variables
@ -68,86 +67,61 @@ call start_clock ('ef_shift')
if (.not.flag) then
write (6, * )
do ipert = 1, npert (irr)
delta_n = (0.d0, 0.d0)
do is = 1, nspin
call cft3 (drhoscf (1, is, ipert), nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, &
nrx3, - 1)
if (gg (1) .lt.1.0d-8) delta_n = delta_n + omega * drhoscf (nl &
(1), is, ipert)
call cft3 (drhoscf (1, is, ipert), nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, &
nrx3, + 1)
call reduce (2, delta_n)
def (ipert) = - delta_n / dos_ef
! write (6,*) 'delta_n , dos_ef, def(ipert)'
!scal write (6,*) 'delta_n , dos_ef, def(ipert)'
! write (6,*) delta_n , dos_ef, def(ipert)
delta_n = (0.d0, 0.d0)
do is = 1, nspin
call cft3 (drhoscf(1,is,ipert), nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, -1)
if (gg(1).lt.1.0d-8) delta_n = delta_n + omega*drhoscf(nl(1),is,ipert)
call cft3 (drhoscf(1,is,ipert), nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, +1)
call reduce (2, delta_n)
def (ipert) = - delta_n / dos_ef
! symmetrizes the Fermi energy shift
call sym_def (def, irr)
write (6, '(5x,"Pert. #",i3, &
& ": Fermi energy shift (Ryd) =", &
& 2f10.4)') (ipert, def (ipert) , ipert = 1, npert (irr) )
write (6, '(5x,"Pert. #",i3,": Fermi energy shift (Ryd) =", 2f10.4)') &
(ipert, def (ipert) , ipert = 1, npert (irr) )
! corrects the density response accordingly...
do ipert = 1, npert (irr)
call ZAXPY (nrxx * nspin, def (ipert), ldos, 1, drhoscf (1, 1, &
ipert), 1)
! delta_n= (0.d0,0.d0)
! do is=1,nspin
! call cft3(drhoscf(1,is,ipert),nr1,nr2,nr3,nrx1,nrx2,nrx3,-1
! if (gg(1).lt.1.0d-8)
! + delta_n = delta_n + omega*drhoscf(nl(1),is,ipert)
! call cft3(drhoscf(1,is,ipert),nr1,nr2,nr3,nrx1,nrx2,nrx3,+1
! end do
! call reduce(2,delta_n)
! write (6,*) 'new delta_n , dos_ef, def(ipert)',nd_nmbr
! write (6,*) delta_n , dos_ef, def(ipert)
call ZAXPY (nrxx*nspin, def(ipert), ldos, 1, drhoscf(1,1,ipert), 1)
! does the same for perturbed wfc
do ik = 1, nksq
npw = ngk (ik)
npw = ngk (ik)
! reads unperturbed wavefuctions psi_k in G_space, for all bands
ikrec = ik
if ( call davcio (evc, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikrec, - 1)
ikrec = ik
if ( call davcio (evc, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikrec, - 1)
! reads delta_psi from iunit iudwf, k=kpoint
do ipert = 1, npert (irr)
nrec = (ipert - 1) * nksq + ik
if ( (irr) .gt.1) call davcio (dpsi, lrdwf, &
iudwf, nrec, - 1)
do ibnd = 1, nbnd_occ (ik)
wfshift = 0.5d0 * def (ipert) * w0gauss ( (ef - et (ibnd, ik) ) &
/ degauss, ngauss) / degauss
call ZAXPY (npw, wfshift, evc (1, ibnd), 1, dpsi (1, ibnd), &
do ipert = 1, npert (irr)
nrec = (ipert - 1) * nksq + ik
if ( &
call davcio (dpsi, lrdwf, iudwf, nrec, -1)
do ibnd = 1, nbnd_occ (ik)
wfshift = 0.5d0 * def(ipert) * &
w0gauss( (ef-et(ibnd,ik))/degauss, ngauss) / degauss
call ZAXPY (npw, wfshift, evc(1,ibnd), 1, dpsi(1,ibnd), 1)
! writes corrected delta_psi to iunit iudwf, k=kpoint,
if ( (irr) .gt.1) call davcio (dpsi, lrdwf, &
iudwf, nrec, + 1)
do ipert = 1, npert (irr)
do is = 1, nspin
call ZAXPY (nrxxs, def (ipert), ldoss (1, is), 1, drhoscf (1, &
is, ipert), 1)
if ( &
call davcio (dpsi, lrdwf, iudwf, nrec, +1)
do ipert = 1, npert (irr)
do is = 1, nspin
call ZAXPY (nrxxs, def(ipert), ldoss(1,is), 1, drhoscf(1,is,ipert), 1)
call stop_clock ('ef_shift')

View File

@ -75,8 +75,7 @@ subroutine localdos (ldos, ldoss, dos_ef)
call start_clock ('localdos')
allocate (becsum1( (nhm * (nhm + 1)) / 2, nat, nspin))
call setv ( (nhm * (nhm + 1) ) / 2 * nat * nspin, 0.d0, becsum1, &
call setv ( (nhm * (nhm + 1) ) / 2 * nat * nspin, 0.d0, becsum1, 1)
call setv (2 * nrxx * nspin, 0.d0, ldos, 1)
call setv (2 * nrxxs * nspin, 0.d0, ldoss, 1)
dos_ef = 0.d0
@ -100,29 +99,23 @@ subroutine localdos (ldos, ldoss, dos_ef)
call ccalbec (nkb, npwx, npw, nbnd, becp, vkb, evc)
do ibnd = 1, nbnd_occ (ik)
wdelta = w0gauss ( (ef - et (ibnd, ik) ) / degauss, ngauss) &
/ degauss
wdelta = w0gauss ( (ef-et(ibnd,ik)) / degauss, ngauss) / degauss
! unperturbed wf from reciprocal to real space
call setv (2 * nrxxs, 0.d0, psic, 1)
do ig = 1, npw
psic (nls (igk (ig) ) ) = evc (ig, ibnd)
call cft3s (psic, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nrx1s, nrx2s, nrx3s, + 1)
w1 = weight * wdelta / omega
do j = 1, nrxxs
ldoss (j, current_spin) = ldoss (j, current_spin) + w1 * (DREAL ( &
psic (j) ) **2 + DIMAG (psic (j) ) **2)
ldoss (j, current_spin) = ldoss (j, current_spin) + &
w1 * (DREAL ( psic (j) ) **2 + DIMAG (psic (j) ) **2)
! If we have a US pseudopotential we compute here the sumbec term
w1 = weight * wdelta
ijkb0 = 0
do nt = 1, ntyp
@ -152,7 +145,6 @@ subroutine localdos (ldos, ldoss, dos_ef)
if (ityp (na) .eq.nt) ijkb0 = ijkb0 + nh (nt)
dos_ef = dos_ef + weight * wdelta

View File

@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ subroutine newdq (dvscf, npe)
do ig = 1, ngm
qmod (ig) = sqrt (gg (ig) )
! and for each perturbation of this irreducible representation
@ -90,6 +89,7 @@ subroutine newdq (dvscf, npe)
! the Q functions
do ipert = 1, npe
do is = 1, nspin
do ir = 1, nrxx
veff (ir) = dvscf (ir, is, ipert)
@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ subroutine newdq (dvscf, npe)
do ig = 1, ngm
aux2 (ig, is) = veff (nl (ig) )
do nt = 1, ntyp
if (tvanp (nt) ) then
do ih = 1, nh (nt)
@ -108,48 +108,40 @@ subroutine newdq (dvscf, npe)
do na = 1, nat
if (ityp (na) .eq.nt) then
do ig = 1, ngm
aux1(ig)=qgm(ig)*eigts1(ig1(ig),na)*eigts2(ig2( &
aux1(ig) = qgm(ig) * eigts1(ig1(ig),na) * &
eigts2(ig2(ig),na) * &
eigts3(ig3(ig),na) * &
do is = 1, nspin
int3(ih,jh,ipert,na,is)=omega*ZDOTC(ngm,aux1,1, &
aux2 (1, is), 1)
int3(ih,jh,ipert,na,is) = omega * &
! ps contain the integral of V_loc and Q_nm
do na = 1, nat
if (ityp (na) .eq.nt) then
if (ityp(na) .eq.nt) then
! We use the symmetry properties of the ps factor
do ih = 1, nh (nt)
do jh = ih, nh (nt)
do is = 1, nspin
int3 (jh,ih,ipert,na,is)=int3(ih,jh,ipert,na,is)
int3(jh,ih,ipert,na,is) = int3(ih,jh,ipert,na,is)
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (2 * nhm * nhm * 3 * nat * nspin, int3)
! do ih = 1,nh(1)
! do jh=1,nh(1)
! write(6,*) int3(jh,ih,1,1,1)
! enddo
! enddo
! call stop_ph(.true.)
if (.not.lgamma) deallocate (qg)
deallocate (qmod)
deallocate (ylmk0)

View File

@ -124,10 +124,9 @@ subroutine phq_init
if (.not.lgamma) then
call gk_sort (xk (1, ikq), ngm, g, ecutwfc / tpiba2, npwq, igkq, g2kin)
if ( write (iunigk) npwq, igkq
if (abs (xq (1) - (xk (1, ikq) - xk (1, ikk) ) ) &
.gt.1.d-8.or.abs (xq (2) - (xk (2, ikq) - xk (2, ikk) ) ) &
.gt.1.d-8.or.abs (xq (3) - (xk (3, ikq) - xk (3, ikk) ) ) &
.gt.1.d-8) then
if (abs (xq (1) - (xk (1, ikq) - xk (1, ikk) ) ) .gt.1.d-8 .or. &
abs (xq (2) - (xk (2, ikq) - xk (2, ikk) ) ) .gt.1.d-8 .or. &
abs (xq (3) - (xk (3, ikq) - xk (3, ikk) ) ) .gt.1.d-8) then
write (6, * ) ikk, ikq, nksq
write (6, * ) (xq (ipol), ipol = 1, 3)
write (6, * ) (xk (ipol, ikq), ipol = 1, 3)
@ -140,17 +139,12 @@ subroutine phq_init
call init_us_2 (npw, igk, xk (1, ikk), vkb)
! e) we compute also the becp terms which are used in the rest of
! the code
! read the wavefunctions at k
call davcio (evc, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikk, - 1)
! if there is only one k-point the wavefunctions are read once here
if (nksq.eq.1.and..not.lgamma) call davcio (evq, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikq, -1)
! e) we compute the becp terms which are used in the rest of
! the code
call ccalbec (nkb, npwx, npw, nbnd, becp1 (1, 1, ik), vkb, evc)
! e') we compute the derivative of the becp term with respect to an
@ -164,9 +158,13 @@ subroutine phq_init
call ccalbec (nkb, npwx, npw, nbnd, alphap(1,1,ipol,ik), vkb, aux1)
! if there is only one k-point the k+q wavefunctions are read once here
if (nksq.eq.1.and..not.lgamma) call davcio (evq, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikq, -1)
deallocate (aux1)

View File

@ -225,10 +225,9 @@ subroutine do_chdens
! reading the rest of input (spanning vectors, origin, number-of points)
if ( then
read (inunit, *, err = 1100, iostat = ios) (e (ipol, 1), &
ipol = 1, 3)
if (e (1, 1) **2 + e (2, 1) **2 + e (3, 1) ** call &
errore ('chdens', 'zero vector', 1)
read (inunit, *, err = 1100, iostat = ios) (e (ipol,1), ipol = 1, 3)
if (e(1,1)**2 + e(2,1)**2 + e(3,1)**2 .lt. 1d-3) &
call errore ('chdens', 'zero vector', 1)
if (iflag.eq.1) then
@ -242,44 +241,39 @@ subroutine do_chdens
! reading for the 2D and 3D plots
read (inunit, *, err = 1100, iostat = ios) (e (ipol, 2), &
ipol = 1, 3)
read (inunit, *, err = 1100, iostat = ios) (e(ipol,2), ipol=1,3)
! here we control that the vectors are not on the same line
if ( (abs (e (1, 1) * e (2, 2) - e (2, 1) * e (1, 2) ) .lt.1e-7 ) &
.and. (abs (e (3, 1) * e (1, 2) - e (1, 1) * e (3, 2) ) .lt.1e-7) &
.and. (abs (e (3, 1) * e (2, 2) - e (2, 1) * e (3, 2) ) .lt.1e-7) ) &
call errore ('chdens', 'vectors on the same line', 1)
if ( (abs(e(1,1)*e(2,2) - e(2,1)*e(1,2) ) .lt. 1e-7) .and. &
(abs(e(3,1)*e(1,2) - e(1,1)*e(3,2) ) .lt. 1e-7) .and. &
(abs(e(3,1)*e(2,2) - e(2,1)*e(3,2) ) .lt. 1e-7) ) &
call errore ('chdens', 'vectors on the same line', 1)
! and here that they are orthogonal
if (abs (e (1, 1) * e (1, 2) + e (2, 1) * e (2, 2) + e (3, 1) &
& * e (3, 2) ) .gt.1e-4) call errore ('chdens', &
'vectors are not orthogonal', 1)
if (abs(e(1,1)*e(1,2) + e(2,1)*e(2,2) + e(3,1)*e(3,2)) .gt. 1e-4) &
call errore ('chdens', 'vectors are not orthogonal', 1)
if (iflag.eq.3) then
! reading for the 3D plot
read (inunit, *, err = 1100, iostat = ios) (e (ipol, 3), &
ipol = 1, 3)
read (inunit, *, err=1100, iostat=ios) (e(ipol,3), ipol=1,3)
! here we control that the vectors are not on the same line
if ( (abs (e (1, 1) * e (2, 3) - e (2, 1) * e (1, 3) ) &
.lt.1e-7) .and. (abs (e (3, 1) * e (1, 3) - e (1, 1) &
* e (3, 3) ) .lt.1e-7) .and. (abs (e (3, 1) * e (2, 3) &
- e (2, 1) * e (3, 3) ) .lt.1e-7) ) call errore ('chdens', &
'vectors on the same line', 2)
if ( (abs(e(1,1)*e(2,3) - e(2,1)*e(1,3)) .lt. 1e-7) .and. &
(abs(e(3,1)*e(1,3) - e(1,1)*e(3,3)) .lt. 1e-7) .and. &
(abs(e(3,1)*e(2,3) - e(2,1)*e(3,3)) .lt. 1e-7) ) &
call errore ('chdens', 'vectors on the same line', 2)
! and here that they are orthogonal
if (abs (e (1, 1) * e (1, 3) + e (2, 1) * e (2, 3) + e (3, &
1) * e (3, 3) ) .gt.1e-4.or.abs (e (1, 2) * e (1, 3) &
+ e (2, 2) * e (2, 3) + e (3, 2) * e (3, 3) ) .gt.1e-4) &
call errore ('chdens', 'vectors are not orthogonal', 2)
if (abs(e(1,1)*e(1,3) + e(2,1)*e(2,3) + e(3,1)*e(3,3)) .gt. 1e-4 .or. &
abs(e(1,2)*e(1,3) + e(2,2)*e(2,3) + e(3,2)*e(3,3)) .gt. 1e-4) &
call errore ('chdens', 'vectors are not orthogonal', 2)
read (inunit, *, err = 1100, iostat = ios) (x0 (ipol), ipol = &
1, 3)
@ -296,15 +290,13 @@ subroutine do_chdens
! check for plot_out
if ( call errore ('chdens', &
'plot_out wrong', 1)
if ( call errore ('chdens','plot_out wrong',1)
! Read the header and allocate objects
call plot_io (filepp (1), title, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, &
nr3, nat, ntyp, ibrav, celldm, at, gcutm, dual, ecutwfc, &
plot_num, atm, ityp, zv, tau, rhodum, 0)
call plot_io (filepp (1), title, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, nr3, &
nat, ntyp, ibrav, celldm, at, gcutm, dual, ecutwfc, &
plot_num, atm, ityp, zv, tau, rhodum, 0)
allocate(tau (3, nat))
@ -320,11 +312,9 @@ subroutine do_chdens
nspin = 1
if ( call latgen (ibrav, celldm, at (1, 1), &
& at (1, 2), at (1, 3) )
call recips (at (1, 1), at (1, 2), at (1, 3), bg (1, 1), bg (1, 2) &
, bg (1, 3) )
call volume (alat, at (1, 1), at (1, 2), at (1, 3), omega)
if ( call latgen (ibrav, celldm, at(1,1), at(1,2), at(1,3) )
call recips (at(1,1), at(1,2), at(1,3), bg(1,1), bg(1,2), bg(1,3) )
call volume (alat, at(1,1), at(1,2), at(1,3), omega)
call set_fft_dim
@ -334,9 +324,9 @@ subroutine do_chdens
! Read first file
call plot_io (filepp (1), title, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, &
nr3, nat, ntyp, ibrav, celldm, at, gcutm, dual, ecutwfc, &
plot_num, atm, ityp, zv, tau, rho, -1)
call plot_io (filepp (1), title, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, nr3, &
nat, ntyp, ibrav, celldm, at, gcutm, dual, ecutwfc, &
plot_num, atm, ityp, zv, tau, rho, -1)
do ir = 1, nrxx
psic (ir) = weight (1) * cmplx (rho (ir, 1),0.d0)
@ -370,8 +360,7 @@ subroutine do_chdens
do ir = 1, nrxx
psic (ir) = psic (ir) + weight (ifile) * cmplx (rho (ir, 1), &
psic(ir) = psic(ir) + weight(ifile) * cmplx(rho(ir,1),0.d0)
@ -380,8 +369,7 @@ subroutine do_chdens
if (' ') then
ounit = 1
open (unit = ounit, file = fileout, form = 'formatted', status &
= 'unknown')
open (unit=ounit, file=fileout, form='formatted', status='unknown')
write (6, '(5x,"Writing data on file ",a)') fileout
ounit = 6
@ -410,11 +398,8 @@ subroutine do_chdens
if ( then
m1 = sqrt (e (1, 1) **2 + e (2, 1) **2 + e (3, 1) **2)
if ( m2 = sqrt (e (1, 2) **2 + e (2, 2) **2 + e (3, &
2) **2)
if (iflag.eq.3) m3 = sqrt (e (1, 3) **2 + e (2, 3) **2 + e (3, &
3) **2)
if ( m2 = sqrt(e(1,2)**2 + e(2,2)**2 + e(3,2)**2)
if (iflag.eq.3) m3 = sqrt(e(1,3)**2 + e(2,3)**2 + e(3,3)**2)
do ipol = 1, 3
e (ipol, 1) = e (ipol, 1) / m1
@ -450,7 +435,7 @@ subroutine do_chdens
! bring the quantity in real space and write the output file
call setv (2 * nrxx, 0.d0, psic, 1)
psic(:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
do ig = 1, ngm
psic (nl (ig) ) = vgc (ig)
@ -459,19 +444,17 @@ subroutine do_chdens
do ir = 1, nrxx
rho (ir, 1) = real (psic (ir) )
call plot_io (filepol, title, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, &
nr3, nat, ntyp, ibrav, celldm, at, gcutm, dual, ecutwfc, &
plot_num, atm, ityp, zv, tau, rho, + 1)
call plot_io (filepol, title, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, nr3, &
nat, ntyp, ibrav, celldm, at, gcutm, dual, ecutwfc, &
plot_num, atm, ityp, zv, tau, rho, + 1)
! And now the plot
if (iflag.eq.1) then
call plot_1d (nx, m1, x0, e, ngm, g, vgc, alat, plot_out, &
call plot_1d (nx, m1, x0, e, ngm, g, vgc, alat, plot_out, ounit)
elseif (iflag.eq.2) then
@ -479,8 +462,7 @@ subroutine do_chdens
at, nat, tau, atm, ityp, output_format, ounit)
if (output_format.eq.2) then
write (ounit, '(i4)') nat
write (ounit, '(3f8.4,i3)') ( (tau (ipol, na) , ipol = 1, 3) &
, 1, na = 1, nat)
write (ounit, '(3f8.4,i3)') ( (tau(ipol,na), ipol=1,3), 1, na=1,nat)
write (ounit, '(f10.6)') celldm (1)
write (ounit, '(3(3f12.6/))') at
@ -517,9 +499,7 @@ subroutine do_chdens
elseif (iflag.eq.4) then
radius = radius / alat
call plot_2ds (nx, ny, radius, ngm, g, vgc, output_format, &
call plot_2ds (nx, ny, radius, ngm, g, vgc, output_format, ounit)
call errore ('chdens', 'wrong iflag', 1)
@ -531,8 +511,7 @@ subroutine do_chdens
end subroutine do_chdens
subroutine plot_1d (nx, m1, x0, e, ngm, g, vgc, alat, plot_out, &
subroutine plot_1d (nx, m1, x0, e, ngm, g, vgc, alat, plot_out, ounit)
use parameters, only : DP
@ -567,7 +546,7 @@ subroutine plot_1d (nx, m1, x0, e, ngm, g, vgc, alat, plot_out, &
complex(kind=DP) :: rho0g, carica (nx)
deltax = m1 / (nx - 1)
call setv (2 * nx, 0.d0, carica, 1)
carica(:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
if (plot_out.eq.1) then
do i = 1, nx
xi = x0 (1) + (i - 1) * deltax * e (1)
@ -580,10 +559,8 @@ subroutine plot_1d (nx, m1, x0, e, ngm, g, vgc, alat, plot_out, &
! NB: G are in 2pi/alat units, r are in alat units
arg = 2.d0 * pi * (xi * g (1, ig) + yi * g (2, ig) + zi * g (3, &
ig) )
carica (i) = carica (i) + vgc (ig) * cmplx (cos (arg), sin ( &
arg) )
arg = 2.d0 * pi * ( xi*g(1,ig) + yi*g(2,ig) + zi*g(3,ig) )
carica(i) = carica(i) + vgc (ig) * cmplx(cos(arg),sin(arg))
@ -597,16 +574,15 @@ subroutine plot_1d (nx, m1, x0, e, ngm, g, vgc, alat, plot_out, &
! G!=0 terms
do ig = 2, ngm
arg = 2.d0 * pi * (x0 (1) * g (1, ig) + x0 (2) * g (2, ig) &
+ x0 (3) * g (3, ig) )
arg = 2.d0 * pi * ( x0(1)*g(1,ig) + x0(2)*g(2,ig) + x0(3)*g(3,ig) )
! This displaces the origin into x0
rho0g = vgc (ig) * cmplx (cos (arg), sin (arg) )
rho0g = vgc (ig) * cmplx(cos(arg),sin(arg))
! r =0 term
carica (1) = carica (1) + 4.d0 * pi * rho0g
! r!=0 terms
do i = 2, nx
gr = 2.d0 * pi * sqrt (g (1, ig) **2 + g (2, ig) **2 + g (3, &
ig) **2) * (i - 1) * deltax
gr = 2.d0 * pi * sqrt(g(1,ig)**2 + g(2,ig)**2 + g(3,ig)**2) * &
(i-1) * deltax
carica (i) = carica (i) + 4.d0 * pi * rho0g * sin (gr) / gr
@ -615,27 +591,24 @@ subroutine plot_1d (nx, m1, x0, e, ngm, g, vgc, alat, plot_out, &
! Here we check the value of the resulting charge
rhomin = 1.0d10
rhomax = - 1.0d10
rhomin = 1.0d10
rhomax = -1.0d10
rhoim = 0.d0
do i = 1, nx
rhomin = min (rhomin, DREAL (carica (i) ) )
rhomax = max (rhomax, DREAL (carica (i) ) )
rhoim = rhoim + abs (DIMAG (carica (i) ) )
rhoim = rhoim / nx
print '(5x,"Min, Max, imaginary charge: ",3f12.6)', rhomin, &
rhomax, rhoim
print '(5x,"Min, Max, imaginary charge: ",3f12.6)', rhomin, rhomax, rhoim
! we print the charge on output
if (plot_out.eq.1) then
do i = 1, nx
write (ounit, '(2f20.10)') deltax * float (i - 1) , real ( &
carica (i) )
write (ounit, '(2f20.10)') deltax*float(i-1), real(carica(i))
rhoint = 0.d0
@ -643,10 +616,8 @@ subroutine plot_1d (nx, m1, x0, e, ngm, g, vgc, alat, plot_out, &
! simple trapezoidal rule: rhoint=int carica(i) r^2(i) dr
rhoint = rhoint + real (carica (i) ) * ( (i - 1) * deltax) **2 &
* deltax * alat**3
write (ounit, '(3f20.10)') deltax * float (i - 1) , real ( &
carica (i) ) , rhoint
rhoint = rhoint + real(carica(i)) * (i-1)**2 * (deltax*alat)**3
write (ounit, '(3f20.10)') deltax*float(i-1), real(carica(i)), rhoint
@ -671,8 +642,7 @@ subroutine plot_2d (nx, ny, m1, m2, x0, e, ngm, g, vgc, alat, &
! output unit
! output format
character(len=3) :: atm(*) ! atomic symbols
real(kind=DP) :: e (3, 2), x0 (3), m1, m2, g (3, ngm), &
alat, tau (3, nat), at (3, 3)
real(kind=DP) :: e(3,2), x0(3), m1, m2, g(3,ngm), alat, tau(3,nat), at(3,3)
! vectors e1, e2 defining the plane
! origin
! modulus of e1
@ -701,7 +671,7 @@ subroutine plot_2d (nx, ny, m1, m2, x0, e, ngm, g, vgc, alat, &
deltax = m1 / (nx - 1)
deltay = m2 / (ny - 1)
call setv (2 * nx * ny, 0.d0, carica, 1)
carica(:,:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
do ig = 1, ngm
! eigx=exp(iG*e1+iGx0), eigy=(iG*e2)
@ -725,8 +695,8 @@ subroutine plot_2d (nx, ny, m1, m2, x0, e, ngm, g, vgc, alat, &
! Here we check the value of the resulting charge
rhomin = 1.0d10
rhomax = - 1.0d10
rhomin = 1.0d10
rhomax = -1.0d10
rhoim = 0.d0
do i = 1, nx
@ -739,8 +709,7 @@ subroutine plot_2d (nx, ny, m1, m2, x0, e, ngm, g, vgc, alat, &
rhoim = rhoim / nx / ny
print '(5x,"Min, Max, imaginary charge: ",3f12.6)', rhomin, &
rhomax, rhoim
print '(5x,"Min, Max, imaginary charge: ",3f12.6)', rhomin, rhomax, rhoim
print '(5x,"Output format: ",i3)', output_format
@ -752,7 +721,7 @@ subroutine plot_2d (nx, ny, m1, m2, x0, e, ngm, g, vgc, alat, &
! write(ounit,'(2i6)') nx,ny
do i = 1, nx
write (ounit, '(e25.14)') (DREAL (carica (i, j) ) , j = 1, ny)
write (ounit, '(e25.14)') ( DREAL(carica(i,j)), j = 1, ny )
write (ounit, * )
elseif (output_format.eq.1) then
@ -760,8 +729,7 @@ subroutine plot_2d (nx, ny, m1, m2, x0, e, ngm, g, vgc, alat, &
! contour.x format
write (ounit, '(3i5,2e25.14)') nx, ny, 1, deltax, deltay
write (ounit, '(4e25.14)') ( (DREAL (carica (i, j) ) , j = 1, &
ny) , i = 1, nx)
write (ounit, '(4e25.14)') ( ( DREAL(carica(i,j)), j = 1, ny ), i = 1, nx )
elseif (output_format.eq.2) then
! plotrho format
@ -769,8 +737,7 @@ subroutine plot_2d (nx, ny, m1, m2, x0, e, ngm, g, vgc, alat, &
write (ounit, '(2i4)') nx - 1, ny - 1
write (ounit, '(8f8.4)') (deltax * (i - 1) , i = 1, nx)
write (ounit, '(8f8.4)') (deltay * (j - 1) , j = 1, ny)
write (ounit, '(6e12.4)') ( (DREAL (carica (i, j) ) , i = 1, &
nx) , j = 1, ny)
write (ounit, '(6e12.4)') ( ( DREAL(carica(i,j)), i = 1, nx ), j = 1, ny )
write (ounit, '(3f8.4)') x0
write (ounit, '(3f8.4)') (m1 * e (i, 1) , i = 1, 3)
write (ounit, '(3f8.4)') (m2 * e (i, 2) , i = 1, 3)
@ -792,8 +759,7 @@ subroutine plot_2d (nx, ny, m1, m2, x0, e, ngm, g, vgc, alat, &
end subroutine plot_2d
subroutine plot_2ds (nx, ny, x0, ngm, g, vgc, output_format, &
subroutine plot_2ds (nx, ny, x0, ngm, g, vgc, output_format, ounit)
use parameters, only : DP
@ -813,8 +779,7 @@ subroutine plot_2ds (nx, ny, x0, ngm, g, vgc, output_format, &
integer :: i, j, ig
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: r (:,:,:)
real(kind=DP) :: theta, phi, rhomin, rhomax, rhoim, &
deltax, deltay
real(kind=DP) :: theta, phi, rhomin, rhomax, rhoim, deltax, deltay
! the point in space
! the position on the sphere
! minimum value of the charge
@ -835,7 +800,7 @@ subroutine plot_2ds (nx, ny, x0, ngm, g, vgc, output_format, &
deltay = pi / (ny - 1)
call setv (2 * nx * ny, 0.d0, carica, 1)
carica(:,:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
do j = 1, ny
do i = 1, nx
phi = (i - 1) * deltax
@ -852,8 +817,8 @@ subroutine plot_2ds (nx, ny, x0, ngm, g, vgc, output_format, &
do j = 1, ny
do i = 1, nx
eig = exp ( (0.d0,1.d0) * 2.d0 * pi * (r (1, i, j) * g (1, ig) &
+ r (2, i, j) * g (2, ig) + r (3, i, j) * g (3, ig) ) )
eig = exp ( (0.d0,1.d0) * 2.d0 * pi * &
( r(1,i,j)*g(1,ig) + r(2,i,j)*g(2,ig) + r(3,i,j)*g(3,ig) ) )
carica (i, j) = carica (i, j) + vgc (ig) * eig
@ -861,8 +826,8 @@ subroutine plot_2ds (nx, ny, x0, ngm, g, vgc, output_format, &
! Here we check the value of the resulting charge
rhomin = 1.0d10
rhomax = - 1.0d10
rhomin = 1.0d10
rhomax = -1.0d10
rhoim = 0.d0
do i = 1, nx
@ -875,8 +840,7 @@ subroutine plot_2ds (nx, ny, x0, ngm, g, vgc, output_format, &
rhoim = rhoim / nx / ny
print '(5x,"Min, Max, imaginary charge: ",3f12.6)', rhomin, &
rhomax, rhoim
print '(5x,"Min, Max, imaginary charge: ",3f12.6)', rhomin, rhomax, rhoim
! and we print the charge on output
@ -886,15 +850,14 @@ subroutine plot_2ds (nx, ny, x0, ngm, g, vgc, output_format, &
write (ounit, '(2i8)') nx, ny
do i = 1, nx
write (ounit, '(e25.14)') (DREAL (carica (i, j) ) , j = 1, ny)
write (ounit, '(e25.14)') ( DREAL(carica(i,j)), j = 1, ny )
elseif (output_format.eq.1) then
! contour.x format
write (ounit, '(3i5,2e25.14)') nx, ny, 1, deltax, deltay
write (ounit, '(4e25.14)') ( (DREAL (carica (i, j) ) , j = 1, &
ny) , i = 1, nx)
write (ounit, '(4e25.14)') ( ( DREAL(carica(i,j)), j = 1, ny ), i = 1, nx )
call errore ('plot_2ds', 'not implemented plot', 1)
@ -921,8 +884,8 @@ subroutine plot_3d (alat, at, nat, tau, atm, ityp, ngm, g, vgc, &
! output unit
character(len=3) :: atm(*)
real(kind=DP) :: alat, tau (3, nat), at (3, 3), g (3, ngm), e (3, 3), &
x0 (3), m1, m2, m3, dipol(0:3)
real(kind=DP) :: alat, tau(3,nat), at(3,3), g(3,ngm), e(3,3), x0(3), &
m1, m2, m3, dipol(0:3)
! lattice parameter
! atomic positions
! lattice vectors
@ -961,16 +924,16 @@ subroutine plot_3d (alat, at, nat, tau, atm, ityp, ngm, g, vgc, &
! These factors are calculated and stored in order to save CPU time
do i = 1, nx
eigx (i) = exp((0.d0, 1.d0)*2.d0*pi*((i - 1) * deltax * &
(e(1,1)*g(1,ig)+e(2,1)*g(2,ig)+e(3,1)*g(3,ig)) &
+(x0(1)*g(1,ig)+x0(2)*g(2,ig)+x0(3)*g(3,ig) ) ) )
eigx (i) = exp( (0.d0,1.d0) * 2.d0 * pi * ( (i-1) * deltax * &
(e(1,1)*g(1,ig)+e(2,1)*g(2,ig)+e(3,1)*g(3,ig)) + &
( x0(1)*g(1,ig)+ x0(2)*g(2,ig)+ x0(3)*g(3,ig)) ) )
do j = 1, ny
eigy (j) = exp ( (0.d0,1.d0)*2.d0*pi*(j-1)*deltay* &
(e(1,2)*g(1,ig)+e(2,2)*g(2,ig)+e(3,2)*g(3,ig) ) )
eigy (j) = exp( (0.d0,1.d0) * 2.d0 * pi * (j-1) * deltay * &
(e(1,2)*g(1,ig)+e(2,2)*g(2,ig)+e(3,2)*g(3,ig)) )
do k = 1, nz
eigz (k) = exp ( (0.d0,1.d0)*2.d0*pi*(k-1)*deltaz* &
eigz (k) = exp( (0.d0,1.d0) * 2.d0 * pi * (k-1) * deltaz * &
(e(1,3)*g(1,ig)+e(2,3)*g(2,ig)+e(3,3)*g(3,ig)) )
do k = 1, nz
@ -1037,8 +1000,8 @@ subroutine plot_3d (alat, at, nat, tau, atm, ityp, ngm, g, vgc, &
do ipol=1,3
dipol(ipol)=dipol(ipol) / suma * omega * alat
print '(/5x,"Min, Max, Total, Abs charge: ",4f10.6)', rhomin, &
rhomax, rhotot, rhoabs
print '(/5x,"Min, Max, Total, Abs charge: ",4f10.6)', rhomin, rhomax, &
rhotot, rhoabs
if (output_format.eq.4) then
@ -1075,7 +1038,7 @@ subroutine plot_fast (alat, at, nat, tau, atm, ityp,&
use parameters, only : DP
implicit none
integer :: nat, ityp (nat), nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, nr3, &
integer :: nat, ityp(nat), nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, nr3, &
output_format, ounit
character(len=3) :: atm(*)

View File

@ -55,9 +55,8 @@ subroutine do_elf (elf)
do is = 2, nspin
call DAXPY (nrxx, 1.d0, rho (1, is), 1, rho (1, 1), 1)
call setv (2 * nrxx, 0d0, aux, 1)
call setv (nrxx, 0d0, kkin, 1)
aux(:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
kkin(:) = 0.d0
! Calculates local kinetic energy, stored in kkin
@ -75,19 +74,16 @@ subroutine do_elf (elf)
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
do j = 1, 3
call setv (2 * nrxx, 0d0, aux, 1)
aux(:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
w1 = wg (ibnd, ik) / omega
do i = 1, npw
gv (j) = (xk (j, ik) + g (j, igk (i) ) ) * tpiba
aux (nl (igk (i) ) ) = cmplx (0d0, gv (j) ) * evc (i, ibnd)
call cft3 (aux, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, 1)
do i = 1, nrxx
kkin (i) = kkin (i) + w1 * (real (aux (i) ) **2 + DIMAG (aux (i) ) &
kkin(i) = kkin(i) + w1 * (real(aux(i))**2 + DIMAG(aux(i))**2)
! j
@ -103,47 +99,43 @@ subroutine do_elf (elf)
! reduce local kinetic energy across pools
call poolreduce (nrxx, kkin)
call psymrho (kkin, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, nr3, nsym, s, &
call psymrho (kkin, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, nr3, nsym, s, ftau)
call symrho (kkin, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, nr3, nsym, s, ftau)
call symrho (kkin, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, nr3, nsym, s, ftau)
! Calculates the bosonic kinetic density, stored in tbos
! aux --> charge density in Fourier space
! aux2 --> iG * rho(G)
call setv (nrxx, 0d0, tbos, 1)
call setv (2 * nrxx, 0d0, aux, 1)
tbos(:) = 0.d0
aux(:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
call DCOPY (nrxx, rho, 1, aux, 2)
call cft3 (aux, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, - 1)
do j = 1, 3
call setv (2 * nrxx, 0d0, aux2, 1)
aux2(:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
do i = 1, ngm
aux2 (nl (i) ) = aux (nl (i) ) * cmplx (0.0d0, g (j, i) * tpiba)
aux2(nl(i)) = aux(nl(i)) * cmplx (0.0d0, g(j,i)*tpiba)
call cft3 (aux2, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, 1)
do i = 1, nrxx
tbos (i) = tbos (i) + real (aux2 (i) ) **2
tbos (i) = tbos (i) + real(aux2(i))**2
! Calculates ELF
fac = 5.d0 / (3.d0 * (3.d0 * pi**2) ** (2.d0 / 3.d0) )
call setv (nrxx, 0d0, elf, 1)
elf(:) = 0.d0
do i = 1, nrxx
arho = abs (rho (i, 1) )
if ( then
d = fac / (rho (i, 1) ** (5d0 / 3d0) ) * (kkin (i) - 0.25d0 * &
tbos (i) / rho (i, 1) )
d = fac / rho(i,1)**(5d0/3d0) * (kkin(i)-0.25d0*tbos(i)/rho(i,1))
elf (i) = 1.0d0 / (1.0d0 + d**2)
deallocate (aux)
deallocate (aux2)

View File

@ -37,13 +37,12 @@ subroutine ggen1d (ngm1d, g1d, gg1d, ig1dto3d, nl1d, igtongl1d)
parameter (eps = 1.d-12)
call setv (nr3 * 3, 0.d0, g1d, 1)
call setv (nr3, 0.d0, gg1d, 1)
g1d(:,:) = 0.d0
gg1d(:) = 0.d0
ig1d = 0
do ig = 1, ngm
if ( (abs (g (1, ig) ) .lt.eps) .and. (abs (g (2, ig) ) .lt.eps) ) &
if ( (abs(g(1,ig)).lt.eps) .and. (abs(g(2,ig)) .lt.eps) ) then
! a vector of the 1D grid has been found

View File

@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ subroutine local_dos (iflag, lsign, kpoint, kband, emin, emax, dos)
logical :: lgamma
external w0gauss, w1gauss
call setv (nrxx * nspin, 0.d0, rho, 1)
call setv (nrxx, 0.d0, dos, 1)
call setv ( (nhm * (nhm + 1) ) / 2 * nat * nspin, 0.d0, becsum, 1)
rho(:,:) = 0.d0
dos(:) = 0.d0
becsum(:,:,:) = 0.d0
! calculate the correct weights
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ subroutine local_dos (iflag, lsign, kpoint, kband, emin, emax, dos)
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
if ( then
call setv (2 * nrxxs, 0.d0, psic, 1)
psic(1:nrxxs) = (0.d0,0.d0)
do ig = 1, npw
psic (nls (igk (ig) ) ) = evc (ig, ibnd)

View File

@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ subroutine local_dos1d (ik, kband, plan)
allocate (prho(nrxx))
allocate (aux(nrxx))
call setv (nrxx, 0.d0, aux, 1)
aux(:) = 0.d0
becsum(:,:,:) = 0.d0
call setv ( (nhm * (nhm + 1) ) / 2 * nat * nspin, 0.d0, becsum, 1)
wg (kband, ik) = 1.d0
@ -71,17 +71,15 @@ subroutine local_dos1d (ik, kband, plan)
! mesh
call setv (2 * nrxxs, 0.d0, psic, 1)
psic(1:nrxxs) = (0.d0,0.d0)
do ig = 1, npw
psic (nls (igk (ig) ) ) = evc (ig, kband)
call cft3s (psic, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nrx1s, nrx2s, nrx3s, 2)
w1 = wg (kband, ik) / omega
do ir = 1, nrxxs
aux (ir) = aux (ir) + w1 * (real (psic (ir) ) **2 + DIMAG (psic ( &
ir) ) **2)
aux(ir) = aux(ir) + w1 * (real(psic(ir))**2 + DIMAG(psic(ir))**2)
! If we have a US pseudopotential we compute here the sumbec term
@ -97,15 +95,15 @@ subroutine local_dos1d (ik, kband, plan)
ijh = 1
do ih = 1, nh (np)
ikb = ijkb0 + ih
becsum (ijh, na, current_spin) = becsum (ijh, na, &
current_spin) + w1 * real (conjg (becp (ikb, ibnd) ) &
* becp (ikb, ibnd) )
becsum(ijh,na,current_spin) = &
becsum(ijh,na,current_spin) + w1 * &
real ( conjg(becp(ikb,ibnd)) * becp(ikb,ibnd) )
ijh = ijh + 1
do jh = ih + 1, nh (np)
jkb = ijkb0 + jh
becsum (ijh, na, current_spin) = becsum (ijh, na, &
current_spin) + w1 * 2.d0 * real (conjg (becp (ikb, ibnd) ) &
* becp (jkb, ibnd) )
becsum(ijh,na,current_spin) = &
becsum(ijh,na,current_spin) + w1 * 2.d0 * &
real( conjg(becp(ikb,ibnd)) * becp(jkb,ibnd) )
ijh = ijh + 1

View File

@ -59,15 +59,14 @@ subroutine plan_avg (averag, plan, ninter)
! Compute the number of planes and the coordinates on the mesh of th
! points which define each plane
call setv (nat, 0.d0, avg, 1)
avg(:) = 0.d0
ninter = 1
z1 (ninter) = tau (3, 1)
avg (ninter) = tau (3, 1)
ntau (ninter) = 1
do na = 2, nat
do iin = 1, ninter
if (abs (mod (z1 (iin) - tau (3, na), celldm (3) ) ) .lt.sp_min) &
if (abs (mod (z1(iin)-tau(3,na), celldm(3)) ) .lt. sp_min) then
avg (iin) = avg (iin) + tau (3, na)
ntau (iin) = ntau (iin) + 1
goto 100
@ -112,8 +111,8 @@ subroutine plan_avg (averag, plan, ninter)
! for each state compute the planar average
call setv (nat * nbnd * nkstot, 0.d0, averag, 1)
call setv (nr3 * nbnd * nkstot, 0.d0, plan, 1)
averag(:,:,:) = 0.d0
plan(:,:,:) = 0.d0
do ik = 1, nks
if (lsda) current_spin = isk (ik)
call gk_sort (xk (1, ik), ngm, g, ecutwfc / tpiba2, npw, igk, g2kin)
@ -136,8 +135,7 @@ subroutine plan_avg (averag, plan, ninter)
sum = averag (1, ibnd, ik)
do iin = 2, ninter
do ir = i1 (iin - 1), i1 (iin) - 1
averag (iin, ibnd, ik) = averag (iin, ibnd, ik) + plan (ir, ibnd, &
averag(iin,ibnd,ik) = averag(iin,ibnd,ik) + plan(ir,ibnd,ik)
averag (iin, ibnd, ik) = averag (iin, ibnd, ik) * zdim / nr3
sum = sum + averag (iin, ibnd, ik)
@ -147,7 +145,6 @@ subroutine plan_avg (averag, plan, ninter)
#ifdef __PARA
call poolrecover (plan, nr3 * nbnd, nkstot, nks)
call poolrecover (averag, nat * nbnd, nkstot, nks)
call poolrecover (xk, 3, nkstot, nks)

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ subroutine addusdens
! the spherical harmonics
complex(kind=DP) :: skk
complex(kind=DP), allocatable :: qg (:), aux (:,:)
complex(kind=DP), allocatable :: aux (:,:)
! work space for FFT
! work space for rho(G,nspin)
@ -50,13 +50,22 @@ subroutine addusdens
ijh = 0
do ih = 1, nh (nt)
do jh = ih, nh (nt)
call start_clock ('addus:qvan2')
call qvan2 (ngm, ih, jh, nt, qmod, qgm, ylmk0)
call stop_clock ('addus:qvan2')
ijh = ijh + 1
do na = 1, nat
if (ityp (na) .eq.nt) then
! Multiply becsum and qg with the correct structure factor
call start_clock ('addus:aux')
do is = 1, nspin
do ig = 1, ngm
skk = eigts1 (ig1 (ig), na) * &
@ -65,6 +74,9 @@ subroutine addusdens
aux(ig,is)=aux(ig,is) + qgm(ig)*skk*becsum(ijh,na,is)
call stop_clock ('addus:aux')
@ -77,16 +89,12 @@ subroutine addusdens
! convert aux to real space and add to the charge density
allocate (qg( nrxx))
do is = 1, nspin
qg(:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
do ig = 1, ngm
qg (nl (ig) ) = aux (ig, is)
call cft3 (qg, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, 1)
rho (:, is) = rho (:, is) + DREAL (qg (:) )
psic(:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
psic( nl(:) ) = aux(:,is)
call cft3 (psic, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, 1)
call DAXPY (nrxx, 1.d0, psic, 2, rho(1,is), 1)
deallocate (qg)
deallocate (aux)
call stop_clock ('addusdens')

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ subroutine newd
implicit none
integer :: ig, nt, ih, jh, na, is
! counters on g vectors, atom type, beta functions x 2, atoms, spin
complex(kind=DP), allocatable :: aux (:,:), vg (:)
complex(kind=DP), allocatable :: aux (:,:), qgm_na (:)
! work space
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: ylmk0 (:,:), qmod (:)
! spherical harmonics, modulus of G
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ subroutine newd
fact = 1.d0
end if
call start_clock ('newd')
allocate ( aux(ngm,nspin), vg(nrxx), qmod(ngm), ylmk0(ngm, lqx*lqx) )
allocate ( aux(ngm,nspin), qgm_na(ngm), qmod(ngm), ylmk0(ngm, lqx*lqx) )
deeq(:,:,:,:) = 0.d0
@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ subroutine newd
call start_clock ('newd:fftvg')
do is = 1, nspin
vg (:) = vltot (:) + vr (:, is)
call cft3 (vg, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, - 1)
psic (:) = vltot (:) + vr (:, is)
call cft3 (psic, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, - 1)
do ig = 1, ngm
aux (ig, is) = vg (nl (ig) )
aux (ig, is) = psic (nl (ig) )
@ -84,48 +84,50 @@ subroutine newd
call start_clock ('newd:qvan2')
! The Q(r) for this atomic species without structure factor
call qvan2 (ngm, ih, jh, nt, qmod, qgm, ylmk0)
call stop_clock ('newd:qvan2')
do na = 1, nat
if (ityp (na) .eq.nt) then
! The product of the potential and the structure factor
do is = 1, nspin
call start_clock ('newd:int1')
do ig = 1, ngm
vg (ig) = aux(ig, is) * conjg(eigts1 (ig1(ig), na) &
* eigts2 (ig2(ig), na) &
* eigts3 (ig3(ig), na) )
! The Q(r) for this specific atom
do ig = 1, ngm
qgm_na (ig) = qgm(ig) * eigts1 (ig1(ig), na) &
* eigts2 (ig2(ig), na) &
* eigts3 (ig3(ig), na)
call stop_clock ('newd:int1')
! and the product with the Q functions
call start_clock ('newd:int2')
! and the product with the Q functions
do is = 1, nspin
deeq (ih, jh, na, is) = fact * omega * &
DDOT (2 * ngm, vg, 1, qgm, 1)
DDOT (2 * ngm, aux(1,is), 1, qgm_na, 1)
if (gamma_only .and. gstart==2) &
deeq (ih, jh, na, is) = &
deeq (ih, jh, na, is) - omega*real(vg(1)*qgm(1))
deeq (ih, jh, na, is) = deeq (ih, jh, na, is) - &
call stop_clock ('newd:int2')
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (nhm * nhm * nat * nspin, deeq)
@ -150,7 +152,7 @@ subroutine newd
! end do
deallocate ( aux, vg, qmod, ylmk0 )
deallocate ( aux, qgm_na, qmod, ylmk0 )
call stop_clock ('newd')

View File

@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ subroutine print_clock_pw
call print_clock ('v_of_rho')
call print_clock ('newd')
write (*,*) nhm*(nhm+1)/2, nbrx*(nbrx+1)/2*lqx
write (*,*) "nhm*(nhm+1)/2 = ", nhm*(nhm+1)/2, nhm
write (*,*) "nbrx*(nbrx+1)/2*lqx = ", nbrx*(nbrx+1)/2*lqx, nbrx,lqx
call print_clock ('newd:fftvg')
call print_clock ('newd:qvan2')
call print_clock ('newd:int1')
@ -55,6 +56,12 @@ subroutine print_clock_pw
call print_clock ('sumbec')
call print_clock ('addusdens')
call print_clock ('addus:qvan2')
call print_clock ('addus:strf')
call print_clock ('addus:aux2')
call print_clock ('addus:aux')
write (6, * )
if (isolve.eq.0) then
call print_clock ('cegterg')

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@ -35,8 +35,10 @@ subroutine struc_fact (nat, tau, ntyp, ityp, ngm, g, bg, nr1, nr2, &
! input: the positions of the atoms in the c
! input: the coordinates of the g vectors
complex(kind=DP) :: strf (ngm, ntyp), eigts1 ( - nr1:nr1, nat), &
eigts2 ( - nr2:nr2, nat), eigts3 ( - nr3:nr3, nat)
complex(kind=DP) :: strf (ngm, ntyp), &
eigts1 ( -nr1:nr1, nat), &
eigts2 ( -nr2:nr2, nat), &
eigts3 ( -nr3:nr3, nat)
! output: the structure factor
! output: the phases e^{-iG\tau_s}
@ -74,8 +76,9 @@ subroutine struc_fact (nat, tau, ntyp, ityp, ngm, g, bg, nr1, nr2, &
do na = 1, nat
do ipol = 1, 3
bgtau (ipol) = bg (1, ipol) * tau (1, na) + bg (2, ipol) * tau (2, &
na) + bg (3, ipol) * tau (3, na)
bgtau (ipol) = bg (1, ipol) * tau (1, na) + &
bg (2, ipol) * tau (2, na) + &
bg (3, ipol) * tau (3, na)
do n1 = - nr1, nr1
arg = tpi * n1 * bgtau (1)