Test with Bessel functions seems to work in all cases

git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@3128 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
giannozz 2006-05-18 13:46:08 +00:00
parent 98fdccd92f
commit 8e09a598e1
4 changed files with 230 additions and 86 deletions

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@ -58,7 +58,11 @@ subroutine ld1_readin
namelist /test/ &
nconf, & ! the number of configurations
configts, & ! the configurations of the tests
file_pseudo ! input file containing the pseudopotential
file_pseudo, & ! input file containing the pseudopotential
ecutmin, & ! for test with spherical Bessel functions:
ecutmax, & ! min and max energy cutoff for j_l(qr),
decut, & ! step: ecut = ecutmin, ecutmin+decut, ... , ecutmax
rm ! radius of the box
namelist /inputp/ &
pseudotype,&! the pseudopotential type
@ -117,7 +121,7 @@ subroutine ld1_readin
lpaw = .false.
vdw = .false.
! read the namelist input
@ -292,9 +296,12 @@ subroutine ld1_readin
configts=' '
ecutmin = 0.0_dp
ecutmax = 0.0_dp
decut = 5.0_dp
rm =30.0_dp
300 continue
! PP generation: if namelist test is not found, use defaults

View File

@ -256,4 +256,11 @@ module ld1inc
du, & ! step of frequency
tr_s ! threshold for scf solution of modified Sternheimer equation
! test on ghosts and convergences with spherical Bessel functions
real(DP) :: ecutmin, & ! min kinetic energy cutoff for j_l(qr)
ecutmax, & ! max energy cutoff
decut, & ! step: ecut = ecutmin, ecutmin+decut, ... , ecutmax
rm ! radius of the box
end module ld1inc

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@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ subroutine run_test
call write_resultsps
!!! call test_bessel ( )
call test_bessel ( )
close (unit = 13)

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@ -1,57 +1,82 @@
! Copyright (C) 2006 Quantum-Espresso group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine test_bessel ( )
#include "f_defs.h"
! diagonalization of the pseudo-atomic hamiltonian
! in a basis of spherical Bessel functions: j_l (qr)
! with zero boundary conditions at the border R: j_l (qR) = 0
! units: atomic rydberg units
! ecut (Ry) = energy cutoff (Ry)
! rm = radius of the box (default 30 a.u.)
! with zero boundary conditions at the border R:
! j_l (q_l R) = 0
! The basis sets contains all q_l's up to a kinetic
! energy cutoff Ecut, such that q^2 <= Ecut (in Ry a.u.)
! rm is the radius R of the box
use kinds, only : dp
use ld1inc, only: lmax, lmx, mesh, r, r2, dx
use ld1inc, only: ecutmin, ecutmax, decut, rm
implicit none
real*8, parameter :: pi=3.141592653589793d0
real*8 :: ecut =40.0, & ! kinetic-energy cutoff (equivalent to PW)
rm = 30.d0 ! radius R of the box
real(kind=dp), parameter :: pi=3.141592653589793_dp, eps = 1.0d-4
real(kind=dp) :: ecut ! kinetic-energy cutoff (equivalent to PW)
real*8, allocatable :: q(:,:) ! quantized momenta in the spherical box
real(kind=dp), allocatable :: q(:,:) ! quantized momenta in the spherical box
integer :: nswx, & ! max number of quantized momenta q
nsw (0:lmx), & ! number of q such that q^2 < Ecut
mesh_ ! mesh_ is such that r (mesh_) <= R
mesh_, & ! mesh_ is such that r (mesh_) <= R
ncut, nc
! estimated max number of q needed for all values of l
nswx = int ( sqrt ( ecut*rm**2/pi**2 ) ) + lmax + 1
! find grid point mesh_ such that r(mesh_) < R
! note that mesh_ must be odd to perform simpson integration
do mesh_ = 1, mesh
if ( r(mesh_) >= rm ) go to 20
end do
call errore ('test_bessel','r(mesh) < Rmax', mesh_)
20 continue
mesh_ = 2 * ( (mesh_-1) / 2 ) + 1
! find quantized momenta q
allocate ( q ( nswx, 0:lmax ) )
call q_fill ( nswx, lmax, rm, ecut, nsw, q )
! fill and diagonalize Kohn-Sham pseudo-hamiltonian
if ( ecutmin < eps .or. ecutmax < eps .or. ecutmax < ecutmin + eps .or. &
decut < eps .or. rm < 5.0_dp ) return
write (6, "(/,5x,14('-'), ' Test with a basis set of Bessel functions ',&
& 10('-'),/)")
write (6, "(5x,'Cutoff (Ry) : ',f6.1,' Box size (a.u.) : ',f6.1)" ) &
ecut, rm
call h_diag ( mesh_, r, r2, dx, nswx, nsw, lmax, q )
write (6, "(5x,'Box size (a.u.) : ',f6.1)" ) rm
ncut = nint ( ( ecutmax-ecutmin ) / decut ) + 1
! we redo everything for each cutoff: not really a smart implementation
do nc = 1, ncut
ecut = ecutmin + (nc-1) * decut
! estimated max number of q needed for all values of l
nswx = int ( sqrt ( ecut*rm**2/pi**2 ) ) + lmax + 1
! find grid point mesh_ such that r(mesh_) < R
! note that mesh_ must be odd to perform simpson integration
do mesh_ = 1, mesh
if ( r(mesh_) >= rm ) go to 20
end do
call errore ('test_bessel','r(mesh) < Rmax', mesh_)
20 continue
mesh_ = 2 * ( (mesh_-1) / 2 ) + 1
! find quantized momenta q
allocate ( q ( nswx, 0:lmax ) )
call q_fill ( nswx, lmax, rm, ecut, nsw, q )
! fill and diagonalize Kohn-Sham pseudo-hamiltonian
write (6, "(/5x,'Cutoff (Ry) : ',f6.1)" ) ecut
call h_diag ( mesh_, nswx, nsw, lmax, q )
deallocate ( q )
end do
write (6, "(/,5x,14('-'), ' End of Bessel function test ',24('-'),/)")
end subroutine test_bessel
@ -62,15 +87,16 @@ subroutine q_fill ( nswx, lmax, rm, ecut, nsw, q )
! find quantized momenta in a box of radius R = rm
use kinds, only : dp
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nswx, lmax
real*8, intent(in) :: rm, ecut
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: rm, ecut
integer, intent(out) :: nsw(0:lmax)
real*8, intent(out) :: q(nswx,0:lmax)
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: q(nswx,0:lmax)
integer :: i, l, iret
real*8, parameter :: pi=3.141592653589793d0, eps=1.0e-10
real*8, external :: find_root
real(kind=dp), parameter :: pi=3.141592653589793_dp, eps=1.0d-10
real(kind=dp), external :: find_root
! l = 0 : j_0 (qR)=0 => q_i = i * (2pi/R)
@ -106,21 +132,23 @@ end subroutine q_fill
function find_root ( l, xt1, xt2, eps, iret )
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
use kinds, only : dp
implicit none
integer, intent (in) :: l
real*8, intent (in) :: xt1, xt2, eps
real(kind=dp), intent (in) :: xt1, xt2, eps
integer, intent (out) :: iret
real*8 :: find_root
real(kind=dp) :: find_root
real*8 :: x1, x2, x0, f1, f2, f0
real(kind=dp) :: x1, x2, x0, f1, f2, f0
x1 = MIN (xt1, xt2)
x2 = MAX (xt1, xt2)
call sph_bes ( 1, 1.d0, x1, l, f1 )
call sph_bes ( 1, 1.d0, x2, l, f2 )
call sph_bes ( 1, 1.0_dp, x1, l, f1 )
call sph_bes ( 1, 1.0_dp, x2, l, f2 )
iret = 0
@ -131,7 +159,7 @@ function find_root ( l, xt1, xt2, eps, iret )
do while ( abs(x2-x1) > eps )
x0 = 0.5*(x1+x2)
call sph_bes ( 1, 1.d0, x0, l, f0 )
call sph_bes ( 1, 1.0_dp, x0, l, f0 )
if ( sign(f0,f1) == f0 ) then
x1 = x0
f1 = f0
@ -147,34 +175,39 @@ function find_root ( l, xt1, xt2, eps, iret )
end function find_root
subroutine h_diag ( mesh_, r, r2, dx, nswx, nsw, lmax, q )
subroutine h_diag ( mesh_, nswx, nsw, lmax, q )
! diagonalize the radial Kohn-Sham hamiltonian
! in the basis of spherical bessel functions
! Requires the self-consistent potential from a previous calculation!
use ld1inc, only: lmx, nbeta, betas, qq, ddd, vpstot, vnl, lls, jjs, &
use kinds, only : dp
use ld1inc, only: lmx, r, r2, dx
use ld1inc, only: nbeta, betas, qq, ddd, vpstot, vnl, lls, jjs, &
nspin, rel, pseudotype
implicit none
! input
integer, intent (in) :: mesh_, lmax, nswx, nsw(0:lmx)
real*8, intent (in) :: r(mesh_), r2(mesh_), dx
real*8, intent (in) :: q(nswx,0:lmax)
real(kind=dp), intent (in) :: q(nswx,0:lmax)
! local
real*8, allocatable :: h(:,:), s0(:), & ! hamiltonian and overlap matrix
chi (:,:), enl (:), & ! eigenvectors, eigenvalues
betajl(:,:), betajld(:,:), vaux (:), & ! workspace
jlq (:,:), work (:) ! workspace
real*8, external :: int_0_inf_dr
real*8 :: j
real(kind=dp), allocatable :: &
h(:,:), s(:,:), & ! hamiltonian and overlap matrix
chi (:,:), enl (:), & ! eigenvectors and eigenvalues
s0(:), & ! normalization factors for jl(qr)
betajl(:,:), & ! matrix elements for beta
betajl_(:,:), & ! work space: \sum_m D_lm beta_m
vaux (:), jlq (:,:), work (:) ! more work space
real(kind=dp), external :: int_0_inf_dr
real(kind=dp) :: j
character(len=2), dimension (2) :: spin = [ 'up', 'dw' ]
integer :: n_states = 3, l, n, m, nb, mb, ind, is, nj
allocate ( h (nswx, nswx), s0(nswx), chi (nswx, n_states), enl(nswx) )
allocate ( h (nswx, nswx), s0(nswx), chi (nswx, n_states), enl(nswx) )
allocate ( jlq ( mesh_, nswx ), work (mesh_), vaux (mesh_) )
if ( pseudotype > 2 ) allocate ( s(nswx, nswx) )
write(6,"( 20x,3(7x,'N = ',i1) )" ) (n, n=1,n_states)
@ -182,17 +215,17 @@ subroutine h_diag ( mesh_, r, r2, dx, nswx, nsw, lmax, q )
! nj: number of j-components in fully relativistic case
if ( rel < 2 .or. l == 0 ) then
if ( rel == 2 .and. l > 0 ) then
do n = 1, nsw(l)
call sph_bes ( mesh_, r, q(n,l), l, jlq(1,n) )
! s0 is the orthonormalization factor for j_l
! s0 = < j_l(qr) | j_l (qr) >
work (:) = ( jlq(:,n) * r(1:mesh_) ) ** 2
s0(n) = sqrt ( int_0_inf_dr ( work, r, r2, dx, mesh_, 2*l+2 ) )
@ -206,20 +239,22 @@ subroutine h_diag ( mesh_, r, r2, dx, nswx, nsw, lmax, q )
do ind = 1, nj
if ( nj == 2 ) then
j = l + (ind-1.5d0) ! this is J=L+S
if ( rel == 2 .and. l > 0 ) then
j = l + (ind-1.5_dp) ! this is J=L+S
else if ( rel == 2 .and. l == 0 ) then
j = 0.5_dp
j = 0.d0
j = 0.0_dp
end if
if (pseudotype == 1) then
vaux(:) = vpstot (1:mesh_, is) + vnl (1:mesh_, l, ind)
vaux(:) = vpstot (1:mesh_, is)
allocate ( betajl ( nswx, nbeta ), betajld ( nswx, nbeta ) )
allocate ( betajl ( nswx, nbeta ), betajl_ ( nswx, nbeta ) )
h (:,:) = 0.d0
h (:,:) = 0.0_dp
do n = 1, nsw(l)
@ -241,22 +276,25 @@ subroutine h_diag ( mesh_, r, r2, dx, nswx, nsw, lmax, q )
do nb = 1, nbeta
if ( lls (nb) == l .and. abs(jjs (nb) - j) < 0.001_8 ) then
work (:) = jlq(:,n) * betas( 1:mesh_, nb ) * r(1:mesh_)
betajl (n, nb) = 1.d0 / s0(n) * &
betajl (n, nb) = 1.0_dp / s0(n) * &
int_0_inf_dr ( work, r, r2, dx, mesh_, 2*l+2 )
end if
end do
end if
end do
! betajld(q,m) = \sum_n D_mn * < beta_n | j_l(qr) >
! separable PP
if ( pseudotype > 1 ) then
betajld (:,:) = 0.d0
! betajl_(q,m) = \sum_n D_mn * < beta_n | j_l(qr) >
betajl_ (:,:) = 0.0_dp
do mb = 1, nbeta
if ( lls (mb) == l .and. abs(jjs (mb) - j) < 0.001_8 ) then
do nb = 1, nbeta
if ( lls (nb) == l .and. abs(jjs (nb) - j) < 0.001_8 ) then
betajld (:, mb) = betajld (:, mb) + &
betajl_ (:, mb) = betajl_ (:, mb) + &
ddd (mb,nb,is) * betajl (:, nb)
end if
end do
@ -269,15 +307,56 @@ subroutine h_diag ( mesh_, r, r2, dx, nswx, nsw, lmax, q )
do m = 1, n
do nb = 1, nbeta
if ( lls (nb) == l .and. abs(jjs (nb) - j) < 0.001_8 ) then
h(m,n) = h(m,n) + betajld (m, nb) * betajl (n, nb)
h(m,n) = h(m,n) + betajl_ (m, nb) * betajl (n, nb)
end if
end do
end do
end do
deallocate ( betajld, betajl )
if ( pseudotype > 2 ) then
! betajl_(q,m) = \sum_n D_mn * < beta_n | j_l(qr) >
betajl_ (:,:) = 0.0_dp
do mb = 1, nbeta
if ( lls (mb) == l .and. abs(jjs (mb) - j) < 0.001_8 ) then
do nb = 1, nbeta
if ( lls (nb) == l .and. &
abs(jjs (nb) - j) < 0.001_8 ) then
betajl_ (:, mb) = betajl_ (:, mb) + &
qq (mb,nb) * betajl (:, nb)
end if
end do
end if
end do
! overlap matrix S
s (:,:) = 0.0_dp
do n = 1, nsw(l)
do m = 1, n
do nb = 1, nbeta
if ( lls (nb) == l .and. &
abs(jjs (nb) - j) < 0.001_8 ) then
s(m,n) = s(m,n) + betajl_ (m, nb) * betajl (n, nb)
end if
end do
end do
s(n,n) = s(n,n) + 1.0_dp
end do
end if
deallocate ( betajl_, betajl )
end if
call rdiagd ( nsw(l), h, nswx, n_states, enl, chi, nswx)
if ( pseudotype > 2 ) then
call rdiags ( nsw(l), h, s, nswx, n_states, enl, chi, nswx)
call rdiagd ( nsw(l), h, nswx, n_states, enl, chi, nswx)
end if
if ( nspin == 2 ) then
write(6,"( 5x,'E(L=',i1,',spin 'a2,') =',4(f10.4,' Ry') )" ) &
@ -294,6 +373,7 @@ subroutine h_diag ( mesh_, r, r2, dx, nswx, nsw, lmax, q )
end do
end do
if ( pseudotype > 2 ) deallocate ( s )
deallocate ( vaux, work, jlq )
deallocate ( enl, chi, s0, h )
@ -304,8 +384,9 @@ end subroutine h_diag
subroutine rdiagd ( n, h, ldh, m, e, v, ldv )
! LAPACK driver for matrix diagonalizer
! LAPACK driver for eigenvalue problem H*x = ex
use kinds, only : dp
implicit none
integer, intent (in) :: &
@ -313,25 +394,74 @@ subroutine rdiagd ( n, h, ldh, m, e, v, ldv )
ldh, & ! leading dimension of h, as declared in the calling pgm
m, & ! number of roots to be searched
ldv ! leading dimension of the v matrix
real*8, intent (inout) :: &
real(kind=dp), intent (inout) :: &
h(ldh,n) ! matrix to be diagonalized, UPPER triangle
real(kind=dp), intent (out) :: e(m), v(ldv,m) ! eigenvalues and eigenvectors
real*8, intent (out) :: e(m), v(ldv,m) ! eigenvalues and eigenvectors
integer :: i, j, mo, lwork, info, iwork(5*n), ifail(n)
real*8 :: vl, vu, work(8*n)
integer :: mo, lwork, info
integer, allocatable :: iwork(:), ifail(:)
real(kind=dp) :: vl, vu
real(kind=dp), allocatable :: work(:)
lwork = 8*n
v (:,:) = 0.d0
call DSYEVX ( 'V', 'I', 'U', n, h, ldh, vl, vu, 1, m, 0.0d0, mo, e,&
allocate ( work (lwork), iwork(5*n), ifail(n) )
v (:,:) = 0.0_dp
call DSYEVX ( 'V', 'I', 'U', n, h, ldh, vl, vu, 1, m, 0.0_dp, mo, e,&
v, ldv, work, lwork, iwork, ifail, info )
if ( info > 0) then
call errore('rdiagd','failed to converge',info)
else if(info < 0) then
call errore('rdiagd','illegal arguments',-info)
end if
deallocate ( ifail, iwork, work )
end subroutine rdiagd
SUBROUTINE rdiags( n, h, s, ldh, m, e, v, ldv )
! LAPACK driver for generalized eigenvalue problem H*x = e S*x
use kinds, only : dp
integer, intent (in) :: &
n, & ! dimension of the matrix to be diagonalized
ldh, & ! leading dimension of h, as declared in the calling pgm
m, & ! number of roots to be searched
ldv ! leading dimension of the v matrix
real(kind=dp), intent (inout) :: &
h(ldh,n), & ! matrix to be diagonalized, UPPER triangle
s(ldh,n) ! overlap matrix - both destroyed on output
real(kind=dp), intent (out) :: e(m), v(ldv,m) ! eigenvalues and eigenvectors
! ... LOCAL variables
integer :: mo, lwork, info
integer, allocatable :: iwork(:), ifail(:)
real(kind=dp), allocatable :: work(:)
lwork = 8 * n
allocate ( work (lwork), iwork(5*n), ifail(n) )
v (:,:) = 0.0_dp
CALL DSYGVX( 1, 'V', 'I', 'U', n, h, ldh, s, ldh, &
0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 1, m, 0.0_dp, mo, e, v, ldh, work, lwork, &
iwork, ifail, info )
if ( info > 0) then
call errore('rdiagd','failed to converge',info)
else if(info < 0) then
call errore('rdiagd','illegal arguments',-info)
end if
deallocate ( ifail, iwork, work )