- fpmd2upf made more user friendly

- sph_bes, check on small G changed to avoid
  problems with log. atomic grid , that are dense near 0

git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@1921 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
cavazzon 2005-05-27 13:49:19 +00:00
parent 941a82bccc
commit 856d5ced1f
4 changed files with 53 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -465,6 +465,7 @@
omega = ht%deth
ps%wsg = 0.0d0
do is = 1, size(ps%wsg,2)
do igh = 1, nh( is )
ps%wsg( igh, is) = 4.0d0 * ( 4.0d0 * pi ) ** 2 * dvan( igh, igh, is ) / omega
@ -509,10 +510,17 @@
ALLOCATE( vloc( ps%ap(is)%mesh ) )
vloc = ps%ap(is)%vloc * 2.0d0
WRITE(6,*) ' DEBUG vloc = ', SUM( vloc( : ) )
CALL formfn( vps(:,is), dvps(:,is), ps%ap(is)%rw, ps%ap(is)%rab, &
vloc, ps%ap(is)%zv, rcmax(is), g, omega, &
tpiba2, 0.0d0, ps%ap(is)%mesh, ngm, .false., .true. )
dvps(:,is) = -dvps(:,is)
WRITE(6,*) ' DEBUG mesh = ', ps%ap(is)%mesh
WRITE(6,*) ' DEBUG rcma = ', rcmax(is)
WRITE(6,*) ' DEBUG zv = ', ps%ap(is)%zv
WRITE(6,*) ' DEBUG rw = ', SUM( ps%ap(is)%rw( : ) )
WRITE(6,*) ' DEBUG rab = ', SUM( ps%ap(is)%rab( : ) )
WRITE(6,*) ' DEBUG dvps = ', SUM( dvps( :, is ) )

View File

@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ MODULE constants
REAL(dbl), PARAMETER :: eps4 = 1.0D-4
REAL(dbl), PARAMETER :: eps8 = 1.0D-8
REAL(dbl), PARAMETER :: eps14 = 1.0D-14
REAL(dbl), PARAMETER :: eps16 = 1.0D-16
REAL(dbl), PARAMETER :: eps32 = 1.0D-32

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ subroutine sph_bes (msh, r, q, l, jl)
! ... jl(1:msh) = j_l(q*r(i)) (j_l = spherical bessel function)
use kinds, only: DP
USE constants, ONLY : eps8
USE constants, ONLY : eps14
implicit none
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ subroutine sph_bes (msh, r, q, l, jl)
real(kind=DP) :: qr(msh), sin_qr(msh), cos_qr(msh)
if (abs (q) < eps8) then
if (abs (q) < eps14) then
if (l == -1) then
call errore ('sph_bes', 'j_{-1}(0) ?!?', 1)
elseif (l == 0) then
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ subroutine sph_bes (msh, r, q, l, jl)
jl(:) = 0.d0
if (abs (q * r (1) ) > eps8) then
if (abs (q * r (1) ) > eps14) then
ir0 = 1
if (l == -1) then

View File

@ -5,6 +5,30 @@
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
! This utility can be used to convert norm-conserving
! pseudopotentials from FPMD old format to UPF format
! Usage:
! fpmd2upf.x < input.namelist
! input.namelist should contain the namelist fpmd_pseudo
! fpmd_pseudo parameter are:
! psfile pseudopotential filename in FPMD format
! nwfs Number of wavefunction
! wfl(i) i = 1, nwfs Wavefunction label
! wfoc(i) i = 1, nwfs Wavefunction occupation
! psd element name
! zp valence charge
! iexch exchange functional
! icorr correlation functional
! igcx exchange gradient correction
! igcc correlation gradient correction
! Example:
module fpmd2upf_module
USE kinds, ONLY: dbl
@ -109,6 +133,7 @@ contains
DO ir = 1, mesh
x = xmin + REAL(ir-1) * dx
ap%rw(ir) = EXP(x) / zmesh
IF( ap%rw(ir) > 1000.0d0 ) EXIT
ap%mesh = mesh
ap%dx = dx
@ -758,19 +783,22 @@ program fpmd2upf
TYPE (pseudo_ncpp) :: ap
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: psfile
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: wfl( 10 )
REAL(kind=8) :: wfoc( 10 )
INTEGER :: nsp, nspnl, i, lloc, l, ir, iv, kkbeta
REAL(kind=8) :: rmax = 10
REAL(kind=8) :: vll
REAL(kind=8), allocatable :: aux(:)
! ... end of declarations
! ----------------------------------------------
namelist / fpmd_pseudo / psfile, nwfs, wfl, wfoc, psd, &
iexch, icorr, igcx, igcc, zp
WRITE(6,*) ' Enter the pseudopotential filename in FPMD format : '
READ(5,'(a)') psfile
! ... end of declarations
nsp = 1
CALL read_pseudo_fpmd(ap, psfile)
read( 5, fpmd_pseudo )
nsp = 1
CALL read_pseudo_fpmd(ap, psfile)
write(generated, '("Generated using unknown code")')
write(date_author,'("Author: unknown Generation date: as well")')
@ -778,16 +806,15 @@ program fpmd2upf
rcloc = 0.0
write(6, * ) 'Number of wavefunction > '
read (5,*) nwfs
allocate( els(nwfs), oc(nwfs), epseu(nwfs) )
allocate( lchi(nwfs), nns(nwfs) )
allocate( rcut (nwfs), rcutus (nwfs) )
els = '?'
oc = 0.0d0
do i = 1, nwfs
write(6, * ) 'Wavefunction ',i,' label, occupation > '
read (5,*) els(i), oc(i)
els(i) = wfl(i)
oc(i) = wfoc(i)
lchi(i) = i - 1
nns (i) = 0
rcut(i) = 0.0
@ -795,19 +822,14 @@ program fpmd2upf
epseu(i) = 0.0
end do
write(6, * ) 'element > '
read(5,*) psd
pseudotype = 'NC'
nlcc = ap%tnlcc
zp = ap%zv
if( ap%zv > 0.0d0 ) zp = ap%zv
etotps = 0.0
lloc = ap%lloc
lmax = MAX( MAXVAL( ap%lll( 1:ap%nbeta ) ), ap%lloc - 1 )
! go to 100
nbeta = ap%nbeta
mesh = ap%mesh
ntwfc = nwfs
@ -818,9 +840,6 @@ program fpmd2upf
elsw(i) = els(i)
end do
write(6, * ) 'XC (iexch,icorr,igcx,igcc) > '
read(5,*) iexch, icorr, igcx, igcc
allocate( r(mesh))
r = ap%rw
@ -829,7 +848,6 @@ program fpmd2upf
write(6,*) ap%lloc, ap%lll( 1:ap%nbeta ) , ap%nbeta, ap%dx
allocate (rho_atc(mesh))
if (nlcc) rho_atc = ap%rhoc
@ -893,6 +911,8 @@ program fpmd2upf
end program fpmd2upf
subroutine simpson2(mesh,func,rab,asum)