Added the possibility to pseudize the core charge with two bessel function.


git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
dalcorso 2007-09-03 06:40:21 +00:00
parent c6a6955031
commit 8459fd6a86
4 changed files with 51 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ subroutine ld1_readin
file_core, file_beta, file_chi, author, &
nld, rlderiv, eminld, emaxld, deld, &
ecutmin, ecutmax, decut, rytoev_fact, verbosity, &
frozen_core, lsdts
frozen_core, lsdts, new_core_ps
use funct, only : set_dft_from_name
use radial_grids, only: do_mesh, check_mesh
@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ subroutine ld1_readin
zval, & ! the pseudo valence
lloc, & ! l component considered as local
nlcc, & ! if true nlcc is set
new_core_ps, & ! if true pseudize the core charge with bessel functions
rcore, & ! the core radius for nlcc
rcloc, & ! the local cut-off for pseudo
lpaw, & ! if true create a PAW dataset
@ -278,6 +279,7 @@ subroutine ld1_readin
tm = .false.
@ -587,6 +589,7 @@ implicit none
call mp_bcast( zval, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( lloc, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( nlcc, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( new_core_ps, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( rcore, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( rcloc, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( lpaw, ionode_id )

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@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ module ld1inc
rhoc(ndmx) ! the core charge
logical :: &
new_core_ps, & ! if true pseudize the core charge with bessel functions
nlcc ! if true nlcc pseudopotential
! the potential for the scf

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@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ subroutine set_rho_core
use io_global, only : stdout, ionode, ionode_id
use mp, only : mp_bcast
use ld1inc, only : nlcc, lpaw, grid, rhoc, aeccharge, psccharge, rcore, &
nwf, oc, rel, core_state, psi, file_core
nwf, oc, rel, core_state, psi, file_core, new_core_ps
implicit none
real(DP) :: drho, const, br1, br2, &
eps1, eps2, br12, a, b, eps12, totrho
real(DP), allocatable:: rhov(:), rhoco(:)
eps1, eps2, br12, xc(8), a, b, eps12, totrho
real(DP), allocatable:: rhov(:)
real(DP), external :: int_0_inf_dr
integer :: i, ik, n, ns, ios
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ subroutine set_rho_core
if (lpaw) write(stdout,'(/,5x,'' Computing core charge for PAW: '')')
end if
allocate (rhov(grid%mesh), rhoco(grid%mesh))
allocate (rhov(grid%mesh))
! calculates core charge density
@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ subroutine set_rho_core
! write(stdout,'("Integrated core charge",f15.10)') totrho
rhoco(:) = rhoc(1:grid%mesh)
if (lpaw) aeccharge(1:grid%mesh) = rhoc(1:grid%mesh)
aeccharge(1:grid%mesh) = rhoc(1:grid%mesh)
if (rcore > 0.0_dp) then
! rcore read on input
@ -91,39 +90,47 @@ subroutine set_rho_core
! rhoc(r) = core charge for r > rcore
! rhoc(r) = r^2 a sin(b r)/r for r < rcore
if (drho > 0.0_dp) then
call infomsg('set_rho_core','d rho/ d r > 0')
const= grid%r(ik)*drho / ( rhoc(ik)/grid%r2(ik) ) + 1.0_dp
if (const > 0.0_dp) then
br1 = 0.00001_dp
br2 = pi/2.0_dp-0.00001_dp
if (new_core_ps) then
call compute_phius(1,ik,aeccharge,rhoc,xc,0,' ')
br1 = pi/2.0_dp+0.00001_dp
br2 = pi
end if
do n=1, 15
eps1 = br1 - const*tan(br1)
eps2 = br2 - const*tan(br2)
br12 = (br1+br2)/2.0_dp
eps12 = br12 - const*tan(br12)
if(eps1*eps12 < 0.0_dp) then
br2 = br12
else if(eps12*eps2 < 0.0_dp) then
br1 = br12
if (drho > 0.0_dp) then
call infomsg('set_rho_core','d rho/ d r > 0')
const= grid%r(ik)*drho / ( rhoc(ik)/grid%r2(ik) ) + 1.0_dp
if (const > 0.0_dp) then
br1 = 0.00001_dp
br2 = pi/2.0_dp-0.00001_dp
call errore('set_rho_core','error in bisection',n)
br1 = pi/2.0_dp+0.00001_dp
br2 = pi
end if
end do
b = br12/grid%r(ik)
a = ( rhoc(ik)/grid%r2(ik) ) * grid%r(ik)/sin(br12)
do n=1,ik
rhoc(n) = a*sin(b*grid%r(n))/grid%r(n) * grid%r2(n)
end do
do n=1, 15
eps1 = br1 - const*tan(br1)
eps2 = br2 - const*tan(br2)
br12 = (br1+br2)/2.0_dp
eps12 = br12 - const*tan(br12)
if(eps1*eps12 < 0.0_dp) then
br2 = br12
else if(eps12*eps2 < 0.0_dp) then
br1 = br12
call errore('set_rho_core','error in bisection',n)
end if
end do
b = br12/grid%r(ik)
a = ( rhoc(ik)/grid%r2(ik) ) * grid%r(ik)/sin(br12)
do n=1,ik
rhoc(n) = a*sin(b*grid%r(n))/grid%r(n) * grid%r2(n)
end do
if (lpaw) psccharge(1:grid%mesh) = rhoc(1:grid%mesh)
write(stdout,'(/,5x,'' r > '',f4.2,'' : true rho core'')') grid%r(ik)
write(stdout,110) grid%r(ik), a, b
if (new_core_ps) then
write(stdout,'(5x,"Core charge pseudized with two Bessel functions")')
write(stdout,110) grid%r(ik), a, b
110 format (5x, ' r < ',f4.2,' : rho core = a sin(br)/r', &
' a=',f7.2,' b=',f7.2/)
1100 continue
@ -136,7 +143,7 @@ subroutine set_rho_core
if (ionode) then
if (totrho>1.d-6) then
do n=1,grid%mesh
write(26,'(4f20.10)') grid%r(n),rhoc(n),rhov(n),rhoco(n)
write(26,'(4f20.10)') grid%r(n),rhoc(n),rhov(n),aeccharge(n)
do n=1,grid%mesh
@ -149,6 +156,6 @@ subroutine set_rho_core
totrho = int_0_inf_dr(rhoc,grid,grid%mesh,2)
write(stdout,'(6x,''Integrated core pseudo-charge : '',f6.2)') totrho
if (.not.nlcc) rhoc(1:grid%mesh) = 0.0_dp
deallocate (rhoco, rhov)
deallocate (rhov)
end subroutine set_rho_core

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@ -147,6 +147,9 @@ Needed for pseudo-potential (PP) test. optional for PP generation:
corresponding value of rcut is used.
nlcc =.true. : produce a PP with the nonlinear core (default .false.)
correction of Froyen, Cohen, and Louie
new_core_ps (default .false.)
if .true. pseudizes the core charge with bessel functions.
requires nlcc=.true.
rcore= matching radius (a.u.) for the smoothing of the core charge
If not specified, the matching radius is determined
by the condition rho_core(rcore) = 2*rho_valence(rcore)