Some simplifications in the logic of "electron":

- non-scf calculation done in a separate routine
- check on insufficient diagonalization threshold less obscure

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
giannozz 2005-05-22 19:05:09 +00:00
parent 9ee776b63e
commit 818ee4b111
2 changed files with 119 additions and 155 deletions

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@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ SUBROUTINE electrons()
niter_with_fixed_ns, Hubbard_lmax, &
USE extfield, ONLY : tefield, etotefield
USE bp, ONLY : lberry
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY : evc, evc_nc
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin, npol, magtot_nc
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : factlist, pointlist, pointnum, mcons,&
@ -101,13 +100,12 @@ SUBROUTINE electrons()
etotefield_new, &!
charge_new !
ethr_min ! minimal threshold for diagonalization at the first scf
! iteration
tr2_min ! estimated error on the energy coming from diagonalization
wg_g(:,:) ! temporary array used to recover from pools array wg,
! and then print occupations on stdout
exst, first
REAL (KIND=DP) :: dr2old, lambda0
! ... external functions
@ -152,69 +150,7 @@ SUBROUTINE electrons()
IF ( .NOT. lscf ) THEN
WRITE( stdout, 9002 )
#if defined (FLUSH)
CALL flush( stdout )
IF ( imix >= 0 ) rho_save = rho
iter = iter + 1
! ... diagonalization of the KS hamiltonian
CALL c_bands( iter, ik_, dr2 )
conv_elec = .TRUE.
CALL poolrecover( et, nbnd, nkstot, nks )
tcpu = get_clock( 'PWSCF' )
WRITE( stdout, 9000 ) tcpu
WRITE( stdout, 9102 )
! ... write band eigenvalues
DO ik = 1, nkstot
IF ( lsda ) THEN
IF ( ik == 1 ) WRITE( stdout, 9015 )
IF ( ik == ( 1 + nkstot / 2 ) ) WRITE( stdout, 9016 )
WRITE( stdout, 9020 ) ( xk(i,ik), i = 1, 3 )
WRITE( stdout, 9030 ) ( et(ibnd,ik) * rytoev, ibnd = 1, nbnd )
IF ( lgauss ) THEN
call efermig (et, nbnd, nks, nelec, wk, degauss, ngauss, ef, 0, isk)
WRITE( stdout, 9040 ) ef * rytoev
ELSE IF ( ltetra ) THEN
CALL efermit (et, nbnd, nks, nelec, nspin, ntetra, tetra, ef, 0, isk)
WRITE( stdout, 9040 ) ef * rytoev
#if defined (FLUSH)
CALL flush( stdout )
! ... do a Berry phase polarization calculation if required
IF ( lberry ) CALL c_phase()
IF ( output_drho /= ' ' ) CALL remove_atomic_rho()
CALL stop_clock( 'electrons' )
CALL non_scf()
@ -296,6 +232,18 @@ SUBROUTINE electrons()
first = ( iter == 1 )
! ... tr2_min is set to an estimate of the error on the energy
! ... due to diagonalization - used only in the first scf iteration
IF ( first ) THEN
tr2_min = nelec*ethr
tr2_min = 0.D0
! ... diagonalization of the KS hamiltonian
CALL c_bands( iter, ik_, dr2 )
@ -309,7 +257,7 @@ SUBROUTINE electrons()
IF ( lda_plus_u ) CALL write_ns()
IF ( iter == 1 .AND. lda_plus_u .AND. &
IF ( first .AND. lda_plus_u .AND. &
startingpot == 'atomic' .AND. istep == 1 ) CALL ns_adj()
! ... calculate total and absolute magnetization
@ -331,22 +279,6 @@ SUBROUTINE electrons()
IF ( iter == 1 ) THEN
! ... for the first scf iteration ethr_min is set for a check
! ... in mix_rho ( in mix_rho ethr_min = dr2 * ethr_min )
ethr_min = 1.D0 / nelec
! ... otherwise ethr_min is set to a negative number:
! ... no check is needed
ethr_min = - 1.D0
IF ( noncolin ) THEN
CALL mix_rho_nc( rho, rho_save, nsnew, ns, mixing_beta, dr2, iter, &
@ -354,61 +286,28 @@ SUBROUTINE electrons()
CALL mix_rho( rho, rho_save, nsnew, ns, mixing_beta, dr2, ethr, &
ethr_min, iter, nmix, flmix, conv_elec )
CALL mix_rho( rho, rho_save, nsnew, ns, mixing_beta, dr2, &
tr2_min, iter, nmix, flmix, conv_elec )
! ... for the first scf iteration it is controlled that the threshold
! ... is small enough for the diagonalization to be adequate
IF ( iter == 1 .AND. ethr >= ethr_min ) THEN
IF ( first ) THEN
! ... a new diagonalization is needed
WRITE( stdout, '(/,5X,"Threshold (ethr) on eigenvalues was ", &
& "too large:",/, &
& 5X,"Diagonalizing with lowered threshold",/)' )
CALL c_bands( iter, ik_, dr2 )
! ... check if the maximum CPU time has been exceeded
! ... or if the user has required a soft exit
IF ( check_stop_now() ) RETURN
CALL sum_band()
IF ( lda_plus_u ) CALL write_ns()
! ... calculate total and absolute magnetization
IF ( lsda .OR. noncolin ) CALL compute_magnetization()
CALL v_of_rho( rho, rho_core, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, &
nrxx, nl, ngm, gstart, nspin, g, gg, alat, omega, &
ehart, etxc, vtxc, etotefield, charge, vnew )
deband = delta_e ( )
IF ( lda_plus_u .AND. iter <= niter_with_fixed_ns ) THEN
first = .FALSE.
IF ( dr2 < tr2_min ) THEN
ldim2 = ( 2 * Hubbard_lmax + 1 )**2
nsnew = ns
! ... a new diagonalization is needed
! ... ethr_min is set to a negative number: no check is needed
IF ( noncolin ) THEN
WRITE( stdout, '(/,5X,"Threshold (ethr) on eigenvalues was ", &
& "too large:",/, &
& 5X,"Diagonalizing with lowered threshold",/)' )
CALL mix_rho_nc( rho, rho_save, nsnew, ns, mixing_beta, dr2, &
iter, nmix, flmix, conv_elec )
ethr = dr2 / nelec
CALL mix_rho( rho, rho_save, nsnew, ns, mixing_beta, dr2, ethr, &
-1.D0, iter, nmix, flmix, conv_elec )
GO TO 10
@ -719,7 +618,6 @@ SUBROUTINE electrons()
9000 FORMAT(/' total cpu time spent up to now is ',F9.2,' secs')
9001 FORMAT(/' Self-consistent Calculation')
9002 FORMAT(/' Band Structure Calculation')
9010 FORMAT(/' iteration #',I3,' ecut=',F9.2,' ryd',5X,'beta=',F4.2)
9015 FORMAT(/' ------ SPIN UP ------------'/)
9016 FORMAT(/' ------ SPIN DOWN ----------'/)
@ -759,14 +657,94 @@ SUBROUTINE electrons()
/' potential mean squ. error =',1PE15.1,' ryd^2')
9086 FORMAT(/'! total energy =',0PF15.8,' ryd' &
/' potential mean squ. error =',1PE15.1,' ryd^2')
! 9090 FORMAT(/' the final potential is written on file ',A14)
! 9100 FORMAT(/' this iteration took ',F9.2,' cpu secs')
9101 FORMAT(/' End of self-consistent calculation')
9102 FORMAT(/' End of band structure calculation')
9110 FORMAT(/' convergence has been achieved')
9120 FORMAT(/' convergence NOT achieved, stopping')
SUBROUTINE non_scf()
USE bp, ONLY : lberry
WRITE( stdout, 9002 )
#if defined (FLUSH)
CALL flush( stdout )
IF ( imix >= 0 ) rho_save = rho
iter = 1
! ... diagonalization of the KS hamiltonian
CALL c_bands( iter, ik_, dr2 )
conv_elec = .TRUE.
CALL poolrecover( et, nbnd, nkstot, nks )
tcpu = get_clock( 'PWSCF' )
WRITE( stdout, 9000 ) tcpu
WRITE( stdout, 9102 )
! ... write band eigenvalues
DO ik = 1, nkstot
IF ( lsda ) THEN
IF ( ik == 1 ) WRITE( stdout, 9015 )
IF ( ik == ( 1 + nkstot / 2 ) ) WRITE( stdout, 9016 )
WRITE( stdout, 9020 ) ( xk(i,ik), i = 1, 3 )
WRITE( stdout, 9030 ) ( et(ibnd,ik) * rytoev, ibnd = 1, nbnd )
IF ( lgauss ) THEN
call efermig (et, nbnd, nks, nelec, wk, degauss, ngauss, ef, 0, isk)
WRITE( stdout, 9040 ) ef * rytoev
ELSE IF ( ltetra ) THEN
CALL efermit (et, nbnd, nks, nelec, nspin, ntetra, tetra, ef, 0, isk)
WRITE( stdout, 9040 ) ef * rytoev
#if defined (FLUSH)
CALL flush( stdout )
! ... do a Berry phase polarization calculation if required
IF ( lberry ) CALL c_phase()
IF ( output_drho /= ' ' ) CALL remove_atomic_rho()
CALL stop_clock( 'electrons' )
9000 FORMAT(/' total cpu time spent up to now is ',F9.2,' secs')
9002 FORMAT(/' Band Structure Calculation')
9015 FORMAT(/' ------ SPIN UP ------------'/)
9016 FORMAT(/' ------ SPIN DOWN ----------'/)
9020 FORMAT(/' k =',3F7.4,' band energies (ev):'/)
9030 FORMAT( ' ',8F9.4)
9040 FORMAT(/' the Fermi energy is ',F10.4,' ev')
9102 FORMAT(/' End of band structure calculation')
SUBROUTINE compute_magnetization()

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
SUBROUTINE mix_rho( rhout, rhoin, nsout, nsin, alphamix, &
dr2, ethr, ethr_min, iter, n_iter, filename, conv )
dr2, tr2_min, iter, n_iter, filename, conv )
! ... Modified Broyden's method for charge density mixing
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ SUBROUTINE mix_rho( rhout, rhoin, nsout, nsin, alphamix, &
USE control_flags, ONLY : imix, ngm0, tr2
USE wvfct, ONLY : gamma_only
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY : psic
USE klist, ONLY : nelec
USE parser, ONLY : find_free_unit
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega
@ -51,10 +50,8 @@ SUBROUTINE mix_rho( rhout, rhoin, nsout, nsin, alphamix, &
alphamix, &! (in) mixing factor
dr2 ! (out) the estimated errr on the energy
ethr, &! actual threshold for diagonalization
ethr_min ! minimal threshold for diagonalization
! if in output ethr >= ethr_min a more accurate
! diagonalization is needed
tr2_min ! estimated error from diagonalization. If the estimated scf error
! is smaller than this, exit: a more accurate diagonalization is needed
conv ! (out) if true the convergence has been reached
@ -141,26 +138,15 @@ SUBROUTINE mix_rho( rhout, rhoin, nsout, nsin, alphamix, &
dr2 = rho_dot_product( rhocout, rhocout ) + ns_dot_product( nsout, nsout )
! ... ethr_min is dr2 * 1.D0 / nelec or - 1.0 if no check is required
! ... if the self-consistency error (dr2) is smaller than the estimated error due to
! diagonalization (tr2_min), exit and leave rhoin and rhout unchanged
IF ( ethr_min > 0.D0 ) THEN
IF ( dr2 < tr2_min ) THEN
ethr_min = dr2 * ethr_min
DEALLOCATE( rhocin, rhocout )
CALL stop_clock( 'mix_rho' )
IF ( ethr > ethr_min ) THEN
ethr = ethr_min
! ... rhoin and rhout are unchanged
DEALLOCATE( rhocin, rhocout )
CALL stop_clock( 'mix_rho' )
conv = ( dr2 < tr2 )