New level of memory optimization: etf_mem == 2.

And addition of a test for this. 

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
sponce 2017-07-20 18:12:08 +00:00
parent 8d60c255b8
commit 7dbff75045
12 changed files with 4931 additions and 686 deletions

View File

@ -54,8 +54,11 @@ elphon_shuffle_wrap.o \
ephbloch2wane.o \
ephbloch2wanp.o \
ephwan2bloch.o \
ephwan2bloch_mem.o \
ephwan2blochp.o \
ephwan2blochp_mem.o \
ephwann_shuffle.o \
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o \
epwcom.o \
epw_init.o \
epw_readin.o \
@ -78,6 +81,7 @@ loadqmesh.o \
loadumat.o \
nesting_fn.o \
openfilepw.o \
rgd_blk_epw_fine_mem.o \
pade.o \
plot_band.o \
poolgather.o \

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
USE qpoint, ONLY : xq
USE modes, ONLY : nmodes
USE lr_symm_base, ONLY : minus_q, rtau, gi, gimq, irotmq, nsymq, invsymq
USE epwcom, ONLY : epbread, epbwrite, epwread, lifc, &
USE epwcom, ONLY : epbread, epbwrite, epwread, lifc, etf_mem, &
nbndsub, iswitch, kmaps, eig_read, dvscf_dir, lpolar
USE elph2, ONLY : epmatq, dynq, sumr, et_all, xk_all, et_mb, et_ks, &
zstar, epsi, cu, cuq, lwin, lwinq, bmat, igk_k_all, &
@ -766,7 +766,8 @@
! the electron-phonon wannier interpolation
CALL ephwann_shuffle ( nqc, xqc )
IF(etf_mem == 0 .OR. etf_mem == 1 ) CALL ephwann_shuffle ( nqc, xqc )
IF(etf_mem == 2 ) CALL ephwann_shuffle_mem ( nqc, xqc )
5 format (8x,"q(",i5," ) = (",3f12.7," )")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Carla Verdi, Feliciano Giustino
! Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Jesse Noffsinger, Brad Malone, Feliciano Giustino
! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
! License. See the file `LICENSE' in the root directory of the
! present distribution, or .
SUBROUTINE ephwan2bloch_mem ( imode, nbnd, nrr, irvec, ndegen, epmatw, &
xk, cufkk, cufkq, epmatf, nmodes)
!! Interpolation from Wannier to the fine Bloch grid of the electron-phonon
!! matrix elements
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE constants_epw, ONLY : twopi, ci, czero, cone
implicit none
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: nbnd
!! number of bands (possibly in the optimal subspace)
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: nrr
!! Number of Wigner-Size points
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: irvec ( 3, nrr)
!! Coordinates of WS points
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: ndegen (nrr)
!! Degeneracy of WS points
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: nmodes
!! number of phonon modes
REAL(kind=DP), INTENT (in) :: xk(3)
!! kpoint for the interpolation (WARNING: this must be in crystal coord!)
COMPLEX(kind=DP), INTENT (in) :: epmatw ( nbnd, nbnd, nrr)
!! e-p matrix in Wannier representation
COMPLEX(kind=DP), INTENT (in) :: cufkk (nbnd, nbnd)
!! rotation matrix U(k)
COMPLEX(kind=DP), INTENT (in) :: cufkq (nbnd, nbnd)
!! rotation matrix U(k+q)
COMPLEX(kind=DP), INTENT (out) :: epmatf (nbnd, nbnd)
!! e-p matrix in Bloch representation, fine grid
! work variables
integer :: ir, imode
real(kind=DP) :: rdotk
complex(kind=DP) :: cfac, eptmp( nbnd, nbnd)
! STEP 3: inverse Fourier transform of g to fine k mesh
! g~ (k') = sum_R 1/ndegen(R) e^{-ik'R} g (R)
! g~(k') is epmatf (nbnd, nbnd, ik )
! every pool works with its own subset of k points on the fine grid
epmatf = czero
DO ir = 1, nrr
! note xk is assumed to be already in cryst coord
rdotk = twopi * dot_product ( xk, dble(irvec(:, ir)) )
cfac = exp( ci*rdotk ) / dble( ndegen(ir) )
epmatf (:, :) = epmatf (:, :) + cfac * epmatw ( :, :, ir)
! STEP 4: un-rotate to Bloch space, fine grid
! g (k') = U_q^\dagger (k') g~ (k') U_k (k')
! the two zgemm calls perform the following ops:
! epmatf = [ cufkq * epmatf ] * cufkk^\dagger
CALL zgemm ('n', 'n', nbnd, nbnd, nbnd, cone, cufkq, &
nbnd, epmatf (:,:), nbnd, czero, eptmp, nbnd)
CALL zgemm ('n', 'c', nbnd, nbnd, nbnd, cone, eptmp, &
nbnd, cufkk, nbnd, czero, epmatf(:,:), nbnd)
END SUBROUTINE ephwan2bloch_mem

View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Carla Verdi, Feliciano Giustino
! Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Jesse Noffsinger, Brad Malone, Feliciano Giustino
! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
! License. See the file `LICENSE' in the root directory of the
! present distribution, or .
subroutine ephwan2blochp_mem (imode, nmodes, xxq, irvec, ndegen, nrr_q, cuf, epmatf, nbnd, nrr_k )
!! Even though this is for phonons, I use the same notations
!! adopted for the electronic case (nmodes->nmodes etc)
USE kinds, only : DP
USE epwcom, only : parallel_k, parallel_q, etf_mem
USE elph2, only : epmatwp
USE constants_epw, ONLY : twopi, ci, czero
USE io_files, ONLY : prefix, tmp_dir
USE io_epw, ONLY : iunepmatwp
USE mp_global, ONLY : mp_sum
USE mp_world, ONLY : world_comm
USE parallel_include
implicit none
! input variables
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: imode
!! Current mode
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: nmodes
!! Total number of modes
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: nrr_q
!! Number of WS points
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: irvec ( 3, nrr_q)
!! Coordinates of WS points
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: ndegen (nrr_q)
!! Number of degeneracy of WS points
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: nbnd
!! Number of bands
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: nrr_k
!! Number of electronic WS points
REAL(kind=DP) :: xxq(3)
!! Kpoint for the interpolation (WARNING: this must be in crystal coord!)
COMPLEX(kind=DP), INTENT (in) :: cuf (nmodes, nmodes)
!! e-p matrix in Wanner representation
COMPLEX(kind=DP), INTENT (out) :: epmatf (nbnd, nbnd, nrr_k)
!! e-p matrix in Bloch representation, fine grid
! Local variables
CHARACTER (len=256) :: filint
!! File name
!! Real space WS index
INTEGER :: ir_start
!! Starting ir for this cores
INTEGER :: ir_stop
!! Ending ir for this pool
INTEGER :: iunepmatwp2
!! Return the file unit
INTEGER :: ierr
!! Return if there is an error
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: lrepmatw
!! Offset to tell where to start reading the file
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: lrepmatw2
!! Offset to tell where to start reading the file
REAL(kind=DP) :: rdotk
!! Exponential for the FT
COMPLEX(kind=DP) :: cfac(nrr_q)
!! Factor for the FT
COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: epmatw ( :,:,:)
!! El-ph matrix elements
CALL start_clock('ephW2Bp')
! STEP 3: inverse Fourier transform of g to fine k mesh
! g~ (k') = sum_R 1/ndegen(R) e^{-ik'R} g (R)
! g~(k') is epmatf (nmodes, nmodes, ik )
! every pool works with its own subset of k points on the fine grid
CALL para_bounds(ir_start, ir_stop, nrr_q)
filint = trim(tmp_dir)//trim(prefix)//'.epmatwp1'
CALL MPI_FILE_OPEN(world_comm,filint,MPI_MODE_RDONLY,MPI_INFO_NULL,iunepmatwp2,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'ephwan2blochp_mem', 'error in MPI_FILE_OPEN',1 )
cfac(:) = czero
DO ir = ir_start, ir_stop
! note xxq is assumed to be already in cryst coord
rdotk = twopi * dot_product ( xxq, dble(irvec(:, ir)) )
cfac(ir) = exp( ci*rdotk ) / dble( ndegen(ir) )
ALLOCATE(epmatw ( nbnd, nbnd, nrr_k))
lrepmatw2 = 2_MPI_OFFSET_KIND * INT( nbnd , kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND ) * &
INT( nbnd , kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND ) * &
INT( nrr_k , kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND )
DO ir = ir_start, ir_stop
! SP: The following needs a small explaination: although lrepmatw is correctly defined as kind 8 bits or
! kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND, the number "2" and "8" are default kind 4. The other as well. Therefore
! if the product is too large, this will crash. The solution (kind help recieved from Ian Bush) is below:
lrepmatw = 2_MPI_OFFSET_KIND * INT( nbnd , kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND ) * &
INT( nbnd , kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND ) * &
INT( nrr_k , kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND ) * &
INT( nmodes, kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND ) * &
2_MPI_OFFSET_KIND * INT( nbnd , kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND ) * &
INT( nbnd , kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND ) * &
INT( nrr_k , kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND ) * &
! SP: mpi seek is used to set the position at which we should start
! reading the file. It is given in bits.
! Note : The process can be collective (=blocking) if using MPI_FILE_SET_VIEW & MPI_FILE_READ_ALL
! or noncollective (=non blocking) if using MPI_FILE_SEEK & MPI_FILE_READ.
! Here we want non blocking because not all the process have the same nb of ir.
CALL MPI_FILE_SEEK(iunepmatwp2,lrepmatw,MPI_SEEK_SET,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'ephwan2blochp', 'error in MPI_FILE_SEEK',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_READ(iunepmatwp2, epmatw, lrepmatw2, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'ephwan2blochp', 'error in MPI_FILE_READ_ALL',1 )
CALL ZAXPY(nbnd * nbnd * nrr_k, cfac(ir), epmatw, 1, epmatf, 1)
CALL mp_sum(epmatf, world_comm)
CALL MPI_FILE_CLOSE(iunepmatwp2,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'ephwan2blochp_mem', 'error in MPI_FILE_CLOSE',1 )
CALL stop_clock('ephW2Bp')
end subroutine ephwan2blochp_mem

View File

@ -1177,6 +1177,15 @@
ENDIF ! end parallel_q
! Check Memory usage
CALL system_mem_usage(valueRSS)
WRITE(stdout, '(a)' ) ' ==================================================================='
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a)' ) ' Memory usage: VmHWM =',valueRSS(2)/1024,'Mb'
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a)' ) ' VmPeak =',valueRSS(1)/1024,'Mb'
WRITE(stdout, '(a)' ) ' ==================================================================='
WRITE(stdout, '(a)' )
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -0,0 +1,984 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Carla Verdi, Feliciano Giustino
! Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Jesse Noffsinger, Brad Malone, Feliciano Giustino
! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
! License. See the file `LICENSE' in the root directory of the
! present distribution, or .
SUBROUTINE ephwann_shuffle_mem( nqc, xqc )
!! Wannier interpolation of electron-phonon vertex (memory optimized version)
!! Scalar implementation Feb 2006
!! Parallel version May 2006
!! Disentenglement Oct 2006
!! Compact formalism Dec 2006
!! Phonon irreducible zone Mar 2007
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE pwcom, ONLY : nbnd, nks, nkstot, isk, &
et, xk, ef, nelec
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg, omega, alat
USE start_k, ONLY : nk1, nk2, nk3
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, amass, ityp, tau
USE phcom, ONLY : nq1, nq2, nq3, nmodes
USE epwcom, ONLY : nbndsub, lrepmatf, fsthick, epwread, longrange, &
epwwrite, ngaussw, degaussw, lpolar, lifc, &
nbndskip, parallel_k, parallel_q, etf_mem, &
elecselfen, phonselfen, nest_fn, a2f, &
vme, eig_read, ephwrite, nkf1, nkf2, nkf3, &
efermi_read, fermi_energy, specfun, band_plot, &
nqf1, nqf2, nqf3, mp_mesh_k, restart, prtgkk
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
USE constants_epw, ONLY : ryd2ev, ryd2mev, one, two, czero, twopi, ci, zero
USE io_files, ONLY : prefix, diropn
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, ionode
USE io_epw, ONLY : lambda_phself, linewidth_phself, iunepmatwe, &
iunepmatwp, crystal
USE elph2, ONLY : nrr_k, nrr_q, cu, cuq, lwin, lwinq, irvec, ndegen_k,&
ndegen_q, wslen, chw, chw_ks, cvmew, cdmew, rdw, &
epmatwp, epmatq, wf, etf, etf_k, etf_ks, xqf, xkf, &
wkf, dynq, nqtotf, nkqf, epf17, nkf, nqf, et_ks, &
ibndmin, ibndmax, lambda_all, dmec, dmef, vmef, &
sigmai_all, sigmai_mode, gamma_all, epsi, zstar, &
efnew, ifc, sigmar_all, zi_all, nkqtotf
#if defined(__NAG)
USE f90_unix_io, ONLY : flush
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_bcast, mp_sum
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm, intra_pool_comm, root_pool
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
implicit none
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: nqc
!! number of qpoints in the coarse grid
REAL(kind=DP), INTENT (in) :: xqc(3,nqc)
!! qpoint list, coarse mesh
! Local variables
LOGICAL :: already_skipped
!! Skipping band during the Wannierization
LOGICAL :: exst
!! If the file exist
LOGICAL :: opnd
!! Check whether the file is open.
CHARACTER (len=256) :: filint
!! Name of the file to write/read
CHARACTER (len=256) :: nameF
!! Name of the file
CHARACTER (len=30) :: myfmt
!! Variable used for formatting output
INTEGER :: ios
!! integer variable for I/O control
!! Counter on coarse q-point grid
INTEGER :: iq_restart
!! Counter on coarse q-point grid
!! Counter on coarse k-point grid
INTEGER :: ikk
!! Counter on k-point when you have paired k and q
INTEGER :: ikq
!! Paired counter so that q is adjacent to its k
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! Counter on band
INTEGER :: jbnd
!! Counter on band
INTEGER :: imode
!! Counter on mode
!! Counter on atom
!! counter on mode
!! counter on mode
INTEGER :: fermicount
!! Number of states at the Fermi level
INTEGER :: nrec
!! record index when reading file
INTEGER :: lrepmatw
!! record length while reading file
!! Index when writing to file
INTEGER :: ikx
!! Counter on the coase k-grid
INTEGER :: ikfx
!! Counter on the fine k-grid.
INTEGER :: xkk1, xkq1
!! Integer of xkk when multiplied by nkf/nk
INTEGER :: xkk2, xkq2
!! Integer of xkk when multiplied by nkf/nk
INTEGER :: xkk3, xkq3
!! Integer of xkk when multiplied by nkf/nk
!! Counter for WS loop
INTEGER :: nrws
!! Number of real-space Wigner-Seitz
INTEGER :: valueRSS(2)
!! Return virtual and resisdent memory from system
!! Maximum number of real-space Wigner-Seitz
REAL(kind=DP) :: rdotk_scal
!! Real (instead of array) for $r\cdot k$
REAL(kind=DP) :: xxq(3)
!! Current q-point
REAL(kind=DP) :: xxk(3)
!! Current k-point on the fine grid
REAL(kind=DP) :: xkk(3)
!! Current k-point on the fine grid
REAL(kind=DP) :: xkq(3)
!! Current k+q point on the fine grid
REAL(kind=DP) :: rws(0:3,nrwsx)
!! Real-space wigner-Seitz vectors
REAL(kind=DP) :: atws(3,3)
!! Maximum vector: at*nq
REAL(kind=DP), EXTERNAL :: efermig
!! External function to calculate the fermi energy
REAL(kind=DP), EXTERNAL :: efermig_seq
!! Same but in sequential
REAL(kind=DP), PARAMETER :: eps = 0.01/ryd2mev
!! Tolerence
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: w2 (:)
!! Interpolated phonon frequency
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: irvec_r (:,:)
!! Wigner-Size supercell vectors, store in real instead of integer
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: rdotk(:)
!! $r\cdot k$
COMPLEX(kind=DP) :: tablex (4*nk1+1,nkf1)
!! Look-up table for the exponential (speed optimization) in the case of
!! homogeneous grids.
COMPLEX(kind=DP) :: tabley (4*nk2+1,nkf2)
!! Look-up table for the exponential (speed optimization) in the case of
!! homogeneous grids.
COMPLEX(kind=DP) :: tablez (4*nk3+1,nkf3)
!! Look-up table for the exponential (speed optimization) in the case of
!! homogeneous grids.
COMPLEX(kind=DP) :: tableqx (4*nk1+1,2*nkf1+1)
!! Look-up table for the exponential (speed optimization) in the case of
!! homogeneous grids.
COMPLEX(kind=DP) :: tableqy (4*nk2+1,2*nkf2+1)
!! Look-up table for the exponential (speed optimization) in the case of
!! homogeneous grids.
COMPLEX(kind=DP) :: tableqz (4*nk3+1,2*nkf3+1)
!! Look-up table for the exponential (speed optimization) in the case of
!! homogeneous grids.
COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: epmatwe_mem (:,:,:,:)
!! e-p matrix in wannier basis - electrons (written on disk)
COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: epmatwef (:,:,:)
!! e-p matrix in el wannier - fine Bloch phonon grid
COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: epmatf( :, :)
!! e-p matrix in smooth Bloch basis, fine mesh
COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: cufkk ( :, :, :)
!! Rotation matrix, fine mesh, points k
COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: cufkk_dum ( :, :)
!! Dummy rotation matrix
COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: cufkq ( :, :, :)
!! the same, for points k+q
COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: uf( :, :)
!! Rotation matrix for phonons
COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: bmatf ( :, :)
!! overlap U_k+q U_k^\dagger in smooth Bloch basis, fine mesh
!COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: cfac1(:)
!COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: cfacq1(:)
COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: cfac(:)
!! Used to store $e^{2\pi r \cdot k}$ exponential
COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: cfacq(:)
!! Used to store $e^{2\pi r \cdot k+q}$ exponential
COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: eptmp(:,:,:,:)
!! Temporary el-ph matrices.
COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: epmatlrT(:,:,:,:)
!! Long-range temp. save
IF ( &
WRITE(stdout, '(/,14x,a,i4)' ) 'band disentanglement is used: nbndsub = ', nbndsub
ALLOCATE ( cu ( nbnd, nbndsub, nks), &
cuq ( nbnd, nbndsub, nks), &
lwin ( nbnd, nks ), &
lwinq ( nbnd, nks ), &
irvec (3, 20*nk1*nk2*nk3), &
ndegen_k (20*nk1*nk2*nk3), &
ndegen_q (20*nq1*nq2*nq3), &
wslen(20*nk1*nk2*nk3) )
CALL start_clock ( 'ephwann' )
IF ( epwread ) THEN
! We need some crystal info
IF (mpime.eq.ionode_id) THEN
READ (crystal,*) nat
READ (crystal,*) nmodes
READ (crystal,*) nelec
READ (crystal,*) at
READ (crystal,*) bg
READ (crystal,*) omega
READ (crystal,*) alat
ALLOCATE( tau( 3, nat ) )
READ (crystal,*) tau
READ (crystal,*) amass
ALLOCATE( ityp( nat ) )
READ (crystal,*) ityp
READ (crystal,*) isk
READ (crystal,*) noncolin
CALL mp_bcast (nat, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (nat, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
IF (mpime /= ionode_id) ALLOCATE( ityp( nat ) )
CALL mp_bcast (nmodes, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (nmodes, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (nelec, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (nelec, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (at, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (at, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (bg, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (bg, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (omega, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (omega, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (alat, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (alat, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
IF (mpime /= ionode_id) ALLOCATE( tau( 3, nat ) )
CALL mp_bcast (tau, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (tau, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (amass, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (amass, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (ityp, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (ityp, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (isk, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (isk, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (noncolin, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (noncolin, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
IF (mpime.eq.ionode_id) THEN
CALL mp_barrier(inter_pool_comm)
ALLOCATE( w2( 3*nat) )
! determine Wigner-Seitz points
CALL wigner_seitz2 &
( nk1, nk2, nk3, nq1, nq2, nq3, nrr_k, nrr_q, irvec, wslen, ndegen_k, ndegen_q )
#ifndef __MPI
! Open like this only in sequential. Otherwize open with MPI-open
IF (ionode) THEN
! open the .epmatwe file with the proper record length
lrepmatw = 2 * nbndsub * nbndsub * nrr_k * nmodes
filint = trim(prefix)//'.epmatwp'
CALL diropn (iunepmatwp, 'epmatwp', lrepmatw, exst)
! At this point, we will interpolate the Wannier rep to the Bloch rep
IF ( epwread ) THEN
! read all quantities in Wannier representation from file
! in parallel case all pools read the same file
CALL epw_read
ELSE !if not epwread (i.e. need to calculate fmt file)
IF (ionode) THEN
lrepmatw = 2 * nbndsub * nbndsub * nrr_k * nmodes
filint = trim(prefix)//'.epmatwe'
CALL diropn (iunepmatwe, 'epmatwe', lrepmatw, exst)
filint = trim(prefix)//'.epmatwp'
CALL diropn (iunepmatwp, 'epmatwp', lrepmatw, exst)
xxq = 0.d0
CALL loadumat &
( nbnd, nbndsub, nks, nkstot, xxq, cu, cuq, lwin, lwinq )
! ------------------------------------------------------
! Bloch to Wannier transform
! ------------------------------------------------------
ALLOCATE ( chw ( nbndsub, nbndsub, nrr_k ), &
chw_ks ( nbndsub, nbndsub, nrr_k ), &
cdmew ( 3, nbndsub, nbndsub, nrr_k ), &
rdw ( nmodes, nmodes, nrr_q ) )
IF (vme) ALLOCATE(cvmew ( 3, nbndsub, nbndsub, nrr_k ) )
! SP : Let the user chose. If false use files on disk
ALLOCATE(epmatwe_mem ( nbndsub, nbndsub, nrr_k, nmodes))
! Hamiltonian
CALL hambloch2wan &
( nbnd, nbndsub, nks, nkstot, et, xk, cu, lwin, nrr_k, irvec, wslen, chw )
! Kohn-Sham eigenvalues
IF (eig_read) THEN
WRITE (6,'(5x,a)') "Interpolating MB and KS eigenvalues"
CALL hambloch2wan &
( nbnd, nbndsub, nks, nkstot, et_ks, xk, cu, lwin, nrr_k, irvec, wslen, chw_ks )
! Dipole
! CALL dmebloch2wan &
! ( nbnd, nbndsub, nks, nkstot, nkstot, dmec, xk, cu, nrr_k, irvec, wslen )
CALL dmebloch2wan &
( nbnd, nbndsub, nks, nkstot, dmec, xk, cu, nrr_k, irvec, wslen, lwin )
! Dynamical Matrix
IF (.not. lifc) CALL dynbloch2wan &
( nmodes, nqc, xqc, dynq, nrr_q, irvec, wslen )
! Transform of position matrix elements
! PRB 74 195118 (2006)
IF (vme) CALL vmebloch2wan &
( nbnd, nbndsub, nks, nkstot, xk, cu, nrr_k, irvec, wslen )
! Electron-Phonon vertex (Bloch el and Bloch ph -> Wannier el and Bloch ph)
DO iq = 1, nqc
xxq = xqc (:, iq)
! we need the cu again for the k+q points, we generate the map here
CALL loadumat ( nbnd, nbndsub, nks, nkstot, xxq, cu, cuq, lwin, lwinq )
DO imode = 1, nmodes
CALL ephbloch2wane &
( nbnd, nbndsub, nks, nkstot, xk, cu, cuq, &
epmatq (:,:,:,imode,iq), nrr_k, irvec, wslen, epmatwe_mem(:,:,:,imode) )
! Only the master node writes
IF (ionode) THEN
! direct write of epmatwe for this iq
CALL rwepmatw ( epmatwe_mem, nbndsub, nrr_k, nmodes, iq, iunepmatwe, +1)
! Electron-Phonon vertex (Wannier el and Bloch ph -> Wannier el and Wannier ph)
! Only master perform this task. Need to be parallelize in the future (SP)
IF (ionode) THEN
CALL ephbloch2wanp_mem &
( nbndsub, nmodes, xqc, nqc, irvec, nrr_k, nrr_q, epmatwe_mem )
CALL mp_barrier(inter_pool_comm)
IF ( epwwrite ) THEN
CALL epw_write
CALL epw_read
IF ( ALLOCATED (epmatwe_mem) ) DEALLOCATE (epmatwe_mem)
IF ( ALLOCATED (epmatq) ) DEALLOCATE (epmatq)
IF ( ALLOCATED (lwinq) ) DEALLOCATE (lwinq)
! Check Memory usage
CALL system_mem_usage(valueRSS)
WRITE(stdout, '(a)' ) ' ==================================================================='
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a)' ) ' Memory usage: VmHWM =',valueRSS(2)/1024,'Mb'
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a)' ) ' VmPeak =',valueRSS(1)/1024,'Mb'
WRITE(stdout, '(a)' ) ' ==================================================================='
WRITE(stdout, '(a)' ) ' '
! at this point, we will interpolate the Wannier rep to the Bloch rep
! for electrons, phonons and the ep-matrix
! need to add some sort of parallelization (on g-vectors?) what
! else can be done when we don't ever see the wfcs??
! SP: Only k-para
CALL loadqmesh_serial
CALL loadkmesh_para
ALLOCATE ( epmatwef( nbndsub, nbndsub, nrr_k), &
wf ( nmodes, nqf ), etf ( nbndsub, nkqf), &
etf_ks ( nbndsub, nkqf), cufkk_dum(nbndsub,nbndsub), &
epmatf( nbndsub, nbndsub), cufkk ( nbndsub, nbndsub, nkf), &
cufkq ( nbndsub, nbndsub, nkf), uf ( nmodes, nmodes), &
bmatf( nbndsub, nbndsub) )
! Need to be initialized
epmatf(:,:) = czero
! allocate dipole matrix elements after getting grid size
ALLOCATE ( dmef(3, nbndsub, nbndsub, 2 * nkf) )
IF (vme) ALLOCATE ( vmef(3, nbndsub, nbndsub, 2 * nkf) )
! This is simply because dgemv take only real number (not integer)
irvec_r = REAL(irvec,KIND=dp)
! SP: Create a look-up table for the exponential of the factor.
! This can only work with homogeneous fine grids.
IF ( (nkf1 >0) .AND. (nkf2 > 0) .AND. (nkf3 > 0) .AND. &
(nqf1 >0) .AND. (nqf2 > 0) .AND. (nqf3 > 0) .AND. .NOT. mp_mesh_k ) THEN
! Make a check
IF ((nqf1>nkf1) .or. (nqf2>nkf2) .or. (nqf3>nkf3)) &
CALL errore('The fine q-grid cannot be larger than the fine k-grid',1)
! Along x
DO ikx = -2*nk1, 2*nk1
DO ikfx = 0, nkf1-1
!rdotk = twopi * ( xk(1)*irvec(1,ir))
rdotk_scal = twopi * ( (REAL(ikfx,kind=DP)/nkf1) * ikx )
tablex(ikx+2*nk1+1,ikfx+1) = exp( ci*rdotk_scal )
! For k+q
DO ikx = -2*nk1, 2*nk1
DO ikfx = 0, 2*nkf1
rdotk_scal = twopi * ( (REAL(ikfx,kind=DP)/nkf1) * ikx )
tableqx(ikx+2*nk1+1,ikfx+1) = exp( ci*rdotk_scal )
! Along y
DO ikx = -2*nk2, 2*nk2
DO ikfx = 0, nkf2-1
rdotk_scal = twopi * ( (REAL(ikfx,kind=DP)/nkf2) * ikx )
tabley(ikx+2*nk2+1,ikfx+1) = exp( ci*rdotk_scal )
! For k+q
DO ikx = -2*nk2, 2*nk2
DO ikfx = 0, 2*nkf2
rdotk_scal = twopi * ( (REAL(ikfx,kind=DP)/nkf2) * ikx )
tableqy(ikx+2*nk2+1,ikfx+1) = exp( ci*rdotk_scal )
! Along z
DO ikx = -2*nk3, 2*nk3
DO ikfx = 0, nkf3-1
rdotk_scal = twopi * ( (REAL(ikfx,kind=DP)/nkf3) * ikx )
tablez(ikx+2*nk3+1,ikfx+1) = exp( ci*rdotk_scal )
! For k+q
DO ikx = -2*nk3, 2*nk3
DO ikfx = 0, 2*nkf3
rdotk_scal = twopi * ( (REAL(ikfx,kind=DP)/nkf3) * ikx )
tableqz(ikx+2*nk3+1,ikfx+1) = exp( ci*rdotk_scal )
! ------------------------------------------------------
! Hamiltonian : Wannier -> Bloch (preliminary)
! ------------------------------------------------------
! We here perform a preliminary interpolation of the hamiltonian
! in order to determine the fermi window ibndmin:ibndmax for later use.
! We will interpolate again afterwards, for each k and k+q separately
xxq = 0.d0
! nkqf is the number of kpoints in the pool
! parallel_k case = nkqtotf/npool
! parallel_q case = nkqtotf
DO ik = 1, nkqf
xxk = xkf (:, ik)
IF ( 2*(ik/2).eq.ik ) THEN
! this is a k+q point : redefine as xkf (:, ik-1) + xxq
CALL cryst_to_cart ( 1, xxq, at,-1 )
xxk = xkf (:, ik-1) + xxq
CALL cryst_to_cart ( 1, xxq, bg, 1 )
! SP: Compute the cfac only once here since the same are use in both hamwan2bloch and dmewan2bloch
! + optimize the 2\pi r\cdot k with Blas
CALL dgemv('t', 3, nrr_k, twopi, irvec_r, 3, xxk, 1, 0.0_DP, rdotk, 1 )
cfac(:) = exp( ci*rdotk ) / ndegen_k(:)
CALL hamwan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, cufkk, etf (:, ik), chw, cfac)
WRITE(6,'(/5x,a,f10.6,a)') 'Fermi energy coarse grid = ', ef * ryd2ev, ' eV'
IF( efermi_read ) THEN
ef = fermi_energy
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x,a,f10.6,a)') &
'Fermi energy is read from the input file: Ef = ', ef * ryd2ev, ' eV'
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
! SP: even when reading from input the number of electron needs to be correct
already_skipped = .false.
IF ( nbndskip .gt. 0 ) THEN
IF ( .not. already_skipped ) THEN
IF ( noncolin ) THEN
nelec = nelec - one * nbndskip
nelec = nelec - two * nbndskip
already_skipped = .true.
WRITE(6,'(/5x,"Skipping the first ",i4," bands:")') nbndskip
WRITE(6,'(/5x,"The Fermi level will be determined with ",f9.5," electrons")') nelec
ELSEIF( band_plot ) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x,"Fermi energy corresponds to the coarse k-mesh")')
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
! here we take into account that we may skip bands when we wannierize
! (spin-unpolarized)
! RM - add the noncolin case
already_skipped = .false.
IF ( nbndskip .gt. 0 ) THEN
IF ( .not. already_skipped ) THEN
IF ( noncolin ) THEN
nelec = nelec - one * nbndskip
nelec = nelec - two * nbndskip
already_skipped = .true.
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,"Skipping the first ",i4," bands:")') nbndskip
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,"The Fermi level will be determined with ",f9.5," electrons")') nelec
! Fermi energy
! since wkf(:,ikq) = 0 these bands do not bring any contribution to Fermi level
IF (parallel_k) efnew = efermig(etf, nbndsub, nkqf, nelec, wkf, degaussw, ngaussw, 0, isk)
IF (parallel_q) THEN
IF (mpime .eq. ionode_id) THEN
efnew = efermig_seq(etf, nbndsub, nkqf, nelec, wkf, degaussw, ngaussw, 0, isk)
! etf on the full k-grid is later required for selfen_phon_k
etf_k = etf
CALL mp_bcast (efnew, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (etf_k, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x,a,f10.6,a)') &
'Fermi energy is calculated from the fine k-mesh: Ef = ', efnew * ryd2ev, ' eV'
! if 'fine' Fermi level differs by more than 250 meV, there is probably something wrong
! with the wannier functions, or 'coarse' Fermi level is inaccurate
IF (abs(efnew - ef) * ryd2eV .gt. 0.250d0 .and. (.not.eig_read) ) &
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') 'Warning: check if difference with Fermi level fine grid makes sense'
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
! identify the bands within fsthick from the Fermi level
! (in shuffle mode this actually does not depend on q)
CALL fermiwindow
! xqf must be in crystal coordinates
! this loops over the fine mesh of q points.
! if parallel_k then this is the entire q-list (nqftot)
! if parallel_q then this is nqftot/npool
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IF (lifc) THEN
! build the WS cell corresponding to the force constant grid
atws(:,1) = at(:,1)*DBLE(nq1)
atws(:,2) = at(:,2)*DBLE(nq2)
atws(:,3) = at(:,3)*DBLE(nq3)
! initialize WS r-vectors
CALL wsinit(rws,nrwsx,nrws,atws)
IF (parallel_k) THEN
! get the size of the matrix elements stored in each pool
! for informational purposes. Not necessary
CALL mem_size(ibndmin, ibndmax, nmodes, nkf)
! Fine mesh set of g-matrices. It is large for memory storage
! SP: Should not be a memory problem. If so, can always the number of cores to reduce nkf.
ALLOCATE ( epf17 (ibndmax-ibndmin+1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nmodes, nkf) )
ALLOCATE ( eptmp (ibndmax-ibndmin+1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nmodes, nkf) )
ALLOCATE ( epmatlrT (nbndsub, nbndsub, nmodes, nkf) )
! Restart calculation
iq_restart = 1
IF (restart) THEN
IF ( elecselfen ) THEN
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (sigmar_all) ) ALLOCATE( sigmar_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (sigmai_all) ) ALLOCATE( sigmai_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (zi_all) ) ALLOCATE( zi_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
sigmar_all(:,:) = zero
sigmai_all(:,:) = zero
zi_all(:,:) = zero
CALL electron_read(iq_restart,nqf,nkqtotf/2,sigmar_all,sigmai_all,zi_all)
DO iq = 1, nqf
CALL start_clock ( 'ep-interp' )
! In case of big calculation, show progression of iq (especially usefull when
! elecselfen = true as nothing happen during the calculation otherwise.
IF (.not. phonselfen) THEN
IF (MOD(iq,100) == 0) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a,i10)' ) ' Progression iq (fine) = ',iq,'/',nqf
xxq = xqf (:, iq)
! ------------------------------------------------------
! dynamical matrix : Wannier -> Bloch
! ------------------------------------------------------
IF (.not. lifc) THEN
CALL dynwan2bloch &
( nmodes, nrr_q, irvec, ndegen_q, xxq, uf, w2 )
CALL dynifc2blochf ( nmodes, rws, nrws, xxq, uf, w2 )
! ...then take into account the mass factors and square-root the frequencies...
DO nu = 1, nmodes
! wf are the interpolated eigenfrequencies
! (omega on fine grid)
IF ( w2 (nu) .gt. 0.d0 ) THEN
wf(nu,iq) = sqrt(abs( w2 (nu) ))
wf(nu,iq) = -sqrt(abs( w2 (nu) ))
DO mu = 1, nmodes
na = (mu - 1) / 3 + 1
uf (mu, nu) = uf (mu, nu) / sqrt(amass(ityp(na)))
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! epmat : Wannier el and Wannier ph -> Wannier el and Bloch ph
! --------------------------------------------------------------
epf17(:,:,:,:) = czero
eptmp(:,:,:,:) = czero
epmatlrT(:,:,:,:) = czero
cufkk(:,:,:) = czero
cufkq(:,:,:) = czero
DO imode = 1, nmodes
epmatwef(:,:,:) = czero
IF (.NOT. longrange) THEN
CALL ephwan2blochp_mem (imode, nmodes, xxq, irvec, ndegen_q, nrr_q, uf, epmatwef, nbndsub, nrr_k )
! number of k points with a band on the Fermi surface
fermicount = 0
! this is a loop over k blocks in the pool
! (size of the local k-set)
DO ik = 1, nkf
! xkf is assumed to be in crys coord
ikk = 2 * ik - 1
ikq = ikk + 1
xkk = xkf(:, ikk)
xkq = xkk + xxq
! Only do the following for the first mode because it is mode independent
IF (imode==1) THEN
! SP: Compute the cfac only once here since the same are use in both hamwan2bloch and dmewan2bloch
! + optimize the 2\pi r\cdot k with Blas
IF ( (nkf1 >0) .AND. (nkf2 > 0) .AND. (nkf3 > 0) .AND. &
(nqf1 > 0) .AND. (nqf2 > 0) .AND. (nqf3 > 0) .AND. .NOT. mp_mesh_k) THEN
! We need to use NINT (nearest integer to x) rather than INT
xkk1 = NINT(xkk(1)*(nkf1)) + 1
xkk2 = NINT(xkk(2)*(nkf2)) + 1
xkk3 = NINT(xkk(3)*(nkf3)) + 1
xkq1 = NINT(xkq(1)*(nkf1)) + 1
xkq2 = NINT(xkq(2)*(nkf2)) + 1
xkq3 = NINT(xkq(3)*(nkf3)) + 1
! SP: Look-up table is more effecient than calling the exp function.
DO ir = 1, nrr_k
cfac(ir) = ( tablex(irvec(1,ir)+2*nk1+1,xkk1) *&
tabley(irvec(2,ir)+2*nk2+1,xkk2) * tablez(irvec(3,ir)+2*nk3+1,xkk3) ) / ndegen_k(ir)
cfacq(ir) = ( tableqx(irvec(1,ir)+2*nk1+1,xkq1) *&
tableqy(irvec(2,ir)+2*nk2+1,xkq2) * tableqz(irvec(3,ir)+2*nk3+1,xkq3) ) / ndegen_k(ir)
CALL dgemv('t', 3, nrr_k, twopi, irvec_r, 3, xkk, 1, 0.0_DP, rdotk, 1 )
cfac(:) = exp( ci*rdotk(:) ) / ndegen_k(:)
CALL dgemv('t', 3, nrr_k, twopi, irvec_r, 3, xkq, 1, 0.0_DP, rdotk, 1 )
cfacq(:) = exp( ci*rdotk(:) ) / ndegen_k(:)
! ------------------------------------------------------
! hamiltonian : Wannier -> Bloch
! ------------------------------------------------------
! Kohn-Sham first, then get the rotation matricies for following interp.
IF (eig_read) THEN
CALL hamwan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, cufkk(:,:,ik), etf_ks (:, ikk), chw_ks, cfac)
CALL hamwan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, cufkq(:,:,ik), etf_ks (:, ikq), chw_ks, cfacq)
CALL hamwan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, cufkk(:,:,ik), etf (:, ikk), chw, cfac)
CALL hamwan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, cufkq(:,:,ik), etf (:, ikq), chw, cfacq)
! ------------------------------------------------------
! dipole: Wannier -> Bloch
! ------------------------------------------------------
CALL dmewan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, xkk, cufkk(:,:,ik), dmef (:,:,:, ikk), etf(:,ikk), etf_ks(:,ikk), cfac)
CALL dmewan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, xkq, cufkq(:,:,ik), dmef (:,:,:, ikq), etf(:,ikq), etf_ks(:,ikq), cfacq)
! ------------------------------------------------------
! velocity: Wannier -> Bloch
! ------------------------------------------------------
IF (vme) THEN
IF (eig_read) THEN
CALL vmewan2bloch( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, xkk, &
cufkk(:,:,ik), vmef (:,:,:, ikk), etf(:,ikk), etf_ks(:,ikk), chw_ks)
CALL vmewan2bloch( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, xkq, &
cufkq(:,:,ik), vmef (:,:,:, ikq), etf(:,ikq), etf_ks(:,ikq), chw_ks)
CALL vmewan2bloch( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, xkk, &
cufkk(:,:,ik), vmef (:,:,:, ikk), etf(:,ikk), etf_ks(:,ikk), chw)
CALL vmewan2bloch( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, xkq, &
cufkq(:,:,ik), vmef (:,:,:, ikq), etf(:,ikq), etf_ks(:,ikq), chw)
ENDIF ! imode
! interpolate ONLY when (k,k+q) both have at least one band
! within a Fermi shell of size fsthick
IF ( (( minval ( abs(etf (:, ikk) - ef) ) < fsthick ) .and. &
( minval ( abs(etf (:, ikq) - ef) ) < fsthick )) ) THEN
! fermicount = fermicount + 1
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! epmat : Wannier el and Bloch ph -> Bloch el and Bloch ph
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! SP: Note: In case of polar materials, computing the long-range and short-range term
! separately might help speed up the convergence. Indeed the long-range term should be
! much faster to compute. Note however that the short-range term still contains a linear
! long-range part and therefore could still be a bit more difficult to converge than
! non-polar materials.
IF (longrange) THEN
epmatf = czero
CALL ephwan2bloch_mem &
( imode,nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, epmatwef, xkk, cufkk(:,:,ik), cufkq(:,:,ik), epmatf, nmodes )
IF (lpolar) THEN
CALL compute_umn_f( nbndsub, cufkk(:,:,ik), cufkq(:,:,ik), bmatf )
IF ( (abs(xxq(1)) > eps) .or. (abs(xxq(2)) > eps) .or. (abs(xxq(3)) > eps) ) THEN
CALL cryst_to_cart (1, xxq, bg, 1)
CALL rgd_blk_epw_fine_mem (imode, nq1, nq2, nq3, xxq, uf, epmatlrT(:,:,imode,ik), &
nmodes, epsi, zstar, bmatf, +1.d0)
CALL cryst_to_cart (1, xxq, at, -1)
! Store epmatf in memory
DO jbnd = ibndmin, ibndmax
DO ibnd = ibndmin, ibndmax
eptmp(ibnd-ibndmin+1,jbnd-ibndmin+1,imode,ik) = epmatf(ibnd,jbnd)
ENDDO ! end loop over k points
ENDDO ! mode
! Now do the eigenvector rotation:
! epmatf(j) = sum_i eptmp(i) * uf(i,j)
DO ik=1, nkf
CALL zgemm( 'n', 'n', (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1), nmodes, nmodes, ( 1.d0, 0.d0 ), eptmp(:,:,:,ik),&
(ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1), uf, nmodes, ( 0.d0, 0.d0 ), &
epf17(:,:,:,ik), (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) )
! After the rotation, add the long-range that is already rotated
DO jbnd = ibndmin, ibndmax
DO ibnd = ibndmin, ibndmax
epf17(ibnd-ibndmin+1,jbnd-ibndmin+1,:,:) = epf17(ibnd-ibndmin+1,jbnd-ibndmin+1,:,:) + epmatlrT(ibnd,jbnd,:,:)
IF (prtgkk) CALL print_gkk( iq )
IF (phonselfen ) CALL selfen_phon_q( iq )
IF (elecselfen ) CALL selfen_elec_q( iq )
IF (nest_fn ) CALL nesting_fn_q( iq )
IF (specfun ) CALL spectral_func_q( iq )
IF (ephwrite) THEN
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
CALL kmesh_fine
CALL kqmap_fine
CALL write_ephmat( iq )
CALL count_kpoints(iq)
CALL stop_clock ( 'ep-interp' )
ENDDO ! end loop over q points
ENDIF ! end parallel_k
! Check Memory usage
CALL system_mem_usage(valueRSS)
WRITE(stdout, '(a)' ) ' ==================================================================='
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a)' ) ' Memory usage: VmHWM =',valueRSS(2)/1024,'Mb'
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a)' ) ' VmPeak =',valueRSS(1)/1024,'Mb'
WRITE(stdout, '(a)' ) ' ==================================================================='
WRITE(stdout, '(a)' )
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! SP: Added lambda and phonon lifetime writing to file.
CALL mp_barrier(inter_pool_comm)
IF (mpime.eq.ionode_id) THEN
IF (phonselfen .and. parallel_k ) THEN
WRITE(lambda_phself, '(/2x,a/)') '#Lambda phonon self-energy'
WRITE(lambda_phself, *) '#Modes ',(imode, imode=1,nmodes)
DO iq = 1, nqtotf
!myfmt = "(*(3x,E15.5))" This does not work with PGI
myfmt = "(1000(3x,E15.5))"
WRITE(lambda_phself,'(i9,4x)',advance='no') iq
WRITE(lambda_phself, fmt=myfmt) (REAL(lambda_all(imode,iq,1)),imode=1,nmodes)
WRITE(linewidth_phself, '(a)') '# Phonon frequency and phonon lifetime in meV '
WRITE(linewidth_phself,'(a)') '# Q-point Mode Phonon freq (meV) Phonon linewidth (meV)'
DO iq = 1, nqtotf
DO imode=1, nmodes
WRITE(linewidth_phself,'(i9,i6,E20.8,E22.10)') iq,imode,&
IF (band_plot) CALL plot_band
IF (a2f) CALL eliashberg_a2f
IF ( ALLOCATED(lambda_all) ) DEALLOCATE( lambda_all )
IF ( ALLOCATED(gamma_all) ) DEALLOCATE( gamma_all )
IF ( ALLOCATED(sigmai_all) ) DEALLOCATE( sigmai_all )
IF ( ALLOCATED(sigmai_mode) ) DEALLOCATE( sigmai_mode )
CALL stop_clock ( 'ephwann' )
END SUBROUTINE ephwann_shuffle_mem

View File

@ -532,6 +532,11 @@
&'Error: longrange and shortrange cannot be both true.',1)
IF ( epwread .AND. .not. kmaps .AND. .not. epbread) CALL errore('epw_init',&
&'Error: kmaps has to be true for a restart run. ',1)
IF ( etf_mem == 2 .AND. parallel_q) CALL errore('epw_init',&
&'Error: Memory optimized version and q-parallelization not implemented. ',1)
#ifndef __MPI
IF ( etf_mem == 2 ) CALL errore('epw_init','Error: etf_mem == 2 only works with MPI.',1)
! thickness and smearing width of the Fermi surface
! from eV to Ryd

View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Carla Verdi, Feliciano Giustino
! Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Quantum-Espresso group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or .
SUBROUTINE rgd_blk_epw_fine_mem(imode,nq1,nq2,nq3,q,uq,epmat,nmodes,epsil,zeu,bmat,signe)
!! Compute the long range term for the e-ph vertex
!! to be added or subtracted from the vertex
!! The long-range part can be computed using Eq. (4) of PRL 115, 176401 (2015).
!! The sum over G is converged using the Ewald summation technique (see for example
!! F.2, p.500 in Martin Electronic structure book) where the Ewald factor is ((q+G)**2)/alph/4.0_DP.
!! Technical note: From the solution of the Poisson equation, there is an additional factor
!! e^{-i(q+G)\tau_\kappa} with respect to Eq. (4) of PRL 115, 176401 (2015).
!! The full equation can be found in Eq. (S4) of the supplemental materials of PRL 115, 176401 (2015).
!! The final implemented formula is:
!! $$ g_{mn\nu}^{\mathcal L}({\bf k},{\bf q) = i\frac{4\pi e^2}{\Omega} \sum_{\kappa}
!! \left(\frac{\hbar}{2 {M_\kappa \omega_{{\bf q}\nu}}}\right)^{\!\!\frac{1}{2}}
!! \sum_{{\bf G}\ne -{\bf q}} e^{-({\bf q}+{\bf G})^2/4\alpha}
!! \frac{ ({\bf q}+{\bf G})\cdot{\bf Z}^*_\kappa \cdot {\bf e}_{\kappa\nu}({\bf q}) }
!! {({\bf q}+{\bf G})\cdot\bm\epsilon^\infty\!\cdot({\bf q}+{\bf G})}\,
!! \left[ U_{{\bf k}+{\bf q}}\:U_{{\bf k}}^{\dagger} \right]_{mn} $$
!! 10/2016 - SP: Optimization
USE kinds, ONLY : dp
USE cell_base, ONLY : bg, omega, alat
USE ions_base, ONLY : tau, nat
USE constants_epw, ONLY : twopi, fpi, e2, ci, czero, cone, two, ryd2mev
USE epwcom, ONLY : shortrange, nbndsub
implicit none
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: nq1
!! Coarse q-point grid
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: nq2
!! Coarse q-point grid
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: nq3
!! Coarse q-point grid
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: nmodes
!! Max number of modes
REAL (kind=DP), INTENT (in) :: q(3)
!! q-vector from the full coarse or fine grid.
REAL (kind=DP), INTENT (in) :: epsil(3,3)
!! dielectric constant tensor
REAL (kind=DP), INTENT (in) :: zeu(3,3,nat)
!! effective charges tensor
REAL (kind=DP), INTENT (in) :: signe
!! signe=+/-1.0 ==> add/subtract long range term
COMPLEX (kind=DP), INTENT (in) :: uq(nmodes, nmodes)
!! phonon eigenvec associated with q
COMPLEX (kind=DP), INTENT (inout) :: epmat(nbndsub,nbndsub)
!! e-ph matrix elements
COMPLEX (kind=DP), INTENT (in) :: bmat(nbndsub,nbndsub)
!! Overlap matrix elements $$<U_{mk+q}|U_{nk}>$$
! work variables
REAL(kind=DP) :: qeq, &! <q+G| epsil | q+G>
arg, zaq, g1, g2, g3, gmax, alph, geg
INTEGER :: na, ipol, im, m1,m2,m3, nrx1,nrx2,nrx3, imode
COMPLEX(kind=DP) :: fac, facqd, facq, matsq
COMPLEX(kind=DP) :: epmatl(nbndsub,nbndsub)
IF (abs(signe) /= 1.0) &
CALL errore ('rgd_blk',' wrong value for signe ',1)
gmax= 14.d0
alph= 1.0d0
geg = gmax*alph*4.0d0
fac = signe*e2*fpi/omega * ci
epmatl(:,:) = czero
DO m1 = -nq1,nq1
DO m2 = -nq2,nq2
DO m3 = -nq3,nq3
g1 = m1*bg(1,1) + m2*bg(1,2) + m3*bg(1,3) + q(1)
g2 = m1*bg(2,1) + m2*bg(2,2) + m3*bg(2,3) + q(2)
g3 = m1*bg(3,1) + m2*bg(3,2) + m3*bg(3,3) + q(3)
qeq = (g1*(epsil(1,1)*g1+epsil(1,2)*g2+epsil(1,3)*g3 )+ &
g2*(epsil(2,1)*g1+epsil(2,2)*g2+epsil(2,3)*g3 )+ &
g3*(epsil(3,1)*g1+epsil(3,2)*g2+epsil(3,3)*g3 )) !*twopi/alat
IF (qeq > 0.0_DP .and. qeq/alph/4.0_DP < gmax ) THEN
facqd = fac*exp(-qeq/alph/4.0d0)/qeq !/(two*wq)
DO na = 1,nat
arg = -twopi* ( g1*tau(1,na)+ g2*tau(2,na)+ g3*tau(3,na) )
facq = facqd * CMPLX(cos(arg),sin(arg),kind=DP)
DO ipol=1,3
CALL zaxpy(nbndsub**2,facq * zaq * uq(3*(na-1)+ipol,imode), bmat(:,:),1, epmat(:,:),1)
CALL zaxpy(nbndsub**2,facq * zaq * uq(3*(na-1)+ipol,imode), bmat(:,:),1, epmatl(:,:),1)
ENDDO !ipol
ENDDO !nat
! In case we want only the short-range we do
! g_s = sqrt(g*g - g_l*g_l)
! Important notice: It is possible that (g*g - g_l*g_l) < 0, in which
! case the sqrt will give an pure imaginary number. If it is positive we
! will get a pure real number.
! In any case, when g_s will be squared both will become real numbers.
IF (shortrange) THEN
!epmat = ZSQRT(epmat*conjg(epmat) - epmatl*conjg(epmatl))
epmat = SQRT(epmat*conjg(epmat) - epmatl*conjg(epmatl))
END SUBROUTINE rgd_blk_epw_fine_mem

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
prefix = 'sic'
amass(1) = 28.0855
amass(2) = 12.0107
outdir = './'
elph = .true.
kmaps = .false.
epbwrite = .true.
epbread = .false.
epwwrite = .true.
epwread = .false.
etf_mem = 2
lpolar = .true.
nbndsub = 4
nbndskip = 0
wannierize = .true.
num_iter = 300
iprint = 2
dis_win_max = 12
dis_froz_max= 7
proj(1) = 'Si:sp3'
wdata(1) = 'bands_plot = .true.'
wdata(2) = 'begin kpoint_path'
wdata(3) = 'L 0.50 0.00 0.00 G 0.00 0.00 0.00'
wdata(4) = 'G 0.00 0.00 0.00 X 0.50 0.50 0.00'
wdata(5) = 'end kpoint_path'
wdata(6) = 'bands_plot_format = gnuplot'
wdata(7) = 'use_ws_distance = T'
iverbosity = 0
elecselfen = .true.
phonselfen = .false.
a2f = .false.
parallel_k = .true.
parallel_q = .false.
fsthick = 2.0 ! eV
eptemp = 300 ! K
degaussw = 0.1 ! eV
dvscf_dir = './save'
nkf1 = 6
nkf2 = 6
nkf3 = 6
nqf1 = 6
nqf2 = 6
nqf3 = 6
nk1 = 3
nk2 = 3
nk3 = 3
nq1 = 3
nq2 = 3
nq3 = 3
4 cartesian
0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.0740741
-0.333333333333 0.333333333333 -0.333333333333 0.5925926
0.000000000000 0.666666666667 0.000000000000 0.4444444
0.666666666667 0.000000000000 0.666666666667 0.8888889

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ inputs_args = ('', '1'), ('', '2'), ('', '1'), ('nscf_epw.i
program = EPW
inputs_args = ('', '1'), ('', '2'), ('', '1'), ('', '1'), ('', '3')
inputs_args = ('', '1'), ('', '2'), ('', '1'), ('', '1'), ('', '3'), ('', '3')
program = TDDFPT