First attempt, not yet completely working, of a GUI for the atomic code

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
giannozz 2005-09-12 17:13:52 +00:00
parent 605a912480
commit 780b00cedd
6 changed files with 429 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
2.1.3 2.1CVS

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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
tracevar iswitch w {
switch -exact -- [varvalue iswitch] {
1 {
groupwidget inputp disable
groupwidget test disable
groupwidget pseudization disable
widget sic enable
2 {
groupwidget inputp disable
groupwidget test enable
groupwidget pseudization disable
widget sic disable
3 {
groupwidget inputp enable
groupwidget test enable
groupwidget pseudization enable
widget sic disable
tracevar dft w {
if { [varvalue dft] == "'REPLACE_ME'" } {
widget dft_ enable
} else {
widget dft_ disable
tracevar nld w {
if { [varvalue nld] == 0 } {
widget rlderiv disable
widget eminld disable
widget emaxld disable
widget deld disable
} else {
widget rlderiv enable
widget eminld enable
widget emaxld enable
widget deld enable
tracevar lloc w {
if { [varvalue lloc] == -1 } {
widget rcloc enable
} else {
widget rcloc disable
tracevar nlcc w {
if { [varvalue nlcc] == ".true." } {
widget rcore enable
} else {
widget rcore disable
tracevar lpaw w {
if { [varvalue lpaw] == ".true." } {
widget file_recon enable
} else {
widget file_recon disable
tracevar tm w {
if { [varvalue tm] == ".false." } {
widget rho0 enable
} else {
widget rho0 disable
tracevar rel w {
if { [varvalue rel] == 2 } {
widget lsd disable
} else {
widget lsd enable
postprocess {
varset iswitch -value 1
varset rel -value 1
varset dft -value 'PZ'
varset nld -value 0
varset lloc -value -1
varset nlcc -value .false.
varset lpaw -value .false.
varset tm -value .false.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
help title -vartype character -helpfmt txt2html -helptext {

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@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
source commands.tcl
set ::guib::settings(filename_only_tail) 1
module LD1\#auto -title "PWSCF GUI: module LD1.x" -script {
readfilter ::pwscf::atomicReadFilter
writefilter ::pwscf::atomicDFTFilter
namelist input -name "INPUT" {
required {
var iswitch {
-label "Type of calculation:"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {"All-Electron"
"PseudoPotential Generation"
"PseudoPotential test"}
-value {1 3 2}
-default "All-Electron"
var atom {
-label "Atomic Symbol:"
-fmt %S
var config {
-label "Electronic Configuration:"
-fmt %S
var rel {
-label "Relativistic Effects:"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {"Non Relativistic (Schroedinger)"
"Scalar Relativistic"
"Full Relativistic (Dirac)"}
-value {0 1 2}
var lsd {
-label "LSDA Spin Polarization:"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {"No" "Yes"}
-value {0 1}
-default 0
var dft {
-label "Exchange-Correlation:"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {"Ceperley-Alder LDA, Perdew-Zunger data (PZ)"
"Perdew-Wang GGA (PW91)"
"Becke-Perdew GGA (BP)"
"Perdew-Becke-Ernzerhof (PBE)"
"Becke-Lee-Yang-Parr (BLYP)"
-value {'PZ' 'PW91' 'BP' 'PBE' 'BLYP' 'REPLACE_ME'}
var dft_ {
-label "Enter Exchange-Correlation Functional:"
-fmt %S
optional {
var title {
-label "Job name or Comment (optional):"
-fmt %S
var prefix {
-label "Prefix for output file names:"
-fmt %S
var beta {
-label "Mixing parameter for self-consistency:"
-validate fortranposreal
var tr2 {
-label "Convergence Threshold for self-consistency:"
-validate fortranposreal
var latt {
-label "Latter Correction:"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {"No" "Yes"}
-value {0 1}
-default 0
var sic {
-label "Self-Interaction Correction:"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {"No" "Yes"}
-value {0 1}
-default 0
separator -label "--- Grid: r(i)= exp (xmin + (i-1)*dx) / Z ---"
var xmin {
-label "Grid parameter xmin:"
-validate fortrannegreal
var dx {
-label "Grid parameter dx:"
-validate fortranposreal
var rmax {
-label "Grid parameter rmax:"
-validate fortranposreal
separator -label "--- Parameters for Logarithmic derivative calculation ---"
var nld {
-label "Number of logarithmic derivatives to calculate:"
-widget optionmenu
-textvalue {
"None" "1" "2" "3" "4"
-value { 0 1 2 3 4 }
-default "None"
var rlderiv {
-label "Radius at which logarithmic derivatives are calculated:"
-validate fortranposreal
var eminld {
-label "Minimum energy (Ry) for Plotting:"
-validate fortranreal
var emaxld {
-label "Maximum energy (Ry) for Plotting:"
-validate fortranreal
var deld {
-label "Plotting in steps of Delta E (Ry):"
-validate fortranposreal
namelist inputp -name "INPUTP" {
required {
var pseudotype {
-label "Type of PseudoPotential:"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {
"Norm Conserving, one channel per angular momentum"
"Norm Conserving, more than one channel per angular momentum"
-value {1 2 3}
var file_pseudopw {
-label "Name of the file containing the output PP:"
-fmt %S
var lloc {
-label "Local Potential channel:"
-widget optionmenu
-textvalue {
"all-electron potential" "L=0" "L=1" "L=2" "L=3" "L=4"
-value { -1 0 1 2 3 4 }
-default "all-electron potential"
var rcloc {
-label "Matching Radius for Local Potential (optional if a L channel was specified):"
-validate fortranposreal
var tm {
-label "Type of pseudization procedure:"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {
-value {.true. .false.}
var rho0 {
-label "Charge at r=0:"
-validate fortrannonnegreal
-default 0.0
optional {
var nlcc {
-label "Nonlinear Core Correction:"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {"No" "Yes"}
-value {.false. .true.}
-default "No"
var rcore {
-label "Matching Radius for Nonlinear Core Correction:"
-validate fortranposreal
var lpaw {
-label "Generate PAW dataset (experimental feature):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {"No" "Yes"}
-value {.false. .true.}
-default "No"
var file_recons {
-label "Name of the file containing data needed for PAW reconstruction:"
-fmt %S
var file_chi {
-label "Name of the file containing the output pseudo-orbitals:"
-fmt %S
var file_beta {
-label "Name of the file containing the output beta functions:"
-fmt %S
var file_qvan {
-label "Name of the file containing the output Q functions:"
-fmt %S
var file_screen {
-label "Name of the file containing the output screeing potential:"
-fmt %S
var file_core {
-label "Name of the file containing the output total and core charge:"
-fmt %S
# This section is not yet working
group pseudization -name "Specify states to be pseudized" -decor normal {
line Nwfs {
var nwfs -label "Number of states:" -widget spinint -validate posint -default 1
table wfs {
-caption "Enter Wavefunctions to be Pseudized:"
-head {Label N L Occupancy Energy Rcut "US Rcut"}
-validate {char int int char real real real}
-cols 7
-rows 8
-outfmt {" %2s " %1d %1d %8.3f %8.3f %6.2f %6.2f}
} }
namelist test -name "TEST" {
var nconf {
-label "Number of testing configurations:"
-widget spinint
-validate posint
-default 1
var file_pseudo {
-label "Name of the file containing the input PP:"
-fmt %S
dimension configts {
-label "Test electronic configurations"
-start 1
-end 8
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# take care of specialties
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
source atomic-event.tcl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# source the HELP file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
source atomic-help.tcl

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# partial check if input file has an acceptable format
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc ::pwscf::atomicReadFilter {moduleObj channel} {
# ld1.x formatted input file should have the &INPUT namelist
set status [::pwscf::readFilter::findNamelists $moduleObj $channel INPUT errMsg]
if { $status == 0 } {
$moduleObj readFileWrongFormat ld1.x $errMsg
return [readFilter::default $moduleObj $channel {logical amass}]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# dft is a namelist variable
# We need to remove dft_ and replace dft_ with dft
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc ::pwscf::atomicDFTFilter {moduleObj outputContent} {
set result {}
foreach line [split $outputContent \n] {
if { [string match {*'REPLACE_ME' *} $line] } {
# we skip this line
} elseif { [string match {*dft_ *} $line] } {
# replace dft_ with dft
# usage: regsub ?switches? exp string subSpec varName
# regsub == regular-expression-substitution
# exp -- regular expresion to match
# string -- string to make the regsub
# subSpec -- what to do with the portion of string that matches
# expression (i.e. this is the replacement string)
# varName -- where to store the result
regsub -- dft_ $line dft newLine
append result $newLine\n
} else {
# simply append
append result $line\n
return $result

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
# #
# #
# $Id: pwscf.itcl,v 1.3 2004-09-20 07:06:05 kokalj Exp $ # $Id: pwscf.itcl,v 1.4 2005-09-12 17:13:52 giannozz Exp $
# #
tk_setPalette #d9d9d9 tk_setPalette #d9d9d9
@ -82,6 +82,9 @@ $gui addModule module pr "ProjWFC.X" [file join $env(PWGUI) modules projwfc proj
$gui addModule module d3 "D3.X" [file join $env(PWGUI) modules d3 d3.tcl] { $gui addModule module d3 "D3.X" [file join $env(PWGUI) modules d3 d3.tcl] {
{{D3.X Input File} {*.d3.inp}} {{D3.X Input File} {*.d3.inp}}
} }
$gui addModule module ld "LD1.X" [file join $env(PWGUI) modules atomic atomic.tcl] {
{{LD1.X Input File} {*.ld1.inp}}
#$gui addModule cascade pwscf "PWscf files ..." { #$gui addModule cascade pwscf "PWscf files ..." {
# $gui addModule command ... # $gui addModule command ...
@ -106,6 +109,7 @@ $gui addHelp help pp "PP.X Input Syntax" [file join $env(PWGUI) doc p
$gui addHelp help chdens "ChDENS.X Input Syntax" [file join $env(PWGUI) doc pwdocs INPUT_CHDENS.html] $gui addHelp help chdens "ChDENS.X Input Syntax" [file join $env(PWGUI) doc pwdocs INPUT_CHDENS.html]
$gui addHelp help projwfc "ProjWFC.X Input Syntax" [file join $env(PWGUI) doc pwdocs INPUT_PROJWFC.html] $gui addHelp help projwfc "ProjWFC.X Input Syntax" [file join $env(PWGUI) doc pwdocs INPUT_PROJWFC.html]
$gui addHelp help d3 "D3.X Input Syntax" [file join $env(PWGUI) doc pwdocs INPUT_D3.html] $gui addHelp help d3 "D3.X Input Syntax" [file join $env(PWGUI) doc pwdocs INPUT_D3.html]
$gui addHelp help ld "LD1.X Input Syntax" [file join $env(PWGUI) doc pwdocs INPUT.html]