Chnages proposed by Leonard Talirz to allow multiple plotting

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
giannozz 2017-01-05 13:55:02 +00:00
parent ae5c7bad26
commit 7570c21f63
8 changed files with 573 additions and 388 deletions

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@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ input_description -distribution {Quantum Espresso} -package PWscf -program pp.x
@b {Purpose of pp.x:} data analysis and plotting.
The code performs two steps:
(1) reads the output file produced by pw.x, extract and calculate
the desired quantity (rho, V, ...)
(1) reads the output produced by pw.x, extracts and calculates
the desired quantity/quantities (rho, V, ...)
(2) writes the desired quantity to file in a suitable format for
various types of plotting and various plotting programs
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ input_description -distribution {Quantum Espresso} -package PWscf -program pp.x
2 = local ionic potential V_bare
3 = local density of states at e_fermi
3 = local density of states at specific energy or grid of energies
(number of states per volume, in bohr^3,
per energy unit, in Ry)
@ -157,6 +157,51 @@ input_description -distribution {Quantum Espresso} -package PWscf -program pp.x
elsewhen -test "plot_num=3" {
label {
Options for LDOS (plot_num=3):
LDOS is plotted on grid [emin, emax] with spacing delta_e.
var emin -type REAL {
default e_fermi
info {
lower boundary of energy grid (in eV).
Defaults to Fermi energy.
var emax -type REAL {
info {
upper boundary of energy grid (in eV).
If not specified, LDOS is computed just for energy @ref emin
var delta_e -type REAL {
default 0.1
info {
spacing of energy grid (in eV).
i.e. compute ILDOS from @ref emin to @ref emax
var degauss_ldos -type REAL {
default {degauss (converted to eV)}
info {
broadening of energy levels for LDOS (in eV).
Defaults to broadening specified for electronic smearing
of the calculation.
elsewhen -test "plot_num=5" {
label {
Options for STM images (plot_num=5):
@ -175,17 +220,22 @@ input_description -distribution {Quantum Espresso} -package PWscf -program pp.x
Options for |psi|^2 (plot_num=7):
var kpoint -type INTEGER {
dimension kpoint -start 1 -end 2 -type INTEGER {
info {
Unpolarized and noncollinear case: k-point to be plotted
LSDA: k-point and spin polarization to be plotted
(spin-up and spin-down correspond to different k-points!)
When both kpoint(1) and kpoint(2) are specified, all
kpoints in the range [kpoint(1),kpoint(2)] are plotted.
var kband -type INTEGER {
dimension kband -start 1 -end 2 -type INTEGER {
info {
band to be plotted
band to be plotted .
When both kband(1) and kband(2) are specified, all
bands in the range [kband(1),kband(2)] are plotted.
@ -195,7 +245,9 @@ input_description -distribution {Quantum Espresso} -package PWscf -program pp.x
var spin_component -type INTEGER {
dimension spin_component -start 1 -end 2 -type INTEGER {
default 0
info {
Noncollinear case only:
plot the contribution of the given state to the charge
@ -207,6 +259,10 @@ input_description -distribution {Quantum Espresso} -package PWscf -program pp.x
3 = z.
Ignored in unpolarized or LSDA case
When both spin_component(1) and spin_component(2) are specified, all
components in the range [spin_component(1),spin_component(2)] are

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ add_shift_lc.o \
add_shift_us.o \
atomic_wfc_nc_proj.o \
cft.o \
chdens.o \
chdens_module.o \
chdens_bspline.o \
compute_ppsi.o \
compute_sigma_avg.o \

View File

@ -255,6 +255,7 @@ SUBROUTINE plot_3d_bspline (alat, at, nat, tau, atm, ityp, rhor, &
USE kinds, ONLY : dp
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, ionode
USE fft_base, ONLY : dfftp
USE chdens_module, ONLY : write_openmol_file
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny, nz, nat, ityp(nat), output_format, ounit

View File

@ -7,7 +7,10 @@
SUBROUTINE chdens (filplot,plot_num)
MODULE chdens_module
SUBROUTINE chdens (plot_files,plot_num)
! Writes the charge density (or potential, or polarisation)
! into a file format suitable for plotting
@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ SUBROUTINE chdens (filplot,plot_num)
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY: psic
CHARACTER (len=256), INTENT(in) :: filplot
!CHARACTER (len=256), INTENT(in) :: filplot
CHARACTER (len=256), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(in) :: plot_files
! If plot_num=-1 the dimensions and structural data are read from the charge
! or potential file, otherwise it uses the data already read from
@ -52,14 +56,14 @@ SUBROUTINE chdens (filplot,plot_num)
! maximum number of files with charge
INTEGER :: ounit, iflag, ios, ipol, nfile, ifile, nx, ny, nz, &
na, i, output_format, idum, direction
na, i, output_format, idum, direction, iplot
real(DP) :: e1(3), e2(3), e3(3), x0 (3), radius, m1, m2, m3, &
weight (nfilemax), isovalue,heightmin,heightmax
real(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: aux(:)
CHARACTER (len=256) :: fileout
CHARACTER (len=256) :: fileout, fileout_tmp
CHARACTER (len=13), DIMENSION(0:7) :: formatname = &
(/ 'gnuplot ', &
'contour.x ', &
@ -98,7 +102,7 @@ SUBROUTINE chdens (filplot,plot_num)
! set the DEFAULT values
nfile = 1
filepp(1) = filplot
filepp(1) = plot_files(1)
weight(1) = 1.0d0
iflag = 0
radius = 1.0d0
@ -138,6 +142,7 @@ SUBROUTINE chdens (filplot,plot_num)
CALL mp_bcast( filepp, ionode_id, world_comm )
CALL mp_bcast( weight, ionode_id, world_comm )
CALL mp_bcast( iflag, ionode_id, world_comm )
@ -166,7 +171,12 @@ SUBROUTINE chdens (filplot,plot_num)
! check for number of files
IF (nfile < 1 .or. nfile > nfilemax) &
CALL errore ('chdens ', 'nfile is wrong ', 1)
CALL errore ('chdens ', 'nfile < 1 or too large', 1)
IF (nfile > 1 .AND. SIZE(plot_files) > 1) THEN
CALL errore ('chdens ', &
"can't mix nfile > 1 with specifying multiple plots", 1)
! check for iflag
@ -279,6 +289,15 @@ SUBROUTINE chdens (filplot,plot_num)
CALL fft_type_allocate ( dffts, at, bg, gcutms, intra_bgrp_comm)
fileout_tmp = fileout
! Plotting all files in plot_files
DO iplot=1, SIZE(plot_files)
IF (SIZE(plot_files) > 1) THEN
filepp(1) = plot_files(iplot)
WRITE(fileout,"(A,A)") TRIM(plot_files(iplot)), TRIM(fileout_tmp)
ALLOCATE (rhor(dfftp%nr1x*dfftp%nr2x*dfftp%nr3x))
ALLOCATE (rhos(dfftp%nr1x*dfftp%nr2x*dfftp%nr3x))
ALLOCATE (taus( 3 , nat))
@ -397,7 +416,7 @@ SUBROUTINE chdens (filplot,plot_num)
IF (plot_num==-1) THEN
! nproc_pool=1
! nproc_pool=1
CALL data_structure ( gamma_only )
CALL allocate_fft()
@ -543,6 +562,9 @@ SUBROUTINE chdens (filplot,plot_num)
IF (allocated(rhog)) DEALLOCATE(rhog)
@ -1449,3 +1471,5 @@ SUBROUTINE isostm_plot(rhor, nr1x, nr2x, nr3x, &
END SUBROUTINE isostm_plot
END MODULE chdens_module

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ SUBROUTINE local_dos (iflag, lsign, kpoint, kband, spin_component, &
nkstot, ngk, igk_k
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : lsda, nspin, current_spin, isk
USE scf, ONLY : rho
USE symme, ONLY : sym_rho, sym_rho_init
USE symme, ONLY : sym_rho, sym_rho_init, sym_rho_deallocate
USE uspp, ONLY : nkb, vkb, becsum, nhtol, nhtoj, indv
USE uspp_param, ONLY : upf, nh, nhm
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY : evc, psic, psic_nc
@ -56,23 +56,24 @@ SUBROUTINE local_dos (iflag, lsign, kpoint, kband, spin_component, &
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iflag, kpoint, kband, spin_component
LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: lsign
real(DP), INTENT(in) :: emin, emax
REAL(DP), INTENT(in) :: emin, emax
real(DP), INTENT(out) :: dos (dfftp%nnr)
REAL(DP), INTENT(out) :: dos (dfftp%nnr)
! local variables
INTEGER :: npw, ikb, jkb, ijkb0, ih, jh, kh, na, ijh, np
! counters for US PPs
INTEGER :: ir, is, ig, ibnd, ik, irm, isup, isdw, ipol, kkb, is1, is2
INTEGER :: npw, ikb, jkb, ijkb0, ih, jh, kh, na, ijh, np
! counters
real(DP) :: w, w1, modulus
real(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: rbecp(:,:), segno(:), maxmod(:)
INTEGER :: ir, is, ig, ibnd, ik, irm, isup, isdw, ipol, kkb, is1, is2
REAL(DP) :: w, w1, modulus, wg_max
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: rbecp(:,:), segno(:), maxmod(:)
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: becp(:,:), &
becp_nc(:,:,:), be1(:,:), be2(:,:)
INTEGER :: who_calculate, iproc
COMPLEX(DP) :: phase
real(DP), EXTERNAL :: w0gauss, w1gauss
REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: w0gauss, w1gauss
LOGICAL :: i_am_the_pool
INTEGER :: which_pool, kpoint_pool
@ -120,8 +121,8 @@ SUBROUTINE local_dos (iflag, lsign, kpoint, kband, spin_component, &
IF (iflag == 0) THEN
wg (ibnd, ik) = 0.d0
ELSEIF (iflag == 1) THEN
wg (ibnd, ik) = wk (ik) * w0gauss ( (ef - et (ibnd, ik) ) &
/ degauss, ngauss) / degauss
! Local density of states at energy emin with broadening emax
wg(ibnd,ik) = wk(ik) * w0gauss((emin - et(ibnd, ik))/emax, ngauss) / emax
ELSEIF (iflag == 2) THEN
wg (ibnd, ik) = - wk (ik) * w1gauss ( (ef - et (ibnd, ik) ) &
/ degauss, ngauss)
@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ SUBROUTINE local_dos (iflag, lsign, kpoint, kband, spin_component, &
wg_max = MAXVAL(wg(:,:))
IF ( iflag == 0 .and. npool > 1 ) THEN
CALL xk_pool( kpoint, nkstot, kpoint_pool, which_pool )
@ -170,7 +172,9 @@ SUBROUTINE local_dos (iflag, lsign, kpoint, kband, spin_component, &
! here we compute the density of states
DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
IF (ibnd == kband .or. iflag /= 0) THEN
! Neglect summands with relative weights below machine epsilon
IF ( wg(ibnd, ik) > epsilon(0.0_DP) * wg_max .and. &
(ibnd == kband .or. iflag /= 0)) THEN
IF (noncolin) THEN
psic_nc = (0.d0,0.d0)
DO ig = 1, npw
@ -352,9 +356,10 @@ SUBROUTINE local_dos (iflag, lsign, kpoint, kband, spin_component, &
ENDDO ! loop over bands
ENDDO ! loop over k-points
IF (gamma_only) THEN
@ -412,7 +417,7 @@ SUBROUTINE local_dos (iflag, lsign, kpoint, kband, spin_component, &
! symmetrization of the local dos
CALL sym_rho_init ( gamma_only )
CALL sym_rho_init (gamma_only )
psic(:) = cmplx ( dos(:), 0.0_dp, kind=dp)
CALL fwfft ('Dense', psic, dfftp)
@ -425,6 +430,8 @@ SUBROUTINE local_dos (iflag, lsign, kpoint, kband, spin_component, &
CALL invfft ('Dense', psic, dfftp)
dos(:) = dble(psic(:))
CALL sym_rho_deallocate()

View File

@ -110,33 +110,34 @@ bgw2pw.o : ../../PW/src/scf_mod.o
bgw2pw.o : ../../PW/src/symm_base.o
bgw2pw.o : ../../iotk/src/iotk_module.o
cft.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
chdens.o : ../../FFTXlib/fft_interfaces.o
chdens.o : ../../FFTXlib/fft_types.o
chdens.o : ../../FFTXlib/scatter_mod.o
chdens.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
chdens.o : ../../Modules/constants.o
chdens.o : ../../Modules/control_flags.o
chdens.o : ../../Modules/fft_base.o
chdens.o : ../../Modules/gvecw.o
chdens.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
chdens.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
chdens.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
chdens.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
chdens.o : ../../Modules/mp.o
chdens.o : ../../Modules/mp_bands.o
chdens.o : ../../Modules/mp_pools.o
chdens.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
chdens.o : ../../Modules/parameters.o
chdens.o : ../../Modules/recvec.o
chdens.o : ../../Modules/recvec_subs.o
chdens.o : ../../Modules/run_info.o
chdens.o : ../../Modules/wavefunctions.o
chdens.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
chdens_bspline.o : ../../Modules/bspline.o
chdens_bspline.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
chdens_bspline.o : ../../Modules/fft_base.o
chdens_bspline.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
chdens_bspline.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
chdens_bspline.o : chdens_module.o
chdens_module.o : ../../FFTXlib/fft_interfaces.o
chdens_module.o : ../../FFTXlib/fft_types.o
chdens_module.o : ../../FFTXlib/scatter_mod.o
chdens_module.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
chdens_module.o : ../../Modules/constants.o
chdens_module.o : ../../Modules/control_flags.o
chdens_module.o : ../../Modules/fft_base.o
chdens_module.o : ../../Modules/gvecw.o
chdens_module.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
chdens_module.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
chdens_module.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
chdens_module.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
chdens_module.o : ../../Modules/mp.o
chdens_module.o : ../../Modules/mp_bands.o
chdens_module.o : ../../Modules/mp_pools.o
chdens_module.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
chdens_module.o : ../../Modules/parameters.o
chdens_module.o : ../../Modules/recvec.o
chdens_module.o : ../../Modules/recvec_subs.o
chdens_module.o : ../../Modules/run_info.o
chdens_module.o : ../../Modules/wavefunctions.o
chdens_module.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
compute_ppsi.o : ../../Modules/becmod.o
compute_ppsi.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
compute_ppsi.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
@ -163,6 +164,7 @@ compute_sigma_avg.o : ../../PW/src/scf_mod.o
cube.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
cube.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
cube.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
cube.o : ../../Modules/run_info.o
d_matrix_nc.o : ../../Modules/invmat.o
d_matrix_nc.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
d_matrix_nc.o : ../../Modules/random_numbers.o
@ -429,9 +431,11 @@ postproc.o : ../../Modules/mp.o
postproc.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
postproc.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
postproc.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
postproc.o : ../../Modules/parameters.o
postproc.o : ../../Modules/paw_variables.o
postproc.o : ../../Modules/recvec.o
postproc.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
postproc.o : chdens_module.o
projections_mod.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
projections_mod.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
projections_mod.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o

View File

@ -7,50 +7,10 @@
! Program for data analysis and plotting. The two basic steps are:
! 1) read the output file produced by pw.x, extract and calculate
! the desired quantity (rho, V, ...)
! 2) write the desired quantity to file in a suitable format for
! various types of plotting and various plotting programs
! The two steps can be performed independently. Intermediate data
! can be saved to file in step 1 and read from file in step 2.
! DESCRIPTION of the INPUT : see file Doc/INPUT_PP.*
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode
USE mp_global, ONLY : mp_startup
USE environment,ONLY : environment_start, environment_end
CHARACTER(len=256) :: filplot
INTEGER :: plot_num
! initialise environment
#if defined(__MPI)
CALL mp_startup ( )
CALL environment_start ( 'POST-PROC' )
IF ( ionode ) CALL input_from_file ( )
CALL extract (filplot, plot_num)
CALL chdens (filplot, plot_num)
CALL environment_end ( 'POST-PROC' )
CALL stop_pp()
MODULE pp_module
SUBROUTINE extract (filplot,plot_num)
SUBROUTINE extract (plot_files,plot_num)
! This subroutine reads the data for the output file produced by pw.x
@ -65,7 +25,7 @@ SUBROUTINE extract (filplot,plot_num)
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ntyp=>nsp, ityp, tau
USE gvect
USE fft_base, ONLY : dfftp
USE klist, ONLY : two_fermi_energies
USE klist, ONLY : two_fermi_energies, degauss
USE vlocal, ONLY : strf
USE io_files, ONLY : tmp_dir, prefix
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode, ionode_id
@ -76,25 +36,35 @@ SUBROUTINE extract (filplot,plot_num)
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
USE mp_world, ONLY : world_comm
USE constants, ONLY : rytoev
USE parameters, ONLY : npk
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
CHARACTER(LEN=256), EXTERNAL :: trimcheck
CHARACTER(len=256), INTENT(out) :: filplot
CHARACTER(len=256), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(out) :: plot_files
INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: plot_num
INTEGER :: kpoint, kband, spin_component, ios
CHARACTER (len=2), DIMENSION(0:3) :: spin_desc = &
(/ ' ', '_X', '_Y', '_Z' /)
INTEGER :: kpoint(2), kband(2), spin_component(3), ios
LOGICAL :: lsign, needwf
REAL(DP) :: emin, emax, sample_bias, z, dz, epsilon
REAL(DP) :: degauss_ldos, delta_e
CHARACTER(len=256) :: filplot
INTEGER :: plot_nkpt, plot_nbnd, plot_nspin, nplots
INTEGER :: iplot, ikpt, ibnd, ispin
! directory for temporary files
CHARACTER(len=256) :: outdir
NAMELIST / inputpp / outdir, prefix, plot_num, sample_bias, &
spin_component, z, dz, emin, emax, kpoint, kband, &
spin_component, z, dz, emin, emax, delta_e, degauss_ldos, kpoint, kband, &
filplot, lsign, epsilon
! set default values for variables in namelist
@ -103,6 +73,8 @@ SUBROUTINE extract (filplot,plot_num)
IF ( trim( outdir ) == ' ' ) outdir = './'
filplot = 'tmp.pp'
plot_num = -1
kpoint(2) = 0
kband(2) = 0
spin_component = 0
sample_bias = 0.01d0
z = 1.d0
@ -110,7 +82,9 @@ SUBROUTINE extract (filplot,plot_num)
emin = -999.0d0
emax = +999.0d0
ios = 0
@ -139,6 +113,8 @@ SUBROUTINE extract (filplot,plot_num)
CALL mp_bcast( dz, ionode_id, world_comm )
CALL mp_bcast( emin, ionode_id, world_comm )
CALL mp_bcast( emax, ionode_id, world_comm )
CALL mp_bcast( degauss_ldos, ionode_id, world_comm )
CALL mp_bcast( delta_e, ionode_id, world_comm )
CALL mp_bcast( kband, ionode_id, world_comm )
CALL mp_bcast( kpoint, ionode_id, world_comm )
CALL mp_bcast( filplot, ionode_id, world_comm )
@ -153,13 +129,13 @@ SUBROUTINE extract (filplot,plot_num)
'Wrong plot_num', abs (plot_num) )
IF (plot_num == 7 .or. plot_num == 13 .or. plot_num==18) THEN
IF (spin_component < 0 .or. spin_component > 3) CALL errore &
IF (spin_component(1) < 0 .or. spin_component(1) > 3) CALL errore &
('postproc', 'wrong spin_component', 1)
ELSEIF (plot_num == 10) THEN
IF (spin_component < 0 .or. spin_component > 2) CALL errore &
IF (spin_component(1) < 0 .or. spin_component(1) > 2) CALL errore &
('postproc', 'wrong spin_component', 2)
IF (spin_component < 0 ) CALL errore &
IF (spin_component(1) < 0 ) CALL errore &
('postproc', 'wrong spin_component', 3)
@ -182,18 +158,128 @@ SUBROUTINE extract (filplot,plot_num)
CALL errore('postproc',&
'Post-processing with constrained magnetization is not available yet',1)
! The following line sets emax to its default value if not set
! It is done here because Ef must be read from file
IF (emax == +999.0d0) emax = ef
! Set default values for emin, emax, degauss_ldos
! Done here because ef, degauss must be read from file
IF (emin > emax) CALL errore('postproc','emin > emax',0)
IF (plot_num == 10) THEN
IF (emax == +999.0d0) emax = ef * rytoev
ELSEIF (plot_num == 3) THEN
IF (emin == -999.0d0) emin = ef * rytoev
IF (emax == +999.0d0) emax = ef * rytoev
IF (degauss_ldos == -999.0d0) THEN
WRITE(stdout, &
'(/5x,"degauss_ldos not set, defaults to degauss = ",f6.4, " eV")') &
degauss * rytoev
degauss_ldos = degauss * rytoev
! transforming all back to Ry units
emin = emin / rytoev
emax = emax / rytoev
delta_e = delta_e / rytoev
degauss_ldos = degauss_ldos / rytoev
! Number of output files depends on input
nplots = 1
IF (plot_num == 3) THEN
nplots=(emax-emin)/delta_e + 1
ELSEIF (plot_num == 7) THEN
IF (kpoint(2) == 0) kpoint(2) = kpoint(1)
plot_nkpt = kpoint(2) - kpoint(1) + 1
IF (kband(2) == 0) kband(2) = kband(1)
plot_nbnd = kband(2) - kband(1) + 1
IF (spin_component(2) == 0) spin_component(2) = spin_component(1)
plot_nspin = spin_component(2) - spin_component(1) + 1
nplots = plot_nbnd * plot_nkpt * plot_nspin
ALLOCATE( plot_files(nplots) )
plot_files(1) = filplot
! Now do whatever you want
! First handle plot_nums with multiple calls to punch_plot
IF (nplots > 1 .AND. plot_num == 3) THEN
! Local density of states on energy grid of spacing delta_e within [emin, emax]
DO iplot=1,nplots
WRITE(plot_files(iplot),'(A, I0.3)') TRIM(filplot), iplot
CALL punch_plot (TRIM(plot_files(iplot)), plot_num, sample_bias, z, dz, &
emin, degauss_ldos, kpoint, kband, spin_component, lsign, epsilon)
ELSEIF (nplots > 1 .AND. plot_num == 7) THEN
! Plot multiple KS orbitals in one go
iplot = 1
DO ikpt=kpoint(1), kpoint(2)
DO ibnd=kband(1), kband(2)
DO ispin=spin_component(1), spin_component(2)
WRITE(plot_files(iplot),"(A,A,I0.3,A,I0.3,A)") &
TRIM(filplot), "_K", ikpt, "_B", ibnd, TRIM(spin_desc(ispin))
CALL punch_plot (TRIM(plot_files(iplot)), plot_num, sample_bias, z, dz, &
emin, emax, ikpt, ibnd, ispin, lsign, epsilon)
iplot = iplot + 1
! Single call to punch_plot
IF (plot_num == 3) THEN
CALL punch_plot (filplot, plot_num, sample_bias, z, dz, &
emin, degauss_ldos, kpoint, kband, spin_component, lsign, epsilon)
CALL punch_plot (filplot, plot_num, sample_bias, z, dz, &
emin, emax, kpoint, kband, spin_component, lsign, epsilon)
END MODULE pp_module
! Program for data analysis and plotting. The two basic steps are:
! 1) read the output file produced by pw.x, extract and calculate
! the desired quantity (rho, V, ...)
! 2) write the desired quantity to file in a suitable format for
! various types of plotting and various plotting programs
! The two steps can be performed independently. Intermediate data
! can be saved to file in step 1 and read from file in step 2.
! DESCRIPTION of the INPUT : see file Doc/INPUT_PP.*
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode
USE mp_global, ONLY : mp_startup
USE environment,ONLY : environment_start, environment_end
USE chdens_module, ONLY : chdens
USE pp_module, ONLY : extract
!CHARACTER(len=256) :: filplot
CHARACTER(len=256), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: plot_files
INTEGER :: plot_num
! initialise environment
#if defined(__MPI)
CALL mp_startup ( )
CALL environment_start ( 'POST-PROC' )
IF ( ionode ) CALL input_from_file ( )
CALL extract (plot_files, plot_num)
CALL chdens (plot_files, plot_num)
CALL environment_end ( 'POST-PROC' )
CALL stop_pp()

View File

@ -40,11 +40,12 @@ SUBROUTINE punch_plot (filplot, plot_num, sample_bias, z, dz, &
USE paw_postproc, ONLY : PAW_make_ae_charge
CHARACTER(len=*) :: filplot
INTEGER :: kpoint, kband, spin_component, plot_num
LOGICAL :: lsign
REAL(DP) :: sample_bias, dummy
REAL(DP) :: emin, emax, z, dz, charge, epsilon
CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(IN) :: filplot
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: plot_num, kpoint, kband, spin_component
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: sample_bias, z, dz, &
emin, emax, epsilon
REAL(DP) :: dummy, charge
INTEGER :: is, ipol, istates
#if defined(__MPI)
! auxiliary vector (parallel case)
@ -60,10 +61,13 @@ SUBROUTINE punch_plot (filplot, plot_num, sample_bias, z, dz, &
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Calling punch_plot, plot_num = ",i3)') plot_num
IF (plot_num == 7 ) &
IF (plot_num == 3 ) &
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x,"Energy =", f10.5, " eV, broadening =", f10.5, "eV" )') &
emin * rytoev, emax * rytoev
IF (plot_num == 7) &
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Plotting k_point = ",i3," band =", i3 )') &
kpoint, kband
IF (plot_num == 7 .and. noncolin .and. spin_component /= 0 ) &
IF ((plot_num == 7) .and. noncolin .and. spin_component /= 0 ) &
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Plotting spin magnetization ipol = ",i3)') &
@ -118,10 +122,12 @@ SUBROUTINE punch_plot (filplot, plot_num, sample_bias, z, dz, &
ELSEIF (plot_num == 3) THEN
! The local density of states at e_fermi on output
! The local density of states at emin, with broadening emax
WRITE (title, '(" Energy = ",f8.4," eV, ", "broadening = ",f8.4," eV")') &
emin * rytoev, emax * rytoev
IF (noncolin) CALL errore('punch_plot','not implemented yet',1)
CALL local_dos (1, lsign, kpoint, kband, spin_component, emin, emax, raux)
CALL local_dos(1, lsign, kpoint, kband, spin_component, emin, emax, raux)
ELSEIF (plot_num == 4) THEN
@ -153,6 +159,7 @@ SUBROUTINE punch_plot (filplot, plot_num, sample_bias, z, dz, &
ELSEIF (plot_num == 7) THEN
WRITE (title, '("k_point ",i4,", band ",i4)') kpoint ,kband
IF (noncolin) THEN
IF (spin_component==0) THEN