Subroutine test_input_file converted to function, makes a more careful check

whether a file is xml or not; cleanup pf neb.f90

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
giannozz 2013-01-08 21:14:37 +00:00
parent f3508d9ca0
commit 6dc558d2d6
3 changed files with 96 additions and 86 deletions

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@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ CONTAINS
INTEGER :: stdin=5, stdtmp
CHARACTER(LEN=512) :: dummy
LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: test_input_xml
#if defined(__ABSOFT)
# define getarg getarg_
@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ CONTAINS
OPEN ( UNIT = stdtmp, FILE = TRIM(input_file) , FORM = 'FORMATTED', &
STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ierr )
IF ( ierr > 0 ) GO TO 30
CALL test_input_xml (stdtmp, lxmlinput_loc )
lxmlinput_loc = test_input_xml (stdtmp )
CLOSE ( UNIT=stdtmp, status='keep')
lxmlinput = lxmlinput_loc

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@ -11,63 +11,49 @@ PROGRAM neb
! ... Nudged Elastic Band / Strings Method algorithm
USE io_global, ONLY : meta_ionode_id, xmlinputunit
USE parameters, ONLY : ntypx, npk, lmaxx
USE control_flags, ONLY : conv_elec, conv_ions, lpath, gamma_only
USE environment, ONLY : environment_start, environment_end
USE path_variables, ONLY : conv_path
USE check_stop, ONLY : check_stop_init
USE path_base, ONLY : initialize_path, search_mep
USE path_io_routines, ONLY : path_summary
USE io_global, ONLY : meta_ionode_id, xmlinputunit
USE environment, ONLY : environment_start, environment_end
USE path_variables, ONLY : conv_path
USE check_stop, ONLY : check_stop_init
USE path_base, ONLY : initialize_path, search_mep
USE path_io_routines, ONLY : path_summary
USE image_io_routines, ONLY : io_image_start
USE mp_global, ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_rank
USE mp_global, ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_rank, mp_start
USE mp_image_global_module, ONLY : mp_image_startup, world_comm
USE mp_image_global_module, ONLY : me_image, nimage
USE mp_global, ONLY : mp_start
USE iotk_module, ONLY : iotk_attlenx
USE mp_image_global_module, ONLY : mp_image_startup, world_comm, &
me_image, nimage
USE iotk_module, ONLY : iotk_open_read, iotk_close_read, iotk_attlenx
USE open_close_input_file, ONLY : open_input_file, close_input_file
USE read_xml_module, ONLY : read_xml
USE read_cards_module, ONLY : read_cards
USE read_namelists_module, ONLY : read_namelists
USE path_read_namelists_module, ONLY : path_read_namelist
USE path_read_cards_module, ONLY : path_read_cards
USE path_read_cards_module, ONLY : path_read_cards
USE path_io_units_module, ONLY : stdinpath, set_input_unit
USE path_io_units_module, ONLY : stdinpath, set_input_unit
USE path_input_parameters_module, ONLY : nstep_path
USE path_input_parameters_module, ONLY : input_images
USE path_input_parameters_module, ONLY : allocate_path_input_ions, &
USE path_input_parameters_module, ONLY : nstep_path, input_images, &
allocate_path_input_ions, &
USE iotk_module, ONLY : iotk_open_read, iotk_close_read,iotk_attlenx
CHARACTER (len=iotk_attlenx) :: attr
CHARACTER(len=256) :: engine_prefix
INTEGER :: unit_tmp
INTEGER :: unit_tmp = 45
INTEGER :: i, iimage
CHARACTER(len=10) :: a_tmp
INTEGER :: mpime = 0, nproc = 1, neb_comm = 0
INTEGER :: root = 0
INTEGER :: mpime = 0, nproc = 1, neb_comm = 0, root = 0
CHARACTER(len=256) :: parsing_file_name
LOGICAL :: lfound_parsing_file, lfound_input_images
LOGICAL :: lxml
LOGICAL :: lfound_parsing_file, lfound_input_images, lxml
LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: test_input_xml
CHARACTER(LEN=6), EXTERNAL :: int_to_char
unit_tmp = 45
xmlinputunit = 45
xmlinputunit = unit_tmp
#ifdef __MPI
CALL mp_start(nproc,mpime,neb_comm)
@ -76,39 +62,38 @@ PROGRAM neb
CALL environment_start ( 'NEB' )
! ... open input file
if(mpime==root) CALL input_file_name_getarg(parsing_file_name,lfound_parsing_file)
IF ( mpime == root) CALL input_file_name_getarg &
(parsing_file_name, lfound_parsing_file)
engine_prefix = "pw_"
CALL mp_bcast(parsing_file_name,root,neb_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(lfound_parsing_file,root,neb_comm)
IF (lfound_parsing_file) then
WRITE(0,*) ""
WRITE(0,*) "parsing_file_name: ", trim(parsing_file_name)
CALL path_gen_inputs ( trim(parsing_file_name), engine_prefix, &
input_images, root, neb_comm )
WRITE(0,*) ""
WRITE(0,*) "NO input file found, assuming nothing to parse."
WRITE(0,*) "Searching argument -input_images or --input_images"
IF ( mpime == root ) CALL input_images_getarg &
CALL mp_bcast(input_images,root,neb_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(lfound_input_images,root,neb_comm)
IF (.not.lfound_input_images) CALL errore('string_methods', &
'Neither a file to parse nor input files for each image found',1)
if(lfound_parsing_file) then
write(0,*) ""
write(0,*) "parsing_file_name: ", trim(parsing_file_name)
call path_gen_inputs(trim(parsing_file_name),engine_prefix,input_images,root,neb_comm)
write(0,*) ""
write(0,*) "NO input file found, assuming nothing to parse."
write(0,*) "Searching argument -input_images or --input_images"
if(mpime==root) CALL input_images_getarg(input_images,lfound_input_images)
CALL mp_bcast(input_images,root,neb_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(lfound_input_images,root,neb_comm)
IF(.not.lfound_input_images) CALL errore('string_methods', &
'Neither a file to parse nor input files for each image found',1)
call set_input_unit()
CALL set_input_unit()
CALL path_read_namelist(stdinpath)
@ -117,7 +102,7 @@ PROGRAM neb
OPEN(unit_tmp, file=trim(engine_prefix)//"")
CALL test_input_xml(unit_tmp,lxml)
lxml = test_input_xml(unit_tmp)
if(.not.lxml) then
OPEN(unit_tmp, file=trim(engine_prefix)//"")
@ -143,7 +128,7 @@ PROGRAM neb
CALL test_input_xml(unit_tmp,lxml)
lxml = test_input_xml(unit_tmp)
if(.not.lxml) then

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@ -1,29 +1,53 @@
subroutine test_input_xml(myunit,lxml)
implicit none
! Copyright (C) 2013 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or .
integer, intent(in) :: myunit
logical, intent(out) :: lxml
character(len=256) :: dummy
character :: dummy2(1:256)
integer :: i, j
lxml = .false.
dummy = ""
dummy2(:) = ""
do while (LEN_TRIM(dummy)<1)
read(myunit,'(A256)',END=10) dummy
do i=1,LEN_TRIM(dummy)
dummy2(i) = dummy(i:i)
if(ANY(dummy2(:)=="<")) lxml=.true.
end do
10 write(0,*) "from test_input_xml: Empty input file .. stopping"
end subroutine test_input_xml
LOGICAL FUNCTION test_input_xml (myunit)
! check if file opened as unit "myunit" is a xml file or not
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: myunit
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: dummy
INTEGER :: i, j
LOGICAL :: exst
test_input_xml = .false.
INQUIRE ( UNIT=myunit, EXIST=exst )
IF ( .NOT. exst ) GO TO 10
! read until a non-empty line is found
dummy = ' '
DO WHILE ( LEN_TRIM(dummy) < 1 )
READ ( myunit,'(A)', ERR=10, END=10) dummy
! remove blanks from line, clean trailing characters
DO i=1, LEN_TRIM(dummy)
IF ( dummy(i:i) /= ' ' .AND. i > j ) THEN
dummy(j:j) = dummy(i:i)
DO i=j, LEN_TRIM(dummy)
dummy(i:i) = ' '
! check for string "<?xml" in the beginning, ">" at the end
j = LEN_TRIM (dummy)
test_input_xml = ( dummy(1:5) == "<?xml" .AND. dummy(j:j) == ">" )
10 WRITE (0,"('from test_input_xml: input file not opened or empty')")
END FUNCTION test_input_xml