[these changes should have been present in a previous commit, but were not]

More removal of old I/O: input_drho, output_drho now use new format. Not sure
they work, though (no test available) and not sure they are used (the previous
version was broken for sure). Fixed a bug added in previous commit.
This commit is contained in:
Paolo Giannozzi 2018-08-16 09:04:35 +02:00
parent ce9dd63b05
commit 6bd57ac2f3
5 changed files with 35 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -1007,7 +1007,6 @@ io_rho_xml.o : ../../Modules/mp_pools.o
io_rho_xml.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
io_rho_xml.o : ../../Modules/paw_variables.o
io_rho_xml.o : ../../Modules/recvec.o
io_rho_xml.o : ../../Modules/xml_io_base.o
io_rho_xml.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
io_rho_xml.o : ldaU.o
io_rho_xml.o : pwcom.o
@ -1628,11 +1627,17 @@ realus.o : ../../Modules/wavefunctions.o
realus.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
realus.o : pwcom.o
realus.o : scf_mod.o
remove_atomic_rho.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
remove_atomic_rho.o : ../../Modules/control_flags.o
remove_atomic_rho.o : ../../Modules/fft_base.o
remove_atomic_rho.o : ../../Modules/fft_rho.o
remove_atomic_rho.o : ../../Modules/io_base.o
remove_atomic_rho.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
remove_atomic_rho.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
remove_atomic_rho.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
remove_atomic_rho.o : ../../Modules/xml_io_base.o
remove_atomic_rho.o : ../../Modules/mp_bands.o
remove_atomic_rho.o : ../../Modules/mp_pools.o
remove_atomic_rho.o : ../../Modules/recvec.o
remove_atomic_rho.o : pwcom.o
remove_atomic_rho.o : scf_mod.o
report_mag.o : ../../Modules/constants.o

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ SUBROUTINE potinit()
IF ( .NOT.lforcet ) THEN
CALL read_scf ( rho, nspin, gamma_only )
CALL rho_g2r ( dfftp, rho%of_g, rho%of_r )
CALL rho_g2r ( dfftp, rho%kin_g, rho%kin_r )
IF ( dft_is_meta() ) CALL rho_g2r ( dfftp, rho%kin_g, rho%kin_r )
! ... 'force theorem' calculation of MAE: read rho only from previous
@ -141,13 +141,14 @@ SUBROUTINE potinit()
IF ( nspin > 1 ) CALL errore &
( 'potinit', 'spin polarization not allowed in drho', 1 )
filename = TRIM(tmp_dir) // TRIM (prefix) // postfix // input_drho
CALL read_rhog ( filename, root_bgrp, intra_bgrp_comm, &
ig_l2g, nspin, v%of_g, gamma_only )
CALL rho_g2r ( dfftp, v%of_g, v%of_r )
WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
FMT = '(/5X,"a scf correction to at. rho is read from",A)' ) &
TRIM( input_drho )
TRIM( filename )
rho%of_r = rho%of_r + v%of_r

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@ -11,33 +11,48 @@ subroutine remove_atomic_rho
USE io_global, ONLY: stdout
USE io_files, ONLY: output_drho, tmp_dir, prefix, postfix
USE kinds, ONLY: DP
USE control_flags, ONLY : gamma_only
USE gvect, ONLY : ig_l2g, mill
USE fft_base, ONLY: dfftp
USE fft_rho, ONLY: rho_r2g
USE lsda_mod, ONLY: nspin
USE scf, ONLY: rho
USE xml_io_base, ONLY : write_rho
USE io_base, ONLY : write_rhog
USE mp_pools, ONLY : my_pool_id
USE mp_bands, ONLY : my_bgrp_id, root_bgrp_id, &
root_bgrp, intra_bgrp_comm
USE cell_base, ONLY : bg, tpiba
implicit none
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: dirname
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: filename
real(DP), allocatable :: work (:,:)
! workspace, is the difference between the charge density
! and the superposition of atomic charges
allocate ( work( dfftp%nnr, 1 ) )
work = 0.d0
complex(DP), allocatable :: workc(:,:)
IF ( nspin > 1 ) CALL errore &
( 'remove_atomic_rho', 'spin polarization not allowed in drho', 1 )
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"remove atomic charge density from scf rho")')
! subtract the old atomic charge density
! subtract the old atomic charge density (FIXME: in real space)
allocate ( work( dfftp%nnr, 1 ) )
work = 0.d0
call atomic_rho (work, nspin)
work = rho%of_r - work
dirname = TRIM(tmp_dir) // TRIM(prefix) // postfix
call write_rho ( dirname, work, 1, output_drho )
! FIXME: move to G-space
allocate ( workc( dfftp%ngm, 1) )
CALL rho_r2g ( dfftp, work, workc )
filename = TRIM(tmp_dir) // TRIM(prefix) // postfix // output_drho
IF ( my_pool_id == 0 .AND. my_bgrp_id == root_bgrp_id ) &
CALL write_rhog( filename, root_bgrp, intra_bgrp_comm, &
bg(:,1)*tpiba, bg(:,2)*tpiba, bg(:,3)*tpiba, &
gamma_only, mill, ig_l2g, workc )

test-suite/pw_metaGGA/metaGGA-1.in Executable file → Normal file
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test-suite/pw_metaGGA/metaGGA-2.in Executable file → Normal file
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