[skip-CI] CP user guide updated

This commit is contained in:
giannozz 2021-09-02 18:44:12 +00:00
parent c8919b9124
commit 6b9d6677b5
4 changed files with 151 additions and 262 deletions

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@ -3,42 +3,36 @@
This guide covers the usage of the `CP` package, version 6.6, a core
This guide covers the usage of the `CP` package, version 6.8, a core
component of the Quantum ESPRESSO distribution. Further documentation,
beyond what is provided in this guide, can be found in the directory
`CPV/Doc/`, containing a copy of this guide.
*Important notice: due to the lack of time and of manpower, this manual
is only partially updated and may contain outdated information.*
This guide assumes that you know the physics that `CP` describes and the
This guide assumes that you know the physics that `CP` describes and the
methods it implements. It also assumes that you have already installed,
or know how to install, Quantum ESPRESSO. If not, please read the
general User's Guide for Quantum ESPRESSO, found in directory `Doc/` two
levels above the one containing this guide; or consult the web site:\
levels above the one containing this guide; or consult the web site:
People who want to modify or contribute to `CP` should read the
Developer Manual:\
People who want to modify or contribute to `CP` should read the
Developer Manual: `https://gitlab.com/QEF/q-e/-/wikis/home`.
`CP` can perform Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics, including
variable-cell dynamics, and free-energy surface calculation at fixed
cell through meta-dynamics, if patched with PLUMED.
The `CP` package is based on the original code written by Roberto Car
and Michele Parrinello. `CP` was developed by Alfredo Pasquarello (EPF
`CP` can perform Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics, including
variable-cell dynamics. The `CP` package is based on the original code
written by Roberto Car
and Michele Parrinello. `CP` was developed by Alfredo Pasquarello (EPF
Lausanne), Kari Laasonen (Oulu), Andrea Trave, Roberto Car (Princeton),
Nicola Marzari (EPF Lausanne), Paolo Giannozzi, and others. FPMD, later
merged with `CP`, was developed by Carlo Cavazzoni, Gerardo Ballabio
(CINECA), Sandro Scandolo (ICTP), Guido Chiarotti, Paolo Focher, and
others. We quote in particular:
merged with `CP`, was developed by Carlo Cavazzoni (Leonardo), Gerardo
Ballabio (CINECA), Sandro Scandolo (ICTP), Guido Chiarotti, Paolo Focher,
and others. We quote in particular:
- Federico Grasselli and Riccardo Bertossa (SISSA) for bug fixes,
extensions to Autopilot;
- Biswajit Santra, Hsin-Yu Ko, Marcus Calegari Andrade (Princeton) for
SCAN functional;
various contribution, notably the SCAN functional;
- Robert DiStasio (Cornell)), Biswajit Santra, and Hsin-Yu Ko for
hybrid functionals with MLWF; (maximally localized Wannier
@ -50,21 +44,21 @@ others. We quote in particular:
- Paolo Umari (Univ. Padua) for finite electric fields and conjugate
- Paolo Umari and Ismaila Dabo for ensemble-DFT;
- Paolo Umari and Ismaila Dabo (Penn State) for ensemble-DFT;
- Xiaofei Wang (Princeton) for META-GGA;
- The Autopilot feature was implemented by Targacept, Inc.
This guide has been mostly writen by Gerardo Ballabio and Carlo
The original version of this guide was mostly written by Gerardo Ballabio
and Carlo Cavazzoni.
`CP` is free software, released under the GNU General Public License.\
`CP` is free software, released under the GNU General Public License.\
See `http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt`, or the file
License in the distribution).
`License` in the distribution.
We shall greatly appreciate if scientific work done using the Quantum
ESPRESSO distribution will contain an acknowledgment to the following
ESPRESSO distribution will contain an acknowledgment to the following
> P. Giannozzi, S. Baroni, N. Bonini, M. Calandra, R. Car, C. Cavazzoni,
@ -95,22 +89,22 @@ Users of the GPU-enabled version should also cite the following paper:
> Ferretti, N. Marzari, I. Timrov, A. Urru, S. Baroni, J. Chem. Phys.
> 152, 154105 (2020)
Note the form Quantum ESPRESSO for textual citations of the code. Please
also see package-specific documentation for further recommended
citations. Pseudopotentials should be cited as (for instance)
Note the form `Quantum ESPRESSO` (in small caps) for textual citations
of the code. Please also see other package-specific documentation for
further recommended citations. Pseudopotentials should be cited as
(for instance)
> \[ \] We used the pseudopotentials C.pbe-rrjkus.UPF and O.pbe-vbc.UPF
> from\
> `http://www.quantum-espresso.org`.
> from `http://www.quantum-espresso.org`.
`CP` is included in the core Quantum ESPRESSO distribution. Instruction
`CP` is included in the core Quantum ESPRESSO distribution. Instruction
on how to install it can be found in the general documentation (User's
Guide) for Quantum ESPRESSO.
Typing `make cp` from the main Quantum ESPRESSO directory or `make` from
Typing `make cp` from the main Quantum ESPRESSO directory or `make` from
the `CPV/` subdirectory produces the following codes in `CPV/src`:
- `cp.x`: Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics code
@ -125,52 +119,44 @@ Symlinks to executable programs will be placed in the `bin/`
As a final check that compilation was successful, you may want to run
some or all of the tests and examples. Automated tests for `cp.x` are in
some or all of the tests and examples. Automated tests for `cp.x` are in
directory `test-suite/` and can be run via the `Makefile` found there.
Please see the general User's Guide for their setup.
You may take the tests and examples distributed with `CP` as templates
You may take the tests and examples distributed with `CP` as templates
for writing your own input files. Input files for tests are contained in
subdirectories `test-suite/cp_` with file type `*.in1`, `*.in2`, \... .
subdirectories `test-suite/cp_*` with file type `*.in1`, `*.in2`, \... .
Input files for examples are produced, if you run the examples, in the
`results/` subdirectories, with names ending with `.in`.
For general information on parallelism and how to run in parallel
execution, please see the general User's Guide. `CP` currently can take
advantage of both MPI and OpenMP parallelization. The "plane-wave",
"linear-algebra" and "task-group" parallelization levels are
execution, please see the general User's Guide. `CP` currently can take
advantage of both MPI and OpenMP parallelization and on GPU acceleration.
The "plane-wave", "linear-algebra" and "task-group" parallelization levels
are implemented.
Input data
Input data for `cp.x` is organized into several namelists, followed by
other fields ("cards") introduced by keywords. The namelists are
other fields ("cards") introduced by keywords. The namelists are:
------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
&CONTROL: general variables controlling the run
&SYSTEM: structural information on the system under investigation
&ELECTRONS: electronic variables, electron dynamics
&IONS : ionic variables, ionic dynamics
&CELL (optional): variable-cell dynamics
------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
> &CONTROL: general variables controlling the run\
> &SYSTEM: structural information on the system under investigation\
> &ELECTRONS: electronic variables, electron dynamics\
> &IONS : ionic variables, ionic dynamics\
> &CELL (optional): variable-cell dynamics\
The `&CELL` namelist may be omitted for fixed-cell calculations. This
depends on the value of variable `calculation` in namelist &CONTROL.
Most variables in namelists have default values. Only the following
Most variables in namelists have default values. Only he following
variables in &SYSTEM must always be specified:
----------- --------------------- -----------------------------------------------
`ibrav` (integer) Bravais-lattice index
`celldm` (real, dimension 6) crystallographic constants
`nat` (integer) number of atoms in the unit cell
`ntyp` (integer) number of types of atoms in the unit cell
`ecutwfc` (real) kinetic energy cutoff (Ry) for wavefunctions.
----------- --------------------- -----------------------------------------------
> `ibrav` (integer) Bravais-lattice index\
> `celldm` (real, dimension 6) crystallographic constants\
> `nat` (integer) number of atoms in the unit cell\
> `ntyp` (integer) number of types of atoms in the unit cell\
> `ecutwfc` (real) kinetic energy cutoff (Ry) for wavefunctions
Explanations for the meaning of variables `ibrav` and `celldm`, as well
as on alternative ways to input structural data, are contained in files
@ -178,34 +164,31 @@ as on alternative ways to input structural data, are contained in files
describe a large number of other variables as well. Almost all variables
have default values, which may or may not fit your needs.
Comment lines in namelists can be introduced by a \"!\", exactly as in
fortran code.
After the namelists, you have several fields ("cards") introduced by
keywords with self-explanatory names:
> CELL\_PARAMETERS (optional)\
> OCCUPATIONS (optional)\
> OCCUPATIONS (optional)
The keywords may be followed on the same line by an option. Unknown
fields are ignored. See the files mentioned above for details on the
available "cards".
Comments lines in "cards" can be introduced by either a "!" or a "\#"
character in the first position of a line.
Comment lines in namelists can be introduced by a \"!\", exactly as in
fortran code. Comments lines in "cards" can be introduced by either a "!"
or a "\#" character in the first position of a line.
Data files
The output data files are written in the directory specified by variable
`outdir`, with names specified by variable `prefix` (a string that is
prepended to all file names, whose default value is: `prefix=pwscf`).
The `iotk` toolkit is used to write the file in a XML format, whose
definition can be found in the Developer Manual. In order to use the
data directory on a different machine, you need to convert the binary
files to formatted and back, using the `bin/iotk` script.
prepended to all file names, whose default value is `prefix=cp_$ndw`,
where `ndw` is an integer specified in input).
In order to use the data on a different machine, you may need to
compile `CP` with HDF5 enabled.
The execution stops if you create a file `prefix.EXIT` either in the
working directory (i.e. where the program is executed), or in the
@ -215,58 +198,13 @@ this procedure is that all files are properly closed, whereas just
killing the process may leave data and output files in an unusable
Format of arrays containing charge density, potential, etc.
The index of arrays used to store functions defined on 3D meshes is
actually a shorthand for three indices, following the FORTRAN convention
(\"leftmost index runs faster\"). An example will explain this better.
Suppose you have a 3D array `psi(nr1x,nr2x,nr3x)`. FORTRAN compilers
store this array sequentially in the computer RAM in the following way:
psi( 1, 1, 1)
psi( 2, 1, 1)
psi(nr1x, 1, 1)
psi( 1, 2, 1)
psi( 2, 2, 1)
psi(nr1x, 2, 1)
psi(nr1x,nr2x, 1)
Let `ind` be the position of the `(i,j,k)` element in the above list:
the following relation
ind = i + (j - 1) * nr1x + (k - 1) * nr2x * nr1x
holds. This should clarify the relation between 1D and 3D indexing. In
real space, the `(i,j,k)` point of the FFT grid with dimensions `nr1`
( $`\le`$ `nr1x`), `nr2` ( $`\le`$ `nr2x`), , `nr3` ( $`\le`$ `nr3x`), is
r_{ijk}=\frac{i-1}{nr1} \tau_1 + \frac{j-1}{nr2} \tau_2 + \frac{k-1}{nr3} \tau_3
where the $`\tau_i`$ are the basis vectors of the
Bravais lattice. The latter are stored row-wise in the `at` array:
$`\tau_1 =`$ `at(:, 1)`, $`\tau_2 =`$ `at(:, 2)`, $`\tau_3 =`$ `at(:, 3)`.
The distinction between the dimensions of the FFT grid, `(nr1,nr2,nr3)`
and the physical dimensions of the array, `(nr1x,nr2x,nr3x)` is done
only because it is computationally convenient in some cases that the two
sets are not the same. In particular, it is often convenient to have
`nrx1`=`nr1`+1 to reduce memory conflicts.
The format of arrays containing charge density, potential, etc.
is described in the developer manual.
Output files
The `cp.x` code produces many output file, that together build up the trajectory.
The `cp.x` code produces many output files, that together build up the trajectory.
You have a file for the positions, called `prefix.pos`, where `prefix` is defined in
the input file, that is formatted like:
@ -280,35 +218,40 @@ the input file, that is formatted like:
0.42395189282719E+01 0.55766875434652E+01 0.31291744042209E+01
0.45445534106843E+01 0.36049553522533E+01 0.55864387532281E+01
where in the first line there is an header with, in order, the number of the step and
the time in ps of this step. Later you found the positions of all the atoms, in the
same order of the input file (note that this behaviour emerged in v6.6 -- previously
atoms were sorted by type). In this example we have 3 atoms.
The type must be deduced from the input file. After the first 4 lines
you find the same structure for the second step. The units of the position are Bohr's
radius. Note that the atoms coordinates are unwrapped, so it is possible that they go
outside the simulation cell.
where the first line contains the step number and elapsed time, in ps, at this
step; the following lines contain the positions, in Bohr radii, of all the
atoms (3 in this examples), in the same order as in the input file (since v6.6
-- previously, atoms were sorted by type; the type must be deduced from the
input file). The same structure is repeated for the second step and so on.
The printout is made every `iprint` steps (10 in this case, so at step 10, 20,
etc.). Note that the atomic coordinates are not wrapped into the simulation
cell, so it is possible that they lie outside it.
The velocities are written in a similar file named `prefix.vel`, where `prefix` is defined in
the input file, that is formatted like the `.pos` file. The units are the usual Hartree
atomic units (note again that the velocity in the pw code differs by a factor of 2).
The velocities are written in a similar file named `prefix.vel`, where `prefix`
is defined in the input file, that is formatted like the `.pos` file. The units
are the usual Hartree atomic units (note that the velocities in the `pw.x` code
are in _Rydberg_ a.u. and differ by a factor 2).
The `prefix.for` file is formatted like the previous two. Contains the computed forces
and has Hartree atomic units too.
It is written only if `tprnfor = .true.` is set in the input file.
The `prefix.for` file, formatted like the previous two, contains the computed
forces, in Hartree atomic units as well. It is written only if a molecular
dynamics calculation is performed, or if `tprnfor = .true.` is set in input.
The file `prefix.evp` has one line per printed step and contains some thermodynamic data.
The file `prefix.evp` has one line per printed step and contains some
thermodynamical data.
The first line of the file names the columns:
# nfi time(ps) ekinc T\_cell(K) Tion(K) etot enthal econs econt Volume Pressure(GPa
# nfi time(ps) ekinc Tcell(K) Tion(K) etot enthal econs econt Volume Pressure(GPa)
- `ekinc` $`K_{ELECTRONS}`$, the electron's fake kinetic energy
- `enthal` $`E_{DFT}+PV`$
- `etot` $`E_{DFT}`$ potential energy of the system, the DFT energy
- `econs` $`E_{DFT} + K_{NUCLEI}`$ this is something that is a constant of motion in the limit where the electronic fictitious mass is zero. It has a physical meaning.
- `econt` $`E_{DFT} + K_{IONS} + K_{ELECTRONS}`$ this is a constant of motion of the lagrangian. If the dt is small enough this will be up to a very good precision a constant. It is not a physical quantity, since $`K_{ELECTRONS}`$ has _nothing_ to do with the quantum kinetic energy of the electrons.
- `ekinc` is the electrons fictitious kinetic energy, $`K_{ELECTRONS}`$
- `enthal` is the enthalpy, $`E_{DFT}+PV`$
- `etot` is the DFT (potential) energy of the system, $`E_{DFT}`$
- `econs` is a physically meaningful constant of motion, $`E_{DFT} + K_{NUCLEI}`$,
in the limit of zero electronic fictitious mass
- `econt` is the constant of motion of the lagrangian$`E_{DFT} + K_{IONS} + K_{ELECTRONS}`$ t.
If the time step `dt` is small enough this will be up to a very good precision a constant.
It is not a physical quantity, since $`K_{ELECTRONS}`$ has _nothing_ to do with the quantum
kinetic energy of the electrons.
Using `CP`
@ -317,7 +260,7 @@ Using `CP`
It is important to understand that a CP simulation is a sequence of
different runs, some of them used to \"prepare\" the initial state of
the system, and other performed to collect statistics, or to modify the
state of the system itself, i.e. modify the temperature or the pressure.
state of the system itself, i.e. to modify the temperature or the pressure.
To prepare and run a CP simulation you should first of all define the
@ -393,8 +336,7 @@ An example of input file (Benzene Molecule):
H -2.2 2.2 0.0
H 2.2 2.2 0.0
You can find the description of the input variables in file
You can find the description of the input variables in file `Doc/INPUT_CP.*`.
Reaching the electronic ground state
@ -403,7 +345,7 @@ The first run, when starting from scratch, is always an electronic
minimization, with fixed ions and cell, to bring the electronic system
on the ground state (GS) relative to the starting atomic configuration.
This step is conceptually very similar to self-consistency in a
`pw.x` run.
`pw.x` run.
Sometimes a single run is not enough to reach the GS. In this case, you
need to re-run the electronic minimization stage. Use the input of the
@ -428,14 +370,12 @@ $`< 10^{-5}`$. You could check the value of the fictitious kinetic energy
on the standard output (column EKINC).
Different strategies are available to minimize electrons, but the most
used ones are:
- steepest descent: `electron_dynamics = sd`
- damped dynamics: `electron_dynamics = damp`, `electron_damping` =
a number typically ranging from 0.1 and 0.5
frequently used is _damped dynamics_: `electron_dynamics = damp` and
`electron_damping` = a number typically ranging from 0.1 and 0.5.
See the input description to compute the optimal damping factor.
Steepest descent: `electron_dynamics = sd`, is also available but it
is typicallyslower than damped dynamics and should be used only to
start the minimization.
Relax the system
@ -860,14 +800,6 @@ ranges between 4 and 7.
All the other parameters have the same meaning in the usual `CP` input,
and they are discussed above.
### Free-energy surface calculations
Once `CP` is patched with `PLUMED` plug-in, it becomes possible to
turn-on most of the PLUMED functionalities running `CP` as:
`./cp.x -plumed` plus the other usual `CP` arguments. The PLUMED input
file has to be located in the specified `outdir` with the fixed name
### Treatment of USPPs
The cutoff `ecutrho` defines the resolution on the real space FFT mesh
@ -1030,99 +962,62 @@ An example input is listed as following:
O 16.0D0 O_HSCV_PBE-1.0.UPF
H 2.0D0 H_HSCV_PBE-1.0.UPF
Parallel Performances
`cp.x` can run in principle on any number of processors. The
effectiveness of parallelization is ultimately judged by the "scaling",
i.e. how the time needed to perform a job scales with the number of
processors, and depends upon:
processors. Ideally one would like to have linear scaling, i.e.
$`T \sim T_0/N_p`$ for $`N_p`$ processors, where $`T_0`$ is the estimated
time for serial execution. In addition, one would like to have linear
scaling of the RAM per processor: $`O_N \sim O_0/N_p`$, so that large-memory
systems fit into the RAM of each processor.
- the size and type of the system under study;
We refer to the "Parallelization" section of the general User's Guide for
a description of MPI and OpenMP parallelization paradigms, of the various
MPI parallelization levels, and on how to activate them.
- the judicious choice of the various levels of parallelization
(detailed in
A judicious choice of the various levels of parallelization, together
with the availability of suitable hardware (e.g. fast communications)
is fundamental to reach good performances._VERY IMPORTANT_: For each
system there is an optimal range of number of processors on which to
run the job. A too large number of processors or a bad parallelization
style will yield performance degradation.
- the availability of fast interprocess communications (or lack of
For `CP` with hybrid functionals, see the related section above this one.
For all other cases, the relevant MPI parallelization levels are:
Ideally one would like to have linear scaling, i.e. $`T \sim T_0/N_p`$ for
$`N_p`$ processors, where $`T_0`$ is the estimated time for serial
execution. In addition, one would like to have linear scaling of the RAM
per processor: $`O_N \sim O_0/N_p`$, so that large-memory systems fit into
the RAM of each processor.
- "plane waves" (PW);
- "tasks" (activated by command-line option `-nt N`);
- "linear algebra" (`-nd N`);
- "bands" parallelization (`-nb N`), to be used only in
special cases;
- "images" parallelization (`-ni N`), used only in code `manycp.x`
(see the header of `CPV/src/manycp.f90` for documentation).
As a general rule, image parallelization:
As a rule of thumb:
- start with PW parallelization only (e.g. `mpirun -np N cp.x ...` with
no other parallelization options); the code will scale well unless `N`
exceeds the third FFT dimensions `nr3` and/or `nr3s`.
- To further increase the number of processors, use "task groups",
typically 4 to 8 (e.g. `mpirun -np N cp.x -nt 8 ...`).
- Alternatively, or in addition, you may compile with OpenMP:
`./configure --enable-openmp ...`, then `export OMP_NUM_THREADS=n`
and run on `n` threads (4 to 8 typically).
_Beware conflicts between MPI and OpenMP threads_!
don't do this unless you know what you are doing.
- Finally, the optimal number of processors for \"linear-algebra\"
parallelization can be found by observing the performances of `ortho`
in the final time report for different numbers of processors in the
linear-algebra group (must be a square integer, not larger than the
number of processoris for plane-wave parallelization). Linear-algebra
parallelization distributes `M\times M`$ matrices, with `M` number of
bands, so it may be useful if memory-constrained.
- may give good scaling, but the slowest image will determine the
overall performances ("load balancing" may be a problem);
Note: optimal serial performances are achieved when the data are as much
as possible kept into the cache. As a side effect, PW parallelization may
yield superlinear (better than linear) scaling, thanks to the increase in
serial speed coming from the reduction of data size (making it easier for
the machine to keep data in the cache).
- requires very little communications (suitable for ethernet
- does not reduce the required memory per processor (unsuitable for
large-memory jobs).
Parallelization on k-points:
- guarantees (almost) linear scaling if the number of k-points is a
multiple of the number of pools;
- requires little communications (suitable for ethernet
- does not reduce the required memory per processor (unsuitable for
large-memory jobs).
Parallelization on PWs:
- yields good to very good scaling, especially if the number of
processors in a pool is a divisor of $`N_3`$ and $`N_{r3}`$ (the
dimensions along the z-axis of the FFT grids, `nr3` and `nr3s`,
which coincide for NCPPs);
- requires heavy communications (suitable for Gigabit ethernet up to
4, 8 CPUs at most, specialized communication hardware needed for 8
or more processors );
- yields almost linear reduction of memory per processor with the
number of processors in the pool.
A note on scaling: optimal serial performances are achieved when the
data are as much as possible kept into the cache. As a side effect, PW
parallelization may yield superlinear (better than linear) scaling,
thanks to the increase in serial speed coming from the reduction of data
size (making it easier for the machine to keep data in the cache).
VERY IMPORTANT: For each system there is an optimal range of number of
processors on which to run the job. A too large number of processors
will yield performance degradation. If the size of pools is especially
delicate: $`N_p`$ should not exceed $`N_3`$ and $`N_{r3}`$, and should ideally
be no larger than $`1/2\div1/4 N_3`$ and/or $`N_{r3}`$. In order to increase
scalability, it is often convenient to further subdivide a pool of
processors into "task groups". When the number of processors exceeds the
number of FFT planes, data can be redistributed to \"task groups\" so
that each group can process several wavefunctions at the same time.
The optimal number of processors for \"linear-algebra\" parallelization,
taking care of multiplication and diagonalization of $`M\times M`$
matrices, should be determined by observing the performances of
`cdiagh/rdiagh` (`pw.x`) or `ortho` (`cp.x`) for different numbers of
processors in the linear-algebra group (must be a square integer).
Actual parallel performances will also depend on the available software
(MPI libraries) and on the available communication hardware. For PC
clusters, OpenMPI (`http://www.openmpi.org/`) seems to yield better
performances than other implementations (info by Kostantin Kudin). Note
however that you need a decent communication hardware (at least Gigabit
ethernet) in order to have acceptable performances with PW
parallelization. Do not expect good scaling with cheap hardware: PW
calculations are by no means an \"embarrassing parallel\" problem.
Also note that multiprocessor motherboards for Intel Pentium CPUs
typically have just one memory bus for all processors. This dramatically
slows down any code doing massive access to memory (as most codes in the
Quantum ESPRESSO distribution do) that runs on processors of the same

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
New in development version:
* RMM-DIIS for CPU (S. Nisihara) and GPU (E. de Paoli, P. Delugas)
* DFT-D3: MPI parallelization and GPU acceleration with OPenACC
Fixed in development version:
* Some build problems occurring under special circumstances

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@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ Installation
This version requires the nvfortran (previously PGI) compiler from the
freely available NVidia HPC SDK. You are adviced to use a recent version
of NVidia software. Any version later than 17.4 should work, but many glitches
are know to exist in older versions.
The configure script checks for the presence of the nvfortran compiler and of
a few cuda libraries.For this reason the path pointing to cudatoolkit must be
present in `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`.
are known to exist in older versions.
The `configure` script checks for the presence of the nvfortran compiler and
of a few cuda libraries. For this reason the path pointing to the cuda toolkit
must be present in `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`.
A template for the configure command is:
@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ where `XX` is the location of the CUDA Toolkit (in HPC environments is
generally `$CUDA_HOME`), `YY` is the version of the cuda toolkit and `ZZ`
is the compute capability of the card.
If you have no idea what these numbers are you may give a try to the
automatic tool `get_device_props.py`. An example using Slurm is:
automatic tool `get_device_props.py`. Go to directory `dev-tools/` and
run `python get_device_props.py`. An example using Slurm:
$ module load cuda
@ -46,12 +47,12 @@ Compute capabilities for dev 3: 6.0
It is generally a good idea to disable Scalapack when running small test
cases since the serial GPU eigensolver can outperform the parallel CPU
cases since the serial GPU eigensolver outperforms the parallel CPU
eigensolver in many circumstances.
From time to time PGI links to the wrong CUDA libraries and fails reporting
a problem in `cusolver` missing `GOmp` (GNU Openmp). The solution to this
problem is removing cudatoolkit from the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` before compiling.
From time to time PGI links to the wrong CUDA libraries and fails reporting a
problem in `cusolver` missing `GOmp` (GNU Openmp). This problem can be solved
by removing the cuda toolkit from the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` before compiling.
Serial compilation is also supported.

View File

@ -48,16 +48,8 @@ If you encounter problems when adding the flag `__GPU_MPI` it might
be that the MPI library does not support some CUDA-aware APIs.
Known Issues
Owing to the use of the `source` option in data allocations,
PGI versions older than 17.10 may fail with arrays having initial index
different from 1.
Partial unit testing is available in the `tests` sub-directory. See the
README in that directory for further information.
README.md file in that directory for further information.