- the new type for the fft on the small boxes

git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@12672 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
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ccavazzoni 2016-08-06 09:10:51 +00:00
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1 changed files with 155 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
! Copyright (C) Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE fft_smallbox_type
INTEGER :: stdout = 6
TYPE fft_box_descriptor
! Sub (box) grid descriptor
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: irb(:,:) ! the offset of the box corner
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: imin3(:) ! the starting local plane
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: imax3(:) ! the last local plane
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: np3(:) ! number of local plane for the box fft
INTEGER :: nr1 = 0 !
INTEGER :: nr2 = 0 ! effective FFT dimensions of the 3D grid (global)
INTEGER :: nr3 = 0 !
INTEGER :: nr1x = 0 ! FFT grids leading dimensions
INTEGER :: nr2x = 0 ! dimensions of the arrays for the 3D grid (global)
INTEGER :: nr3x = 0 ! may differ from nr1 ,nr2 ,nr3 in order to boost performances
INTEGER :: nnr = 0
INTEGER, POINTER :: npp(:) ! number of "Z" planes per processor
INTEGER, POINTER :: ipp(:) ! offset of the first "Z" plane on each proc ( 0 on the first proc!!!)
LOGICAL :: dimensions_have_been_set = .FALSE.
LOGICAL :: arrays_have_been_allocated = .FALSE.
LOGICAL :: arrays_have_been_initialized = .FALSE.
! fft parallelization
INTEGER :: mype = 0 ! my processor id (starting from 0) in the fft group
INTEGER :: comm = 0 ! communicator of the fft gruop
INTEGER :: nproc = 1 ! number of processor in the fft group
INTEGER :: root = 0 ! root processor
SUBROUTINE fft_box_allocate( desc, mype, root, nproc, comm, nat )
TYPE (fft_box_descriptor) :: desc
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nat, nproc, mype, root, comm ! mype starting from 0
ALLOCATE( desc%irb( 3, nat ) )
ALLOCATE( desc%imin3( nat ) )
ALLOCATE( desc%imax3( nat ) )
ALLOCATE( desc%npp( nproc ) )
ALLOCATE( desc%ipp( nproc ) )
ALLOCATE( desc%np3( nat ) )
desc%irb = 0
desc%imin3 = 0
desc%imax3 = 0
desc%npp = 0
desc%ipp = 0
desc%np3 = 0
desc%mype = mype
desc%nproc = nproc
desc%comm = comm
desc%root = root
END SUBROUTINE fft_box_allocate
SUBROUTINE fft_box_deallocate( desc )
TYPE (fft_box_descriptor) :: desc
IF( ALLOCATED( desc%irb ) ) DEALLOCATE( desc%irb )
IF( ALLOCATED( desc%imin3 ) ) DEALLOCATE( desc%imin3 )
IF( ALLOCATED( desc%imax3 ) ) DEALLOCATE( desc%imax3 )
IF( ALLOCATED( desc%npp ) ) DEALLOCATE( desc%npp )
IF( ALLOCATED( desc%ipp ) ) DEALLOCATE( desc%ipp )
IF( ALLOCATED( desc%np3 ) ) DEALLOCATE( desc%np3 )
END SUBROUTINE fft_box_deallocate
SUBROUTINE fft_box_set( desc, nr1b, nr2b, nr3b, nr1bx, nr2bx, nr3bx, nat, &
irb, npp, ipp )
TYPE (fft_box_descriptor) :: desc
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nat
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: irb( :, : )
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: npp( : )
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ipp( : )
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nr1b, nr2b, nr3b, nr1bx, nr2bx, nr3bx
INTEGER :: ir3, ibig3, irb3, imin3, imax3, nr3, isa
IF( nat > size( desc%irb, 2 ) ) THEN
WRITE( stdout, fmt="( ///,'NAT, SIZE = ',2I10)" ) nat, size( desc%irb, 2 )
CALL fftx_error__(" fft_box_set ", " inconsistent dimensions ", 1 )
IF( desc%nproc > size( desc%npp ) ) &
CALL fftx_error__(" fft_box_set ", " inconsistent dimensions ", 2 )
desc%nr1 = nr1b
desc%nr2 = nr2b
desc%nr3 = nr3b
desc%nr1x = nr1bx
desc%nr2x = nr2bx
desc%nr3x = nr3bx
desc%irb( 1:3, 1:nat ) = irb( 1:3, 1:nat )
desc%npp( 1:desc%nproc ) = npp( 1:desc%nproc )
desc%ipp( 1:desc%nproc ) = ipp( 1:desc%nproc )
nr3 = sum( npp( 1:desc%nproc ) )
DO isa = 1, nat
imin3 = nr3b
imax3 = 1
irb3 = irb( 3, isa )
DO ir3 = 1, nr3b
ibig3 = 1 + mod( irb3 + ir3 - 2, nr3 )
IF( ibig3 < 1 .or. ibig3 > nr3 ) &
& CALL fftx_error__(' fft_box_set ',' ibig3 wrong ', ibig3 )
ibig3 = ibig3 - ipp( desc%mype + 1 )
IF ( ibig3 > 0 .and. ibig3 <= npp(desc%mype + 1) ) THEN
imin3 = min( imin3, ir3 )
imax3 = max( imax3, ir3 )
desc%imin3( isa ) = imin3
desc%imax3( isa ) = imax3
desc%np3( isa ) = imax3 - imin3 + 1
desc%nnr = desc%nr1x * desc%nr2x * desc%nr3x
END SUBROUTINE fft_box_set
END MODULE fft_smallbox_type