More dom cleanup, plus small changes

This commit is contained in:
Paolo Giannozzi 2022-08-22 15:15:51 +02:00
parent 2065734fde
commit 59457816a7
4 changed files with 156 additions and 112 deletions

View File

@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ SUBROUTINE kcw_pp_readin()
! counter on types
CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: outdir
INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: atomic_number
REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: atom_weight

View File

@ -2174,7 +2174,6 @@ CONTAINS
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: counter_u(:), counter_j0(:), counter_j(:), counter_b(:), &
counter_e2(:), counter_e3(:), counter_v(:,:), ityp(:)
CHARACTER(LEN=6), EXTERNAL :: int_to_char
INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: spdf_to_l
! Output variables

View File

@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ SUBROUTINE determine_hubbard_occ ( nt, lflag )
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nt ! atomic type
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: lflag ! Hubbard channel
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: label_aux
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: label_aux
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: label_hub
INTEGER :: i, & ! runs over all pseudo-atomic orbitals for the atomic type nt

View File

@ -30,12 +30,13 @@ module dom
integer :: nlevel = -1
! The DOM is stored here
type(node), target, save :: root
! Used to reproduce FoX behavior
! Used to simulate FoX behavior
type :: domexception
integer :: code
end type domexception
! Callable routines or interfaces
public :: node, nodelist
public :: parsefile, item, getelementsbytagname, getlength, destroy
public :: gettagname, hasattribute, extractdataattribute, extractdatacontent
@ -99,33 +100,24 @@ CONTAINS
end function parsefile
function parse ( iun, strbuf, ex )
! This is where the action is: parse either from unit "iun"
! of from a buffer "strbuf", returns a pointer to the node "root"
! and optionally an error code in "ex"
character(len=*), intent (in), optional :: strbuf
integer, intent(in), optional :: iun
type(domexception), intent (inout), optional :: ex
type(node), pointer :: parse
type(node), pointer :: curr
integer, parameter :: maxline=1024, maxdim=maxline+16
character(len=maxdim) :: line
integer, parameter :: maxlength=80
character(len=maxlength) :: tag
! for checks, not really needed:
! integer, parameter :: maxlevel=9
! character(len=maxlength), dimension(0:maxlevel) :: open_tags
integer :: ierr, nl, n, m, i0, i1
logical :: in_comment
logical :: in_attribute
logical :: in_data
integer :: ierr, i0, i1
logical :: firstline
curr => null()
in_comment = .false.
in_attribute = .false.
in_data = .false.
nlevel = -1
ierr = 0
i0 = 1
firstline = .true.
readline: do
@ -153,26 +145,21 @@ CONTAINS
if ( .not.present(ex) ) then
print *, 'error: both unit and string, or none, in input'
ex%code = 1001
ierr = 1001
end if
exit readline
end if
n = 1
nl = len_trim(line)
if ( nl > maxline ) then
if ( len_trim(line) > maxline ) then
if ( .not.present(ex) ) &
print *, 'error: line exceeds ', maxline, ' characters'
ierr = 1
exit readline
end if
tag = ' '
! print *,'debug:',trim(line)
ierr = parseline ( nl, line, n, in_comment, in_attribute, in_data, tag, &
curr, ex )
ierr = parseline ( firstline, line, ex )
if ( ierr /= 0 ) exit readline
end do readline
@ -195,30 +182,47 @@ CONTAINS
end function parse
function parseline ( nl, line, n, in_comment, in_attribute, in_data, tag, &
curr, ex )
function parseline ( firstline, line, ex )
! result is returned in pointer "root"
! input line to be parsed
integer, intent(in) :: nl
character(len=nl), intent(in) :: line
! variables keeping track of parsing status, must be conserved between calls
integer, intent(inout) :: n
logical, intent(inout) :: in_comment
logical, intent(inout) :: in_attribute
logical, intent(inout) :: in_data
! actually a local variable, except maybe for debugging purposes
character(len=*), intent(inout) :: tag
! pointer to current tag, must be keot between calls
type(node), pointer, intent(inout) :: curr
! if exceptions are set, do not print error messages
logical, intent(inout) :: firstline
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
! optional exception code - if present, error messages are not printed
type(domexception), intent (in), optional :: ex
! return code: 0 = success, otherwise parsing failed
! error code: 0 = success, otherwise parsing failed
integer :: parseline
integer, parameter :: maxlength=80
! for checks, not really needed:
! integer, parameter :: maxlevel=9
! character(len=maxlength), dimension(0:maxlevel) :: open_tags
! variables keeping track of parsing status, must be conserved between calls
! (tag is actually a local variable, except maybe when used for debugging)
logical, save :: in_comment
logical, save :: in_attribute
logical, save :: in_data
character(len=maxlength), save :: tag
! pointer to current node
type(node), pointer, save :: curr
! next node: the "root" pointer points to the memory allocated in "next"
type(node), pointer :: next
! local variables
type(node), pointer :: next, prev
integer :: n1, n2, m
type(node), pointer :: prev
integer :: n, nl, n1, n2, m
logical :: is_found
! Initialization
if ( firstline ) then
firstline = .false.
curr => null()
in_comment = .false.
in_attribute = .false.
in_data = .false.
tag = ' '
end if
n = 1
nl= len_trim(line)
parseline = 0
scanline: do while ( n < nl+1 )
@ -407,15 +411,14 @@ CONTAINS
end subroutine add_to_list
recursive subroutine destroy ( curr, iun )
! optional variable "iun" added for testing and debugging purposes:
! if present, tags are printed to unit iun while they are destroyed
type(node), pointer :: curr, next
type(nodelist), pointer :: linklist
integer, intent(in), optional :: iun
nlevel = nlevel + 1
! print *, nlevel, '<', curr%tag,'>, ',curr%attr
! print *, curr%data(1:min(80,len(curr%data)))
if ( present(iun ) ) then
if ( allocated(curr%attr) ) then
write(iun,'("<",A," ",A,">")') trim(curr%tag),trim(curr%attr)
@ -561,11 +564,11 @@ CONTAINS
character(len=1) :: delimiter
if(allocated(root%attr)) then
la = len_trim(root%attr)
l0 = len_trim(adjustl(root%attr))
la = len_trim(root%attr)
l0 = len_trim(adjustl(root%attr))
la = 0
l0 = 0
found = .false.
@ -603,10 +606,12 @@ scan: do i=la-l0+1,la
character(len=*), intent(in) :: attr
character(len=*), intent(out) :: cval
integer, intent(out), optional:: iostat
if (present(iostat)) iostat=0
if ( hasattribute(root, attr, cval) ) return
if (present(iostat)) iostat=1
cval = ''
cval = ' '
end subroutine extractdataattribute_c
subroutine extractdataattribute_l(root, attr, lval, iostat)
@ -615,6 +620,7 @@ scan: do i=la-l0+1,la
logical, intent(out) :: lval
character(len=80) :: val
integer, intent(out), optional:: iostat
if (present(iostat)) iostat=0
if ( hasattribute(root, attr, val) ) then
read(val,*, end=10,err=10) lval
@ -623,6 +629,7 @@ scan: do i=la-l0+1,la
! not found or not readable
10 lval = .false.
if (present(iostat)) iostat=1
end subroutine extractdataattribute_l
subroutine extractdataattribute_i(root, attr, ival, iostat)
@ -631,6 +638,7 @@ scan: do i=la-l0+1,la
integer, intent(out) :: ival
character(len=80) :: val
integer, intent(out), optional:: iostat
if (present(iostat)) iostat=0
if ( hasattribute(root, attr, val) ) then
read(val,*, end=10,err=10) ival
@ -639,6 +647,7 @@ scan: do i=la-l0+1,la
! not found or not readable
10 ival = 0
if (present(iostat)) iostat=1
end subroutine extractdataattribute_i
subroutine extractdataattribute_iv(root, attr, ivec, iostat)
@ -647,6 +656,7 @@ scan: do i=la-l0+1,la
integer, intent(out) :: ivec(:)
character(len=80) :: val
integer, intent(out), optional:: iostat
if (present(iostat)) iostat=0
if ( hasattribute(root, attr, val) ) then
read(val,*, end=10,err=10) ivec
@ -655,6 +665,7 @@ scan: do i=la-l0+1,la
! not found or not readable
10 ivec = 0
if (present(iostat)) iostat=1
end subroutine extractdataattribute_iv
subroutine extractdataattribute_r(root, attr, rval, iostat)
@ -663,6 +674,7 @@ scan: do i=la-l0+1,la
real(dp), intent(out) :: rval
character(len=80) :: val
integer, intent(out), optional:: iostat
if (present(iostat)) iostat=0
if ( hasattribute(root, attr, val) ) then
read(val,*, end=10,err=10) rval
@ -671,6 +683,7 @@ scan: do i=la-l0+1,la
! not found or not readable
10 rval = 0
if (present(iostat)) iostat=1
end subroutine extractdataattribute_r
subroutine extractdatacontent_c(root, cval, iostat)
@ -678,35 +691,39 @@ scan: do i=la-l0+1,la
character(len=*), intent(out) :: cval
integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
integer :: ios
if(.not.allocated(root%data)) then
ios = 0
else if ( len_trim(root%data) > 0 ) then
read(root%data,*,iostat=ios) cval
ios = 0
cval=' '
ios = 1
if ( allocated(root%data) ) then
if ( len_trim(root%data) > 0 ) read(root%data,*,iostat=ios) cval
end if
if ( present(iostat) ) iostat=ios
end subroutine extractdatacontent_c
subroutine extractdatacontent_cv(root, cvec, iostat)
type(node), pointer, intent(in) :: root
character(len=*), intent(inout), pointer :: cvec(:)
integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
integer :: ibeg, iend, i, ios
if ( len_trim(root%data) > 0 ) then
do i=1,size(cvec)
call find_token( root%data, ibeg, iend)
cvec(i) = root%data(ibeg:iend)
end do
ios = -1
integer :: ibeg, iend, n, ios
cvec(:) = ' '
ios = 1
if ( allocated(root%data) ) then
if ( len_trim(root%data) > 0 ) then
iend = 0
do n=1,size(cvec)
ios = find_token( root%data, ibeg, iend)
if ( ios == 0 ) then
cvec(n) = root%data(ibeg:iend)
cvec(n) = ' '
end if
end do
end if
end if
if ( present(iostat) ) iostat=ios
end subroutine extractdatacontent_cv
subroutine extractdatacontent_l(root, lval, iostat)
@ -718,7 +735,7 @@ scan: do i=la-l0+1,la
read(root%data,*,iostat=ios) lval
ios = -1
ios = 1
end if
if ( present(iostat) ) iostat=ios
@ -729,13 +746,15 @@ scan: do i=la-l0+1,la
integer, intent(out) :: ival
integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
integer :: ios
if ( allocated(root%data) ) then
read(root%data,*,iostat=ios) ival
ios = -1
ios = 1
end if
if ( present(iostat) ) iostat=ios
end subroutine extractdatacontent_i
subroutine extractdatacontent_iv(root, ivec, iostat)
@ -744,20 +763,24 @@ scan: do i=la-l0+1,la
integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
integer :: ios, n, iend, ibeg
ios = 1
if ( allocated(root%data) ) then
! the simple solution fails if root%data > 1024 characters:
! read(root%data,*,iostat=ios) ivec
ios = 0
iend = 1
iend = 0
do n=1,size(ivec)
call find_token( root%data, ibeg, iend)
read(root%data(ibeg:iend),*,iostat=ios) ivec(n)
ios = find_token( root%data, ibeg, iend)
if ( ios == 0 ) then
read(root%data(ibeg:iend),*,iostat=ios) ivec(n)
ivec(n) = 0
end if
end do
ivec= 0
ios = -1
ivec(:) = 0
end if
if ( present(iostat) ) iostat=ios
end subroutine extractdatacontent_iv
subroutine extractdatacontent_r(root, rval, iostat)
@ -765,13 +788,15 @@ scan: do i=la-l0+1,la
real(dp), intent(out) :: rval
integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
integer :: ios
if ( allocated(root%data) ) then
read(root%data,*,iostat=ios) rval
ios = -1
ios = 1
end if
if ( present(iostat) ) iostat=ios
end subroutine extractdatacontent_r
subroutine extractdatacontent_rv(root, rvec, iostat)
@ -780,20 +805,24 @@ scan: do i=la-l0+1,la
integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
integer :: ios, n, iend, ibeg
ios = 1
if ( allocated(root%data) ) then
! the simple solution fails if root%data > 1024 characters:
! read(root%data,*,iostat=ios) rvec
ios = 0
iend = 1
iend = 0
do n=1,size(rvec)
call find_token( root%data, ibeg, iend)
read(root%data(ibeg:iend),*,iostat=ios) rvec(n)
ios = find_token( root%data, ibeg, iend)
if ( ios == 0 ) then
read(root%data(ibeg:iend),*,iostat=ios) rvec(n)
rvec(n) = 0.0_dp
end if
end do
rvec= 0.0_dp
ios = -1
rvec(:) = 0.0_dp
end if
if ( present(iostat) ) iostat=ios
end subroutine extractdatacontent_rv
subroutine extractdatacontent_rm(root, rmat, iostat)
@ -802,55 +831,72 @@ scan: do i=la-l0+1,la
integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
integer :: ios, n, m, iend, ibeg
ios = 1
if ( allocated(root%data) ) then
! the simple solution fails if root%data > 1024 characters:
! read(root%data,*,iostat=ios) rmat
ios = 0
iend = 1
iend = 0
do m=1,size(rmat,2)
do n=1,size(rmat,1)
call find_token( root%data, ibeg, iend)
read(root%data(ibeg:iend),*,iostat=ios) rmat(n,m)
ios = find_token( root%data, ibeg, iend)
if ( ios == 0 ) then
read(root%data(ibeg:iend),*,iostat=ios) rmat(n,m)
rmat(n,m) = 0.0_dp
end if
end do
end do
rmat= 0.0_dp
ios = -1
rmat = 0.0_dp
end if
if ( present(iostat) ) iostat=ios
end subroutine extractdatacontent_rm
subroutine find_token ( data, ibeg, iend)
! on input:
! data data to be read
! iend 1 on first run, end position of previous token otherwise
! On output:
! data(ibeg:iend) containing a token (a number)
integer function find_token ( data, ibeg, iend )
! Locate tokens (numbers, fields) in a string
! Tokens are assumed to be separated by space or commas
! Beware: will not work if empty tokens and multiple commas and present
! on input:
! data string containing tokens
! iend 0 on first run, end position of previous token otherwise
! On output:
! find_token 0 if token found, 1 otherwise
! ibeg, iend if find_token, data(ibeg:iend) contains a token
! if not, ibeg=iend, iend unchanged
! Beware: will not work if empty tokens and multiple commas and present,
! e.g.: "field1, ,field3" where field2 is empty
character(len=:), allocatable, intent(in) :: data
integer, intent(out) :: ibeg
integer, intent(inout):: iend
integer:: iscan
integer:: lt
do ibeg = iend, len_trim(data)
lt = len_trim(data)
find_token = 1
do ibeg = iend+1, lt
if ( data(ibeg:ibeg) == ' ' .or. data(ibeg:ibeg) == ',' ) then
find_token = 0
end if
end do
ibeg = min(ibeg, len_trim(data))
do iend = ibeg, len_trim(data)
if ( data(iend:iend) /= ' ' .and. data(iend:iend) /= ',' ) then
end if
end do
iend = min(iend, len_trim(data))
if ( find_token == 0 ) then
do iend = ibeg, lt
if ( data(iend:iend) /= ' ' .and. data(iend:iend) /= ',' ) then
end if
end do
iend = min(iend, lt)
ibeg = iend
end if
end subroutine find_token
end function find_token
end module dom