Make MP correction work with ibrav=0 and cubic cell

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Sasha Fonari 2022-01-18 08:09:49 -05:00
parent 87607b9138
commit 5677c03fb0
3 changed files with 19 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Fixed in development version:
* XSPECTRA gave incorrect results with k-point parallelization, since
at least v. 6.6, due to missing broadcast of recomputed Fermi energy
(found and fixed by Fanchen Meng, Brookhaven)
* Makov-Payne correction wasn't working with ibrav=0 and cubic cell (A. Fonari)
New in 7.0 version:
* GPU support for PWscf and CP significantly extended

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@ -339,10 +339,11 @@ SUBROUTINE iosys()
CHARACTER(LEN=256), EXTERNAL :: trimcheck
CHARACTER(LEN=256):: dft_
INTEGER :: ia, nt, tempunit, i, j
INTEGER :: ia, nt, tempunit, i, j, ibrav_mp
LOGICAL :: exst, parallelfs, domag, stop_on_error
REAL(DP) :: at_dum(3,3), theta, phi, ecutwfc_pp, ecutrho_pp, V
CHARACTER(len=256) :: tempfile
@ -1417,6 +1418,11 @@ SUBROUTINE iosys()
IF (.NOT. tqmmm) CALL qmmm_config( mode=-1 )
! CRYSTAL LATTICE (MP correction depends on at)
call cell_base_init ( ibrav, celldm, a, b, c, cosab, cosac, cosbc, &
trd_ht, rd_ht, cell_units )
do_makov_payne = .false.
@ -1429,7 +1435,10 @@ SUBROUTINE iosys()
CASE( 'makov-payne', 'm-p', 'mp' )
do_makov_payne = .true.
IF ( ibrav < 1 .OR. ibrav > 3 ) CALL errore(' iosys', &
ibrav_mp = ibrav
IF ( ibrav .EQ. 0 ) ibrav_mp = at2ibrav(at(:, 1), at(:, 2), at(:, 3))
IF ( ibrav_mp < 1 .OR. ibrav_mp > 3 ) CALL errore(' iosys', &
'Makov-Payne correction defined only for cubic lattices', 1)
CASE( 'martyna-tuckerman', 'm-t', 'mt' )
@ -1492,11 +1501,6 @@ SUBROUTINE iosys()
IF ( tefield ) ALLOCATE( forcefield( 3, nat_ ) )
IF ( gate ) ALLOCATE( forcegate( 3, nat_ ) )
call cell_base_init ( ibrav, celldm, a, b, c, cosab, cosac, cosbc, &
trd_ht, rd_ht, cell_units )
! ... once input variables have been stored, read optional plugin input files
CALL plugin_read_input("PW")

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@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ SUBROUTINE write_dipole( etot, x0, dipole_el, quadrupole_el, qq )
REAL(DP) :: dipole_ion(3), quadrupole_ion(3), dipole(3), quadrupole(3)
REAL(DP) :: zvia, zvtot
REAL(DP) :: corr1, corr2, aa, bb
INTEGER :: ia, ip
INTEGER :: ia, ip, ibrav_mp
! Note that the definition of the Madelung constant used here:
! Lento, Mozos, Nieminen, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14 (2002), 2637-2645
@ -152,7 +153,9 @@ SUBROUTINE write_dipole( etot, x0, dipole_el, quadrupole_el, qq )
WRITE( stdout, '( 5X," Total quadrupole moment",F20.8," a.u. (Ha)")' ) &
IF ( ibrav < 1 .OR. ibrav > 3 ) THEN
ibrav_mp = ibrav
IF ( ibrav .EQ. 0 ) ibrav_mp = at2ibrav(at(:, 1), at(:, 2), at(:, 3))
IF ( ibrav_mp < 1 .OR. ibrav_mp > 3 ) THEN
call errore(' write_dipole', &
'Makov-Payne correction defined only for cubic lattices', 1)
@ -161,7 +164,7 @@ SUBROUTINE write_dipole( etot, x0, dipole_el, quadrupole_el, qq )
! ... Makov-Payne correction, PRB 51, 4014 (1995)
! ... Note that Eq. 15 has the wrong sign for the quadrupole term
corr1 = - madelung(ibrav) / alat * qq**2 / 2.0D0 * e2
corr1 = - madelung(ibrav_mp) / alat * qq**2 / 2.0D0 * e2
aa = SUM(quadrupole(:))
bb = dipole(1)**2 + dipole(2)**2 + dipole(3)**2
@ -173,7 +176,7 @@ SUBROUTINE write_dipole( etot, x0, dipole_el, quadrupole_el, qq )
WRITE( stdout, '(/,5X,"********* MAKOV-PAYNE CORRECTION *********")' )
WRITE( stdout, &
'(/5X,"Makov-Payne correction with Madelung constant = ",F8.4)' ) &
WRITE( stdout,'(/5X,"Makov-Payne correction ",F14.8," Ry = ",F6.3, &
& " eV (1st order, 1/a0)")' ) -corr1, -corr1*rytoev