Further cleaning/beautification.

This commit is contained in:
Samuel Ponce 2019-11-20 15:31:37 +01:00
parent 049bef5119
commit 5408f9167a
18 changed files with 1277 additions and 1275 deletions

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ division.o \
rigid_epw.o \
io_epw.o \
io_transport.o \
io_selfen.o \
wigner.o \
wan2bloch.o \
cum_mod.o \
@ -40,7 +41,6 @@ kfold.o \
dynmat_asr.o \
io_eliashberg.o \
utilities.o \
plot.o \
eliashbergcom.o \
supercond.o \
supercond_iso.o \

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@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
tempsmin, tempsmax, temps, delta_approx, title, &
scattering, scattering_serta, scattering_0rta, &
int_mob, scissor, carrier, ncarrier, &
restart, restart_freq, prtgkk, nel, meff, epsiheg,&
scatread, restart, restart_freq, restart_filq, &
restart, restart_step, prtgkk, nel, meff, epsiheg,&
scatread, restart, restart_step, restart_filq, &
lphase, omegamin, omegamax, omegastep, n_r, &
mob_maxiter, use_ws, epmatkqread, selecqread, &
scdm_sigma, assume_metal
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
CALL mp_bcast(nstemp , meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(nsiter , meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(nw_specfun , meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(restart_freq, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(restart_step, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(scr_typ , meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(bnd_cum , meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(mob_maxiter , meta_ionode_id, world_comm)

View File

@ -224,13 +224,13 @@
DO ir = 1, nrr
DO jbnd = 1, nbndsub
DO ibnd = 1, nbndsub
WRITE(iudecayH, '(5I5,6F12.6)') irvec(:, ir), ibnd, jbnd, chw(ibnd, jbnd, ir) * ryd2ev
!DO ir = 1, nrr
! DO jbnd = 1, nbndsub
! DO ibnd = 1, nbndsub
! WRITE(iudecayH, '(5I5,6F12.6)') irvec(:, ir), ibnd, jbnd, chw(ibnd, jbnd, ir) * ryd2ev

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
USE phus, ONLY : int1, int1_nc, int2, int2_so, int4, int4_nc, int5, &
int5_so, alphap
USE kfold, ONLY : shift, createkmap_pw2, createkmap
USE low_lvl, ONLY : set_ndnmbr, eqvect_strict, read_modes
USE low_lvl, ONLY : set_ndnmbr, eqvect_strict, read_disp_pattern
USE io_epw, ONLY : read_ifc, readdvscf
USE poolgathering, ONLY : poolgather
USE rigid_epw, ONLY : compute_umn_c
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@
IF (.NOT. exst) CALL errore('elphon_shuffle_wrap', &
'cannot open file for reading or writing', ierr)
CALL iotk_open_read(iunpun, FILE = TRIM(filename), binary = .FALSE., ierr = ierr)
CALL read_modes(iunpun, iq_irr, ierr)
CALL read_disp_pattern(iunpun, iq_irr, ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('elphon_shuffle_wrap', ' Problem with modes file', 1)
IF (meta_ionode) CALL iotk_close_read(iunpun)

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
iterative_bte, longrange, scatread, nqf1, prtgkk, &
nqf2, nqf3, mp_mesh_k, restart, plselfen, &
specfun_pl, lindabs, use_ws, epbread, &
epmatkqread, selecqread, restart_freq, nsmear, &
epmatkqread, selecqread, restart_step, nsmear, &
nqc1, nqc2, nqc3, nkc1, nkc2, nkc3, assume_metal
USE control_flags, ONLY : iverbosity
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
@ -66,10 +66,10 @@
USE io_eliashberg, ONLY : write_ephmat, count_kpoints, kmesh_fine, kqmap_fine
USE transport, ONLY : transport_coeffs, scattering_rate_q
USE grid, ONLY : qwindow
USE printing, ONLY : print_gkk
USE printing, ONLY : print_gkk, plot_band
USE io_epw, ONLY : rwepmatw, epw_read, epw_write
USE io_transport, ONLY : electron_read, tau_read, iter_open, print_ibte, &
iter_merge, spectral_read
USE io_transport, ONLY : tau_read, iter_open, print_ibte, iter_merge
USE io_selfen, ONLY : selfen_el_read, spectral_read
USE transport_iter,ONLY : iter_restart
USE close_epw, ONLY : iter_close
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
@ -80,12 +80,13 @@
USE low_lvl, ONLY : system_mem_usage, mem_size
USE utilities, ONLY : compute_dos, broadening, fermicarrier, fermiwindow
USE grid, ONLY : loadqmesh_serial, loadkmesh_para, load_rebal
USE selfen, ONLY : selfen_phon_q, selfen_elec_q, selfen_pl_q
USE spectral_func, ONLY : spectral_func_el_q, spectral_func_ph_q, spectral_func_pl_q
USE selfen, ONLY : selfen_phon_q, selfen_elec_q, selfen_pl_q, &
USE spectral_func, ONLY : spectral_func_el_q, spectral_func_ph_q, a2f_main, &
USE io_epw, ONLY : read_ifc
USE rigid_epw, ONLY : rpa_epsilon, tf_epsilon, compute_umn_f, rgd_blk_epw_fine
USE indabs, ONLY : indabs_main, renorm_eig
USE plot, ONLY : nesting_fn_q, a2f_main, plot_band
#if defined(__MPI)
@ -994,7 +995,7 @@
! Restart in SERTA case or self-energy (electron or plasmon) case
IF (restart) THEN
IF (elecselfen .OR. plselfen) THEN
CALL electron_read(iq_restart, totq, nktotf, sigmar_all, sigmai_all, zi_all)
CALL selfen_el_read(iq_restart, totq, nktotf, sigmar_all, sigmai_all, zi_all)
IF (specfun_el .OR. specfun_pl) THEN
CALL spectral_read(iq_restart, totq, nktotf, esigmar_all, esigmai_all)
@ -1104,7 +1105,7 @@
! elecselfen = true as nothing happen during the calculation otherwise.
IF (.NOT. phonselfen) THEN
IF (MOD(iqq, restart_freq) == 0) THEN
IF (MOD(iqq, restart_step) == 0) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a, i10, a, i10)' ) 'Progression iq (fine) = ', iqq, '/', totq
@ -1322,7 +1323,7 @@
ENDDO ! end loop over k points
IF (MOD(iqq, restart_freq) == 0 .AND. adapt_smearing) THEN
IF (MOD(iqq, restart_step) == 0 .AND. adapt_smearing) THEN
! Min non-zero value
valmin(:) = zero
valmin(my_pool_id + 1) = 100.0d0

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
iterative_bte, longrange, scatread, nqf1, prtgkk, &
nqf2, nqf3, mp_mesh_k, restart, plselfen, &
specfun_pl, lindabs, use_ws, &
epmatkqread, selecqread, restart_freq, nsmear, &
epmatkqread, selecqread, restart_step, nsmear, &
nkc1, nkc2, nkc3, nqc1, nqc2, nqc3, assume_metal
USE control_flags, ONLY : iverbosity
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
@ -70,10 +70,10 @@
USE io_eliashberg, ONLY : write_ephmat, count_kpoints, kmesh_fine, kqmap_fine
USE transport, ONLY : transport_coeffs, scattering_rate_q
USE grid, ONLY : qwindow
USE printing, ONLY : print_gkk
USE printing, ONLY : print_gkk, plot_band
USE io_epw, ONLY : rwepmatw, epw_read, epw_write
USE io_transport, ONLY : electron_read, tau_read, iter_open, print_ibte, &
iter_merge, spectral_read
USE io_transport, ONLY : tau_read, iter_open, print_ibte, iter_merge
USE io_selfen, ONLY : selen_el_read, spectral_read
USE transport_iter,ONLY : iter_restart
USE close_epw, ONLY : iter_close
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
@ -84,11 +84,12 @@
USE low_lvl, ONLY : system_mem_usage, mem_size
USE utilities, ONLY : compute_dos, fermicarrier, fermiwindow
USE grid, ONLY : loadqmesh_serial, loadkmesh_para, load_rebal
USE selfen, ONLY : selfen_phon_q, selfen_elec_q, selfen_pl_q
USE spectral_func, ONLY : spectral_func_el_q, spectral_func_ph_q, spectral_func_pl_q
USE selfen, ONLY : selfen_phon_q, selfen_elec_q, selfen_pl_q, &
USE spectral_func, ONLY : spectral_func_el_q, spectral_func_ph_q, a2f_main, &
USE rigid_epw, ONLY : rpa_epsilon, tf_epsilon, compute_umn_f, rgd_blk_epw_fine_mem
USE indabs, ONLY : indabs_main, renorm_eig
USE plot, ONLY : nesting_fn_q, a2f_main, plot_band
#if defined(__MPI)
@ -965,7 +966,7 @@
! Restart in SERTA case or self-energy (electron or plasmon) case
IF (restart) THEN
IF (elecselfen .OR. plselfen) THEN
CALL electron_read(iq_restart, totq, nktotf, sigmar_all, sigmai_all, zi_all)
CALL selfen_el_read(iq_restart, totq, nktotf, sigmar_all, sigmai_all, zi_all)
IF (specfun_el .OR. specfun_pl) THEN
CALL spectral_read(iq_restart, totq, nktotf, esigmar_all, esigmai_all)
@ -1079,7 +1080,7 @@
! elecselfen = true as nothing happen during the calculation otherwise.
IF (.NOT. phonselfen) THEN
IF (MOD(iqq, restart_freq) == 0) THEN
IF (MOD(iqq, restart_step) == 0) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a,i10,a,i10)' ) 'Progression iq (fine) = ', iqq, '/', totq

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
nsiter, conv_thr_racon, specfun_el, specfun_ph, nbndskip, &
system_2d, delta_approx, title, int_mob, scissor, &
iterative_bte, scattering, selecqread, epmatkqread, &
ncarrier, carrier, scattering_serta, restart, restart_freq,&
ncarrier, carrier, scattering_serta, restart, restart_step,&
scattering_0rta, longrange, shortrange, scatread, use_ws, &
restart_filq, prtgkk, nel, meff, epsiheg, lphase, &
omegamin, omegamax, omegastep, n_r, lindabs, mob_maxiter, &
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
specfun_el, specfun_ph, wmin_specfun, wmax_specfun, nw_specfun, &
delta_approx, scattering, int_mob, scissor, ncarrier, carrier, &
iterative_bte, scattering_serta, scattering_0rta, longrange, shortrange,&
scatread, restart, restart_freq, restart_filq, prtgkk, nel, meff, &
scatread, restart, restart_step, restart_filq, prtgkk, nel, meff, &
epsiheg, lphase, omegamin, omegamax, omegastep, n_r, lindabs, &
mob_maxiter, auto_projections, scdm_proj, scdm_entanglement, scdm_mu, &
scdm_sigma, assume_metal
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
! specfun_ph : if .TRUE. calculate phonon spectral function due to e-p interaction
! specfun_pl : if .TRUE. calculate plason spectral function
! restart : if .TRUE. a run can be restarted from the interpolation level
! restart_freq : Create a restart point every restart_freq q/k-points
! restart_step : Create a restart point every restart_step q/k-points
! restart_filq : Use to merge different q-grid scattering rates (name of the file)
! scattering : if .TRUE. scattering rates are calculated
! scattering_serta: if .TRUE. scattering rates are calculated using self-energy relaxation-time-approx
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@
epwread = .FALSE.
epwwrite = .TRUE.
restart = .FALSE.
restart_freq = 100
restart_step = 100
wannierize = .FALSE.
write_wfn = .FALSE.
kmaps = .FALSE.

View File

@ -230,8 +230,8 @@
!! nr. of iterations used in broyden mixing scheme
INTEGER :: nw_specfun
!! nr. of bins for frequency in electron spectral function due to e-p interaction
INTEGER :: restart_freq
!! Create a restart point during the interpolation part every restart_freq q/k-points.
INTEGER :: restart_step
!! Create a restart point during the interpolation part every restart_step q/k-points.
REAL(KIND = DP) :: degaussw
!! smearing width for Fermi surface average in e-ph coupling after wann interp

View File

@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum, mp_bcast
USE constants_epw, ONLY : twopi, ci, zero, eps6, ryd2ev, czero
USE epwcom, ONLY : nbndsub, fsthick, use_ws, mp_mesh_k, nkf1, nkf2, &
nkf3, iterative_bte, restart_freq, scissor
nkf3, iterative_bte, restart_step, scissor
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
USE pwcom, ONLY : ef, nelec
USE cell_base, ONLY : bg
@ -1512,7 +1512,7 @@
totq = totq + 1
selecq(totq) = iq
IF (MOD(totq, restart_freq) == 0) THEN
IF (MOD(totq, restart_step) == 0) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a,i15,i15)')'Number selected, total', totq, iq
@ -1602,7 +1602,7 @@
IF (SUM(found(:)) > 0) THEN
totq = totq + 1
selecq(totq) = iq
IF (MOD(totq, restart_freq) == 0) THEN
IF (MOD(totq, restart_step) == 0) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a,i12,i12)') 'Number selected, total', totq, iq
@ -1637,7 +1637,7 @@
IF (SUM(found(:)) > 0) THEN
totq = totq + 1
selecq(totq) = iq
IF (MOD(totq, restart_freq) == 0) THEN
IF (MOD(totq, restart_step) == 0) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a,i12,i12)')'Number selected, total', totq, iq

EPW/src/io_selfen.f90 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
! Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Feliciano Giustino
! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
! License. See the file `LICENSE' in the root directory of the
! present distribution, or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft.gpl.txt .
MODULE io_selfen
!! This module contains various writing or reading routines related to self-energies.
!! Most of them are for restart purposes.
SUBROUTINE selfen_el_write(iqq, totq, nktotf, sigmar_all, sigmai_all, zi_all)
!! Write self-energy
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE elph2, ONLY : lower_bnd, upper_bnd, nbndfst
USE io_var, ONLY : iufilsigma_all
USE io_files, ONLY : diropn
USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iqq
!! Current q-point
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: totq
!! Total number of q-points
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nktotf
!! Total number of k-points
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(inout) :: sigmar_all(nbndfst, nktotf)
!! Real part of the electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(inout) :: sigmai_all(nbndfst, nktotf)
!! Imaginary part of the electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(inout) :: zi_all(nbndfst, nktotf)
!! Z parameter of electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
! Local variables
LOGICAL :: exst
!! Does the file exist
!! Iterative index
!! K-point index
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! Local band index
INTEGER :: lsigma_all
!! Length of the vector
REAL(KIND = DP) :: aux(3 * nbndfst * nktotf + 2)
!! Vector to store the array
IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
lsigma_all = 3 * nbndfst * nktotf + 2
! First element is the current q-point
aux(1) = REAL(iqq - 1, KIND = DP) ! we need to start at the next q
! Second element is the total number of q-points
aux(2) = REAL(totq, KIND = DP)
i = 2
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
i = i + 1
aux(i) = sigmar_all(ibnd, ik)
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
i = i + 1
aux(i) = sigmai_all(ibnd, ik)
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
i = i + 1
aux(i) = zi_all(ibnd, ik)
CALL diropn(iufilsigma_all, 'sigma_restart', lsigma_all, exst)
CALL davcio(aux, lsigma_all, iufilsigma_all, 1, +1)
! Make everythin 0 except the range of k-points we are working on
IF (lower_bnd > 1) THEN
sigmar_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1) = zero
sigmai_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1) = zero
zi_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1) = zero
IF (upper_bnd < nktotf) THEN
sigmar_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf) = zero
sigmai_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf) = zero
zi_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf) = zero
END SUBROUTINE selfen_el_write
SUBROUTINE selfen_el_read(iqq, totq, nktotf, sigmar_all, sigmai_all, zi_all)
!! Self-energy reading
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE elph2, ONLY : lower_bnd, upper_bnd, nbndfst
USE io_var, ONLY : iufilsigma_all
USE io_files, ONLY : prefix, tmp_dir, diropn
USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_bcast
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime, world_comm
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: iqq
!! Current q-point
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: totq
!! Total number of q-points
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nktotf
!! Total number of k-points
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: sigmar_all(nbndfst, nktotf)
!! Real part of the electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: sigmai_all(nbndfst, nktotf)
!! Imaginary part of the electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: zi_all(nbndfst, nktotf)
!! Z parameter of electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
! Local variables
LOGICAL :: exst
!! Does the file exist
!! Iterative index
!! K-point index
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! Local band index
INTEGER :: lsigma_all
!! Length of the vector
INTEGER :: nqtotf_read
!! Total number of q-point read
REAL(KIND = DP) :: aux(3 * nbndfst * nktotf + 2)
!! Vector to store the array
CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: name1
IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
! First inquire if the file exists
#if defined(__MPI)
name1 = TRIM(tmp_dir) // TRIM(prefix) // '.sigma_restart1'
name1 = TRIM(tmp_dir) // TRIM(prefix) // '.sigma_restart'
INQUIRE(FILE = name1, EXIST = exst)
IF (exst) THEN ! read the file
lsigma_all = 3 * nbndfst * nktotf + 2
CALL diropn(iufilsigma_all, 'sigma_restart', lsigma_all, exst)
CALL davcio(aux, lsigma_all, iufilsigma_all, 1, -1)
! First element is the iteration number
iqq = INT(aux(1))
iqq = iqq + 1 ! we need to start at the next q
nqtotf_read = INT(aux(2))
IF (nqtotf_read /= totq) CALL errore('selfen_el_read', &
&'Error: The current total number of q-point is not the same as the read one. ', 1)
i = 2
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
i = i + 1
sigmar_all(ibnd, ik) = aux(i)
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
i = i + 1
sigmai_all(ibnd, ik) = aux(i)
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
i = i + 1
zi_all(ibnd, ik) = aux(i)
CALL mp_bcast(exst, ionode_id, world_comm)
IF (exst) THEN
CALL mp_bcast(iqq, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(sigmar_all, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(sigmai_all, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(zi_all, ionode_id, world_comm)
! Make everythin 0 except the range of k-points we are working on
IF (lower_bnd > 1) THEN
sigmar_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1) = zero
sigmai_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1) = zero
zi_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1) = zero
IF (upper_bnd < nktotf) THEN
sigmar_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf) = zero
sigmai_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf) = zero
zi_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf) = zero
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a,i10)' ) ' Restart from: ', iqq,'/', totq
END SUBROUTINE selfen_el_read
SUBROUTINE spectral_write(iqq, totq, nktotf, esigmar_all, esigmai_all)
!! Write self-energy
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE elph2, ONLY : lower_bnd, upper_bnd, nbndfst
USE epwcom, ONLY : wmin_specfun, wmax_specfun, nw_specfun
USE io_var, ONLY : iufilesigma_all
USE io_files, ONLY : diropn
USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iqq
!! Current q-point
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: totq
!! Total number of q-points
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nktotf
!! Total number of k-points
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(inout) :: esigmar_all(nbndfst, nktotf, nw_specfun)
!! Real part of the electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(inout) :: esigmai_all(nbndfst, nktotf, nw_specfun)
!! Imaginary part of the electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
! Local variables
LOGICAL :: exst
!! Does the file exist
!! Iterative index
!! K-point index
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! Local band index
!! Counter on the frequency
INTEGER :: lesigma_all
!! Length of the vector
REAL(KIND = DP) :: dw
!! Frequency intervals
REAL(KIND = DP) :: ww(nw_specfun)
!! Current frequency
REAL(KIND = DP) :: aux(2 * nbndfst * nktotf * nw_specfun + 2)
!! Vector to store the array
IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
! energy range and spacing for spectral function
dw = (wmax_specfun - wmin_specfun) / DBLE(nw_specfun - 1.d0)
DO iw = 1, nw_specfun
ww(iw) = wmin_specfun + DBLE(iw - 1) * dw
lesigma_all = 2 * nbndfst * nktotf * nw_specfun + 2
! First element is the current q-point
aux(1) = REAL(iqq - 1, KIND = DP) ! we need to start at the next q
! Second element is the total number of q-points
aux(2) = REAL(totq, KIND = DP)
i = 2
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
DO iw = 1, nw_specfun
i = i + 1
aux(i) = esigmar_all(ibnd, ik, iw)
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
DO iw = 1, nw_specfun
i = i + 1
aux(i) = esigmai_all(ibnd, ik, iw)
CALL diropn(iufilesigma_all, 'esigma_restart', lesigma_all, exst)
CALL davcio(aux, lesigma_all, iufilesigma_all, 1, +1)
! Make everythin 0 except the range of k-points we are working on
IF (lower_bnd > 1) THEN
esigmar_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1, :) = zero
esigmai_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1, :) = zero
IF (upper_bnd < nktotf) THEN
esigmar_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf, :) = zero
esigmai_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf, :) = zero
END SUBROUTINE spectral_write
SUBROUTINE spectral_read(iqq, totq, nktotf, esigmar_all, esigmai_all)
!! Self-energy reading
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE elph2, ONLY : lower_bnd, upper_bnd, nbndfst
USE epwcom, ONLY : wmin_specfun, wmax_specfun, nw_specfun
USE io_var, ONLY : iufilesigma_all
USE io_files, ONLY : prefix, tmp_dir, diropn
USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_bcast
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime, world_comm
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: iqq
!! Current q-point
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: totq
!! Total number of q-points
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nktotf
!! Total number of k-points
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: esigmar_all(nbndfst, nktotf, nw_specfun)
!! Real part of the electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: esigmai_all(nbndfst, nktotf, nw_specfun)
!! Imaginary part of the electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
! Local variables
LOGICAL :: exst
!! Does the file exist
!! Iterative index
!! K-point index
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! Local band index
!! Counter on the frequency
INTEGER :: lesigma_all
!! Length of the vector
INTEGER :: nqtotf_read
!! Total number of q-point read
REAL(KIND = DP) :: dw
!! Frequency intervals
REAL(KIND = DP) :: ww(nw_specfun)
!! Current frequency
REAL(KIND = DP) :: aux(2 * nbndfst * nktotf * nw_specfun + 2)
!! Vector to store the array
CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: name1
IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
! First inquire if the file exists
#if defined(__MPI)
name1 = TRIM(tmp_dir) // TRIM(prefix) // '.esigma_restart1'
name1 = TRIM(tmp_dir) // TRIM(prefix) // '.esigma_restart'
INQUIRE(FILE = name1, EXIST = exst)
IF (exst) THEN ! read the file
lesigma_all = 2 * nbndfst * nktotf * nw_specfun + 2
CALL diropn(iufilesigma_all, 'esigma_restart', lesigma_all, exst)
CALL davcio(aux, lesigma_all, iufilesigma_all, 1, -1)
! First element is the iteration number
iqq = INT(aux(1))
iqq = iqq + 1 ! we need to start at the next q
nqtotf_read = INT(aux(2))
IF (nqtotf_read /= totq) CALL errore('electron_read',&
&'Error: The current total number of q-point is not the same as the read one. ', 1)
i = 2
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
DO iw = 1, nw_specfun
i = i + 1
esigmar_all(ibnd, ik, iw) = aux(i)
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
DO iw = 1, nw_specfun
i = i + 1
esigmai_all(ibnd, ik, iw) = aux(i)
CALL mp_bcast(exst, ionode_id, world_comm)
IF (exst) THEN
CALL mp_bcast(iqq, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(esigmar_all, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(esigmai_all, ionode_id, world_comm)
! Make everythin 0 except the range of k-points we are working on
IF (lower_bnd > 1) THEN
esigmar_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1, :) = zero
esigmai_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1, :) = zero
IF (upper_bnd < nktotf) THEN
esigmar_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf, :) = zero
esigmai_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf, :) = zero
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a,i10)' ) ' Restart from: ', iqq,'/', totq
END SUBROUTINE spectral_read
END MODULE io_selfen

View File

@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x,a)') REPEAT('=',67)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,"Scattering rate for IBTE")')
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a/)') REPEAT('=',67)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,"Restart and restart_freq inputs deactivated (restart point at every q-points).")')
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,"Restart and restart_step inputs deactivated (restart point at every q-points).")')
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,"No intermediate mobility will be shown.")')
IF (fsthick < 1.d3) THEN
@ -1602,443 +1602,6 @@
SUBROUTINE electron_write(iqq, totq, nktotf, sigmar_all, sigmai_all, zi_all)
!! Write self-energy
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE elph2, ONLY : lower_bnd, upper_bnd, nbndfst
USE io_var, ONLY : iufilsigma_all
USE io_files, ONLY : diropn
USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iqq
!! Current q-point
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: totq
!! Total number of q-points
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nktotf
!! Total number of k-points
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(inout) :: sigmar_all(nbndfst, nktotf)
!! Real part of the electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(inout) :: sigmai_all(nbndfst, nktotf)
!! Imaginary part of the electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(inout) :: zi_all(nbndfst, nktotf)
!! Z parameter of electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
! Local variables
LOGICAL :: exst
!! Does the file exist
!! Iterative index
!! K-point index
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! Local band index
INTEGER :: lsigma_all
!! Length of the vector
REAL(KIND = DP) :: aux(3 * nbndfst * nktotf + 2)
!! Vector to store the array
IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
lsigma_all = 3 * nbndfst * nktotf + 2
! First element is the current q-point
aux(1) = REAL(iqq - 1, KIND = DP) ! we need to start at the next q
! Second element is the total number of q-points
aux(2) = REAL(totq, KIND = DP)
i = 2
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
i = i + 1
aux(i) = sigmar_all(ibnd, ik)
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
i = i + 1
aux(i) = sigmai_all(ibnd, ik)
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
i = i + 1
aux(i) = zi_all(ibnd, ik)
CALL diropn(iufilsigma_all, 'sigma_restart', lsigma_all, exst)
CALL davcio(aux, lsigma_all, iufilsigma_all, 1, +1)
! Make everythin 0 except the range of k-points we are working on
IF (lower_bnd > 1) THEN
sigmar_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1) = zero
sigmai_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1) = zero
zi_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1) = zero
IF (upper_bnd < nktotf) THEN
sigmar_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf) = zero
sigmai_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf) = zero
zi_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf) = zero
END SUBROUTINE electron_write
SUBROUTINE electron_read(iqq, totq, nktotf, sigmar_all, sigmai_all, zi_all)
!! Self-energy reading
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE elph2, ONLY : lower_bnd, upper_bnd, nbndfst
USE io_var, ONLY : iufilsigma_all
USE io_files, ONLY : prefix, tmp_dir, diropn
USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_bcast
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime, world_comm
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: iqq
!! Current q-point
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: totq
!! Total number of q-points
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nktotf
!! Total number of k-points
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: sigmar_all(nbndfst, nktotf)
!! Real part of the electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: sigmai_all(nbndfst, nktotf)
!! Imaginary part of the electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: zi_all(nbndfst, nktotf)
!! Z parameter of electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
! Local variables
LOGICAL :: exst
!! Does the file exist
!! Iterative index
!! K-point index
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! Local band index
INTEGER :: lsigma_all
!! Length of the vector
INTEGER :: nqtotf_read
!! Total number of q-point read
REAL(KIND = DP) :: aux(3 * nbndfst * nktotf + 2)
!! Vector to store the array
CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: name1
IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
! First inquire if the file exists
#if defined(__MPI)
name1 = TRIM(tmp_dir) // TRIM(prefix) // '.sigma_restart1'
name1 = TRIM(tmp_dir) // TRIM(prefix) // '.sigma_restart'
INQUIRE(FILE = name1, EXIST = exst)
IF (exst) THEN ! read the file
lsigma_all = 3 * nbndfst * nktotf + 2
CALL diropn(iufilsigma_all, 'sigma_restart', lsigma_all, exst)
CALL davcio(aux, lsigma_all, iufilsigma_all, 1, -1)
! First element is the iteration number
iqq = INT(aux(1))
iqq = iqq + 1 ! we need to start at the next q
nqtotf_read = INT(aux(2))
IF (nqtotf_read /= totq) CALL errore('electron_read',&
&'Error: The current total number of q-point is not the same as the read one. ', 1)
i = 2
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
i = i + 1
sigmar_all(ibnd, ik) = aux(i)
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
i = i + 1
sigmai_all(ibnd, ik) = aux(i)
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
i = i + 1
zi_all(ibnd, ik) = aux(i)
CALL mp_bcast(exst, ionode_id, world_comm)
IF (exst) THEN
CALL mp_bcast(iqq, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(sigmar_all, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(sigmai_all, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(zi_all, ionode_id, world_comm)
! Make everythin 0 except the range of k-points we are working on
IF (lower_bnd > 1) THEN
sigmar_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1) = zero
sigmai_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1) = zero
zi_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1) = zero
IF (upper_bnd < nktotf) THEN
sigmar_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf) = zero
sigmai_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf) = zero
zi_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf) = zero
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a,i10)' ) ' Restart from: ', iqq,'/', totq
END SUBROUTINE electron_read
SUBROUTINE spectral_write(iqq, totq, nktotf, esigmar_all, esigmai_all)
!! Write self-energy
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE elph2, ONLY : lower_bnd, upper_bnd, nbndfst
USE epwcom, ONLY : wmin_specfun, wmax_specfun, nw_specfun
USE io_var, ONLY : iufilesigma_all
USE io_files, ONLY : diropn
USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iqq
!! Current q-point
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: totq
!! Total number of q-points
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nktotf
!! Total number of k-points
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(inout) :: esigmar_all(nbndfst, nktotf, nw_specfun)
!! Real part of the electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(inout) :: esigmai_all(nbndfst, nktotf, nw_specfun)
!! Imaginary part of the electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
! Local variables
LOGICAL :: exst
!! Does the file exist
!! Iterative index
!! K-point index
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! Local band index
!! Counter on the frequency
INTEGER :: lesigma_all
!! Length of the vector
REAL(KIND = DP) :: dw
!! Frequency intervals
REAL(KIND = DP) :: ww(nw_specfun)
!! Current frequency
REAL(KIND = DP) :: aux(2 * nbndfst * nktotf * nw_specfun + 2)
!! Vector to store the array
IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
! energy range and spacing for spectral function
dw = (wmax_specfun - wmin_specfun) / DBLE(nw_specfun - 1.d0)
DO iw = 1, nw_specfun
ww(iw) = wmin_specfun + DBLE(iw - 1) * dw
lesigma_all = 2 * nbndfst * nktotf * nw_specfun + 2
! First element is the current q-point
aux(1) = REAL(iqq - 1, KIND = DP) ! we need to start at the next q
! Second element is the total number of q-points
aux(2) = REAL(totq, KIND = DP)
i = 2
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
DO iw = 1, nw_specfun
i = i + 1
aux(i) = esigmar_all(ibnd, ik, iw)
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
DO iw = 1, nw_specfun
i = i + 1
aux(i) = esigmai_all(ibnd, ik, iw)
CALL diropn(iufilesigma_all, 'esigma_restart', lesigma_all, exst)
CALL davcio(aux, lesigma_all, iufilesigma_all, 1, +1)
! Make everythin 0 except the range of k-points we are working on
IF (lower_bnd > 1) THEN
esigmar_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1, :) = zero
esigmai_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1, :) = zero
IF (upper_bnd < nktotf) THEN
esigmar_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf, :) = zero
esigmai_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf, :) = zero
END SUBROUTINE spectral_write
SUBROUTINE spectral_read(iqq, totq, nktotf, esigmar_all, esigmai_all)
!! Self-energy reading
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE elph2, ONLY : lower_bnd, upper_bnd, nbndfst
USE epwcom, ONLY : wmin_specfun, wmax_specfun, nw_specfun
USE io_var, ONLY : iufilesigma_all
USE io_files, ONLY : prefix, tmp_dir, diropn
USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_bcast
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime, world_comm
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: iqq
!! Current q-point
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: totq
!! Total number of q-points
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nktotf
!! Total number of k-points
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: esigmar_all(nbndfst, nktotf, nw_specfun)
!! Real part of the electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: esigmai_all(nbndfst, nktotf, nw_specfun)
!! Imaginary part of the electron-phonon self-energy accross all pools
! Local variables
LOGICAL :: exst
!! Does the file exist
!! Iterative index
!! K-point index
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! Local band index
!! Counter on the frequency
INTEGER :: lesigma_all
!! Length of the vector
INTEGER :: nqtotf_read
!! Total number of q-point read
REAL(KIND = DP) :: dw
!! Frequency intervals
REAL(KIND = DP) :: ww(nw_specfun)
!! Current frequency
REAL(KIND = DP) :: aux(2 * nbndfst * nktotf * nw_specfun + 2)
!! Vector to store the array
CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: name1
IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
! First inquire if the file exists
#if defined(__MPI)
name1 = TRIM(tmp_dir) // TRIM(prefix) // '.esigma_restart1'
name1 = TRIM(tmp_dir) // TRIM(prefix) // '.esigma_restart'
INQUIRE(FILE = name1, EXIST = exst)
IF (exst) THEN ! read the file
lesigma_all = 2 * nbndfst * nktotf * nw_specfun + 2
CALL diropn(iufilesigma_all, 'esigma_restart', lesigma_all, exst)
CALL davcio(aux, lesigma_all, iufilesigma_all, 1, -1)
! First element is the iteration number
iqq = INT(aux(1))
iqq = iqq + 1 ! we need to start at the next q
nqtotf_read = INT(aux(2))
IF (nqtotf_read /= totq) CALL errore('electron_read',&
&'Error: The current total number of q-point is not the same as the read one. ', 1)
i = 2
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
DO iw = 1, nw_specfun
i = i + 1
esigmar_all(ibnd, ik, iw) = aux(i)
DO ik = 1, nktotf
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
DO iw = 1, nw_specfun
i = i + 1
esigmai_all(ibnd, ik, iw) = aux(i)
CALL mp_bcast(exst, ionode_id, world_comm)
IF (exst) THEN
CALL mp_bcast(iqq, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(esigmar_all, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(esigmai_all, ionode_id, world_comm)
! Make everythin 0 except the range of k-points we are working on
IF (lower_bnd > 1) THEN
esigmar_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1, :) = zero
esigmai_all(:, 1:lower_bnd - 1, :) = zero
IF (upper_bnd < nktotf) THEN
esigmar_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf, :) = zero
esigmai_all(:, upper_bnd + 1:nktotf, :) = zero
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a,i10)' ) ' Restart from: ', iqq,'/', totq
END SUBROUTINE spectral_read
SUBROUTINE tau_write(iqq, totq, nktotf, second)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP

View File

@ -956,7 +956,7 @@
SUBROUTINE read_modes(iunpun, current_iq, ierr)
SUBROUTINE read_disp_pattern(iunpun, current_iq, ierr)
!! This routine reads the displacement patterns.
@ -995,7 +995,7 @@
CALL iotk_scan_dat(iunpun, "QPOINT_NUMBER", iq)
CALL mp_bcast(iq, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
IF (iq /= current_iq) CALL errore('read_modes', ' Problems with current_iq', 1)
IF (iq /= current_iq) CALL errore('read_disp_pattern', ' Problems with current_iq', 1)
IF (meta_ionode) THEN
@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@
END SUBROUTINE read_disp_pattern
@ -1183,7 +1183,7 @@
! This is only a quick fix since the routine was written for parallel
! execution - FG June 2014
#if ! defined(__MPI)
#if defined(__MPI)
my_pool_id = 0
@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@
! This is only a quick fix since the routine was written for parallel
! execution - FG June 2014
#if ! defined(__MPI)
#if defined(__MPI)
my_pool_id = 0

View File

@ -1,696 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Feliciano Giustino
! Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Carla Verdi, Feliciano Giustino
! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
! License. See the file `LICENSE' in the root directory of the
! present distribution, or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft.gpl.txt .
!! This module contains routine to plot data as well as DOS-like quantities.
SUBROUTINE a2f_main()
!! Compute the Eliasberg spectral function
!! in the Migdal approximation.
!! If the q-points are not on a uniform grid (i.e. a line)
!! the function will not be correct
!! 02/2009 works in serial on ionode at the moment. can be parallelized
!! 03/2009 added transport spectral function -- this involves a v_k dot v_kq term
!! in the quantities coming from selfen_phon.f90. Not fully implemented
!! 10/2009 the code is transitioning to 'on-the-fly' phonon selfenergies
!! and this routine is not currently functional
!! 10/2015 RM: added calcution of Tc based on Allen-Dynes formula
!! 09/2019 SP: Cleaning
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE phcom, ONLY : nmodes
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega
USE epwcom, ONLY : degaussq, delta_qsmear, nqsmear, nqstep, nsmear, eps_acustic, &
delta_smear, degaussw, fsthick, nc
USE elph2, ONLY : nqtotf, wf, wqf, lambda_all, lambda_v_all
USE constants_epw, ONLY : ryd2mev, ryd2ev, kelvin2eV, one, two, zero, kelvin2Ry, pi
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE io_var, ONLY : iua2ffil, iudosfil, iua2ftrfil, iures
USE io_files, ONLY : prefix
CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: fila2f
!! File name for Eliashberg spectral function
CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: fila2ftr
!! File name for transport Eliashberg spectral function
CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: fildos
!! File name for phonon density of states
CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: filres
!! File name for resistivity
INTEGER :: imode
!! Counter on mode
!! Counter on the q-point index
!! Counter on the frequency
INTEGER :: ismear
!! Counter on smearing values (phonons)
INTEGER :: isig
!! Counter on smearing values (electrons)
!! Counter on mu
INTEGER :: itemp
!! Counter on temperature
INTEGER :: ierr
!! Error status
REAL(KIND = DP) :: weight
!! Factor in a2f
REAL(KIND = DP) :: temp
!! Temperature
REAL(KIND = DP) :: n
!! Carrier density
REAL(KIND = DP) :: be
!! Bose-Einstein distribution
REAL(KIND = DP) :: prefact
!! Prefactor in resistivity
REAL(KIND = DP) :: lambda_tot
!! Total e-ph coupling strength (summation)
REAL(KIND = DP) :: lambda_tr_tot
!! Total transport e-ph coupling strength (summation)
REAL(KIND = DP) :: degaussq0
!! Phonon smearing
REAL(KIND = DP) :: inv_degaussq0
!! Inverse of the smearing for efficiency reasons
REAL(KIND = DP) :: a2f_tmp
!! Temporary variable for Eliashberg spectral function
REAL(KIND = DP) :: a2f_tr_tmp
!! Temporary variable for transport Eliashberg spectral function
REAL(KIND = DP) :: om_max
!! max phonon frequency increased by 10%
REAL(KIND = DP) :: dw
!! Frequency intervals
REAL(KIND = DP) :: w0
!! Current frequency w(imode, iq)
REAL(KIND = DP) :: l
!! Temporary variable for e-ph coupling strength
REAL(KIND = DP) :: l_tr
!! Temporary variable for transport e-ph coupling strength
REAL(KIND = DP) :: tc
!! Critical temperature
REAL(KIND = DP) :: mu
!! Coulomb pseudopotential
REAL(KIND = DP), EXTERNAL :: w0gauss
!! The derivative of wgauss: an approximation to the delta function
REAL(KIND = DP) :: ww(nqstep)
!! Current frequency
REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: a2f_(:, :)
!! Eliashberg spectral function for different ismear
REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: a2f_tr(:, :)
!! Transport Eliashberg spectral function for different ismear
!! total e-ph coupling strength (a2f_ integration) for different ismear
REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: l_a2f_tr(:)
!! total transport e-ph coupling strength (a2f_tr integration) for different ismear
REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dosph(:, :)
!! Phonon density of states for different for different ismear
!! logavg phonon frequency for different ismear
!! Resistivity for different for different ismear
CALL start_clock('a2F')
IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
ALLOCATE(a2f_(nqstep, nqsmear), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('a2f_main', 'Error allocating a2f_', 1)
ALLOCATE(a2f_tr(nqstep, nqsmear), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('a2f_main', 'Error allocating a2f_tr', 1)
ALLOCATE(dosph(nqstep, nqsmear), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('a2f_main', 'Error allocating dosph', 1)
ALLOCATE(l_a2f(nqsmear), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('a2f_main', 'Error allocating l_a2f', 1)
ALLOCATE(l_a2f_tr(nqsmear), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('a2f_main', 'Error allocating l_a2f_tr', 1)
ALLOCATE(logavg(nqsmear), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('a2f_main', 'Error allocating logavg', 1)
! The resitivity is computed for temperature between 0K-1000K by step of 10
! This is hardcoded and needs to be changed here if one wants to modify it
ALLOCATE(rho(100, nqsmear), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('a2f_main', 'Error allocating rho', 1)
DO isig = 1, nsmear
IF (isig < 10) THEN
WRITE(fila2f, '(a, a6, i1)') TRIM(prefix), '.a2f.0', isig
WRITE(fila2ftr, '(a, a9, i1)') TRIM(prefix), '.a2f_tr.0', isig
WRITE(filres, '(a, a6, i1)') TRIM(prefix), '.res.0', isig
WRITE(fildos, '(a, a8, i1)') TRIM(prefix), '.phdos.0', isig
WRITE(fila2f, '(a, a5, i2)') TRIM(prefix), '.a2f.', isig
WRITE(fila2ftr, '(a, a8, i2)') TRIM(prefix), '.a2f_tr.', isig
WRITE(filres, '(a, a5, i2)') TRIM(prefix), '.res.', isig
WRITE(fildos, '(a, a7, i2)') TRIM(prefix), '.phdos.', isig
OPEN(UNIT = iua2ffil, FILE = fila2f, FORM = 'formatted')
OPEN(UNIT = iua2ftrfil, FILE = fila2ftr, FORM = 'formatted')
OPEN(UNIT = iures, FILE = filres, FORM = 'formatted')
OPEN(UNIT = iudosfil, FILE = fildos, FORM = 'formatted')
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x, a)') REPEAT('=',67)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, "Eliashberg Spectral Function in the Migdal Approximation")')
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a/)') REPEAT('=',67)
om_max = 1.1d0 * MAXVAL(wf(:, :)) ! increase by 10%
dw = om_max / DBLE(nqstep)
DO iw = 1, nqstep !
ww(iw) = DBLE(iw) * dw
lambda_tot = zero
l_a2f(:) = zero
a2f_(:, :) = zero
lambda_tr_tot = zero
l_a2f_tr(:) = zero
a2f_tr(:, :) = zero
dosph(:, :) = zero
logavg(:) = zero
DO ismear = 1, nqsmear
degaussq0 = degaussq + (ismear - 1) * delta_qsmear
inv_degaussq0 = one / degaussq0
DO iw = 1, nqstep ! loop over points on the a2F(w) graph
DO iq = 1, nqtotf ! loop over q-points
DO imode = 1, nmodes ! loop over modes
w0 = wf(imode, iq)
IF (w0 > eps_acustic) THEN
l = lambda_all(imode, iq, isig)
IF (lambda_all(imode, iq, isig) < 0.d0) l = zero ! sanity check
a2f_tmp = wqf(iq) * w0 * l / two
weight = w0gauss((ww(iw) - w0) * inv_degaussq0, 0) * inv_degaussq0
a2f_(iw, ismear) = a2f_(iw, ismear) + a2f_tmp * weight
dosph(iw, ismear) = dosph(iw, ismear) + wqf(iq) * weight
l_tr = lambda_v_all(imode, iq, isig)
IF (lambda_v_all(imode, iq, isig) < 0.d0) l_tr = zero !sanity check
a2f_tr_tmp = wqf(iq) * w0 * l_tr / two
a2f_tr(iw, ismear) = a2f_tr(iw, ismear) + a2f_tr_tmp * weight
! output a2f
IF (ismear == nqsmear) WRITE(iua2ffil, '(f12.7, 15f12.7)') ww(iw) * ryd2mev, a2f_(iw, :)
IF (ismear == nqsmear) WRITE(iua2ftrfil, '(f12.7, 15f12.7)') ww(iw) * ryd2mev, a2f_tr(iw, :)
IF (ismear == nqsmear) WRITE(iudosfil, '(f12.7, 15f12.7)') ww(iw) * ryd2mev, dosph(iw, :) / ryd2mev
! do the integral 2 int (a2F(w)/w dw)
l_a2f(ismear) = l_a2f(ismear) + two * a2f_(iw, ismear) / ww(iw) * dw
l_a2f_tr(ismear) = l_a2f_tr(ismear) + two * a2f_tr(iw, ismear) / ww(iw) * dw
logavg(ismear) = logavg(ismear) + two * a2f_(iw, ismear) * LOG(ww(iw)) / ww(iw) * dw
logavg(ismear) = EXP(logavg(ismear) / l_a2f(ismear))
DO iq = 1, nqtotf ! loop over q-points
DO imode = 1, nmodes ! loop over modes
IF (lambda_all(imode, iq, isig) > 0.d0 .AND. wf(imode, iq) > eps_acustic ) &
lambda_tot = lambda_tot + wqf(iq) * lambda_all(imode, iq, isig)
IF (lambda_v_all(imode, iq, isig) > 0.d0 .AND. wf(imode, iq) > eps_acustic) &
lambda_tr_tot = lambda_tr_tot + wqf(iq) * lambda_v_all(imode, iq, isig)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a, f12.7)') "lambda : ", lambda_tot
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a, f12.7)') "lambda_tr : ", lambda_tr_tot
WRITE(stdout, '(a)') " "
! Allen-Dynes estimate of Tc for ismear = 1
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a, f12.7, a)') "Estimated Allen-Dynes Tc"
WRITE(stdout, '(a)') " "
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a, f12.7, a, f12.7)') "logavg = ", logavg(1), " l_a2f = ", l_a2f(1)
DO i = 1, 6
mu = 0.1d0 + 0.02d0 * DBLE(i - 1)
tc = logavg(1) / 1.2d0 * EXP(-1.04d0 * (1.d0 + l_a2f(1)) / (l_a2f(1) - mu * ( 1.d0 + 0.62d0 * l_a2f(1))))
! tc in K
tc = tc * ryd2ev / kelvin2eV
!SP: IF Tc is too big, it is not physical
IF (tc < 1000.0) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a, f6.2, a, f22.12, a)') "mu = ", mu, " Tc = ", tc, " K"
rho(:, :) = zero
! Now compute the Resistivity of Metal using the Ziman formula
! rho(T,smearing) = 4 * pi * me/(n * e**2 * kb * T) int dw hbar w a2F_tr(w,smearing) n(w,T)(1+n(w,T))
! n is the number of electron per unit volume and n(w,T) is the Bose-Einstein distribution
! Usually this means "the number of electrons that contribute to the mobility" and so it is typically 8 (full shell)
! but not always. You might want to check this.
n = nc / omega
WRITE(iures, '(a)') '# Temperature [K] &
Resistivity [micro Ohm cm] for different Phonon smearing (meV) '
WRITE(iures, '("# ", 15f12.7)') ((degaussq + (ismear - 1) * delta_qsmear) * ryd2mev, ismear = 1, nqsmear)
DO ismear = 1, nqsmear
DO itemp = 1, 100 ! Per step of 10K
temp = itemp * 10.d0 * kelvin2Ry
! omega is the volume of the primitive cell in a.u.
prefact = 4.d0 * pi / (temp * n)
DO iw = 1, nqstep ! loop over points on the a2F(w)
be = one / (EXP(ww(iw) / temp) - one)
! Perform the integral with rectangle.
rho(itemp, ismear) = rho(itemp, ismear) + prefact * ww(iw) * a2f_tr(iw, ismear) * be * (1.d0 + be) * dw
! From a.u. to micro Ohm cm
! Conductivity 1 a.u. = 2.2999241E6 S/m
! Now to go from Ohm*m to micro Ohm cm we need to multiply by 1E8
rho(itemp, ismear) = rho(itemp, ismear) * 1E8 / 2.2999241E6
IF (ismear == nqsmear) WRITE (iures, '(i8, 15f12.7)') itemp * 10, rho(itemp, :)
WRITE(iua2ffil, *) "Integrated el-ph coupling"
WRITE(iua2ffil, '(" # ", 15f12.7)') l_a2f(:)
WRITE(iua2ffil, *) "Phonon smearing (meV)"
WRITE(iua2ffil, '(" # ", 15f12.7)') ((degaussq + (ismear - 1) * delta_qsmear) * ryd2mev, ismear = 1, nqsmear)
WRITE(iua2ffil, '(" Electron smearing (eV)", f12.7)') ((isig - 1) * delta_smear + degaussw) * ryd2ev
WRITE(iua2ffil, '(" Fermi window (eV)", f12.7)') fsthick * ryd2ev
WRITE(iua2ffil, '(" Summed el-ph coupling ", f12.7)') lambda_tot
WRITE(iua2ftrfil, *) "Integrated el-ph coupling"
WRITE(iua2ftrfil, '(" # ", 15f12.7)') l_a2f_tr(:)
WRITE(iua2ftrfil, *) "Phonon smearing (meV)"
WRITE(iua2ftrfil, '(" # ", 15f12.7)') ((degaussq + (ismear - 1) * delta_qsmear) * ryd2mev, ismear = 1, nqsmear)
WRITE(iua2ftrfil, '(" Electron smearing (eV)", f12.7)') ((isig - 1) * delta_smear + degaussw) * ryd2ev
WRITE(iua2ftrfil, '(" Fermi window (eV)", f12.7)') fsthick * ryd2ev
WRITE(iua2ftrfil, '(" Summed el-ph coupling ", f12.7)') lambda_tot
ENDDO ! isig
DEALLOCATE(l_a2f, STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('eliashberg_a2f', 'Error deallocating l_a2f', 1)
DEALLOCATE(l_a2f_tr, STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('eliashberg_a2f', 'Error deallocating l_a2f_tr', 1)
DEALLOCATE(a2f_, STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('eliashberg_a2f', 'Error deallocating a2f', 1)
DEALLOCATE(a2f_tr, STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('eliashberg_a2f', 'Error deallocating a2f_tr', 1)
DEALLOCATE(rho, STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('eliashberg_a2f', 'Error deallocating rho', 1)
DEALLOCATE(dosph, STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('eliashberg_a2f', 'Error deallocating dosph', 1)
DEALLOCATE(logavg, STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('eliashberg_a2f', 'Error deallocating logavg', 1)
CALL stop_clock('a2F')
CALL print_clock('a2F')
SUBROUTINE nesting_fn_q(iqq, iq)
!! Compute the imaginary part of the phonon self energy due to electron-
!! phonon interaction in the Migdal approximation. This corresponds to
!! the phonon linewidth (half width). The phonon frequency is taken into
!! account in the energy selection rule.
!! Use matrix elements, electronic eigenvalues and phonon frequencies
!! from ep-wannier interpolation.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE epwcom, ONLY : nbndsub, fsthick, eptemp, ngaussw, degaussw, &
nsmear, delta_smear, efermi_read, fermi_energy
USE pwcom, ONLY : ef
USE elph2, ONLY : ibndmin, etf, wkf, xqf, wqf, nkqf, nktotf, &
nkf, xqf, nbndfst, efnew
USE constants_epw, ONLY : ryd2ev, zero, one, two
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iqq
!! Current q-point index from selecq
!! Current q-point index
! Local variables
!! Counter on the k-point index
INTEGER :: ikk
!! k-point index
INTEGER :: ikq
!! q-point index
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! Counter on bands
INTEGER :: jbnd
!! Counter on bands
INTEGER :: fermicount
!! Number of states on the Fermi surface
INTEGER :: ismear
!! Counter on smearing values
REAL(KIND = DP) :: ekk
!! Eigen energy on the fine grid relative to the Fermi level
REAL(KIND = DP) :: ekq
!! Eigen energy of k+q on the fine grid relative to the Fermi level
REAL(KIND = DP) :: ef0
!! Fermi energy level
REAL(KIND = DP) :: weight
!! Imaginary part of the phonhon self-energy factor, sans e-ph matrix elements
REAL(KIND = DP) :: dosef
!! Density of state N(Ef)
REAL(KIND = DP) :: w0g1
!! Dirac delta at k for the imaginary part of $\Sigma$
REAL(KIND = DP) :: w0g2
!! Dirac delta at k+q for the imaginary part of $\Sigma$
REAL(KIND = DP) :: degaussw0
!! degaussw0 = (ismear-1) * delta_smear + degaussw
REAL(KIND = DP) :: inv_degaussw0
!! Inverse degaussw0 for efficiency reasons
REAL(KIND = DP) :: gamma
!! Nesting function
REAL(KIND = DP) :: dos_ef
!! Function returning the density of states at the Fermi level
REAL(KIND = DP) :: w0gauss
!! This function computes the derivative of the Fermi-Dirac function
!! It is therefore an approximation for a delta function
IF (iqq == 1) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x, a)') REPEAT('=', 67)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, "Nesting Function in the double delta approx")')
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a/)') REPEAT('=', 67)
IF (fsthick < 1.d3) WRITE(stdout, '(/5x, a, f10.6, a)' ) &
'Fermi Surface thickness = ', fsthick * ryd2ev, ' eV'
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x, a, f10.6, a)' ) 'Golden Rule strictly enforced with T = ', eptemp * ryd2ev, ' eV'
! SP: The Gamma function needs to be put to 0 for each q
gamma = zero
! Here we loop on smearing values
DO ismear = 1, nsmear
degaussw0 = (ismear - 1) * delta_smear + degaussw
inv_degaussw0 = one / degaussw0
! Fermi level and corresponding DOS
! Note that the weights of k+q points must be set to zero here
! no spin-polarized calculation here
IF (efermi_read) THEN
ef0 = fermi_energy
ef0 = efnew
dosef = dos_ef(ngaussw, degaussw0, ef0, etf, wkf, nkqf, nbndsub)
! N(Ef) in the equation for lambda is the DOS per spin
dosef = dosef / two
IF (iqq == 1) THEN
WRITE(stdout, 100) degaussw0 * ryd2ev, ngaussw
WRITE(stdout, 101) dosef / ryd2ev, ef0 * ryd2ev
CALL start_clock('nesting')
fermicount = 0
DO ik = 1, nkf
ikk = 2 * ik - 1
ikq = ikk + 1
! here we must have ef, not ef0, to be consistent with ephwann_shuffle
IF ((MINVAL(ABS(etf(:, ikk) - ef)) < fsthick) .AND. &
(MINVAL(ABS(etf(:, ikq) - ef)) < fsthick)) then
fermicount = fermicount + 1
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
ekk = etf(ibndmin - 1 + ibnd, ikk) - ef0
w0g1 = w0gauss(ekk * inv_degaussw0, 0) * inv_degaussw0
DO jbnd = 1, nbndfst
ekq = etf(ibndmin - 1 + jbnd, ikq) - ef0
w0g2 = w0gauss(ekq *inv_degaussw0, 0) * inv_degaussw0
! = k-point weight * [f(E_k) - f(E_k+q)]/ [E_k+q - E_k -w_q +id]
! This is the imaginary part of the phonon self-energy, sans the matrix elements
! weight = wkf (ikk) * (wgkk - wgkq) * &
! aimag ( cone / ( ekq - ekk - ci * degaussw ) )
! the below expression is positive-definite, but also an approximation
! which neglects some fine features
weight = wkf(ikk) * w0g1 * w0g2
gamma = gamma + weight
ENDDO ! jbnd
ENDDO ! ibnd
ENDIF ! endif fsthick
ENDDO ! loop on k
! collect contributions from all pools (sum over k-points)
! this finishes the integral over the BZ (k)
CALL mp_sum(gamma, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_sum(fermicount, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_barrier(inter_pool_comm)
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x, "iq = ",i5," coord.: ", 3f9.5, " wt: ", f9.5)') iq, xqf(:, iq) , wqf(iq)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a)') REPEAT('-', 67)
WRITE(stdout, 102) gamma
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a/)') REPEAT('-', 67)
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x, a, i8, a, i8/)') &
'Number of (k,k+q) pairs on the Fermi surface: ', fermicount, ' out of ', nktotf
CALL stop_clock('nesting')
ENDDO !smears
100 FORMAT(5x, 'Gaussian Broadening: ', f7.3,' eV, ngauss=', i4)
101 FORMAT(5x, 'DOS =', f10.6, ' states/spin/eV/Unit Cell at Ef=', f10.6, ' eV')
102 FORMAT(5x, 'Nesting function (q)=', E15.6, ' [Adimensional]')
END SUBROUTINE nesting_fn_q
SUBROUTINE plot_band()
!! This routine writes output files for phonon dispersion and band structure
!! SP : Modified so that it works with the current plotband.x of QE 5
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg
USE phcom, ONLY : nmodes
USE epwcom, ONLY : nbndsub, filqf, filkf
USE elph2, ONLY : etf, nkf, nqtotf, wf, xkf, xqf, nkqtotf, nktotf
USE constants_epw, ONLY : ryd2mev, ryd2ev, zero
USE io_var, ONLY : iufilfreq, iufileig
USE elph2, ONLY : nkqf
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm, my_pool_id
USE poolgathering, ONLY : poolgather2
! Local variables
!! Global k-point index
INTEGER :: ikk
!! Index for the k-point
INTEGER :: ikq
!! Index for the q-point
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! Band index
INTEGER :: imode
!! Mode index
!! Global q-point index
INTEGER :: ierr
!! Error status
REAL(KIND = DP) :: dist
!! Distance from G-point
REAL(KIND = DP) :: dprev
!! Previous distance
REAL(KIND = DP) :: dcurr
!! Current distance
REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: xkf_all(:, :)
!! K-points on the full k grid (all pools)
REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: etf_all(:, :)
!! Eigenenergies on the full k grid (all pools)
IF (filqf /= ' ') THEN
IF (my_pool_id == ionode_id) THEN
OPEN(iufilfreq, FILE = "phband.freq", FORM = 'formatted')
WRITE(iufilfreq, '(" &plot nbnd=", i4, ", nks=", i6, " /")') nmodes, nqtotf
! crystal to cartesian coordinates
CALL cryst_to_cart(nqtotf, xqf, bg, 1)
dist = zero
dprev = zero
dcurr = zero
DO iq = 1, nqtotf
IF (iq /= 1) THEN
dist = DSQRT((xqf(1, iq) - xqf(1, iq - 1)) * (xqf(1, iq) - xqf(1, iq - 1)) &
+ (xqf(2, iq) - xqf(2, iq - 1)) * (xqf(2, iq) - xqf(2, iq - 1)) &
+ (xqf(3, iq) - xqf(3, iq - 1)) * (xqf(3, iq) - xqf(3, iq - 1)))
dist = zero
dcurr = dprev + dist
dprev = dcurr
WRITE(iufilfreq, '(10x, 3f10.6)') xqf(:, iq)
WRITE(iufilfreq, '(1000f14.4)') (wf(imode, iq) * ryd2mev, imode = 1, nmodes)
! back from cartesian to crystal coordinates
CALL cryst_to_cart(nqtotf, xqf, at, -1)
ENDIF ! filqf
IF (filkf /= ' ') THEN
DO ik = 1, nkf
ikk = 2 * ik - 1
ikq = ikk + 1
ALLOCATE(xkf_all(3, nkqtotf), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('plot_band', 'Error allocating xkf_all', 1)
ALLOCATE(etf_all(nbndsub, nkqtotf), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('plot_band', 'Error allocating etf_all', 1)
#if defined(__MPI)
CALL poolgather2(3, nkqtotf, nkqf, xkf, xkf_all)
CALL poolgather2(nbndsub, nkqtotf, nkqf, etf, etf_all)
CALL mp_barrier(inter_pool_comm)
xkf_all = xkf
etf_all = etf
IF (my_pool_id == ionode_id) THEN
OPEN(iufileig, FILE = "band.eig", FORM = 'formatted')
WRITE(iufileig, '(" &plot nbnd=", i4, ", nks=", i6, " /")') nbndsub, nktotf
! crystal to cartesian coordinates
CALL cryst_to_cart(nkqtotf, xkf_all, bg, 1)
dist = zero
dprev = zero
dcurr = zero
DO ik = 1, nktotf
ikk = 2 * ik - 1
ikq = ikk + 1
IF (ikk /= 1) THEN
dist = DSQRT((xkf_all(1, ikk) - xkf_all(1, ikk - 2)) * (xkf_all(1, ikk) - xkf_all(1, ikk - 2)) &
+ (xkf_all(2, ikk) - xkf_all(2, ikk - 2)) * (xkf_all(2, ikk) - xkf_all(2, ikk - 2)) &
+ (xkf_all(3, ikk) - xkf_all(3, ikk - 2)) * (xkf_all(3, ikk) - xkf_all(3, ikk - 2)))
dist = 0.d0
dcurr = dprev + dist
dprev = dcurr
WRITE(iufileig, '(10x, 3f10.6)') xkf_all(:, ikk)
WRITE(iufileig, '(1000f20.12)') (etf_all(ibnd, ikk) * ryd2ev, ibnd = 1, nbndsub)
! back from cartesian to crystal coordinates
CALL cryst_to_cart(nkqtotf, xkf_all, at, -1)
CALL mp_barrier(inter_pool_comm)
DEALLOCATE(xkf_all, STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('plot_band', 'Error deallocating xkf_all', 1)
DEALLOCATE(etf_all, STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('plot_band', 'Error deallocating etf_all', 1)
ENDIF ! filkf

View File

@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
IF (PRESENT(max_mob)) THEN
max_mob(:) = zero
CALL prtheader()
CALL prtheader_mob()
! compute conductivity
DO itemp = 1, nstemp
carrier_density = 0.0
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@
!! Carrier density [nb of carrier per unit cell]
REAL(KIND = DP) :: fnk
!! Fermi-Dirac occupation function
REAL(KIND = DP) :: Fi_check(3)
REAL(KIND = DP) :: fi_check(3)
!! Sum rule on population
!! Compute the approximate theta function. Here computes Fermi-Dirac
@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
IF (PRESENT(max_mob)) THEN
max_mob(:) = zero
CALL prtheader()
CALL prtheader_mob()
DO itemp = 1, nstemp
carrier_density = 0.0
etemp = transp_temp(itemp)
@ -610,7 +610,7 @@
END SUBROUTINE compute_sigma
SUBROUTINE prtmob(itemp, sigma, carrier_density, Fi_check, ef0, etemp, max_mob)
SUBROUTINE prtmob(itemp, sigma, carrier_density, fi_check, ef0, etemp, max_mob)
!! This routine print the mobility (or conducrtivity for metals) in a
@ -632,7 +632,7 @@
!! Conductivity tensor
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: carrier_density
!! Carrier density in a.u.
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: Fi_check(3)
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: fi_check(3)
!! Integrated population vector
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: ef0
!! Fermi-level
@ -658,10 +658,10 @@
IF (ABS(nden) < eps80) CALL errore('prtmob', 'The carrier density is 0', 1)
mobility(:, :) = mobility(:, :) / (electron_SI * carrier_density * inv_cell) * (bohr2ang * ang2cm)**3
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, 1f8.3, 1f9.4, 1E14.5, 1E14.5, 3E16.6)') etemp * ryd2ev / kelvin2eV, ef0 * ryd2ev, &
nden, SUM(Fi_check(:)), mobility(1, 1), mobility(1, 2), mobility(1, 3)
nden, SUM(fi_check(:)), mobility(1, 1), mobility(1, 2), mobility(1, 3)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, 1f8.3, 1f9.4, 1E14.5, 1E14.5, 3E16.6)') etemp * ryd2ev / kelvin2eV, ef0 * ryd2ev, &
dos(itemp), SUM(Fi_check(:)), mobility(1, 1), mobility(1, 2), mobility(1, 3)
dos(itemp), SUM(fi_check(:)), mobility(1, 1), mobility(1, 2), mobility(1, 3)
WRITE(stdout, '(50x, 3E16.6)') mobility(2, 1), mobility(2, 2), mobility(2, 3)
WRITE(stdout, '(50x, 3E16.6)') mobility(3, 1), mobility(3, 2), mobility(3, 3)
@ -676,7 +676,7 @@
SUBROUTINE prtheader()
SUBROUTINE prtheader_mob()
!! This routine print a header for mobility calculation
@ -704,7 +704,7 @@
END SUBROUTINE prtheader_mob
@ -852,6 +852,163 @@
END SUBROUTINE print_clock_epw
SUBROUTINE plot_band()
!! This routine writes output files for phonon dispersion and band structure
!! SP : Modified so that it works with the current plotband.x of QE 5
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg
USE phcom, ONLY : nmodes
USE epwcom, ONLY : nbndsub, filqf, filkf
USE elph2, ONLY : etf, nkf, nqtotf, wf, xkf, xqf, nkqtotf, nktotf
USE constants_epw, ONLY : ryd2mev, ryd2ev, zero
USE io_var, ONLY : iufilfreq, iufileig
USE elph2, ONLY : nkqf
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm, my_pool_id
USE poolgathering, ONLY : poolgather2
! Local variables
!! Global k-point index
INTEGER :: ikk
!! Index for the k-point
INTEGER :: ikq
!! Index for the q-point
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! Band index
INTEGER :: imode
!! Mode index
!! Global q-point index
INTEGER :: ierr
!! Error status
REAL(KIND = DP) :: dist
!! Distance from G-point
REAL(KIND = DP) :: dprev
!! Previous distance
REAL(KIND = DP) :: dcurr
!! Current distance
REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: xkf_all(:, :)
!! K-points on the full k grid (all pools)
REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: etf_all(:, :)
!! Eigenenergies on the full k grid (all pools)
IF (filqf /= ' ') THEN
IF (my_pool_id == ionode_id) THEN
OPEN(iufilfreq, FILE = "phband.freq", FORM = 'formatted')
WRITE(iufilfreq, '(" &plot nbnd=", i4, ", nks=", i6, " /")') nmodes, nqtotf
! crystal to cartesian coordinates
CALL cryst_to_cart(nqtotf, xqf, bg, 1)
dist = zero
dprev = zero
dcurr = zero
DO iq = 1, nqtotf
IF (iq /= 1) THEN
dist = DSQRT((xqf(1, iq) - xqf(1, iq - 1)) * (xqf(1, iq) - xqf(1, iq - 1)) &
+ (xqf(2, iq) - xqf(2, iq - 1)) * (xqf(2, iq) - xqf(2, iq - 1)) &
+ (xqf(3, iq) - xqf(3, iq - 1)) * (xqf(3, iq) - xqf(3, iq - 1)))
dist = zero
dcurr = dprev + dist
dprev = dcurr
WRITE(iufilfreq, '(10x, 3f10.6)') xqf(:, iq)
WRITE(iufilfreq, '(1000f14.4)') (wf(imode, iq) * ryd2mev, imode = 1, nmodes)
! back from cartesian to crystal coordinates
CALL cryst_to_cart(nqtotf, xqf, at, -1)
ENDIF ! filqf
IF (filkf /= ' ') THEN
DO ik = 1, nkf
ikk = 2 * ik - 1
ikq = ikk + 1
ALLOCATE(xkf_all(3, nkqtotf), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('plot_band', 'Error allocating xkf_all', 1)
ALLOCATE(etf_all(nbndsub, nkqtotf), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('plot_band', 'Error allocating etf_all', 1)
#if defined(__MPI)
CALL poolgather2(3, nkqtotf, nkqf, xkf, xkf_all)
CALL poolgather2(nbndsub, nkqtotf, nkqf, etf, etf_all)
CALL mp_barrier(inter_pool_comm)
xkf_all = xkf
etf_all = etf
IF (my_pool_id == ionode_id) THEN
OPEN(iufileig, FILE = "band.eig", FORM = 'formatted')
WRITE(iufileig, '(" &plot nbnd=", i4, ", nks=", i6, " /")') nbndsub, nktotf
! crystal to cartesian coordinates
CALL cryst_to_cart(nkqtotf, xkf_all, bg, 1)
dist = zero
dprev = zero
dcurr = zero
DO ik = 1, nktotf
ikk = 2 * ik - 1
ikq = ikk + 1
IF (ikk /= 1) THEN
dist = DSQRT((xkf_all(1, ikk) - xkf_all(1, ikk - 2)) * (xkf_all(1, ikk) - xkf_all(1, ikk - 2)) &
+ (xkf_all(2, ikk) - xkf_all(2, ikk - 2)) * (xkf_all(2, ikk) - xkf_all(2, ikk - 2)) &
+ (xkf_all(3, ikk) - xkf_all(3, ikk - 2)) * (xkf_all(3, ikk) - xkf_all(3, ikk - 2)))
dist = 0.d0
dcurr = dprev + dist
dprev = dcurr
WRITE(iufileig, '(10x, 3f10.6)') xkf_all(:, ikk)
WRITE(iufileig, '(1000f20.12)') (etf_all(ibnd, ikk) * ryd2ev, ibnd = 1, nbndsub)
! back from cartesian to crystal coordinates
CALL cryst_to_cart(nkqtotf, xkf_all, at, -1)
CALL mp_barrier(inter_pool_comm)
DEALLOCATE(xkf_all, STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('plot_band', 'Error deallocating xkf_all', 1)
DEALLOCATE(etf_all, STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('plot_band', 'Error deallocating etf_all', 1)
ENDIF ! filkf
END MODULE printing

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
USE io_var, ONLY : linewidth_elself
USE phcom, ONLY : nmodes
USE epwcom, ONLY : nbndsub, shortrange, fsthick, eptemp, ngaussw, degaussw, &
eps_acustic, efermi_read, fermi_energy, restart, restart_freq
eps_acustic, efermi_read, fermi_energy, restart, restart_step
USE pwcom, ONLY : ef
USE elph2, ONLY : etf, ibndmin, ibndmax, nkqf, xqf, eta, nbndfst, &
nkf, epf17, wf, wqf, xkf, nkqtotf, adapt_smearing, &
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE io_transport, ONLY : electron_write
USE io_selfen, ONLY : selfen_el_write
USE poolgathering, ONLY : poolgather2
@ -346,14 +346,14 @@
! Creation of a restart point
IF (restart) THEN
IF (MOD(iqq, restart_freq) == 0) THEN
IF (MOD(iqq, restart_step) == 0) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a, i10)' ) 'Creation of a restart point at ', iqq
CALL mp_sum(sigmar_all, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_sum(sigmai_all, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_sum(zi_all, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_sum(fermicount, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_barrier(inter_pool_comm)
CALL electron_write(iqq, totq, nktotf, sigmar_all, sigmai_all, zi_all)
CALL selfen_el_write(iqq, totq, nktotf, sigmar_all, sigmai_all, zi_all)
ENDIF ! in case of restart, do not do the first one
@ -941,7 +941,7 @@
USE io_var, ONLY : linewidth_elself
USE epwcom, ONLY : nbndsub, fsthick, eptemp, ngaussw, efermi_read, &
fermi_energy, degaussw, nel, meff, epsiheg, &
restart, restart_freq
restart, restart_step
USE pwcom, ONLY : ef
USE elph2, ONLY : etf, ibndmin, ibndmax, nkqf, xqf, dmef, adapt_smearing, &
nkf, wqf, xkf, nkqtotf, efnew, nbndfst, nktotf, &
@ -952,7 +952,7 @@
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega, alat, bg
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE io_transport, ONLY : electron_write
USE io_selfen, ONLY : selfen_el_write
USE poolgathering, ONLY : poolgather2
@ -1278,14 +1278,14 @@
! Creation of a restart point
IF (restart) THEN
IF (MOD(iqq, restart_freq) == 0) THEN
IF (MOD(iqq, restart_step) == 0) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a, i10)' ) 'Creation of a restart point at ', iqq
CALL mp_sum(sigmar_all, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_sum(sigmai_all, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_sum(zi_all, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_sum(fermicount, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_barrier(inter_pool_comm)
CALL electron_write(iqq, totq, nktotf, sigmar_all, sigmai_all, zi_all)
CALL selfen_el_write(iqq, totq, nktotf, sigmar_all, sigmai_all, zi_all)
ENDIF ! in case of restart, do not do the first one
@ -1501,6 +1501,187 @@
END FUNCTION dos_ef_seq
SUBROUTINE nesting_fn_q(iqq, iq)
!! Compute the imaginary part of the phonon self energy due to electron-
!! phonon interaction in the Migdal approximation. This corresponds to
!! the phonon linewidth (half width). The phonon frequency is taken into
!! account in the energy selection rule.
!! Use matrix elements, electronic eigenvalues and phonon frequencies
!! from ep-wannier interpolation.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE epwcom, ONLY : nbndsub, fsthick, eptemp, ngaussw, degaussw, &
nsmear, delta_smear, efermi_read, fermi_energy
USE pwcom, ONLY : ef
USE elph2, ONLY : ibndmin, etf, wkf, xqf, wqf, nkqf, nktotf, &
nkf, xqf, nbndfst, efnew
USE constants_epw, ONLY : ryd2ev, zero, one, two
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iqq
!! Current q-point index from selecq
!! Current q-point index
! Local variables
!! Counter on the k-point index
INTEGER :: ikk
!! k-point index
INTEGER :: ikq
!! q-point index
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! Counter on bands
INTEGER :: jbnd
!! Counter on bands
INTEGER :: fermicount
!! Number of states on the Fermi surface
INTEGER :: ismear
!! Counter on smearing values
REAL(KIND = DP) :: ekk
!! Eigen energy on the fine grid relative to the Fermi level
REAL(KIND = DP) :: ekq
!! Eigen energy of k+q on the fine grid relative to the Fermi level
REAL(KIND = DP) :: ef0
!! Fermi energy level
REAL(KIND = DP) :: weight
!! Imaginary part of the phonhon self-energy factor, sans e-ph matrix elements
REAL(KIND = DP) :: dosef
!! Density of state N(Ef)
REAL(KIND = DP) :: w0g1
!! Dirac delta at k for the imaginary part of $\Sigma$
REAL(KIND = DP) :: w0g2
!! Dirac delta at k+q for the imaginary part of $\Sigma$
REAL(KIND = DP) :: degaussw0
!! degaussw0 = (ismear-1) * delta_smear + degaussw
REAL(KIND = DP) :: inv_degaussw0
!! Inverse degaussw0 for efficiency reasons
REAL(KIND = DP) :: gamma
!! Nesting function
REAL(KIND = DP) :: dos_ef
!! Function returning the density of states at the Fermi level
REAL(KIND = DP) :: w0gauss
!! This function computes the derivative of the Fermi-Dirac function
!! It is therefore an approximation for a delta function
IF (iqq == 1) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x, a)') REPEAT('=', 67)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, "Nesting Function in the double delta approx")')
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a/)') REPEAT('=', 67)
IF (fsthick < 1.d3) WRITE(stdout, '(/5x, a, f10.6, a)' ) &
'Fermi Surface thickness = ', fsthick * ryd2ev, ' eV'
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x, a, f10.6, a)' ) 'Golden Rule strictly enforced with T = ', eptemp * ryd2ev, ' eV'
! SP: The Gamma function needs to be put to 0 for each q
gamma = zero
! Here we loop on smearing values
DO ismear = 1, nsmear
degaussw0 = (ismear - 1) * delta_smear + degaussw
inv_degaussw0 = one / degaussw0
! Fermi level and corresponding DOS
! Note that the weights of k+q points must be set to zero here
! no spin-polarized calculation here
IF (efermi_read) THEN
ef0 = fermi_energy
ef0 = efnew
dosef = dos_ef(ngaussw, degaussw0, ef0, etf, wkf, nkqf, nbndsub)
! N(Ef) in the equation for lambda is the DOS per spin
dosef = dosef / two
IF (iqq == 1) THEN
WRITE(stdout, 100) degaussw0 * ryd2ev, ngaussw
WRITE(stdout, 101) dosef / ryd2ev, ef0 * ryd2ev
CALL start_clock('nesting')
fermicount = 0
DO ik = 1, nkf
ikk = 2 * ik - 1
ikq = ikk + 1
! here we must have ef, not ef0, to be consistent with ephwann_shuffle
IF ((MINVAL(ABS(etf(:, ikk) - ef)) < fsthick) .AND. &
(MINVAL(ABS(etf(:, ikq) - ef)) < fsthick)) then
fermicount = fermicount + 1
DO ibnd = 1, nbndfst
ekk = etf(ibndmin - 1 + ibnd, ikk) - ef0
w0g1 = w0gauss(ekk * inv_degaussw0, 0) * inv_degaussw0
DO jbnd = 1, nbndfst
ekq = etf(ibndmin - 1 + jbnd, ikq) - ef0
w0g2 = w0gauss(ekq *inv_degaussw0, 0) * inv_degaussw0
! = k-point weight * [f(E_k) - f(E_k+q)]/ [E_k+q - E_k -w_q +id]
! This is the imaginary part of the phonon self-energy, sans the matrix elements
! weight = wkf (ikk) * (wgkk - wgkq) * &
! aimag ( cone / ( ekq - ekk - ci * degaussw ) )
! the below expression is positive-definite, but also an approximation
! which neglects some fine features
weight = wkf(ikk) * w0g1 * w0g2
gamma = gamma + weight
ENDDO ! jbnd
ENDDO ! ibnd
ENDIF ! endif fsthick
ENDDO ! loop on k
! collect contributions from all pools (sum over k-points)
! this finishes the integral over the BZ (k)
CALL mp_sum(gamma, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_sum(fermicount, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_barrier(inter_pool_comm)
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x, "iq = ",i5," coord.: ", 3f9.5, " wt: ", f9.5)') iq, xqf(:, iq) , wqf(iq)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a)') REPEAT('-', 67)
WRITE(stdout, 102) gamma
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a/)') REPEAT('-', 67)
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x, a, i8, a, i8/)') &
'Number of (k,k+q) pairs on the Fermi surface: ', fermicount, ' out of ', nktotf
CALL stop_clock('nesting')
ENDDO !smears
100 FORMAT(5x, 'Gaussian Broadening: ', f7.3,' eV, ngauss=', i4)
101 FORMAT(5x, 'DOS =', f10.6, ' states/spin/eV/Unit Cell at Ef=', f10.6, ' eV')
102 FORMAT(5x, 'Nesting function (q)=', E15.6, ' [Adimensional]')
END SUBROUTINE nesting_fn_q

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
USE epwcom, ONLY : nbndsub, eps_acustic, fsthick, eptemp, ngaussw, &
degaussw, wmin_specfun, wmax_specfun, nw_specfun, &
shortrange, efermi_read, fermi_energy, restart, &
USE pwcom, ONLY : ef
USE elph2, ONLY : etf, ibndmin, ibndmax, nkqf, xqf, nktotf, efnew, &
epf17, wkf, nkf, wf, wqf, xkf, nkqtotf, adapt_smearing, &
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
! Creation of a restart point
IF (restart) THEN
IF (MOD(iqq, restart_freq) == 0) THEN
IF (MOD(iqq, restart_step) == 0) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a, i10)' ) 'Creation of a restart point at ', iqq
CALL mp_sum(esigmar_all, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_sum(esigmai_all, inter_pool_comm)
@ -807,7 +807,7 @@
USE io_var, ONLY : iospectral_sup, iospectral
USE epwcom, ONLY : nbndsub, fsthick, eptemp, ngaussw, degaussw, nw_specfun, &
wmin_specfun, wmax_specfun, efermi_read, fermi_energy, &
nel, meff, epsiheg, restart, restart_freq
nel, meff, epsiheg, restart, restart_step
USE pwcom, ONLY : nelec, ef
USE elph2, ONLY : etf, ibndmin, ibndmax, nkqf, nbndfst, wkf, nkf, wqf, xkf, &
nkqtotf, xqf, dmef, esigmar_all, esigmai_all, a_all, &
@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@
! Creation of a restart point
IF (restart) THEN
IF (MOD(iqq, restart_freq) == 0) THEN
IF (MOD(iqq, restart_step) == 0) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a, i10)' ) 'Creation of a restart point at ', iqq
CALL mp_sum(esigmar_all, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_sum(esigmai_all, inter_pool_comm)
@ -1287,6 +1287,342 @@
END SUBROUTINE spectral_func_pl_q
SUBROUTINE a2f_main()
!! Compute the Eliasberg spectral function
!! in the Migdal approximation.
!! If the q-points are not on a uniform grid (i.e. a line)
!! the function will not be correct
!! 02/2009 works in serial on ionode at the moment. can be parallelized
!! 03/2009 added transport spectral function -- this involves a v_k dot v_kq term
!! in the quantities coming from selfen_phon.f90. Not fully implemented
!! 10/2009 the code is transitioning to 'on-the-fly' phonon selfenergies
!! and this routine is not currently functional
!! 10/2015 RM: added calcution of Tc based on Allen-Dynes formula
!! 09/2019 SP: Cleaning
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE phcom, ONLY : nmodes
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega
USE epwcom, ONLY : degaussq, delta_qsmear, nqsmear, nqstep, nsmear, eps_acustic, &
delta_smear, degaussw, fsthick, nc
USE elph2, ONLY : nqtotf, wf, wqf, lambda_all, lambda_v_all
USE constants_epw, ONLY : ryd2mev, ryd2ev, kelvin2eV, one, two, zero, kelvin2Ry, pi
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE io_var, ONLY : iua2ffil, iudosfil, iua2ftrfil, iures
USE io_files, ONLY : prefix
CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: fila2f
!! File name for Eliashberg spectral function
CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: fila2ftr
!! File name for transport Eliashberg spectral function
CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: fildos
!! File name for phonon density of states
CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: filres
!! File name for resistivity
INTEGER :: imode
!! Counter on mode
!! Counter on the q-point index
!! Counter on the frequency
INTEGER :: ismear
!! Counter on smearing values (phonons)
INTEGER :: isig
!! Counter on smearing values (electrons)
!! Counter on mu
INTEGER :: itemp
!! Counter on temperature
INTEGER :: ierr
!! Error status
REAL(KIND = DP) :: weight
!! Factor in a2f
REAL(KIND = DP) :: temp
!! Temperature
REAL(KIND = DP) :: n
!! Carrier density
REAL(KIND = DP) :: be
!! Bose-Einstein distribution
REAL(KIND = DP) :: prefact
!! Prefactor in resistivity
REAL(KIND = DP) :: lambda_tot
!! Total e-ph coupling strength (summation)
REAL(KIND = DP) :: lambda_tr_tot
!! Total transport e-ph coupling strength (summation)
REAL(KIND = DP) :: degaussq0
!! Phonon smearing
REAL(KIND = DP) :: inv_degaussq0
!! Inverse of the smearing for efficiency reasons
REAL(KIND = DP) :: a2f_tmp
!! Temporary variable for Eliashberg spectral function
REAL(KIND = DP) :: a2f_tr_tmp
!! Temporary variable for transport Eliashberg spectral function
REAL(KIND = DP) :: om_max
!! max phonon frequency increased by 10%
REAL(KIND = DP) :: dw
!! Frequency intervals
REAL(KIND = DP) :: w0
!! Current frequency w(imode, iq)
REAL(KIND = DP) :: l
!! Temporary variable for e-ph coupling strength
REAL(KIND = DP) :: l_tr
!! Temporary variable for transport e-ph coupling strength
REAL(KIND = DP) :: tc
!! Critical temperature
REAL(KIND = DP) :: mu
!! Coulomb pseudopotential
REAL(KIND = DP), EXTERNAL :: w0gauss
!! The derivative of wgauss: an approximation to the delta function
REAL(KIND = DP) :: ww(nqstep)
!! Current frequency
REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: a2f_(:, :)
!! Eliashberg spectral function for different ismear
REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: a2f_tr(:, :)
!! Transport Eliashberg spectral function for different ismear
!! total e-ph coupling strength (a2f_ integration) for different ismear
REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: l_a2f_tr(:)
!! total transport e-ph coupling strength (a2f_tr integration) for different ismear
REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dosph(:, :)
!! Phonon density of states for different for different ismear
!! logavg phonon frequency for different ismear
!! Resistivity for different for different ismear
CALL start_clock('a2F')
IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
ALLOCATE(a2f_(nqstep, nqsmear), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('a2f_main', 'Error allocating a2f_', 1)
ALLOCATE(a2f_tr(nqstep, nqsmear), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('a2f_main', 'Error allocating a2f_tr', 1)
ALLOCATE(dosph(nqstep, nqsmear), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('a2f_main', 'Error allocating dosph', 1)
ALLOCATE(l_a2f(nqsmear), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('a2f_main', 'Error allocating l_a2f', 1)
ALLOCATE(l_a2f_tr(nqsmear), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('a2f_main', 'Error allocating l_a2f_tr', 1)
ALLOCATE(logavg(nqsmear), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('a2f_main', 'Error allocating logavg', 1)
! The resitivity is computed for temperature between 0K-1000K by step of 10
! This is hardcoded and needs to be changed here if one wants to modify it
ALLOCATE(rho(100, nqsmear), STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('a2f_main', 'Error allocating rho', 1)
DO isig = 1, nsmear
IF (isig < 10) THEN
WRITE(fila2f, '(a, a6, i1)') TRIM(prefix), '.a2f.0', isig
WRITE(fila2ftr, '(a, a9, i1)') TRIM(prefix), '.a2f_tr.0', isig
WRITE(filres, '(a, a6, i1)') TRIM(prefix), '.res.0', isig
WRITE(fildos, '(a, a8, i1)') TRIM(prefix), '.phdos.0', isig
WRITE(fila2f, '(a, a5, i2)') TRIM(prefix), '.a2f.', isig
WRITE(fila2ftr, '(a, a8, i2)') TRIM(prefix), '.a2f_tr.', isig
WRITE(filres, '(a, a5, i2)') TRIM(prefix), '.res.', isig
WRITE(fildos, '(a, a7, i2)') TRIM(prefix), '.phdos.', isig
OPEN(UNIT = iua2ffil, FILE = fila2f, FORM = 'formatted')
OPEN(UNIT = iua2ftrfil, FILE = fila2ftr, FORM = 'formatted')
OPEN(UNIT = iures, FILE = filres, FORM = 'formatted')
OPEN(UNIT = iudosfil, FILE = fildos, FORM = 'formatted')
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x, a)') REPEAT('=',67)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, "Eliashberg Spectral Function in the Migdal Approximation")')
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a/)') REPEAT('=',67)
om_max = 1.1d0 * MAXVAL(wf(:, :)) ! increase by 10%
dw = om_max / DBLE(nqstep)
DO iw = 1, nqstep !
ww(iw) = DBLE(iw) * dw
lambda_tot = zero
l_a2f(:) = zero
a2f_(:, :) = zero
lambda_tr_tot = zero
l_a2f_tr(:) = zero
a2f_tr(:, :) = zero
dosph(:, :) = zero
logavg(:) = zero
DO ismear = 1, nqsmear
degaussq0 = degaussq + (ismear - 1) * delta_qsmear
inv_degaussq0 = one / degaussq0
DO iw = 1, nqstep ! loop over points on the a2F(w) graph
DO iq = 1, nqtotf ! loop over q-points
DO imode = 1, nmodes ! loop over modes
w0 = wf(imode, iq)
IF (w0 > eps_acustic) THEN
l = lambda_all(imode, iq, isig)
IF (lambda_all(imode, iq, isig) < 0.d0) l = zero ! sanity check
a2f_tmp = wqf(iq) * w0 * l / two
weight = w0gauss((ww(iw) - w0) * inv_degaussq0, 0) * inv_degaussq0
a2f_(iw, ismear) = a2f_(iw, ismear) + a2f_tmp * weight
dosph(iw, ismear) = dosph(iw, ismear) + wqf(iq) * weight
l_tr = lambda_v_all(imode, iq, isig)
IF (lambda_v_all(imode, iq, isig) < 0.d0) l_tr = zero !sanity check
a2f_tr_tmp = wqf(iq) * w0 * l_tr / two
a2f_tr(iw, ismear) = a2f_tr(iw, ismear) + a2f_tr_tmp * weight
! output a2f
IF (ismear == nqsmear) WRITE(iua2ffil, '(f12.7, 15f12.7)') ww(iw) * ryd2mev, a2f_(iw, :)
IF (ismear == nqsmear) WRITE(iua2ftrfil, '(f12.7, 15f12.7)') ww(iw) * ryd2mev, a2f_tr(iw, :)
IF (ismear == nqsmear) WRITE(iudosfil, '(f12.7, 15f12.7)') ww(iw) * ryd2mev, dosph(iw, :) / ryd2mev
! do the integral 2 int (a2F(w)/w dw)
l_a2f(ismear) = l_a2f(ismear) + two * a2f_(iw, ismear) / ww(iw) * dw
l_a2f_tr(ismear) = l_a2f_tr(ismear) + two * a2f_tr(iw, ismear) / ww(iw) * dw
logavg(ismear) = logavg(ismear) + two * a2f_(iw, ismear) * LOG(ww(iw)) / ww(iw) * dw
logavg(ismear) = EXP(logavg(ismear) / l_a2f(ismear))
DO iq = 1, nqtotf ! loop over q-points
DO imode = 1, nmodes ! loop over modes
IF (lambda_all(imode, iq, isig) > 0.d0 .AND. wf(imode, iq) > eps_acustic ) &
lambda_tot = lambda_tot + wqf(iq) * lambda_all(imode, iq, isig)
IF (lambda_v_all(imode, iq, isig) > 0.d0 .AND. wf(imode, iq) > eps_acustic) &
lambda_tr_tot = lambda_tr_tot + wqf(iq) * lambda_v_all(imode, iq, isig)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a, f12.7)') "lambda : ", lambda_tot
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a, f12.7)') "lambda_tr : ", lambda_tr_tot
WRITE(stdout, '(a)') " "
! Allen-Dynes estimate of Tc for ismear = 1
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a, f12.7, a)') "Estimated Allen-Dynes Tc"
WRITE(stdout, '(a)') " "
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a, f12.7, a, f12.7)') "logavg = ", logavg(1), " l_a2f = ", l_a2f(1)
DO i = 1, 6
mu = 0.1d0 + 0.02d0 * DBLE(i - 1)
tc = logavg(1) / 1.2d0 * EXP(-1.04d0 * (1.d0 + l_a2f(1)) / (l_a2f(1) - mu * ( 1.d0 + 0.62d0 * l_a2f(1))))
! tc in K
tc = tc * ryd2ev / kelvin2eV
!SP: IF Tc is too big, it is not physical
IF (tc < 1000.0) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a, f6.2, a, f22.12, a)') "mu = ", mu, " Tc = ", tc, " K"
rho(:, :) = zero
! Now compute the Resistivity of Metal using the Ziman formula
! rho(T,smearing) = 4 * pi * me/(n * e**2 * kb * T) int dw hbar w a2F_tr(w,smearing) n(w,T)(1+n(w,T))
! n is the number of electron per unit volume and n(w,T) is the Bose-Einstein distribution
! Usually this means "the number of electrons that contribute to the mobility" and so it is typically 8 (full shell)
! but not always. You might want to check this.
n = nc / omega
WRITE(iures, '(a)') '# Temperature [K] &
Resistivity [micro Ohm cm] for different Phonon smearing (meV) '
WRITE(iures, '("# ", 15f12.7)') ((degaussq + (ismear - 1) * delta_qsmear) * ryd2mev, ismear = 1, nqsmear)
DO ismear = 1, nqsmear
DO itemp = 1, 100 ! Per step of 10K
temp = itemp * 10.d0 * kelvin2Ry
! omega is the volume of the primitive cell in a.u.
prefact = 4.d0 * pi / (temp * n)
DO iw = 1, nqstep ! loop over points on the a2F(w)
be = one / (EXP(ww(iw) / temp) - one)
! Perform the integral with rectangle.
rho(itemp, ismear) = rho(itemp, ismear) + prefact * ww(iw) * a2f_tr(iw, ismear) * be * (1.d0 + be) * dw
! From a.u. to micro Ohm cm
! Conductivity 1 a.u. = 2.2999241E6 S/m
! Now to go from Ohm*m to micro Ohm cm we need to multiply by 1E8
rho(itemp, ismear) = rho(itemp, ismear) * 1E8 / 2.2999241E6
IF (ismear == nqsmear) WRITE (iures, '(i8, 15f12.7)') itemp * 10, rho(itemp, :)
WRITE(iua2ffil, *) "Integrated el-ph coupling"
WRITE(iua2ffil, '(" # ", 15f12.7)') l_a2f(:)
WRITE(iua2ffil, *) "Phonon smearing (meV)"
WRITE(iua2ffil, '(" # ", 15f12.7)') ((degaussq + (ismear - 1) * delta_qsmear) * ryd2mev, ismear = 1, nqsmear)
WRITE(iua2ffil, '(" Electron smearing (eV)", f12.7)') ((isig - 1) * delta_smear + degaussw) * ryd2ev
WRITE(iua2ffil, '(" Fermi window (eV)", f12.7)') fsthick * ryd2ev
WRITE(iua2ffil, '(" Summed el-ph coupling ", f12.7)') lambda_tot
WRITE(iua2ftrfil, *) "Integrated el-ph coupling"
WRITE(iua2ftrfil, '(" # ", 15f12.7)') l_a2f_tr(:)
WRITE(iua2ftrfil, *) "Phonon smearing (meV)"
WRITE(iua2ftrfil, '(" # ", 15f12.7)') ((degaussq + (ismear - 1) * delta_qsmear) * ryd2mev, ismear = 1, nqsmear)
WRITE(iua2ftrfil, '(" Electron smearing (eV)", f12.7)') ((isig - 1) * delta_smear + degaussw) * ryd2ev
WRITE(iua2ftrfil, '(" Fermi window (eV)", f12.7)') fsthick * ryd2ev
WRITE(iua2ftrfil, '(" Summed el-ph coupling ", f12.7)') lambda_tot
ENDDO ! isig
DEALLOCATE(l_a2f, STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('eliashberg_a2f', 'Error deallocating l_a2f', 1)
DEALLOCATE(l_a2f_tr, STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('eliashberg_a2f', 'Error deallocating l_a2f_tr', 1)
DEALLOCATE(a2f_, STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('eliashberg_a2f', 'Error deallocating a2f', 1)
DEALLOCATE(a2f_tr, STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('eliashberg_a2f', 'Error deallocating a2f_tr', 1)
DEALLOCATE(rho, STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('eliashberg_a2f', 'Error deallocating rho', 1)
DEALLOCATE(dosph, STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('eliashberg_a2f', 'Error deallocating dosph', 1)
DEALLOCATE(logavg, STAT = ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('eliashberg_a2f', 'Error deallocating logavg', 1)
CALL stop_clock('a2F')
CALL print_clock('a2F')
END MODULE spectral_func

View File

@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
!! anisotropic e-ph coupling strength
! This is only a quick fix since the routine was written for parallel execution - FG June 2014
#if ! defined(__MPI)
#if defined(__MPI)
npool = 1
my_pool_id = 0

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
USE phcom, ONLY : nmodes
USE epwcom, ONLY : nbndsub, fsthick, eps_acustic, degaussw, restart, &
nstemp, scattering_serta, scattering_0rta, shortrange, &
restart_freq, restart_filq, vme, assume_metal
restart_step, restart_filq, vme, assume_metal
USE pwcom, ONLY : ef
USE elph2, ONLY : ibndmin, etf, nkqf, nkf, dmef, vmef, wf, wqf, &
epf17, nkqtotf, inv_tau_all, inv_tau_allcb, &
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
! Creation of a restart point
IF (restart) THEN
IF (MOD(iqq, restart_freq) == 0) THEN
IF (MOD(iqq, restart_step) == 0) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(a)' ) ' Creation of a restart point'
! The mp_sum will aggreage the results on each k-points.
@ -623,11 +623,11 @@
!! Number of points in the BZ corresponding to a point in IBZ
INTEGER :: ierr
!! Error status
INTEGER :: BZtoIBZ_tmp(nkf1 * nkf2 * nkf3)
INTEGER :: bztoibz_tmp(nkf1 * nkf2 * nkf3)
!! Temporary mapping
INTEGER :: BZtoIBZ(nkf1 * nkf2 * nkf3)
INTEGER :: bztoibz(nkf1 * nkf2 * nkf3)
!! BZ to IBZ mapping
INTEGER(SIK2) :: s_BZtoIBZ(nkf1 * nkf2 * nkf3)
INTEGER(SIK2) :: s_bztoibz(nkf1 * nkf2 * nkf3)
!! symmetry
REAL(KIND = DP) :: ekk
!! Energy relative to Fermi level: $$\varepsilon_{n\mathbf{k}}-\varepsilon_F$$
@ -657,11 +657,11 @@
!! Mobility along the zz axis after diagonalization [cm^2/Vs]
REAL(KIND = DP) :: vkk(3, nbndfst)
!! Electron velocity vector for a band.
REAL(KIND = DP) :: Sigma(9, nstemp)
REAL(KIND = DP) :: sigma(9, nstemp)
!! Conductivity matrix in vector form
REAL(KIND = DP) :: SigmaZ(9, nstemp)
REAL(KIND = DP) :: sigmaZ(9, nstemp)
!! Conductivity matrix in vector form with Znk
REAL(KIND = DP) :: Sigma_m(3, 3, nstemp)
REAL(KIND = DP) :: sigma_m(3, 3, nstemp)
!! Conductivity matrix
REAL(KIND = DP) :: sigma_up(3, 3)
!! Conductivity matrix in upper-triangle
@ -669,7 +669,7 @@
!! Eigenvalues from the diagonalized conductivity matrix
REAL(KIND = DP) :: sigma_vect(3, 3)
!! Eigenvectors from the diagonalized conductivity matrix
REAL(KIND = DP) :: Znk
REAL(KIND = DP) :: znk
!! Real Znk from \lambda_nk (called zi_allvb or zi_allcb)
REAL(KIND = DP) :: tdf_sigma(9)
!! Temporary file
@ -926,21 +926,21 @@
! SP - Uncomment to use symmetries on velocities
IF (mp_mesh_k) THEN
BZtoIBZ(:) = 0
s_BZtoIBZ(:) = 0
bztoibz(:) = 0
s_bztoibz(:) = 0
CALL set_sym_bl()
! What we get from this call is BZtoIBZ
CALL kpoint_grid_epw(nrot, time_reversal, .FALSE., s, t_rev, nkf1, nkf2, nkf3, BZtoIBZ, s_BZtoIBZ)
! What we get from this call is bztoibz
CALL kpoint_grid_epw(nrot, time_reversal, .FALSE., s, t_rev, nkf1, nkf2, nkf3, bztoibz, s_bztoibz)
IF (iterative_bte) THEN
! Now we have to remap the points because the IBZ k-points have been
! changed to to load balancing.
BZtoIBZ_tmp(:) = 0
bztoibz_tmp(:) = 0
DO ikbz = 1, nkf1 * nkf2 * nkf3
BZtoIBZ_tmp(ikbz) = map_rebal(BZtoIBZ(ikbz))
bztoibz_tmp(ikbz) = map_rebal(bztoibz(ikbz))
BZtoIBZ(:) = BZtoIBZ_tmp(:)
bztoibz(:) = bztoibz_tmp(:)
@ -967,8 +967,8 @@
! 7 = (3,1) = zx, 8 = (3,2) = zy, 9 = (3,3) = zz
! this can be reduced to 6 if we take into account symmetry xy=yx, ...
tdf_sigma(:) = zero
Sigma(:, :) = zero
SigmaZ(:, :) = zero
sigma(:, :) = zero
sigmaZ(:, :) = zero
@ -1006,10 +1006,10 @@
DO ikbz = 1, nkf1 * nkf2 * nkf3
! If the k-point from the full BZ is related by a symmetry operation
! to the current k-point, then take it.
IF (BZtoIBZ(ikbz) == ik + lower_bnd - 1) THEN
IF (bztoibz(ikbz) == ik + lower_bnd - 1) THEN
nb = nb + 1
! Transform the symmetry matrix from Crystal to cartesian
sa(:, :) = DBLE(s(:, :, s_BZtoIBZ(ikbz)))
sa(:, :) = DBLE(s(:, :, s_bztoibz(ikbz)))
sb = MATMUL(bg, sa)
sr(:, :) = MATMUL(at, TRANSPOSE(sb))
CALL DGEMV('n', 3, 3, 1.d0, sr, 3, vk_cart(:), 1, 0.d0, v_rot(:), 1)
@ -1055,13 +1055,13 @@
! (-df_nk/dE_nk) = (f_nk)*(1-f_nk)/ (k_B T)
dfnk = w0gauss(ekk / etemp, -99) / etemp
! electrical conductivity
Sigma(:, itemp) = Sigma(:, itemp) + dfnk * tdf_sigma(:) * tau
sigma(:, itemp) = Sigma(:, itemp) + dfnk * tdf_sigma(:) * tau
! Now do the same but with Znk multiplied
! calculate Z = 1 / ( 1 -\frac{\partial\Sigma}{\partial\omega} )
Znk = one / (one + zi_allvb(itemp, ibnd, ik + lower_bnd - 1))
znk = one / (one + zi_allvb(itemp, ibnd, ik + lower_bnd - 1))
tau = one / (Znk * inv_tau_all(itemp, ibnd, ik + lower_bnd - 1))
SigmaZ(:, itemp) = SigmaZ(:, itemp) + dfnk * tdf_sigma(:) * tau
sigmaz(:, itemp) = sigmaz(:, itemp) + dfnk * tdf_sigma(:) * tau
ENDDO ! ibnd
@ -1070,8 +1070,8 @@
! The k points are distributed among pools: here we collect them
CALL mp_sum(Sigma(:, itemp), world_comm)
CALL mp_sum(SigmaZ(:, itemp), world_comm)
CALL mp_sum(sigma(:, itemp), world_comm)
CALL mp_sum(sigmaz(:, itemp), world_comm)
ENDDO ! nstemp
@ -1092,10 +1092,10 @@
DO itemp = 1, nstemp
etemp = transp_temp(itemp)
! Sigma in units of 1/(a.u.) is converted to 1/(Ohm * m)
! sigma in units of 1/(a.u.) is converted to 1/(Ohm * m)
IF (mpime == meta_ionode_id) THEN
WRITE(iufilsigma, '(11E16.8)') ef0(itemp) * ryd2ev, etemp * ryd2ev / kelvin2eV, &
conv_factor1 * Sigma(:, itemp) * inv_cell
conv_factor1 * sigma(:, itemp) * inv_cell
carrier_density = 0.0
@ -1120,15 +1120,15 @@
! 4 = (2,1) = yx, 5 = (2,2) = yy, 6 = (2,3) = yz
! 7 = (3,1) = zx, 8 = (3,2) = zy, 9 = (3,3) = zz
sigma_up(:, :) = zero
sigma_up(1, 1) = Sigma(1, itemp)
sigma_up(1, 2) = Sigma(2, itemp)
sigma_up(1, 3) = Sigma(3, itemp)
sigma_up(2, 1) = Sigma(4, itemp)
sigma_up(2, 2) = Sigma(5, itemp)
sigma_up(2, 3) = Sigma(6, itemp)
sigma_up(3, 1) = Sigma(7, itemp)
sigma_up(3, 2) = Sigma(8, itemp)
sigma_up(3, 3) = Sigma(9, itemp)
sigma_up(1, 1) = sigma(1, itemp)
sigma_up(1, 2) = sigma(2, itemp)
sigma_up(1, 3) = sigma(3, itemp)
sigma_up(2, 1) = sigma(4, itemp)
sigma_up(2, 2) = sigma(5, itemp)
sigma_up(2, 3) = sigma(6, itemp)
sigma_up(3, 1) = sigma(7, itemp)
sigma_up(3, 2) = sigma(8, itemp)
sigma_up(3, 3) = sigma(9, itemp)
CALL rdiagh(3, sigma_up, 3, sigma_eig, sigma_vect)
@ -1184,8 +1184,8 @@
etemp = transp_temp(itemp)
IF (itemp == 1) THEN
tdf_sigma(:) = zero
Sigma(:, :) = zero
SigmaZ(:, :) = zero
sigma(:, :) = zero
sigmaZ(:, :) = zero
DO ik = 1, nkf
ikk = 2 * ik - 1
@ -1214,10 +1214,10 @@
DO ikbz = 1, nkf1 * nkf2 * nkf3
! If the k-point from the full BZ is related by a symmetry operation
! to the current k-point, then take it.
IF (BZtoIBZ(ikbz) == ik + lower_bnd - 1) THEN
IF (bztoibz(ikbz) == ik + lower_bnd - 1) THEN
nb = nb + 1
! Transform the symmetry matrix from Crystal to cartesian
sa(:, :) = DBLE(s(:, :, s_BZtoIBZ(ikbz)))
sa(:, :) = DBLE(s(:, :, s_bztoibz(ikbz)))
sb = MATMUL(bg, sa)
sr(:, :) = MATMUL(at, TRANSPOSE(sb))
CALL DGEMV('n', 3, 3, 1.d0, sr, 3, vk_cart(:), 1, 0.d0, v_rot(:), 1)
@ -1259,13 +1259,13 @@
ekk = etf(ibndmin - 1 + ibnd, ikk) - ef0(itemp)
tau = one / inv_tau_all(itemp, ibnd, ik + lower_bnd - 1)
dfnk = w0gauss(ekk / etemp, -99) / etemp
Sigma(:, itemp) = Sigma(:, itemp) + dfnk * tdf_sigma(:) * tau
sigma(:, itemp) = Sigma(:, itemp) + dfnk * tdf_sigma(:) * tau
! Now do the same but with Znk multiplied
! calculate Z = 1 / ( 1 -\frac{\partial\Sigma}{\partial\omega} )
Znk = one / (one + zi_allvb(itemp, ibnd, ik + lower_bnd - 1))
znk = one / (one + zi_allvb(itemp, ibnd, ik + lower_bnd - 1))
tau = one / (Znk * inv_tau_all(itemp, ibnd, ik + lower_bnd - 1))
SigmaZ(:, itemp) = SigmaZ(:, itemp) + dfnk * tdf_sigma(:) * tau
sigmaz(:, itemp) = sigmaz(:, itemp) + dfnk * tdf_sigma(:) * tau
ELSE ! In this case we have 2 Fermi levels
@ -1290,10 +1290,10 @@
DO ikbz = 1, nkf1 * nkf2 * nkf3
! If the k-point from the full BZ is related by a symmetry operation
! to the current k-point, then take it.
IF (BZtoIBZ(ikbz) == ik + lower_bnd - 1) THEN
IF (bztoibz(ikbz) == ik + lower_bnd - 1) THEN
nb = nb + 1
! Transform the symmetry matrix from Crystal to cartesian
sa(:, :) = DBLE(s(:, :, s_BZtoIBZ(ikbz)))
sa(:, :) = DBLE(s(:, :, s_bztoibz(ikbz)))
sb = MATMUL(bg, sa)
sr(:, :) = MATMUL(at, TRANSPOSE(sb))
CALL DGEMV('n', 3, 3, 1.d0, sr, 3, vk_cart(:), 1, 0.d0, v_rot(:), 1)
@ -1335,11 +1335,11 @@
ekk = etf(ibndmin - 1 + ibnd, ikk) - efcb(itemp)
tau = one / inv_tau_allcb(itemp, ibnd, ik + lower_bnd - 1)
dfnk = w0gauss(ekk / etemp, -99) / etemp
Sigma(:, itemp) = Sigma(:, itemp) + dfnk * tdf_sigma(:) * tau
sigma(:, itemp) = sigma(:, itemp) + dfnk * tdf_sigma(:) * tau
! calculate Z = 1 / ( 1 -\frac{\partial\Sigma}{\partial\omega} )
Znk = one / (one + zi_allcb(itemp, ibnd, ik + lower_bnd - 1))
tau = one / (Znk * inv_tau_allcb(itemp, ibnd, ik + lower_bnd - 1))
znk = one / (one + zi_allcb(itemp, ibnd, ik + lower_bnd - 1))
tau = one / (znk * inv_tau_allcb(itemp, ibnd, ik + lower_bnd - 1))
ij = 0
DO j = 1, 3
DO i = 1, 3
@ -1347,14 +1347,14 @@
tdf_sigma(ij) = vkk(i, ibnd) * vkk(j, ibnd) * tau
SigmaZ(:, itemp) = SigmaZ(:, itemp) + wkf(ikk) * dfnk * tdf_sigma(:)
sigmaZ(:, itemp) = sigmaZ(:, itemp) + wkf(ikk) * dfnk * tdf_sigma(:)
ENDDO ! ibnd
ENDIF ! etcb
ENDIF ! endif fsthick
ENDDO ! end loop on k
CALL mp_sum(Sigma(:, itemp), world_comm)
CALL mp_sum(SigmaZ(:, itemp), world_comm)
CALL mp_sum(sigma(:, itemp), world_comm)
CALL mp_sum(sigmaZ(:, itemp), world_comm)
ENDDO ! nstemp
IF (mpime == meta_ionode_id) THEN
@ -1373,13 +1373,13 @@
DO itemp = 1, nstemp
etemp = transp_temp(itemp)
IF (mpime == meta_ionode_id) THEN
! Sigma in units of 1/(a.u.) is converted to 1/(Ohm * m)
! sigma in units of 1/(a.u.) is converted to 1/(Ohm * m)
IF (ABS(efcb(itemp)) < eps4) THEN
WRITE(iufilsigma, '(11E16.8)') ef0(itemp) * ryd2ev, etemp * ryd2ev / kelvin2eV, &
conv_factor1 * Sigma(:, itemp) * inv_cell
conv_factor1 * sigma(:, itemp) * inv_cell
WRITE(iufilsigma, '(11E16.8)') efcb(itemp) * ryd2ev, etemp * ryd2ev / kelvin2eV, &
conv_factor1 * Sigma(:, itemp) * inv_cell
conv_factor1 * sigma(:, itemp) * inv_cell
carrier_density = 0.0
@ -1411,15 +1411,15 @@
! 4 = (2,1) = yx, 5 = (2,2) = yy, 6 = (2,3) = yz
! 7 = (3,1) = zx, 8 = (3,2) = zy, 9 = (3,3) = zz
sigma_up(:, :) = zero
sigma_up(1, 1) = Sigma(1, itemp)
sigma_up(1, 2) = Sigma(2, itemp)
sigma_up(1, 3) = Sigma(3, itemp)
sigma_up(2, 1) = Sigma(4, itemp)
sigma_up(2, 2) = Sigma(5, itemp)
sigma_up(2, 3) = Sigma(6, itemp)
sigma_up(3, 1) = Sigma(7, itemp)
sigma_up(3, 2) = Sigma(8, itemp)
sigma_up(3, 3) = Sigma(9, itemp)
sigma_up(1, 1) = sigma(1, itemp)
sigma_up(1, 2) = sigma(2, itemp)
sigma_up(1, 3) = sigma(3, itemp)
sigma_up(2, 1) = sigma(4, itemp)
sigma_up(2, 2) = sigma(5, itemp)
sigma_up(2, 3) = sigma(6, itemp)
sigma_up(3, 1) = sigma(7, itemp)
sigma_up(3, 2) = sigma(8, itemp)
sigma_up(3, 3) = sigma(9, itemp)
CALL rdiagh(3, sigma_up, 3, sigma_eig, sigma_vect)
@ -1446,15 +1446,15 @@
! Now do the mobility with Znk factor ----------------------------------------------------------
sigma_up(:, :) = zero
sigma_up(1, 1) = SigmaZ(1, itemp)
sigma_up(1, 2) = SigmaZ(2, itemp)
sigma_up(1, 3) = SigmaZ(3, itemp)
sigma_up(2, 1) = SigmaZ(4, itemp)
sigma_up(2, 2) = SigmaZ(5, itemp)
sigma_up(2, 3) = SigmaZ(6, itemp)
sigma_up(3, 1) = SigmaZ(7, itemp)
sigma_up(3, 2) = SigmaZ(8, itemp)
sigma_up(3, 3) = SigmaZ(9, itemp)
sigma_up(1, 1) = sigmaZ(1, itemp)
sigma_up(1, 2) = sigmaZ(2, itemp)
sigma_up(1, 3) = sigmaZ(3, itemp)
sigma_up(2, 1) = sigmaZ(4, itemp)
sigma_up(2, 2) = sigmaZ(5, itemp)
sigma_up(2, 3) = sigmaZ(6, itemp)
sigma_up(3, 1) = sigmaZ(7, itemp)
sigma_up(3, 2) = sigmaZ(8, itemp)
sigma_up(3, 3) = sigmaZ(9, itemp)
CALL rdiagh(3, sigma_up, 3, sigma_eig, sigma_vect)
mobility_xx = (sigma_eig(1) * electron_SI * (bohr2ang * ang2cm)**2) / (carrier_density * hbarJ)
mobility_yy = (sigma_eig(2) * electron_SI * (bohr2ang * ang2cm)**2) / (carrier_density * hbarJ)