Small initialization bug with prt_gkk.

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
sponce 2017-08-21 16:31:10 +00:00
parent 946a1f8a0d
commit 4dcdc66624
2 changed files with 213 additions and 204 deletions

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@ -694,6 +694,7 @@
! Fine mesh set of g-matrices. It is large for memory storage
! SP: Should not be a memory problem. If so, can always the number of cores to reduce nkf.
ALLOCATE ( epf17 (ibndmax-ibndmin+1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nmodes, nkf) )
epf17(:,:,:,:) = zero
! Restart calculation
iq_restart = 1
@ -778,199 +779,199 @@
! this is a loop over k blocks in the pool
! (size of the local k-set)
DO ik = 1, nkf
!write(900,*),'iq ik ',iq, ' ',ik
!write(901,*),'iq ik ',iq, ' ',ik
! xkf is assumed to be in crys coord
ikk = 2 * ik - 1
ikq = ikk + 1
xkk = xkf(:, ikk)
xkq = xkk + xxq
! SP: Compute the cfac only once here since the same are use in both hamwan2bloch and dmewan2bloch
! + optimize the 2\pi r\cdot k with Blas
IF ( (nkf1 >0) .AND. (nkf2 > 0) .AND. (nkf3 > 0) .AND. &
(nqf1 > 0) .AND. (nqf2 > 0) .AND. (nqf3 > 0) .AND. .NOT. mp_mesh_k .AND. .NOT. lscreen) THEN
! We need to use NINT (nearest integer to x) rather than INT
xkk1 = NINT(xkk(1)*(nkf1)) + 1
xkk2 = NINT(xkk(2)*(nkf2)) + 1
xkk3 = NINT(xkk(3)*(nkf3)) + 1
xkq1 = NINT(xkq(1)*(nkf1)) + 1
xkq2 = NINT(xkq(2)*(nkf2)) + 1
xkq3 = NINT(xkq(3)*(nkf3)) + 1
! SP: Look-up table is more effecient than calling the exp function.
DO ir = 1, nrr_k
cfac(ir) = ( tablex(irvec(1,ir)+2*nk1+1,xkk1) *&
tabley(irvec(2,ir)+2*nk2+1,xkk2) * tablez(irvec(3,ir)+2*nk3+1,xkk3) ) / ndegen_k(ir)
cfacq(ir) = ( tableqx(irvec(1,ir)+2*nk1+1,xkq1) *&
tableqy(irvec(2,ir)+2*nk2+1,xkq2) * tableqz(irvec(3,ir)+2*nk3+1,xkq3) ) / ndegen_k(ir)
!IF ( (iq == 1) .and. (ik ==4)) THEN
! CALL dgemv('t', 3, nrr_k, twopi, irvec_r, 3, xkk, 1, 0.0_DP, rdotk, 1 )
! cfac1(:) = exp( ci*rdotk(:) ) / ndegen_k(:)
! CALL dgemv('t', 3, nrr_k, twopi, irvec_r, 3, xkq, 1, 0.0_DP, rdotk, 1 )
! cfacq1(:) = exp( ci*rdotk(:) ) / ndegen_k(:)
CALL dgemv('t', 3, nrr_k, twopi, irvec_r, 3, xkk, 1, 0.0_DP, rdotk, 1 )
cfac(:) = exp( ci*rdotk(:) ) / ndegen_k(:)
CALL dgemv('t', 3, nrr_k, twopi, irvec_r, 3, xkq, 1, 0.0_DP, rdotk, 1 )
cfacq(:) = exp( ci*rdotk(:) ) / ndegen_k(:)
!DO ir = 1, nrr_k
! write(900,*)ir, ' ', cfacq(ir)
! write(901,*)ir, ' ', cfacq1(ir)
! ------------------------------------------------------
! hamiltonian : Wannier -> Bloch
! ------------------------------------------------------
! Kohn-Sham first, then get the rotation matricies for following interp.
IF (eig_read) THEN
CALL hamwan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, cufkk, etf_ks (:, ikk), chw_ks, cfac)
CALL hamwan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, cufkq, etf_ks (:, ikq), chw_ks, cfacq)
CALL hamwan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, cufkk, etf (:, ikk), chw, cfac)
CALL hamwan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, cufkq, etf (:, ikq), chw, cfacq)
!write(900,*)'ikk ',etf(:,ikk)
!write(900,*)'ikq ',etf(:,ikq)
! ------------------------------------------------------
! dipole: Wannier -> Bloch
! ------------------------------------------------------
CALL dmewan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, xkk, cufkk, dmef (:,:,:, ikk), etf(:,ikk), etf_ks(:,ikk), cfac)
CALL dmewan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, xkq, cufkq, dmef (:,:,:, ikq), etf(:,ikq), etf_ks(:,ikq), cfacq)
! ------------------------------------------------------
! velocity: Wannier -> Bloch
! ------------------------------------------------------
IF (vme) THEN
IF (eig_read) THEN
CALL vmewan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, xkk, cufkk, vmef (:,:,:, ikk), etf(:,ikk), etf_ks(:,ikk), chw_ks)
CALL vmewan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, xkq, cufkq, vmef (:,:,:, ikq), etf(:,ikq), etf_ks(:,ikq), chw_ks)
CALL vmewan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, xkk, cufkk, vmef (:,:,:, ikk), etf(:,ikk), etf_ks(:,ikk), chw)
CALL vmewan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, xkq, cufkq, vmef (:,:,:, ikq), etf(:,ikq), etf_ks(:,ikq), chw)
! interpolate ONLY when (k,k+q) both have at least one band
! within a Fermi shell of size fsthick
IF ( (( minval ( abs(etf (:, ikk) - ef) ) < fsthick ) .and. &
( minval ( abs(etf (:, ikq) - ef) ) < fsthick )) .and. .NOT. plselfen) THEN
!write(900,*),'iq ik ',iq, ' ',ik
!write(901,*),'iq ik ',iq, ' ',ik
! xkf is assumed to be in crys coord
ikk = 2 * ik - 1
ikq = ikk + 1
xkk = xkf(:, ikk)
xkq = xkk + xxq
! SP: Compute the cfac only once here since the same are use in both hamwan2bloch and dmewan2bloch
! + optimize the 2\pi r\cdot k with Blas
IF ( (nkf1 >0) .AND. (nkf2 > 0) .AND. (nkf3 > 0) .AND. &
(nqf1 > 0) .AND. (nqf2 > 0) .AND. (nqf3 > 0) .AND. .NOT. mp_mesh_k .AND. .NOT. lscreen) THEN
! We need to use NINT (nearest integer to x) rather than INT
xkk1 = NINT(xkk(1)*(nkf1)) + 1
xkk2 = NINT(xkk(2)*(nkf2)) + 1
xkk3 = NINT(xkk(3)*(nkf3)) + 1
xkq1 = NINT(xkq(1)*(nkf1)) + 1
xkq2 = NINT(xkq(2)*(nkf2)) + 1
xkq3 = NINT(xkq(3)*(nkf3)) + 1
! SP: Look-up table is more effecient than calling the exp function.
DO ir = 1, nrr_k
cfac(ir) = ( tablex(irvec(1,ir)+2*nk1+1,xkk1) *&
tabley(irvec(2,ir)+2*nk2+1,xkk2) * tablez(irvec(3,ir)+2*nk3+1,xkk3) ) / ndegen_k(ir)
cfacq(ir) = ( tableqx(irvec(1,ir)+2*nk1+1,xkq1) *&
tableqy(irvec(2,ir)+2*nk2+1,xkq2) * tableqz(irvec(3,ir)+2*nk3+1,xkq3) ) / ndegen_k(ir)
!IF ( (iq == 1) .and. (ik ==4)) THEN
! CALL dgemv('t', 3, nrr_k, twopi, irvec_r, 3, xkk, 1, 0.0_DP, rdotk, 1 )
! cfac1(:) = exp( ci*rdotk(:) ) / ndegen_k(:)
! CALL dgemv('t', 3, nrr_k, twopi, irvec_r, 3, xkq, 1, 0.0_DP, rdotk, 1 )
! cfacq1(:) = exp( ci*rdotk(:) ) / ndegen_k(:)
CALL dgemv('t', 3, nrr_k, twopi, irvec_r, 3, xkk, 1, 0.0_DP, rdotk, 1 )
cfac(:) = exp( ci*rdotk(:) ) / ndegen_k(:)
CALL dgemv('t', 3, nrr_k, twopi, irvec_r, 3, xkq, 1, 0.0_DP, rdotk, 1 )
cfacq(:) = exp( ci*rdotk(:) ) / ndegen_k(:)
!DO ir = 1, nrr_k
! write(900,*)ir, ' ', cfacq(ir)
! write(901,*)ir, ' ', cfacq1(ir)
! ------------------------------------------------------
! hamiltonian : Wannier -> Bloch
! ------------------------------------------------------
! Kohn-Sham first, then get the rotation matricies for following interp.
IF (eig_read) THEN
CALL hamwan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, cufkk, etf_ks (:, ikk), chw_ks, cfac)
CALL hamwan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, cufkq, etf_ks (:, ikq), chw_ks, cfacq)
CALL hamwan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, cufkk, etf (:, ikk), chw, cfac)
CALL hamwan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, cufkq, etf (:, ikq), chw, cfacq)
!write(900,*)'ikk ',etf(:,ikk)
!write(900,*)'ikq ',etf(:,ikq)
! ------------------------------------------------------
! dipole: Wannier -> Bloch
! ------------------------------------------------------
CALL dmewan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, xkk, cufkk, dmef (:,:,:, ikk), etf(:,ikk), etf_ks(:,ikk), cfac)
CALL dmewan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, xkq, cufkq, dmef (:,:,:, ikq), etf(:,ikq), etf_ks(:,ikq), cfacq)
! ------------------------------------------------------
! velocity: Wannier -> Bloch
! ------------------------------------------------------
IF (vme) THEN
IF (eig_read) THEN
CALL vmewan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, xkk, cufkk, vmef (:,:,:, ikk), etf(:,ikk), etf_ks(:,ikk), chw_ks)
CALL vmewan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, xkq, cufkq, vmef (:,:,:, ikq), etf(:,ikq), etf_ks(:,ikq), chw_ks)
CALL vmewan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, xkk, cufkk, vmef (:,:,:, ikk), etf(:,ikk), etf_ks(:,ikk), chw)
CALL vmewan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, xkq, cufkq, vmef (:,:,:, ikq), etf(:,ikq), etf_ks(:,ikq), chw)
! interpolate ONLY when (k,k+q) both have at least one band
! within a Fermi shell of size fsthick
IF ( (( minval ( abs(etf (:, ikk) - ef) ) < fsthick ) .and. &
( minval ( abs(etf (:, ikq) - ef) ) < fsthick )) .and. .NOT. plselfen) THEN
! fermicount = fermicount + 1
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! epmat : Wannier el and Bloch ph -> Bloch el and Bloch ph
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! SP: Note: In case of polar materials, computing the long-range and short-range term
! separately might help speed up the convergence. Indeed the long-range term should be
! much faster to compute. Note however that the short-range term still contains a linear
! long-range part and therefore could still be a bit more difficult to converge than
! non-polar materials.
IF (longrange) THEN
epmatf = czero
! fermicount = fermicount + 1
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! epmat : Wannier el and Bloch ph -> Bloch el and Bloch ph
! --------------------------------------------------------------
CALL ephwan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, epmatwef, xkk, cufkk, cufkq, epmatf, nmodes )
! SP: Note: In case of polar materials, computing the long-range and short-range term
! separately might help speed up the convergence. Indeed the long-range term should be
! much faster to compute. Note however that the short-range term still contains a linear
! long-range part and therefore could still be a bit more difficult to converge than
! non-polar materials.
IF (longrange) THEN
IF (lpolar) THEN
CALL compute_umn_f( nbndsub, cufkk, cufkq, bmatf )
IF ( (abs(xxq(1)) > eps) .or. (abs(xxq(2)) > eps) .or. (abs(xxq(3)) > eps) ) THEN
epmatf = czero
CALL ephwan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, irvec, ndegen_k, epmatwef, xkk, cufkk, cufkq, epmatf, nmodes )
CALL cryst_to_cart (1, xxq, bg, 1)
CALL rgd_blk_epw_fine(nq1, nq2, nq3, xxq, uf, epmatf, &
nmodes, epsi, zstar, bmatf, +1.d0)
CALL cryst_to_cart (1, xxq, at, -1)
IF (lpolar) THEN
CALL compute_umn_f( nbndsub, cufkk, cufkq, bmatf )
IF ( (abs(xxq(1)) > eps) .or. (abs(xxq(2)) > eps) .or. (abs(xxq(3)) > eps) ) THEN
CALL cryst_to_cart (1, xxq, bg, 1)
CALL rgd_blk_epw_fine(nq1, nq2, nq3, xxq, uf, epmatf, &
nmodes, epsi, zstar, bmatf, +1.d0)
CALL cryst_to_cart (1, xxq, at, -1)
! Store epmatf in memory
DO jbnd = ibndmin, ibndmax
DO ibnd = ibndmin, ibndmax
IF (lscreen) THEN
epf17(ibnd-ibndmin+1,jbnd-ibndmin+1,:,ik) = epmatf(ibnd,jbnd,:) / eps_rpa(:)
epf17(ibnd-ibndmin+1,jbnd-ibndmin+1,:,ik) = epmatf(ibnd,jbnd,:)
! Store epmatf in memory
DO jbnd = ibndmin, ibndmax
DO ibnd = ibndmin, ibndmax
IF (lscreen) THEN
epf17(ibnd-ibndmin+1,jbnd-ibndmin+1,:,ik) = epmatf(ibnd,jbnd,:) / eps_rpa(:)
epf17(ibnd-ibndmin+1,jbnd-ibndmin+1,:,ik) = epmatf(ibnd,jbnd,:)
! Debug on the long/short range. Usefull to keep commented for now.
!if (ik==2) then
! !print*,'iq ',iq
! !do imode = 1, nmodes
! !write(*,*) 'epmatf ',SUM((REAL(REAL(epmatf(:,:,imode))))**2)+SUM((REAL(AIMAG(epmatf(:,:,imode))))**2)
! F = SUM((REAL(REAL(epmatf(:,:,:))))**2)+SUM((REAL(AIMAG(epmatf(:,:,:))))**2)
! !S = SUM((REAL(REAL(epmatfs(:,:,:))))**2)+SUM((REAL(AIMAG(epmatfs(:,:,:))))**2)
! S = SUM((epmatfs(:,:,:))**2)
! L = SUM((REAL(REAL(epmatfl(:,:,:))))**2)+SUM((REAL(AIMAG(epmatfl(:,:,:))))**2)
! write(*,*) 'F, S+L', F, S+L
! DO ibnd = 1, nbndsub
! print*,'ibnd ',ibnd
! DO jbnd = 1, nbndsub
! print*,'jbnd ',jbnd
! F = SUM((REAL(REAL(epmatf(ibnd,jbnd,:))))**2)+SUM((REAL(AIMAG(epmatf(ibnd,jbnd,:))))**2)
! !S = SUM((REAL(REAL(epmatfs(ibnd,jbnd,:))))**2)+SUM((REAL(AIMAG(epmatfs(ibnd,jbnd,:))))**2)
! S = SUM(epmatfs(ibnd,jbnd,:)**2)
! L = SUM((REAL(REAL(epmatfl(ibnd,jbnd,:))))**2)+SUM((REAL(AIMAG(epmatfl(ibnd,jbnd,:))))**2)
! write(*,*) 'F, S+L', F, S+L
! DO imode = 1, nmodes
! print*,'imode ',imode
! F = (REAL(REAL(epmatf(ibnd,jbnd,imode))))**2+(REAL(AIMAG(epmatf(ibnd,jbnd,imode))))**2
! !S = (REAL(REAL(epmatfs(ibnd,jbnd,imode))))**2+(REAL(AIMAG(epmatfs(ibnd,jbnd,imode))))**2
! S = (epmatfs(ibnd,jbnd,imode))**2
! L = (REAL(REAL(epmatfl(ibnd,jbnd,imode))))**2+(REAL(AIMAG(epmatfl(ibnd,jbnd,imode))))**2
! write(*,*) 'F, S+L', F, S+L
! !enddo
! Print the vertex |g|. This is slow and produces huge amount of .txt data
! Do average over degenerate states since g is gauge-dependent.
! Debug on the long/short range. Usefull to keep commented for now.
!if (ik==2) then
! !print*,'iq ',iq
! !do imode = 1, nmodes
! !write(*,*) 'epmatf ',SUM((REAL(REAL(epmatf(:,:,imode))))**2)+SUM((REAL(AIMAG(epmatf(:,:,imode))))**2)
! F = SUM((REAL(REAL(epmatf(:,:,:))))**2)+SUM((REAL(AIMAG(epmatf(:,:,:))))**2)
! !S = SUM((REAL(REAL(epmatfs(:,:,:))))**2)+SUM((REAL(AIMAG(epmatfs(:,:,:))))**2)
! S = SUM((epmatfs(:,:,:))**2)
! L = SUM((REAL(REAL(epmatfl(:,:,:))))**2)+SUM((REAL(AIMAG(epmatfl(:,:,:))))**2)
! write(*,*) 'F, S+L', F, S+L
! DO ibnd = 1, nbndsub
! print*,'ibnd ',ibnd
! DO jbnd = 1, nbndsub
! print*,'jbnd ',jbnd
! F = SUM((REAL(REAL(epmatf(ibnd,jbnd,:))))**2)+SUM((REAL(AIMAG(epmatf(ibnd,jbnd,:))))**2)
! !S = SUM((REAL(REAL(epmatfs(ibnd,jbnd,:))))**2)+SUM((REAL(AIMAG(epmatfs(ibnd,jbnd,:))))**2)
! S = SUM(epmatfs(ibnd,jbnd,:)**2)
! L = SUM((REAL(REAL(epmatfl(ibnd,jbnd,:))))**2)+SUM((REAL(AIMAG(epmatfl(ibnd,jbnd,:))))**2)
! write(*,*) 'F, S+L', F, S+L
! DO imode = 1, nmodes
! print*,'imode ',imode
! F = (REAL(REAL(epmatf(ibnd,jbnd,imode))))**2+(REAL(AIMAG(epmatf(ibnd,jbnd,imode))))**2
! !S = (REAL(REAL(epmatfs(ibnd,jbnd,imode))))**2+(REAL(AIMAG(epmatfs(ibnd,jbnd,imode))))**2
! S = (epmatfs(ibnd,jbnd,imode))**2
! L = (REAL(REAL(epmatfl(ibnd,jbnd,imode))))**2+(REAL(AIMAG(epmatfl(ibnd,jbnd,imode))))**2
! write(*,*) 'F, S+L', F, S+L
! !enddo
! Print the vertex |g|. This is slow and produces huge amount of .txt data
! Do average over degenerate states since g is gauge-dependent.
ENDDO ! end loop over k points
IF (prtgkk ) CALL print_gkk( iq )
@ -982,12 +983,12 @@
IF (specfun_ph ) CALL spectral_func_ph( iq )
IF (specfun_pl ) CALL spectral_func_pl_q( iq )
IF (ephwrite) THEN
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
CALL kmesh_fine
CALL kqmap_fine
CALL write_ephmat( iq )
CALL count_kpoints(iq)
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
CALL kmesh_fine
CALL kqmap_fine
CALL write_ephmat( iq )
CALL count_kpoints(iq)
CALL stop_clock ( 'ep-interp' )
@ -1244,7 +1245,8 @@
IF ( ALLOCATED(gamma_all) ) DEALLOCATE( gamma_all )
IF ( ALLOCATED(sigmai_all) ) DEALLOCATE( sigmai_all )
IF ( ALLOCATED(sigmai_mode) ) DEALLOCATE( sigmai_mode )
IF ( ALLOCATED(epf17) ) DEALLOCATE( epf17 )

View File

@ -74,9 +74,9 @@
!! Eigenenergies at k+q
REAL(kind=DP) :: g2
!! Temporary electron-phonon matrix element square
REAL(kind=DP) :: epc(nbndsub, nbndsub, nmodes, nkqtotf/2)
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: epc(:,:,:,:)
!! g vectex accross all pools
REAL(kind=DP) :: epc_sym(nbndsub,nbndsub, nmodes)
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: epc_sym(:,:,:)
!! Temporary g-vertex for each pool
REAL(kind=DP), PARAMETER :: eps = 0.01/ryd2mev
!! Tolerence to be degenerate
@ -84,7 +84,11 @@
! find the bounds of k-dependent arrays in the parallel case in each pool
CALL fkbounds( nkqtotf/2, lower_bnd, upper_bnd )
epc(:,:,:,:) = zero
ALLOCATE ( epc (ibndmax-ibndmin+1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nmodes, nkqtotf/2) )
ALLOCATE ( epc_sym (ibndmax-ibndmin+1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nmodes) )
epc(:,:,:,:) = zero
epc_sym(:,:,:) = zero
! First do the average over bands and modes for each pool
DO ik = 1, nkf
@ -95,17 +99,17 @@
wq = wf (nu, iq)
!DO ibnd = ibndmin, ibndmax
DO ibnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
DO jbnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
gamma = ( ABS(epf17 (jbnd, ibnd, nu, ik)) )**two
IF (wq > 0.d0) then
gamma = gamma / (two * wq)
gamma = 0.d0
gamma = sqrt(gamma)
! gamma = |g| [Ry]
epc(ibnd,jbnd,nu,ik+lower_bnd-1) = gamma
ENDDO ! jbnd
DO jbnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
gamma = ( ABS(epf17 (jbnd, ibnd, nu, ik)) )**two
IF (wq > 0.d0) then
gamma = gamma / (two * wq)
gamma = 0.d0
gamma = sqrt(gamma)
! gamma = |g| [Ry]
epc(ibnd,jbnd,nu,ik+lower_bnd-1) = gamma
ENDDO ! jbnd
ENDDO ! ibnd
ENDDO ! loop on modes
@ -227,5 +231,8 @@
ENDIF ! master node
DEALLOCATE ( epc_sym )