- protecting calls where nh(is) is 0, to avoid compilers complaining

This commit is contained in:
carcava 2020-01-15 11:46:26 +01:00
parent ac95954044
commit 4d912d40d7
2 changed files with 53 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -539,62 +539,67 @@
end if
allocate ( wfcbeta(nwfcU,nh(alpha_s)) )
allocate ( wfcdbeta(nwfcU,nh(alpha_s)) )
allocate ( auxwfc(nwfcU,nh(alpha_s)) )
do iv=1,nh(alpha_s)
inl=indv_ijkb0(alpha_a) + iv
do m=1,nwfcU
auxwfc(m,iv) = becwfc(inl,m)
end do
end do
! following dgemm performs (note that qq is symmetric)
! wfcbeta(m,iv) = sum_jv qq(iv,jv,alpha_s)*auxwfc(m,jv)
CALL dgemm( 'N', 'N', nwfcU, nh(alpha_s), nh(alpha_s), 1.0_DP, &
auxwfc, nwfcU, qq_nt(1,1,alpha_s), nh(alpha_s), &
0.0_DP, wfcbeta, nwfcU )
do iv=1,nh(alpha_s)
inl=indv_ijkb0(alpha_a) + iv
do m=1,nwfcU
auxwfc(m,iv) = wdb(inl,m,ipol)
end do
end do
! as above with wfcbeta(m,iv) => wfcdbeta
CALL dgemm( 'N', 'N', nwfcU, nh(alpha_s), nh(alpha_s), 1.0_DP, &
auxwfc, nwfcU, qq_nt(1,1,alpha_s), nh(alpha_s), &
0.0_DP, wfcdbeta, nwfcU )
IF ( mykey == 0 ) THEN
allocate ( betapsi(nh(alpha_s),nb_s:nb_e) )
allocate ( dbetapsi(nh(alpha_s),nb_s:nb_e) )
IF( nh(alpha_s) > 0 ) THEN
allocate ( wfcbeta(nwfcU,nh(alpha_s)) )
allocate ( wfcdbeta(nwfcU,nh(alpha_s)) )
allocate ( auxwfc(nwfcU,nh(alpha_s)) )
do iv=1,nh(alpha_s)
inl=indv_ijkb0(alpha_a) + iv
do i=nb_s,nb_e
betapsi (iv,i)=bp(inl,i)
do m=1,nwfcU
auxwfc(m,iv) = becwfc(inl,m)
end do
end do
! following dgemm performs (note that qq is symmetric)
! wfcbeta(m,iv) = sum_jv qq(iv,jv,alpha_s)*auxwfc(m,jv)
CALL dgemm( 'N', 'N', nwfcU, nh(alpha_s), nh(alpha_s), 1.0_DP, &
auxwfc, nwfcU, qq_nt(1,1,alpha_s), nh(alpha_s), &
0.0_DP, wfcbeta, nwfcU )
do iv=1,nh(alpha_s)
inl=indv_ijkb0(alpha_a) + iv
do m=1,nwfcU
auxwfc(m,iv) = wdb(inl,m,ipol)
end do
end do
! as above with wfcbeta(m,iv) => wfcdbeta
CALL dgemm( 'N', 'N', nwfcU, nh(alpha_s), nh(alpha_s), 1.0_DP, &
auxwfc, nwfcU, qq_nt(1,1,alpha_s), nh(alpha_s), &
0.0_DP, wfcdbeta, nwfcU )
! dproj(m,i) = \sum_iv wfcdbeta(m,iv)*betapsi (iv,i) +
! wfcbeta (m,iv)*dbetapsi(iv,i)
CALL dgemm( 'N', 'N', nwfcU, nb_e-nb_s+1, nh(alpha_s), 1.0_DP, &
IF ( mykey == 0 ) THEN
allocate ( betapsi(nh(alpha_s),nb_s:nb_e) )
allocate ( dbetapsi(nh(alpha_s),nb_s:nb_e) )
do iv=1,nh(alpha_s)
inl=indv_ijkb0(alpha_a) + iv
do i=nb_s,nb_e
betapsi (iv,i)=bp(inl,i)
end do
end do
! dproj(m,i) = \sum_iv wfcdbeta(m,iv)*betapsi (iv,i) +
! wfcbeta (m,iv)*dbetapsi(iv,i)
CALL dgemm( 'N', 'N', nwfcU, nb_e-nb_s+1, nh(alpha_s), 1.0_DP, &
wfcdbeta, nwfcU, betapsi(1,nb_s), nh(alpha_s), &
1.0_DP, dproj(1,nb_s), nwfcU )
CALL dgemm( 'N', 'N', nwfcU, nb_e-nb_s+1, nh(alpha_s), 1.0_DP, &
CALL dgemm( 'N', 'N', nwfcU, nb_e-nb_s+1, nh(alpha_s), 1.0_DP, &
wfcbeta, nwfcU, dbetapsi(1,nb_s), nh(alpha_s), &
1.0_DP, dproj(1,nb_s), nwfcU )
deallocate (dbetapsi)
deallocate (betapsi)
end if
! end band parallelization - only dproj(1,nb_s:nb_e) are calculated
deallocate (dbetapsi)
deallocate (betapsi)
end if
! end band parallelization - only dproj(1,nb_s:nb_e) are calculated
deallocate (wfcbeta)
deallocate (wfcdbeta)
deallocate (wfcbeta)
deallocate (wfcdbeta)
end subroutine dprojdtau

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
end do
inl = indv_ijkb0(ia) + 1
IF( ngw > 0 ) THEN
IF( ngw > 0 .AND. nh(is) > 0 ) THEN
CALL dgemm( 'T', 'N', nh(is), n, 2*ngw, 1.0d0, wrk2, 2*ngw, c, 2*ngw, 0.0d0, becps( inl, 1 ), nkb )
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
end do
inl = indv_ijkb0(ia) + 1
IF( ngw > 0 ) THEN
IF( ngw > 0 .AND. nh(is) > 0 ) THEN
CALL dgemm( 'T', 'N', nh(is), nbsp_bgrp, 2*ngw, 1.0d0, wrk2, 2*ngw, &
c_bgrp, 2*ngw, 0.0d0, becdr_bgrp( inl, 1, k ), nkb )