phonon with vdW-DF/vdw-DF2/rVV10 added.

make.depend updated

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
degironc 2016-04-11 15:40:37 +00:00
parent 66d5249768
commit 4bd82d234d
10 changed files with 2021 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ incdrhoscf.o \
incdrhoscf_nc.o \
dv_of_drho.o \
dgradcorr.o \
dnonloccorr.o \
dv_vdW_DF.o \
dv_rVV10.o \
newdq.o \
orthogonalize.o \
setup_nscf.o \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or .
subroutine dnonloccorr(rho, drho, xq, dvaux )
! ===================
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : nspin_lsda, nspin_mag, nspin_gga
USE fft_base, ONLY: dfftp
USE funct, ONLY : dft_is_gradient, dft_is_nonlocc, get_inlc
USE ph_vdW_DF, ONLY : dv_drho_vdwdf
USE ph_rVV10, ONLY : dv_drho_rvv10
implicit none
real(DP), INTENT(IN) :: rho (dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag), xq(3)
complex(DP), INTENT(IN) :: drho (dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag)
complex(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: dvaux (dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag)
complex(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dvnonloc(:,:)
integer :: inlc
if (get_inlc()==1 .or. get_inlc()==2) CALL dv_drho_vdwdf(rho, drho, nspin_mag, xq, dvnonloc)
if (get_inlc()==3) CALL dv_drho_rvv10(rho, drho, nspin_mag, xq, dvnonloc)
dvaux = dvaux + dvnonloc
end subroutine dnonloccorr

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ subroutine dv_of_drho (dvscf, add_nlcc, drhoc)
USE gvect, ONLY : nl, ngm, g,nlm, gstart
USE cell_base, ONLY : alat, tpiba2, omega
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : nspin_lsda, nspin_mag, nspin_gga
USE funct, ONLY : dft_is_gradient
USE funct, ONLY : dft_is_gradient, dft_is_nonlocc
USE scf, ONLY : rho, rho_core
USE uspp, ONLY : nlcc_any
USE control_flags, ONLY : gamma_only
@ -94,6 +94,16 @@ subroutine dv_of_drho (dvscf, add_nlcc, drhoc)
(rho%of_r, grho, dvxc_rr, dvxc_sr, dvxc_ss, dvxc_s, xq, &
dvscf, dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag, nspin_gga, nl, ngm, g, alat, dvaux)
if (dft_is_nonlocc()) then
!CALL dv_drho_vdw(rho%of_r, dvscf, nspin_mag, dvnonloc)
!if (get_inlc()==3) CALL dv_drho_rvv10(rho%of_r, dvscf, nspin_mag, xq, dvnonloc)
!dvaux = dvaux + dvnonloc
call dnonloccorr(rho%of_r, dvscf, xq, dvaux)
if (nlcc_any.and.add_nlcc) then
do is = 1, nspin_lsda
rho%of_r(:, is) = rho%of_r(:, is) - fac * rho_core (:)

LR_Modules/dv_rVV10.f90 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,911 @@
! Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! Copyright (C) 2009 Brian Kolb, Timo Thonhauser - Wake Forest University
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or .
USE kinds, ONLY : dp
USE constants, ONLY : pi, e2
USE kernel_table, ONLY : q_mesh, Nr_points, Nqs, r_max
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_sum, mp_barrier
USE mp_global, ONLY : me_pool, nproc_pool, intra_pool_comm, root_pool
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode
USE fft_base, ONLY : dfftp
USE fft_interfaces, ONLY : fwfft, invfft
USE control_flags, ONLY : iverbosity, gamma_only
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE gc_lr, ONLY : grho
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Rho and gradient rhos
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
real(dp), allocatable :: total_rho(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: gradient_rho(:,:)
complex(dp), allocatable :: gradient_drho(:,:)
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
real(dp), allocatable :: q0(:), q(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: dq0_dq(:), d2q0_dq2(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: dq_dn_n(:), dn_dq_dn_n_n(:), dq_dgradn_n_gmod(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: dn_dq_dgradn_n_gmod_n(:), dgradn_dq_dgradn_n_gmod_n_gmod(:)
real(dp), allocatable, save :: d2y_dx2(:,:)
real(DP), parameter :: epsr = 1.0d-6
public :: dv_drho_rvv10
!! #####################################################################################################
!! | |
!! | dv_drho_vdw_test |
!! |______________________|
subroutine dv_drho_rvv10(rho, drho, nspin, q_point, dv_drho)
USE gvect, ONLY : nl, g, nlm, ngm
USE cell_base, ONLY : alat, tpiba, omega
USE fft_scalar, ONLY : cfft3d
integer, intent(IN) :: nspin
real(dp), intent(IN) :: rho(:,:), q_point(3)
complex(DP), intent(IN) :: drho (dfftp%nnr, nspin)
complex(DP), intent(INOUT) :: dv_drho(dfftp%nnr, nspin)
complex(dp), allocatable :: delta_v(:)
integer :: i_grid
character(len=70) :: fn
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Writers
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
CALL get_delta_v(rho, drho, nspin, q_point, delta_v)
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Writers
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!if (ionode) then
! write(*,'(A)') "Writing delta_v..."
! open (unit = 80, file = "delta_v")
! write(80, '(A)') "#rho delta_v"
! do i_grid = 1, dfftp%nnr
! write(80, '(3F19.8)') rho(i_grid,1), REAL(delta_v(i_grid)), AIMAG(delta_v(i_grid))
! enddo
! close(80)
dv_drho(:,1) = delta_v(:)
!call errore('dv_drho_vdw_test','Developement break',1)
end subroutine dv_drho_rvv10
!! ###############################################################################################################
!! | |
!! | get_thetas_derivatives |
!! |__________________________|
subroutine get_delta_v(rho, drho, nspin, q_point, delta_v)
USE gvect, ONLY : nl, g, nlm, ngm
USE cell_base, ONLY : alat, tpiba, omega
USE fft_scalar, ONLY : cfft3d
!integer, intent(IN) :: nspin
real(dp), intent(IN) :: rho(:,:), q_point(3) !
complex(DP), intent(IN) :: drho (dfftp%nnr, nspin)
integer, intent(IN) :: nspin
complex(DP), intent(OUT) :: delta_v(dfftp%nnr)
!! Varables needed for calcualtions
real(dp) :: gmod, gmod2
real(dp) :: theta, dtheta_dn, dtheta_dgradn, d2theta_dn2, dn_dtheta_dgradn, dgradn_dtheta_dgradn
complex(dp) :: gradn_graddeltan
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Terms for the delta_b part
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
real(dp), allocatable :: b1(:,:)
complex(dp), allocatable :: b2(:,:)
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Terms for the delta_h part
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
complex(dp) :: h1, h1part2
complex(dp), allocatable :: h1t(:), h2t(:)
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! For the interpolation
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
integer :: q_low, q_hi, qbin
real(dp) :: dq, a, b, c, d, e, f, temp
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Indexes and
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
integer :: P_i, icar, i_grid, theta_i, i_proc, I
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Delta u and delta_h
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
complex(dp), allocatable :: u(:,:), delta_u(:,:)
complex(dp), allocatable :: delta_h(:), delta_h1(:), delta_h2(:) , delta_h_aux(:), delta_h1_aux(:), delta_h2_aux(:)
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Delta u and delta_h
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
character(len=70) :: fn
integer :: temp_unit
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Allocations
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Global variables
allocate(total_rho(dfftp%nnr) )
allocate(gradient_rho(dfftp%nnr, 3))
allocate(gradient_drho(dfftp%nnr, 3))
allocate(q0(dfftp%nnr), q(dfftp%nnr))
allocate(dq0_dq(dfftp%nnr), d2q0_dq2(dfftp%nnr))
allocate(dq_dn_n(dfftp%nnr), dn_dq_dn_n_n(dfftp%nnr), dq_dgradn_n_gmod(dfftp%nnr))
allocate(dn_dq_dgradn_n_gmod_n(dfftp%nnr), dgradn_dq_dgradn_n_gmod_n_gmod(dfftp%nnr))
!! Local variables
allocate(b1(dfftp%nnr, Nqs), b2(dfftp%nnr, Nqs))
allocate(u(dfftp%nnr, Nqs), delta_u(dfftp%nnr, Nqs))
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Zero all values
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
theta = 0.0D0
dtheta_dn = 0.0D0
dtheta_dgradn = 0.0D0
d2theta_dn2 = 0.0D0
dn_dtheta_dgradn = 0.0D0
dgradn_dtheta_dgradn = 0.0D0
b1(:,:) = 0.0D0
b2(:,:) = 0.0D0
u(:,:) = CMPLX(0.0D0, 0.0D0)
delta_u(:,:) = CMPLX(0.0D0, 0.0D0)
! Empty the output vector
delta_v(:) = CMPLX(0.0D0, 0.0_DP)
gradient_drho(:,:) = CMPLX(0.0D0, 0.0D0)
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Gradients
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
total_rho(:) = rho(:,1)
call numerical_gradient(total_rho,gradient_rho)
! CALL fwfft ('Dense', drho(:,1), dfftp)
! do icar=1,3
! ! compute gradient in G space
! gradient_drho(:,icar) =CMPLX(0.0_DP,0.0_DP)
! gradient_drho(nl(:), icar) = CMPLX (0.0_DP,1.0_DP) * tpiba * (g(icar,:) + q_point(icar)) * drho(nl(:),1)
! ! back in real space for the icar component
! CALL invfft ('Dense', gradient_drho(:,icar), dfftp)
! end do
! ! back in real space
! CALL invfft ('Dense', drho(:,1), dfftp)
CALL qgradient (q_point, dfftp%nnr, drho(:,1), ngm, g, nl, alat, gradient_drho)
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! q and derivatives [REMOVE q0 AND q BEFORE FINAL VERSION]
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
! if (ionode .and. my_development.eq.3) then
! write(*,'(A, 3F13.8)') "q: ", q_point(:)
! write(*,'(A, I)') "Writing gradient_drho with lines: ", dfftp%nnr
! open (unit = 80, file = "gradient_drho.dat")
! write(80, '(A)') "#x.real x.imm y.real y.imm z.real z.imm"
! do i_grid = 1, dfftp%nnr
! write(80, '(6F19.8)') REAL(gradient_drho(i_grid,1)), AIMAG(gradient_drho(i_grid,1)), &
! REAL(gradient_drho(i_grid,2)), AIMAG(gradient_drho(i_grid,2)), &
! REAL(gradient_drho(i_grid,3)), AIMAG(gradient_drho(i_grid,3))
! enddo
! close(80)
! endif
!call mp_barrier(intra_pool_comm)
!if (iverbosity.eq.1) call errore('get_delta_v','Developement break test',1)
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! q and derivatives [REMOVE q0 AND q BEFORE FINAL VERSION]
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
call fill_q0_extended_on_grid ()
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Writers
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
! if (ionode.and.my_development.eq.3) then
! write(*,'(A)') "Writing ders..."
! open (unit = 80, file = "q0qders.dat")
! write(80, '(A)') "#rho gradrho q0 dq0_dq d2q0_dq2 dq_dn_n dn_dq_dn_n_n dq_dgradn_n_gmod"
! do i_grid = 1, dfftp%nnr
! temp = sqrt((gradient_rho(i_grid,1)**2+gradient_rho(i_grid,2)**2+gradient_rho(i_grid,3)**2))
! write(80, '(5F24.17, 3F40.17)') total_rho(i_grid), temp, q0(i_grid), dq0_dq(i_grid), d2q0_dq2(i_grid), &
! dq_dn_n(i_grid), dn_dq_dn_n_n(i_grid), dq_dgradn_n_gmod(i_grid)
! enddo
! close(80)
! endif
call mp_barrier(intra_pool_comm)
!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Initialize spline
!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (.not. allocated( d2y_dx2) ) then
allocate( d2y_dx2(Nqs, Nqs) )
call initialize_spline_interpolation(q_mesh, d2y_dx2(:,:))
end if
!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Open one file for each alpha
!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Begin integral for the delta_b part
do i_grid = 1,dfftp%nnr
gmod2 = gradient_rho(i_grid,1)**2+gradient_rho(i_grid,2)**2+gradient_rho(i_grid,3)**2
if (total_rho(i_grid) <= epsr ) cycle
CALL get_abcdef (q0, i_grid, q_hi, q_low, dq, a,b,c,d,e,f )
do P_i = 1, Nqs
CALL get_thetas_exentended( q_hi, q_low, dq, a,b,c,d,e,f, P_i, i_grid, & ! Input
gmod, gradn_graddeltan, & ! Output
theta, dtheta_dn, dtheta_dgradn, & ! Output - first derivatives
d2theta_dn2, dn_dtheta_dgradn, dgradn_dtheta_dgradn, .true., total_rho) ! Output - second derivatives
!! Terms needed later
b1(i_grid, P_i) = dtheta_dn
b2(i_grid, P_i) = d2theta_dn2*(drho(i_grid,1)/total_rho(i_grid)) + dn_dtheta_dgradn*(gradn_graddeltan/total_rho(i_grid))
!! I need complex variable
u(i_grid, P_i) = CMPLX(theta, 0.0D0)
!! Here gradn_graddeltan IS complex, the cast is automatic
delta_u(i_grid, P_i) = dtheta_dn*drho(i_grid,1) + dtheta_dgradn*gradn_graddeltan
!! Write in the correct file for the P_i
! if ( then
! temp_unit = 90+P_i
! write(temp_unit, '(I4,8F40.17)') P_i, total_rho(i_grid), gmod, &
! theta, dtheta_dn, dtheta_dgradn, d2theta_dn2, dn_dtheta_dgradn, dgradn_dtheta_dgradn
! endif
end do
end do
! !! Closing files
! if ( then
! do P_i = 1, Nqs
! temp_unit = 90+P_i
! close(temp_unit)
! enddo
! endif
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Delta u part
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
CALL get_u_delta_u(u, delta_u, q_point)
do i_grid = 1,dfftp%nnr
do P_i = 1, Nqs
delta_v(i_grid) = delta_v(i_grid) + &
delta_u(i_grid, P_i) * b1(i_grid, P_i) + &
u(i_grid, P_i) * b2(i_grid, P_i)
call mp_barrier(intra_pool_comm)
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Deallocate something
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Begin h
delta_h(:) = 0.0_DP
delta_h1(:) = 0.0_DP
delta_h2(:) = 0.0_DP
h1t(:) = CMPLX(0.0D0, 0.0D0)
h2t(:) = CMPLX(0.0D0, 0.0D0)
do i_grid = 1,dfftp%nnr
gmod2 = gradient_rho(i_grid,1)**2+gradient_rho(i_grid,2)**2+gradient_rho(i_grid,3)**2
if (total_rho(i_grid) <= epsr) cycle
CALL get_abcdef (q0, i_grid, q_hi, q_low, dq, a,b,c,d,e,f )
do P_i = 1, Nqs
CALL get_thetas_exentended( q_hi, q_low, dq, a,b,c,d,e,f, P_i, i_grid, & ! Input
gmod, gradn_graddeltan, & ! Output
theta, dtheta_dn, dtheta_dgradn, & ! Output - first derivatives
d2theta_dn2, dn_dtheta_dgradn, dgradn_dtheta_dgradn, .false., total_rho) ! Output - second derivatives
!! Terms nedded later
h1part2 = dn_dtheta_dgradn*(drho(i_grid,1)/total_rho(i_grid)) + dgradn_dtheta_dgradn*(gradn_graddeltan/total_rho(i_grid))
h1t(i_grid) = h1t(i_grid) + delta_u(i_grid,P_i)*dtheta_dgradn + u(i_grid,P_i)*h1part2
h2t(i_grid) = h2t(i_grid) + u(i_grid,P_i)*dtheta_dgradn
end do
! h1t(i_grid) = CMPLX(0.0D0, 0.0D0)
! h2t(i_grid) = CMPLX(0.0D0, 0.0D0)
end do
allocate (delta_h_aux(dfftp%nnr))
allocate (delta_h1_aux(dfftp%nnr))
allocate (delta_h2_aux(dfftp%nnr))
do icar = 1,3
!delta_h(:) = (h1t(:) * grho(icar, :, 1)+ h2t(:) * gradient_drho(:,icar))
delta_h(:) = (h1t(:) * gradient_rho(:,icar)+ h2t(:) * gradient_drho(:,icar))
!delta_h1(:) = h1t(:) * gradient_rho(:,icar)
!delta_h1(:) = h1t(:) * grho(icar, :, 1)
!delta_h2(:) = h2t(:) * gradient_drho(:,icar)
!delta_h(:) = delta_h1(:) + delta_h2(:)
CALL fwfft ('Dense', delta_h, dfftp)
! CALL fwfft ('Dense', delta_h1, dfftp)
! CALL fwfft ('Dense', delta_h2, dfftp)
delta_h_aux(:) = CMPLX(0.0_DP, 0.0_DP)
delta_h_aux(nl(:)) = CMPLX(0.0_DP,(g(icar,:)+q_point(icar)),kind=DP ) * delta_h(nl(:))
if (gamma_only) delta_h_aux(nlm(:)) = CONJG(delta_h_aux(nl(:)))
! delta_h1_aux(:) = CMPLX(0.0_DP, 0.0_DP)
! delta_h2_aux(:) = CMPLX(0.0_DP, 0.0_DP)
! delta_h1_aux(nl(:)) = CMPLX(0.0_DP,(g(icar,:)+q_point(icar)),kind=DP ) * delta_h1(nl(:))
! delta_h2_aux(nl(:)) = CMPLX(0.0_DP,(g(icar,:)+q_point(icar)),kind=DP ) * delta_h2(nl(:))
! if (gamma_only) then
! delta_h1_aux(nlm(:)) = CONJG(delta_h1_aux(nl(:)))
! delta_h2_aux(nlm(:)) = CONJG(delta_h2_aux(nl(:)))
! endif
CALL invfft ('Dense', delta_h_aux, dfftp)
! CALL invfft ('Dense', delta_h1_aux, dfftp)
! CALL invfft ('Dense', delta_h2_aux, dfftp)
delta_h_aux(:) = delta_h_aux(:)*tpiba
!delta_h_aux(:) = delta_h1_aux(:)*tpiba + delta_h2_aux(:)*tpiba
! if (ionode .and. then
! write(fn,fmt='(i0,a)') icar, '_delta_h_aux.dat'
! open (unit=78, file=fn)
! do i_grid = 1,dfftp%nnr
! write(78, '(2F15.8)') REAL(delta_h_aux(i_grid)),AIMAG(delta_h_aux(i_grid))
! enddo
! close(78)
! endif
delta_v(:) = delta_v(:) - delta_h_aux(:)
end do
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Deallocate everything
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
call mp_barrier(intra_pool_comm)
! if ( then
! open (unit=78, file="delta_v2.dat")
! open (unit=79, file="h1t.dat")
! open (unit=80, file="h2t.dat")
! do i_grid = 1,dfftp%nnr
! write(78, '(2F35.8)') REAL(delta_v(i_grid)),AIMAG(delta_v(i_grid))
! write(79, '(2F35.8)') REAL(h1t(i_grid)),AIMAG(h1t(i_grid))
! write(80, '(2F35.8)') REAL(h2t(i_grid)),AIMAG(h2t(i_grid))
! enddo
! close(78)
! close(79)
! close(80)
! endif
call mp_barrier(intra_pool_comm)
deallocate(total_rho, gradient_drho)
deallocate(q0, q, dq0_dq, d2q0_dq2)
deallocate(dq_dn_n, dn_dq_dn_n_n, dq_dgradn_n_gmod)
deallocate(dn_dq_dgradn_n_gmod_n, dgradn_dq_dgradn_n_gmod_n_gmod)
deallocate(h1t, h2t)
deallocate(delta_h_aux, delta_h)
deallocate(delta_h1_aux, delta_h1)
deallocate(delta_h2_aux, delta_h2)
deallocate(u, delta_u)
end subroutine get_delta_v
!! ###############################################################################################################
!! | |
!! | get_abcdef |
!! | |
!! ###############################################################################################################
SUBROUTINE get_abcdef (q0, i_grid, q_hi, q_low, dq, a,b,c,d,e,f )
USE kernel_table, ONLY : q_cut, q_min
real(dp), intent(IN) :: q0(:)
integer, INTENT(IN) :: i_grid
integer, INTENT(OUT) :: q_hi, q_low
real(dp), intent(OUT) :: a,b,c,d,e,f, dq
integer :: qbin
q_low = 1
q_hi = Nqs
do while ( (q_hi - q_low) > 1)
qbin = int((q_hi + q_low)/2)
if (q_mesh(qbin) > q0(i_grid)) then
q_hi = qbin
q_low = qbin
end if
end do
if (q_hi == q_low) call errore('get_potential','qhi == qlow',1)
! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
dq = q_mesh(q_hi) - q_mesh(q_low)
a = (q_mesh(q_hi) - q0(i_grid))/dq
b = (q0(i_grid) - q_mesh(q_low))/dq
c = (a**3 - a)*dq**2/6.0D0
d = (b**3 - b)*dq**2/6.0D0
e = (3.0D0*a**2 - 1.0D0)*dq/6.0D0
f = (3.0D0*b**2 - 1.0D0)*dq/6.0D0
SUBROUTINE get_thetas_exentended (q_hi, q_low, dq, a,b,c,d,e,f, P_i, i_grid, &
gmod, gradn_graddeltan, &
theta, dtheta_dn, dtheta_dgradn, d2theta_dn2, dn_dtheta_dgradn, dgradn_dtheta_dgradn, do_write, total_rho)
integer, intent(IN) :: q_low, q_hi, P_i, i_grid
real(dp), intent(IN) :: dq, a, b, c, d, e, f
real(dp), intent(IN) :: total_rho(dfftp%nnr)
logical :: do_write
real(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: gmod, theta, dtheta_dn, dtheta_dgradn, d2theta_dn2, dn_dtheta_dgradn, dgradn_dtheta_dgradn
complex(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: gradn_graddeltan
real(dp) :: y(Nqs), d2P_dq02, dP_dq0, P, const, rho_34, rho_m14
character(len=70) :: fn
y = 0.0D0
y(P_i) = 1.0D0
!! P_alpha and derivatives | Num. Recip. Fortran 2nd Ed. p.108
d2P_dq02 = a*d2y_dx2(P_i,q_low) + b*d2y_dx2(P_i,q_hi)
dP_dq0 = (y(q_hi) - y(q_low))/dq - e*d2y_dx2(P_i,q_low) + f*d2y_dx2(P_i,q_hi)
P = a*y(q_low) + b*y(q_hi) + c*d2y_dx2(P_i,q_low) + d*d2y_dx2(P_i,q_hi)
!! Thetas
const = 1.0D0 / (3.0D0 * b_value**(3.0D0/2.0D0) * pi**(5.0D0/4.0D0) )
rho_34 = total_rho(i_grid)**(3.0D0/4.0D0)
rho_m14 = total_rho(i_grid)**(-1.0D0/4.0D0)
theta = const*rho_34*P
dtheta_dn = const*rho_m14*((3.0D0/4.0D0)*P + dP_dq0*dq0_dq(i_grid)*dq_dn_n(i_grid) )
dtheta_dgradn = const*rho_m14*dP_dq0*dq0_dq(i_grid)*dq_dgradn_n_gmod(i_grid)
d2theta_dn2 = const*rho_m14*( &
-(3.0D0/16.0D0)*P &
+(1.0D0/2.0D0)*dP_dq0*dq0_dq(i_grid)*dq_dn_n(i_grid) + &
d2P_dq02*(dq0_dq(i_grid)**2)*(dq_dn_n(i_grid)**2) + &
dP_dq0*d2q0_dq2(i_grid)*(dq_dn_n(i_grid)**2) + &
dP_dq0*dq0_dq(i_grid)*dn_dq_dn_n_n(i_grid) )
dn_dtheta_dgradn = const*rho_m14*( &
-(1.0D0/4.0D0)*dP_dq0*dq0_dq(i_grid)*dq_dgradn_n_gmod(i_grid) + &
d2P_dq02*(dq0_dq(i_grid)**2)*dq_dn_n(i_grid)*dq_dgradn_n_gmod(i_grid) + &
dP_dq0*d2q0_dq2(i_grid)*dq_dn_n(i_grid)*dq_dgradn_n_gmod(i_grid) + &
dP_dq0*dq0_dq(i_grid)*dn_dq_dgradn_n_gmod_n(i_grid) )
dgradn_dtheta_dgradn = const*rho_m14*( &
d2P_dq02*(dq0_dq(i_grid)**2)*(dq_dgradn_n_gmod(i_grid)**2) + &
dP_dq0*d2q0_dq2(i_grid)*(dq_dgradn_n_gmod(i_grid)**2) + &
!! Fractions
gmod = sqrt(gradient_rho(i_grid,1)**2+gradient_rho(i_grid,2)**2+gradient_rho(i_grid,3)**2)
gradn_graddeltan = gradient_rho(i_grid,1)*gradient_drho(i_grid,1) + &
gradient_rho(i_grid,2)*gradient_drho(i_grid,2) + &
! gmod = sqrt(grho(1,i_grid,1)**2+grho(2,i_grid,1)**2+grho(3,i_grid,1)**2)
! gradn_graddeltan = grho(1,i_grid,1)*gradient_drho(i_grid,1) + &
! grho(2,i_grid,1)*gradient_drho(i_grid,2) + &
! grho(3,i_grid,1)*gradient_drho(i_grid,3)
END SUBROUTINE get_thetas_exentended
!! ###############################################################################################################
!! | |
!! | GET_Q0_ON_GRID |
!! |__________________|
!! This routine first calculates the q value defined in (DION equations 11 and 12), then
!! saturates it according to (SOLER equation 7).
SUBROUTINE fill_q0_extended_on_grid ()
!! more specifically it calcultates the following
!! q0(ir) = q0 as defined above
!! dq0_dq(ir) = d q0 /d q
!! dq_drho(ir) = total_rho * d q /d rho
!! dq_dgradrho = total_rho / |gradient_rho| * d q / d |gradient_rho|
USE kernel_table, ONLY : q_cut, q_min
! _
real(dp), parameter :: LDA_A = 0.031091D0, LDA_a1 = 0.2137D0 !
real(dp), parameter :: LDA_b1 = 7.5957D0 , LDA_b2 = 3.5876D0 ! see J.P. Perdew and Yue Wang, Phys. Rev. B 45, 13244 (1992).
real(dp), parameter :: LDA_b3 = 1.6382D0 , LDA_b4 = 0.49294D0 !_
real(dp) :: Z_ab = -0.8491D0 !! see DION
integer, parameter :: m_cut = 12 !! How many terms to include in the sum
real, parameter :: C_value = 0.0093 !! How many terms to include in the sum
! !! of SOLER equation 7
real(dp) :: kF, r_s, sqrt_r_s, gc !! Intermediate variables needed to get q and q0
real(dp) :: LDA_1, LDA_2, exponent, gmod, gmod2 !!
real(dp) :: expTemp1, expTemp2
real(dp) :: k, wp2, wg2, w02, w0, alpha
! !! Needed by dq0_drho and dq0_dgradrho by the chain rule.
integer :: i_grid, index, count=0 !! Indexing variables
character(len=70) :: fn
! initialize q0-related arrays ...
q0(:) = q_cut
q = 0.0_DP
dq0_dq(:) = 0.0_DP !
d2q0_dq2(:) = 0.0_DP
dq_dn_n(:) = 0.0_DP ! total_rho * d q/d rho
dn_dq_dn_n_n(:) = 0.0_DP
dq_dgradn_n_gmod(:) = 0.0_DP ! total_rho / |gradient_rho| * d q / d |gradient_rho|
dn_dq_dgradn_n_gmod_n(:) = 0.0_DP !
dgradn_dq_dgradn_n_gmod_n_gmod(:) = 0.0_DP !
do i_grid = 1, dfftp%nnr
!! This prevents numerical problems. If the charge density is negative (an
!! unphysical situation), we simply treat it as very small. In that case,
!! q0 will be very large and will be saturated. For a saturated q0 the derivative
!! dq0_dq will be 0 so we set q0 = q_cut and dq0_drho = dq0_dgradrho = 0 and go on
!! to the next point.
!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (total_rho(i_grid) < epsr)cycle
gmod2 = gradient_rho(i_grid,1)**2+gradient_rho(i_grid,2)**2+gradient_rho(i_grid,3)**2
gmod = sqrt(gmod2)
!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Calculate some intermediate values needed to find q
!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
wp2 = 16.0D0*pi*total_rho(i_grid)
wg2 = 4.0D0*C_value* (gmod/total_rho(i_grid))**4.0D0
w02 = wg2 + wp2/3.0D0
w0 = sqrt( w02 )
alpha = wg2/w02
k = b_value*3.0D0* pi* ((total_rho(i_grid)/(9.0D0*pi))**(1.0D0/6.0D0))
!! ---------------------------------------------------------------
q(i_grid) = w0 / k
!! ---------------------------------------------------------------
!! Here, we calculate q0 by saturating q according to equation 7 of SOLER. Also, we find
!! the derivative dq0_dq needed for the derivatives dq0_drho and dq0_dgradrh0 discussed below.
!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
exponent = 0.0D0
dq0_dq(i_grid) = 0.0D0
expTemp1 = 0.0D0
expTemp2 = 0.0D0
do index = 1, m_cut
exponent = exponent + ( (q(i_grid)/q_cut)**index)/index
dq0_dq(i_grid) = dq0_dq(i_grid) + ( (q(i_grid)/q_cut)**(index-1))
expTemp1 = expTemp1 + ( (q(i_grid)/q_cut)**(index-1))
expTemp2 = expTemp2 + ( ((index-1)/q_cut)*(q(i_grid)/q_cut)**(index-2))
end do
q0(i_grid) = q_cut*(1.0D0 - exp(-exponent))
dq0_dq(i_grid) = dq0_dq(i_grid) * exp(-exponent)
d2q0_dq2(i_grid) = expTemp2*exp(-exponent) - (expTemp1**2)*(1.0D0/q_cut)*exp(-exponent)
!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! This is to handle a case with q0 too small. We simply set it to the smallest q value in
!! out q_mesh. Hopefully this doesn't get used often (ever)
!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (q0(i_grid) < q_min) then
q0(i_grid) = q_min
end if
!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Here we find derivatives. These are actually the density times the derivative of q0 with respect
!! to rho and gradient_rho. The density factor comes in since we are really differentiating
!! theta = (rho)*P(q0) with respect to density (or its gradient) which will be
!! dtheta_drho = P(q0) + dP_dq0 * [rho * dq0_dq * dq_drho] and
!! dtheta_dgradient_rho = dP_dq0 * [rho * dq0_dq * dq_dgradient_rho]
!! The parts in square brackets are what is calculated here. The dP_dq0 term will be interpolated
!! later. There should actually be a factor of the magnitude of the gradient in the gradient_rho derivative
!! but that cancels out when we differentiate the magnitude of the gradient with respect to a particular
!! component.
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dq_dn_n(i_grid) = q(i_grid)*(1.0D0/3.0D0 -2.5D0 * alpha)
dn_dq_dn_n_n(i_grid) = q(i_grid) * (1.0D0/9.0D0 + 65.0D0/6.0D0*alpha - 6.25D0*alpha**2.0D0)
dq_dgradn_n_gmod(i_grid) = 8.0D0*q(i_grid)*C_value*(gmod**2.0D0/total_rho(i_grid)**3.0D0)/w02
dn_dq_dgradn_n_gmod_n(i_grid) = dq_dgradn_n_gmod(i_grid)*(2.5D0*alpha-11.0D0/3.0D0)
dgradn_dq_dgradn_n_gmod_n_gmod(i_grid) = 16.0D0*q(i_grid)*C_value/total_rho(i_grid)**2.0D0/w02*(1.0D0-alpha)
end do
end SUBROUTINE fill_q0_extended_on_grid
!! #####################################################################################################
!! | |
!! | delta_u |
!! |___________|
subroutine get_u_delta_u(u, delta_u, q_point)
USE gvect, ONLY : nl, nlm, g, gg, ngm, igtongl, gl, ngl, gstart
USE cell_base, ONLY : tpiba, omega
complex(dp), intent(inout) :: u(dfftp%nnr,Nqs), delta_u(dfftp%nnr,Nqs)
real(dp), intent(in) :: q_point(3)
!! Valirables
real(dp), allocatable :: kernel_of_g(:,:), kernel_of_gq(:,:)
complex(dp), allocatable :: temp_u(:,:), temp_delta_u(:,:)
real(dp) :: gmod, gqmod
integer :: last_g, g_i, q1_i, q2_i, count, i_grid, final_g !! Index variables
!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
!! Allocate variables
allocate( kernel_of_g(Nqs, Nqs), kernel_of_gq(Nqs, Nqs) )
allocate( temp_u(dfftp%nnr, Nqs), temp_delta_u(dfftp%nnr, Nqs) )
temp_u(:,:) = CMPLX(0.0D0, 0.0D0)
temp_delta_u(:,:) = CMPLX(0.0D0, 0.0D0)
!! Get argument in reciprocal space
call start_clock( 'vdW_ffts')
do q1_i = 1, Nqs
CALL fwfft ('Dense', u(:,q1_i), dfftp)
CALL fwfft ('Dense', delta_u(:,q1_i), dfftp)
end do
call stop_clock( 'vdW_ffts')
!! Integrate in reciprocal space
last_g = -1
do g_i = 1, ngm
if ( igtongl(g_i) .ne. last_g) then
gmod = sqrt(gl(igtongl(g_i))) * tpiba
call interpolate_kernel(gmod, kernel_of_g)
last_g = igtongl(g_i)
end if
gqmod = sqrt( (g(1,g_i)+q_point(1))**2 + (g(2,g_i)+q_point(2))**2 + (g(3,g_i)+q_point(3))**2 )*tpiba
call interpolate_kernel(gqmod, kernel_of_gq)
!! Loop over alpha
do q2_i = 1, Nqs
!! Sum over beta
do q1_i = 1, Nqs
temp_u(nl(g_i), q2_i) = temp_u(nl(g_i), q2_i) + kernel_of_g(q2_i,q1_i)*u(nl(g_i), q1_i)
temp_delta_u(nl(g_i), q2_i) = temp_delta_u(nl(g_i), q2_i) + &
kernel_of_gq(q2_i,q1_i)*delta_u(nl(g_i), q1_i)
end do
end do
end do
if (gamma_only) then
temp_u(nlm(:),:) = CONJG(temp_u(nl(:),:))
temp_delta_u(nlm(:),:) = CONJG(temp_delta_u(nl(:),:))
!! Put everything in real space
call start_clock( 'vdW_ffts')
do q1_i = 1, Nqs
CALL invfft ('Dense', temp_u(:,q1_i), dfftp)
CALL invfft ('Dense', temp_delta_u(:,q1_i), dfftp)
end do
call stop_clock( 'vdW_ffts')
u(:,:) = temp_u(:,:)
delta_u(:,:) = temp_delta_u(:,:)
deallocate(temp_u, temp_delta_u, kernel_of_g, kernel_of_gq)
!! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
end subroutine get_u_delta_u
!! ###############################################################################################################
!! | |
!! | qgradient |
!! |______________________|
subroutine qgradient (xq, nrxx, a, ngm, g, nl, alat, ga)
! Calculates ga = \grad a in R-space (a is also in R-space)
use control_flags, ONLY : gamma_only
USE fft_base, ONLY: dfftp
USE fft_interfaces, ONLY: fwfft, invfft
USE gvect, ONLY : nlm
!gamma_only is disregarded for phonon calculations
USE kinds, only : DP
USE constants, ONLY: tpi
implicit none
integer :: nrxx, ngm, nl (ngm)
complex(DP) :: a (nrxx), ga (nrxx, 3)
real(DP) :: g (3, ngm), alat, xq (3)
integer :: n, ipol
real(DP) :: tpiba
complex(DP), allocatable :: aux (:), gaux (:)
allocate (gaux( nrxx))
allocate (aux ( nrxx))
tpiba = tpi / alat
! bring a(r) to G-space, a(G) ...
aux (:) = a(:)
CALL fwfft ('Dense', aux, dfftp)
! multiply by i(q+G) to get (\grad_ipol a)(q+G) ...
do ipol = 1, 3
gaux (:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
do n = 1, ngm
gaux(nl(n)) = CMPLX(0.d0, xq (ipol) + g (ipol, n),kind=DP) * aux (nl(n))
if (gamma_only) gaux( nlm(n) ) = conjg( gaux( nl(n) ) )
! bring back to R-space, (\grad_ipol a)(r) ...
CALL invfft ('Dense', gaux, dfftp)
! ...and add the factor 2\pi/a missing in the definition of q+G
do n = 1, nrxx
ga (n, ipol) = gaux (n) * tpiba
deallocate (aux)
deallocate (gaux)
end subroutine qgradient

LR_Modules/dv_vdW_DF.f90 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -88,6 +88,12 @@ dgradcorr.o : ../Modules/noncol.o
dgradcorr.o : ../Modules/recvec.o
dgradcorr.o : ../PW/src/pwcom.o
dgradcorr.o : lrcom.o
dnonloccorr.o : ../Modules/fft_base.o
dnonloccorr.o : ../Modules/funct.o
dnonloccorr.o : ../Modules/kind.o
dnonloccorr.o : ../Modules/noncol.o
dnonloccorr.o : dv_rVV10.o
dnonloccorr.o : dv_vdW_DF.o
dv_of_drho.o : ../FFTXlib/fft_interfaces.o
dv_of_drho.o : ../Modules/cell_base.o
dv_of_drho.o : ../Modules/constants.o
@ -101,6 +107,34 @@ dv_of_drho.o : ../Modules/uspp.o
dv_of_drho.o : ../PW/src/martyna_tuckerman.o
dv_of_drho.o : ../PW/src/scf_mod.o
dv_of_drho.o : lrcom.o
dv_rVV10.o : ../FFTXlib/fft_interfaces.o
dv_rVV10.o : ../FFTXlib/fft_scalar.o
dv_rVV10.o : ../Modules/cell_base.o
dv_rVV10.o : ../Modules/constants.o
dv_rVV10.o : ../Modules/control_flags.o
dv_rVV10.o : ../Modules/fft_base.o
dv_rVV10.o : ../Modules/io_global.o
dv_rVV10.o : ../Modules/kernel_table.o
dv_rVV10.o : ../Modules/kind.o
dv_rVV10.o : ../Modules/mp.o
dv_rVV10.o : ../Modules/mp_global.o
dv_rVV10.o : ../Modules/recvec.o
dv_rVV10.o : ../Modules/xc_rVV10.o
dv_rVV10.o : lrcom.o
dv_vdW_DF.o : ../FFTXlib/fft_interfaces.o
dv_vdW_DF.o : ../FFTXlib/fft_scalar.o
dv_vdW_DF.o : ../Modules/cell_base.o
dv_vdW_DF.o : ../Modules/constants.o
dv_vdW_DF.o : ../Modules/control_flags.o
dv_vdW_DF.o : ../Modules/fft_base.o
dv_vdW_DF.o : ../Modules/io_global.o
dv_vdW_DF.o : ../Modules/kernel_table.o
dv_vdW_DF.o : ../Modules/kind.o
dv_vdW_DF.o : ../Modules/mp.o
dv_vdW_DF.o : ../Modules/mp_global.o
dv_vdW_DF.o : ../Modules/recvec.o
dv_vdW_DF.o : ../Modules/xc_vdW_DF.o
dv_vdW_DF.o : lrcom.o
h_psiq.o : ../FFTXlib/fft_interfaces.o
h_psiq.o : ../Modules/becmod.o
h_psiq.o : ../Modules/control_flags.o

View File

@ -101,18 +101,15 @@ CONTAINS
if (ionode .and. iverbosity > -1 ) then
write(*,'(/ /A )') "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
write(*,'(A /)') "Carrying out rVV10 run using the following parameters:"
write(*,'(A,I6,A,I6,A,F8.3)') "Nqs = ",Nqs, " Nr_points = ", Nr_points," r_max = ",r_max
write(*, '(A, F8.5)') "b_value = ", b_value
write(*, '(A, F8.5)') "beta = ", beta
write(*,'(A)',advance='no') "q_mesh = "
write(*,'(F15.8)') (q_mesh(I), I=1, Nqs)
WRITE(stdout,'(/ /A )') "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
WRITE(stdout,'(A)') "Carrying out rVV10 run using the following parameters:"
WRITE(stdout,'(A,I6,A,I6,A,F8.3)') "Nqs = ",Nqs, " Nr_points = ", Nr_points," r_max = ",r_max
WRITE(stdout, '(A, F8.5, A, F8.5 )') "b_value = ", b_value, " beta = ", beta
WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"q_mesh =",4F12.8)') (q_mesh(I), I=1, 4)
WRITE(stdout,'(13X,4F12.8)') (q_mesh(I), I=5, Nqs)
write(*,'(/ A )') "Gradients computed in Reciprocal space"
write(*,'(/ A / /)') "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
WRITE(stdout,'(/ A )') "Gradients computed in Reciprocal space"
WRITE(stdout,'(/ A / /)') "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
end if

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ subroutine addnlcc (imode0, drhoscf, npe)
USE kinds, only : DP
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat
use funct, only : dft_is_gradient
use funct, only : dft_is_gradient, dft_is_nonlocc
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega, alat
use scf, only : rho, rho_core
USE gvect, ONLY : g, ngm, nl
@ -102,6 +102,9 @@ subroutine addnlcc (imode0, drhoscf, npe)
call dgradcorr (rho%of_r, grho, dvxc_rr, dvxc_sr, dvxc_ss, dvxc_s, xq, &
drhoscf (1, 1, ipert), dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag, nspin_gga, nl, ngm, g, alat,&
if (dft_is_nonlocc()) &
call dnonloccorr(rho%of_r, drhoscf (1, 1, ipert), xq, dvaux)
do is = 1, nspin_lsda
call daxpy (2 * dfftp%nnr, - fac, drhoc, 1, drhoscf (1, is, ipert), 1)

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ SUBROUTINE addnlcc_zstar_eu_us( drhoscf )
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE funct, only : dft_is_gradient
USE funct, only : dft_is_gradient, dft_is_nonlocc
USE scf, only : rho, rho_core
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega, alat
USE gvect, ONLY : ngm, nl, g
@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ SUBROUTINE addnlcc_zstar_eu_us( drhoscf )
CALL dgradcorr (rho%of_r, grho, &
dvxc_rr, dvxc_sr, dvxc_ss, dvxc_s, xq, drhoscf (1,1,ipert),&
dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag, nspin_gga, nl, ngm, g, alat, dvaux)
if (dft_is_nonlocc()) &
call dnonloccorr(rho%of_r, drhoscf (1, 1, ipert), xq, dvaux)
DO is = 1, nspin_lsda
rho%of_r(:,is) = rho%of_r(:,is) - fac * rho_core

View File

@ -639,8 +639,8 @@ SUBROUTINE phq_readin()
IF (ts_vdw) CALL errore('phq_readin',&
'The phonon code with TS-VdW is not yet available',1)
IF ( dft_is_nonlocc() ) CALL errore('phq_readin',&
'The phonon code with non-local vdW functionals is not yet available',1)
! IF ( dft_is_nonlocc() ) CALL errore('phq_readin',&
! 'The phonon code with non-local vdW functionals is not yet available',1)
IF ( dft_is_hybrid() ) CALL errore('phq_readin',&
'The phonon code with hybrid functionals is not yet available',1)