More ACE cleanup; parallelization on k-points should now work

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
giannozz 2016-07-08 09:38:29 +00:00
parent 4de88da0d7
commit 4a9bed804d
2 changed files with 57 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -1182,6 +1182,9 @@ FUNCTION exxenergyace ( )
USE wvfct, ONLY : nbnd, npwx, current_k
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : lsda, isk, current_spin
USE io_files, ONLY : iunwfc, nwordwfc
USE mp_pools, ONLY : inter_pool_comm
USE mp_bands, ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
USE control_flags, ONLY : gamma_only
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY : evc
@ -1206,6 +1209,8 @@ FUNCTION exxenergyace ( )
exxenergyace = exxenergyace + ex
CALL mp_sum( exxenergyace, intra_bgrp_comm)
CALL mp_sum( exxenergyace, inter_pool_comm )
domat = .false.
END FUNCTION exxenergyace

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@ -48,8 +48,7 @@ MODULE exx
INTEGER :: nbndproj
LOGICAL :: domat, firstexx
real(DP) :: eexx, ee, eeace
LOGICAL :: domat
! let xk(:,ik) + xq(:,iq) = xkq(:,ikq) = S(isym)*xk(ik') + G
@ -604,8 +603,6 @@ MODULE exx
USE us_exx, ONLY : becxx
USE paw_variables, ONLY : okpaw
USE paw_exx, ONLY : PAW_init_keeq
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : current_spin, lsda, isk
INTEGER :: ik,ibnd, i, j, k, ir, isym, ikq, ig
@ -622,7 +619,6 @@ MODULE exx
COMPLEX(DP) :: d_spin(2,2,48)
INTEGER :: npw, current_ik
INTEGER :: find_current_k
TYPE(bec_type) :: becpsi
CALL start_clock ('exxinit')
@ -866,30 +862,7 @@ MODULE exx
IF(okpaw) CALL PAW_init_keeq()
#ifdef __EXX_ACE
nbndproj = nbnd
IF (.not. allocated(xi)) ALLOCATE( xi(npwx*npol,nbndproj,nks) )
IF ( okvan ) CALL allocate_bec_type( nkb, nbnd, becpsi)
eexx = 0.0d0
xi = (0.0d0,0.0d0)
DO ik = 1, nks
npw = ngk (ik)
current_k = ik
IF ( lsda ) current_spin = isk(ik)
IF ( nks > 1 ) CALL get_buffer(evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik)
IF ( okvan ) THEN
CALL init_us_2(npw, igk_k(1,ik), xk(:,ik), vkb)
CALL calbec ( nkb, vkb, evc, becpsi, nbnd )
IF (gamma_only) THEN
CALL aceinit_gamma(npw,nbnd,evc,xi(1,1,ik),becpsi,ee)
CALL aceinit_k(npw,nbnd,evc,xi(1,1,ik),becpsi,ee)
eexx = eexx + ee
WRITE(*,*) 'EXACT--Energy', eexx
IF ( okvan ) CALL deallocate_bec_type(becpsi)
domat = .false.
CALL aceinit ( )
CALL stop_clock ('exxinit')
@ -1129,7 +1102,6 @@ MODULE exx
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega
USE gvect, ONLY : ngm, g
USE wvfct, ONLY : npwx, current_k
USE control_flags, ONLY : gamma_only
USE klist, ONLY : xk, nks, nkstot, igk_k
USE fft_interfaces, ONLY : fwfft, invfft
USE becmod, ONLY : bec_type
@ -1410,7 +1382,6 @@ MODULE exx
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega
USE gvect, ONLY : ngm, g
USE wvfct, ONLY : npwx, current_k
USE control_flags, ONLY : gamma_only
USE klist, ONLY : xk, nks, nkstot, igk_k
USE fft_interfaces, ONLY : fwfft, invfft
USE becmod, ONLY : bec_type
@ -2179,7 +2150,6 @@ MODULE exx
USE symm_base, ONLY : nsym, s
USE gvect, ONLY : ngm, gstart, g, nl
USE wvfct, ONLY : nbnd, npwx, wg
USE control_flags, ONLY : gamma_only
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY : evc
USE klist, ONLY : xk, ngk, nks, nkstot, igk_k
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : lsda, current_spin, isk
@ -2809,6 +2779,56 @@ IMPLICIT NONE
SUBROUTINE aceinit( )
USE wvfct, ONLY : nbnd, npwx, current_k
USE klist, ONLY : nks, xk, ngk, igk_k
USE uspp, ONLY : nkb, vkb, okvan
USE becmod, ONLY : allocate_bec_type, deallocate_bec_type, &
bec_type, calbec
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : current_spin, lsda, isk
USE io_files, ONLY : nwordwfc, iunwfc
USE buffers, ONLY : get_buffer
USE mp_pools, ONLY : inter_pool_comm
USE mp_bands, ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
USE control_flags, ONLY : gamma_only
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY : evc
REAL (DP) :: ee, eexx
INTEGER :: ik, npw
TYPE(bec_type) :: becpsi
nbndproj = nbnd
IF (.not. allocated(xi)) ALLOCATE( xi(npwx*npol,nbndproj,nks) )
IF ( okvan ) CALL allocate_bec_type( nkb, nbnd, becpsi)
eexx = 0.0d0
xi = (0.0d0,0.0d0)
DO ik = 1, nks
npw = ngk (ik)
current_k = ik
IF ( lsda ) current_spin = isk(ik)
IF ( nks > 1 ) CALL get_buffer(evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik)
IF ( okvan ) THEN
CALL init_us_2(npw, igk_k(1,ik), xk(:,ik), vkb)
CALL calbec ( nkb, vkb, evc, becpsi, nbnd )
IF (gamma_only) THEN
CALL aceinit_gamma(npw,nbnd,evc,xi(1,1,ik),becpsi,ee)
CALL aceinit_k(npw,nbnd,evc,xi(1,1,ik),becpsi,ee)
eexx = eexx + ee
CALL mp_sum( eexx, intra_bgrp_comm)
CALL mp_sum( eexx, inter_pool_comm )
WRITE(*,*) 'EXACT--Energy', eexx
IF ( okvan ) CALL deallocate_bec_type(becpsi)
domat = .false.
SUBROUTINE aceinit_gamma(nnpw,nbnd,phi,xitmp,becpsi,exxe)
USE becmod, ONLY : bec_type
USE wvfct, ONLY : current_k