reordered subsections of "Installation" section

enlarged title, didn't fit any more in a single page anyway

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
ballabio 2004-08-20 09:56:56 +00:00
parent 4e6da74495
commit 4a56dddb1b
1 changed files with 218 additions and 235 deletions

View File

@ -7,36 +7,21 @@
% front page: no page number
% enlarge page a little to let table of contents fit within
% PWscf and Democritos logos, raise the latter to align
% title
\huge User's Guide for PWscf v.\version
% % PWscf and Democritos logos, raise the latter to align
% \epsfig{figure=pwscf,width=4cm}\hfill%
% \raisebox{0.5cm}{\epsfig{figure=democritos,width=8cm}}
% \vspace{2cm}
% \\
% % title
% \huge User's Guide for ESPRESSO v.\version
\huge User's Guide for ESPRESSO v.\version
% end of front page
@ -305,6 +290,63 @@ configuring \texttt{configure} scares you, or if you don't know what
to do with the \texttt{make.sys} file, you may want to try the manual
configuration, described below.
The file \texttt{make.sys} may still require some tweaking if produced
by the automatic configuration; if produced by manual configuration,
it MUST be edited.
In most cases you will need to specify the name and location of
libraries (see next section).
In some cases you may need to change preprocessing options
(\texttt{CPPFLAGS}) and compiler options (\texttt{FFLAGS}).
\paragraph{Please Note:}
if you change \texttt{CPPFLAGS} or \texttt{FFLAGS} after the first
compilation, run \texttt{make clean} and recompile everything, unless
you know exactly which routines are affected and how to force their
ESPRESSO uses the linear algebra BLAS/LAPACK libraries.
A copy of the needed routines is provided with the distribution.
It is however very convenient to use optimized BLAS/LAPACK contained
in vendor-specific mathematical libraries, such as:
\texttt{essl} for IBM\\
\texttt{complib.sgimath} for SGI Origin\\
\texttt{scilib} for Cray/T3e\\
\texttt{sunperf} for Sun\\
\texttt{MKL} for Intel Linux PCs\\
\texttt{ACML} for AMD Linux PCs\\
\texttt{cxml} for HP-Compaq Alphas.
Otherwise, it is a good idea to use optimized ATLAS libraries instead
of plain BLAS/LAPACK.
If these are not installed or not satisfactory on your system,
download the appropriate binaries from
or download and compile the sources.
This may take some time and effort.
ESPRESSO uses the Fast Fourier Transform from the FFTW library
or from vendor-specific mathematical libraries.
If you use FFTW, you can either compile the copy that comes with the
distribution (this is the default configuration) or link to a
precompiled FFTW library.
In the latter case, follow the instructions in the files
\texttt{Install/Make.*}, and remember that only FFTW v.~$<3$ is
supported: FFTW v.~3 requires changes in the code.
If you want to use external precompiled libraries, you need to
correctly specify their location in the \texttt{make.sys} file.
The \texttt{configure} scripts tries to guess where your libraries
are, but it cannot find libraries in nonstandard places.
\subsubsection{Manual configuration}
From the top directory, type:
@ -375,66 +417,170 @@ The former step could also be avoided in principle (distributions like
Knoppix run directly from the CD-ROM) but for serious use you will
need to have disk access.
\subsection{Adapt to your local configuration}
The file \texttt{make.sys} may still require some tweaking if produced
by the automatic configuration; if produced by manual configuration,
it MUST be edited.
In most cases you will need to specify the name and location of
In some cases you may need to change preprocessing options
(\texttt{CPPFLAGS}) and compiler options (\texttt{FFLAGS}).
There are a few adjustable parameters in
The present values will work for most cases.
All other variables are dynamically allocated: you do not need to
recompile your code for a different system.
\paragraph{Please Note:}
\texttt{make} with no arguments yields a list of valid
if you change \texttt{CPPFLAGS} or \texttt{FFLAGS} after the first
compilation, run \texttt{make clean} and recompile everything, unless
you know exactly which routines are affected and how to force their
\texttt{make pw} produces \texttt{PW/pw.x} and
\texttt{pw.x} calculates electronic structure, structural
optimization, molecular dynamics, barriers with NEB.
\texttt{memory.x} is an auxiliary program that checks the input of
\texttt{pw.x} for correctness and yields a rough (under-) estimate
of the required memory.
\texttt{make ph} produces \texttt{PH/ph.x}.
ESPRESSO uses the linear algebra BLAS/LAPACK libraries.
A copy of the needed routines is provided with the distribution.
It is however very convenient to use optimized BLAS/LAPACK contained
in vendor-specific mathematical libraries, such as:
\texttt{ph.x} calculates phonon frequencies and displacement
patterns, dielectric tensors, effective charges (uses data
produced by \texttt{pw.x}).
\texttt{make d3} produces \texttt{D3/d3.x}
\texttt{essl} for IBM\\
\texttt{complib.sgimath} for SGI Origin\\
\texttt{scilib} for Cray/T3e\\
\texttt{sunperf} for Sun\\
\texttt{MKL} for Intel Linux PCs\\
\texttt{ACML} for AMD Linux PCs\\
\texttt{cxml} for HP-Compaq Alphas.
\texttt{d3.x} calculates anharmonic phonon lifetimes (third-order
derivatives of the energy), using data produced by \texttt{pw.x}
and \texttt{ph.x}.
\texttt{make gamma} produces \texttt{Gamma/phcg.x}.
Otherwise, it is a good idea to use optimized ATLAS libraries instead
of plain BLAS/LAPACK.
If these are not installed or not satisfactory on your system,
download the appropriate binaries from
or download and compile the sources.
This may take some time and effort.
\texttt{phcg.x} is a version of \texttt{ph.x} that calculates
phonons at $\mathbf{q}=0$ using conjugate-gradient minimization of
the density functional expanded to second-order.
Only the $\Gamma$ ($\mathbf{q}=0$) point is used for Brillouin
zone integration.
It is faster and takes less memory than \texttt{ph.x}, but does
not support Ultrasoft pseudopotentials.
\texttt{make raman} produces \texttt{Raman/ram.x}.
ESPRESSO uses the Fast Fourier Transform from the FFTW library
or from vendor-specific mathematical libraries.
If you use FFTW, you can either compile the copy that comes with the
distribution (this is the default configuration) or link to a
precompiled FFTW library.
In the latter case, follow the instructions in the files
\texttt{Install/Make.*}, and remember that only FFTW v.~$<3$ is
supported: FFTW v.~3 requires changes in the code.
\texttt{ram.x} calculates nonresonant Raman tensor coefficients
(derivatives of the polarizability wrt atomic displacements)
using the $(2n+1)$ theorem (written by Gernot Deinzer).
\texttt{make pp} produces several codes for data postprocessing, in
\texttt{PP/} (see list below).
\texttt{make tools} produces several utility programs, mostly for
phonon calculations, in \texttt{pwtools/} (see list below).
\texttt{make nc} produces \texttt{PWNC/pw.x}, the version of
\texttt{pw.x} that works with noncolinear magnetism
and spin-orbit splitting (experimental).
\texttt{make pwcond} produces \texttt{PWCOND/pwcond.x}, for
ballistic conductance calculations (experimental).
\texttt{make pwall} produces all of the above.
\texttt{make ld1} produces utilities for pseudopotential
generation in directory \texttt{atomic/} (see the specific
documentation in \texttt{atomic\_doc/}).
\texttt{make upf} produces utilities for pseudopotential
conversion in directory \texttt{upftools/} (see
``Pseudopotential'' section).
\texttt{make links} produces links to all executables in directory
\texttt{make all} produces all of the above, plus the CP and FPMD
codes (if present).
For the setup of the GUI, refer to the
\texttt{PWgui-}\emph{X.Y.Z}\texttt{/INSTALL} file, where \emph{X.Y.Z}
stands for the version number of the GUI (presently 0.6.2).
If you are using the CVS-sources, then see the \texttt{GUI/README}
file instead.
If you want to use external precompiled libraries, you need to
correctly specify their location in the \texttt{make.sys} file.
The \texttt{configure} scripts tries to guess where your libraries
are, but it cannot find libraries in nonstandard places.
The codes for data postprocessing in \texttt{PP/} are:
\item \texttt{pp.x} extracts the specified data from files
produced by \texttt{pw.x} for further processing
\item \texttt{bands.x} extracts eigenvalues from files produced
by \texttt{pw.x} for band structure plotting
\item \texttt{projwfc.x} calculates projections of wavefunction
over atomic orbitals, performs L\"owdin population
analysis and calculates projected density of states
\item \texttt{chdens.x} plots data produced by \texttt{pp.x},
writing them into a format that is suitable for several
plotting programs
\item \texttt{plotrho.x} reads the output of \texttt{chdens.x},
produces PostScript 2-d contour plots
\item \texttt{plotband.x} reads the output of \texttt{bands.x},
produces band structure PostScript plots
\item \texttt{average.x} calculates planar averages of
\item \texttt{voronoy.x} divides the charge density into Voronoy
polyhedra (obsolete, use at your own risk)
\item \texttt{dos.x} calculates electronic Density of States
\item \texttt{pw2wan.x}: interface with a code calculating
Wannier functions, soon to be released: see
\item \texttt{pw2casino.x}: interface with \texttt{CASINO} code
for Quantum Monte Carlo calculation
\subsubsection{Installation issues}
The utility programs in \texttt{pwtools/} are:
\item \texttt{dynmat.x} calculates LO-TO splitting at
$\mathbf{q}=0$ in insulator, IR cross sections, from the
dynamical matrix produced by \texttt{ph.x}
\item \texttt{q2r.x} calculates Interatomic Force Constants ion
real space from dynamical matrices produced by
\texttt{ph.x} on a regular \textbf{q}-grid
\item \texttt{matdyn.x} produces phonon frequencies at a generic
wave vector using the Interatomic Force Constants
calculated by \texttt{q2r.x}; may also calculate phonon
\item \texttt{fqha.x} for quasi-harmonic calculations
\item \texttt{lambda.x} calculates the electron-phonon coefficient
$\lambda$ and the function $\alpha^2F(\omega)$
\item \texttt{dist.x} calculates distances and angles between
atoms in a cell, taking into account periodicity
\item \texttt{ev.x} fits energy-vs-volume data to an equation of
\item \texttt{kpoints.x} produces lists of k-points
\item \texttt{}, \texttt{} process
respectively input and output files (not data files!) for
\texttt{pw.x} and produce an XSF-formatted file suitable
for plotting with XCrySDen, a powerful crystalline and
molecular structure visualization program
BEWARE: the \texttt{} shell script requires the
\texttt{pwi2xsf.x} executables to be located somewhere in
your \texttt{\$PATH}.
\item \texttt{band\_plot.x}: undocumented and possibly obsolete
\item \texttt{bs.awk}, \texttt{mv.awk} are scripts that process
the output of \texttt{pw.x} (not data files!).
awk -f bs.awk < my-pw-file >
awk -f mv.awk < my-pw-file >
The files so produced are suitable for use with
\texttt{xbs}, a very simple X-windows utility to display
molecules, available at:\\
\subsection{Installation issues}
The main development platforms are IBM SP and Intel/AMD PC with Linux
and Intel compiler.
@ -637,169 +783,6 @@ If you get errors at loading because symbols \texttt{LPUTP},
``benchlib'', or to remove \texttt{-D\_\_BENCHLIB} and recompile
(after a \texttt{make clean}).
There are a few adjustable parameters in
The present values will work for most cases.
All other variables are dynamically allocated: you do not need to
recompile your code for a different system.
\texttt{make} with no arguments yields a list of valid
\texttt{make pw} produces \texttt{PW/pw.x} and
\texttt{pw.x} calculates electronic structure, structural
optimization, molecular dynamics, barriers with NEB.
\texttt{memory.x} is an auxiliary program that checks the input of
\texttt{pw.x} for correctness and yields a rough (under-) estimate
of the required memory.
\texttt{make ph} produces \texttt{PH/ph.x}.
\texttt{ph.x} calculates phonon frequencies and displacement
patterns, dielectric tensors, effective charges (uses data
produced by \texttt{pw.x}).
\texttt{make d3} produces \texttt{D3/d3.x}
\texttt{d3.x} calculates anharmonic phonon lifetimes (third-order
derivatives of the energy), using data produced by \texttt{pw.x}
and \texttt{ph.x}.
\texttt{make gamma} produces \texttt{Gamma/phcg.x}.
\texttt{phcg.x} is a version of \texttt{ph.x} that calculates
phonons at $\mathbf{q}=0$ using conjugate-gradient minimization of
the density functional expanded to second-order.
Only the $\Gamma$ ($\mathbf{q}=0$) point is used for Brillouin
zone integration.
It is faster and takes less memory than \texttt{ph.x}, but does
not support Ultrasoft pseudopotentials.
\texttt{make raman} produces \texttt{Raman/ram.x}.
\texttt{ram.x} calculates nonresonant Raman tensor coefficients
(derivatives of the polarizability wrt atomic displacements)
using the $(2n+1)$ theorem (written by Gernot Deinzer).
\texttt{make pp} produces several codes for data postprocessing, in
\texttt{PP/} (see list below).
\texttt{make tools} produces several utility programs, mostly for
phonon calculations, in \texttt{pwtools/} (see list below).
\texttt{make nc} produces \texttt{PWNC/pw.x}, the version of
\texttt{pw.x} that works with noncolinear magnetism
and spin-orbit splitting (experimental).
\texttt{make pwcond} produces \texttt{PWCOND/pwcond.x}, for
ballistic conductance calculations (experimental).
\texttt{make pwall} produces all of the above.
\texttt{make ld1} produces utilities for pseudopotential
generation in directory \texttt{atomic/} (see the specific
documentation in \texttt{atomic\_doc/}).
\texttt{make upf} produces utilities for pseudopotential
conversion in directory \texttt{upftools/} (see
``Pseudopotential'' section).
\texttt{make links} produces links to all executables in directory
\texttt{make all} produces all of the above, plus the CP and FPMD
codes (if present).
For the setup of the GUI, refer to the
\texttt{PWgui-}\emph{X.Y.Z}\texttt{/INSTALL} file, where \emph{X.Y.Z}
stands for the version number of the GUI (presently 0.6.2).
If you are using the CVS-sources, then see the \texttt{GUI/README}
file instead.
The codes for data postprocessing in \texttt{PP/} are:
\item \texttt{pp.x} extracts the specified data from files
produced by \texttt{pw.x} for further processing
\item \texttt{bands.x} extracts eigenvalues from files produced
by \texttt{pw.x} for band structure plotting
\item \texttt{projwfc.x} calculates projections of wavefunction
over atomic orbitals, performs L\"owdin population
analysis and calculates projected density of states
\item \texttt{chdens.x} plots data produced by \texttt{pp.x},
writing them into a format that is suitable for several
plotting programs
\item \texttt{plotrho.x} reads the output of \texttt{chdens.x},
produces PostScript 2-d contour plots
\item \texttt{plotband.x} reads the output of \texttt{bands.x},
produces band structure PostScript plots
\item \texttt{average.x} calculates planar averages of
\item \texttt{voronoy.x} divides the charge density into Voronoy
polyhedra (obsolete, use at your own risk)
\item \texttt{dos.x} calculates electronic Density of States
\item \texttt{pw2wan.x}: interface with a code calculating
Wannier functions, soon to be released: see
\item \texttt{pw2casino.x}: interface with \texttt{CASINO} code
for Quantum Monte Carlo calculation
The utility programs in \texttt{pwtools/} are:
\item \texttt{dynmat.x} calculates LO-TO splitting at
$\mathbf{q}=0$ in insulator, IR cross sections, from the
dynamical matrix produced by \texttt{ph.x}
\item \texttt{q2r.x} calculates Interatomic Force Constants ion
real space from dynamical matrices produced by
\texttt{ph.x} on a regular \textbf{q}-grid
\item \texttt{matdyn.x} produces phonon frequencies at a generic
wave vector using the Interatomic Force Constants
calculated by \texttt{q2r.x}; may also calculate phonon
\item \texttt{fqha.x} for quasi-harmonic calculations
\item \texttt{lambda.x} calculates the electron-phonon coefficient
$\lambda$ and the function $\alpha^2F(\omega)$
\item \texttt{dist.x} calculates distances and angles between
atoms in a cell, taking into account periodicity
\item \texttt{ev.x} fits energy-vs-volume data to an equation of
\item \texttt{kpoints.x} produces lists of k-points
\item \texttt{}, \texttt{} process
respectively input and output files (not data files!) for
\texttt{pw.x} and produce an XSF-formatted file suitable
for plotting with XCrySDen, a powerful crystalline and
molecular structure visualization program
BEWARE: the \texttt{} shell script requires the
\texttt{pwi2xsf.x} executables to be located somewhere in
your \texttt{\$PATH}.
\item \texttt{band\_plot.x}: undocumented and possibly obsolete
\item \texttt{bs.awk}, \texttt{mv.awk} are scripts that process
the output of \texttt{pw.x} (not data files!).
awk -f bs.awk < my-pw-file >
awk -f mv.awk < my-pw-file >
The files so produced are suitable for use with
\texttt{xbs}, a very simple X-windows utility to display
molecules, available at:\\