Ford-modules part 21

This commit is contained in:
fabrizio22 2021-03-12 17:51:01 +01:00
parent 7d4eaeaa9d
commit 46e469655e
4 changed files with 75 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -8,56 +8,70 @@
MODULE noncollin_module
!! Variables related to the case of noncollinear magnetism.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE parameters, ONLY : ntypx
npol, & ! number of coordinates of wfc
report, & ! print the local quantities (magnet. and rho)
! every #report iterations
nspin_lsda = 1, & ! =1 when nspin=1,4 =2 when nspin=2
nspin_mag = 1, & ! =1 when nspin=1,4 (domag=.false.), =2 when
! nspin=2, =4 nspin=4 (domag=.true.)
nspin_gga = 1, & ! =1 when nspin=1,4 (domag=.false.)
! =2 when nspin=2,4 (domag=.true.) (needed with gga)
i_cons = 0 ! indicator for constrained local quantities
INTEGER :: npol
!! number of coordinates of wfc
INTEGER :: report
!! print the local quantities (magnet. and rho) every #report iterations
INTEGER :: nspin_lsda = 1
!! equal to 1 when \(\text{nspin}=1,4\) and to 2 when \(\text{nspin}=2\)
INTEGER :: nspin_mag = 1
!! equal to 1 when \(\text{nspin}=1,4\) (\(\text{domag}=\text{FALSE}\)), to 2 when
!! \(\text{nspin}=2\) and to 4 when \(\text{nspin}=4\) (\(\text{domag}=\text{TRUE}\))
INTEGER :: nspin_gga = 1
!! equal to 1 when \(\text{nspin}=1,4\) (\(\text{domag}=\text{FALSE}\)), equal
!! to 2 when \(\text{nspin}=2,4\) (\(\text{domag}=\text{TRUE}\)) (needed with GGA)
INTEGER :: i_cons = 0
!! indicator for constrained local quantities
! ! when spherical (non-overlapping) integration
pointlist(:) ! regions are defined around atoms this index
! says for each point in the fft grid to which
! atom it is assigned (0 if no atom is selected)
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: pointlist(:)
!! when spherical (non-overlapping) integration regions are defined around
!! atoms this index says for each point in the fft grid to which atom
!! it is assigned (0 if no atom is selected).
noncolin, & ! true if noncollinear magnetism is allowed
lsign=.FALSE. ! if true use the sign feature to calculate
! rhoup and rhodw
LOGICAL :: noncolin
!! TRUE if noncollinear magnetism is allowed
LOGICAL :: lsign=.FALSE.
!! if TRUE use the sign feature to calculate rhoup and rhodw
REAL (DP) :: &
angle1(ntypx), &! Define the polar coordinates of the starting
angle2(ntypx), &! magnetization's direction for each atom
mcons(3,ntypx)=0.d0, &! constrained values for local variables
magtot_nc(3), &! total magnetization
bfield(3)=0.d0, &! magnetic field used in some cases
vtcon, &! contribution of the constraining fields to
! the total energy
r_m(ntypx) = 0.0d0, &! Radius for local integrations for each type
lambda ! prefactor in the penalty functional
! for constraints
REAL(DP) :: angle1(ntypx)
!! define the polar coordinates of the starting magnetization
!! direction for each atom - first angle
REAL(DP) :: angle2(ntypx)
!! starting mag. direction - second angle.
REAL(DP) :: mcons(3,ntypx)=0.d0
!! constrained values for local variables
REAL(DP) :: magtot_nc(3)
!! total magnetization
REAL(DP) :: bfield(3)=0.d0
!! magnetic field used in some cases
REAL(DP) :: vtcon
!! contribution of the constraining fields to the total energy
REAL(DP) :: r_m(ntypx)=0.0d0
!! radius for local integrations for each type
REAL(DP) :: lambda
!! prefactor in the penalty functional for constraints
factlist(:), &! weight factors for local integrations
m_loc(:,:) ! local integrated magnetization
REAL(DP) :: &
ux(3) ! versor for deciding signs in gga
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: factlist(:)
!! weight factors for local integrations
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: m_loc(:,:)
!! local integrated magnetization
REAL(DP) :: ux(3)
!! versor for deciding signs in GGA
SUBROUTINE deallocate_noncol()
!! Deallocates arrays related to noncollinear magnetism.
IF ( ALLOCATED( pointlist) ) DEALLOCATE( pointlist )
IF ( ALLOCATED( factlist ) ) DEALLOCATE( factlist )

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@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
! Aug 2018 (PG): reading of old xml input file using iotk deleted
MODULE open_close_input_file
!! Input file management.
USE io_global, ONLY : stdin, stdout, qestdin
@ -59,29 +61,27 @@ CONTAINS
FUNCTION open_input_file ( input_file_, is_xml) RESULT ( ierr )
! ... Open file for input read, connecting it to unit qestdin.
! ... If "input_file_" is not present, read it from command line
! ... If "input_file_" is empty, the standard input is dumped to
! ... temporary file "" and this is opened for read
! ... If optional variable is_xml is present, test if the file is a
! ... valid xml file.
! ... In parallel execution, must be called by a single processor
! ... On exit:
! ... ierr = -1 if standard input is successfuly dumped to file
! ... ierr = 0 if input file is successfully opened
! ... ierr = 1 if there was an error opening file
! ... If optional variable is_xml is present:
! ... is_xml=.true. if the file has extension '.xml' or '.XML'
! ... or if either <xml...> or <?xml...> is found as first token
! ... Module varliable input_file is set to the file name actually read
! ... ---------------------------------------------------------------
!! Open file for input read, connecting it to unit \(\text{qestdin}\).
!! If optional variable \(\text{is_xml}\) is present, test if the file is a
!! valid xml file.
!! In parallel execution, must be called by a single processor.
!! Module varliable input_file is set to the file name actually read.
CHARACTER (len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: input_file_
!! If \(\text{input_file_}\) is not present, read it from command line.
!! If \(\text{input_file_}\) is empty, the standard input is dumped to
!! temporary file "" and this is opened for read
LOGICAL, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: is_xml
!! \(\text{is_xml}=\text{TRUE}\) if the file has extension '.xml' or '.XML'
!! or if either <xml...> or <?xml...> is found as first token.
INTEGER :: ierr
!! On exit:
!! \(\text{ierr} = -1\) if standard input is successfuly dumped to file;
!! \(\text{ierr} = 0\) if input file is successfully opened;
!! \(\text{ierr} = 1\) if there was an error opening file.
LOGICAL :: is_xml_, is_tmp
INTEGER :: length
@ -169,9 +169,9 @@ END FUNCTION open_input_file
FUNCTION close_input_file ( ) RESULT ( ierr )
! ... this subroutine closes the input file opened by open_input_file
! ... also removes temporary file if data was dumped from stdin
! ... returns -1 if unit is not opened, 0 if no problem, > 0 if problems
!! This subroutine closes the input file opened by \(\texttt{open_input_file}\),
!! also removes temporary file if data was dumped from \(\text{stdin}\) and
!! returns -1 if unit is not opened, 0 if no problem, > 0 if problems.

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@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
MODULE parameters
!! Upper limits on k-points, atoms and supercell size.
@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ MODULE parameters
!! max number of atoms for DFT+U+V calculations
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: sc_size = 1
!! Defines the supercell in DFT+U+V as composed by the unit cells located
!! by (n1,n2,n3) in primitive vectors base with -sc_size <= ni <= sc_size,
!! \((2\text{sc_size}+1)^3\) is the number of cells.
!! by (n1,n2,n3) in primitive vectors base with \(-\text{sc_size} \leq ni
!! \leq \text{sc_size}\) and \((2\text{sc_size}+1)^3\) is the number of cells.
END MODULE parameters

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
MODULE parser
!! String parsing routines.
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE kinds, ONLY : DP