git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
giannozz 2012-03-12 06:49:38 +00:00
parent f46a3db7d9
commit 3b96ff4cbf
1 changed files with 115 additions and 134 deletions

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@ -127,7 +127,9 @@ or \make\ from the \texttt{CPV/} subdirectory produces the following codes in \t
\item \cpx: Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics
\item \texttt{cppp.x}: postprocessing code for \cpx.
\item \texttt{cppp.x}: postprocessing code for \cpx
\item \texttt{wfdd.x}: utility code for finding maximally
localized Wannier functions using damped dynamics.
Symlinks to executable programs will be placed in the \texttt{bin/} subdirectory.
@ -141,7 +143,7 @@ You may take the tests and examples distributed
with \CP\ as templates for writing your own input
files. Input files for tests are contained
in \texttt{tests/} subdirectory with file type
{\texttt *.in1, *.in2, ...}/ Input file for examples
\texttt{*.in1}, \texttt{*.in2}, ... . Input file for examples
are produced if you run the examples in the
\texttt{results/} subdirectories, with names ending
with \texttt{.in}.
@ -151,6 +153,117 @@ to run in parallel execution, please see the general User's Guide. \CP\ current
of both MPI and OpenMP parallelization. The
``plane-wave'', ``linear-algebra'' and ``task-group''
parallelization levels are implemented.
\section{Input data}
Input data for \cpx\ is organized into several namelists, followed by other fields
introduced by keywords. The namelists are
\&CONTROL:& general variables controlling the run\\
\&SYSTEM: &structural information on the system under investigation\\
\&ELECTRONS: &electronic variables, electron dynamics\\
\&IONS : &ionic variables, ionic dynamics\\
\&CELL (optional): &variable-cell dynamics\\
The \texttt{\&CELL} namelist may be omitted for
fixed-cell calculations. This depends on the value of variable \texttt{calculation}
in namelist \&CONTROL. Most variables in namelists have default values. Only
the following variables in \&SYSTEM must always be specified:
\texttt{ibrav} & (integer)& Bravais-lattice index\\
\texttt{celldm} &(real, dimension 6)& crystallographic constants\\
\texttt{nat} &(integer)& number of atoms in the unit cell\\
\texttt{ntyp} &(integer)& number of types of atoms in the unit cell\\
\texttt{ecutwfc} &(real)& kinetic energy cutoff (Ry) for wavefunctions.
\end{tabular} \\).
Explanations for the meaning of variables \texttt{ibrav} and \texttt{celldm},
as well as on alternative ways to input structural data,
are contained in files \texttt{Doc/INPUT\_CP.*}. These files are the reference for input data and describe
a large number of other variables as well. Almost all variables have default
values, which may or may not fit your needs.
After the namelists, you have several fields (``cards'')
introduced by keywords with self-explanatory names:
CELL\_PARAMETERS (optional)\\
OCCUPATIONS (optional)\\
The keywords may be followed on the same line by an option. Unknown
fields are ignored.
See the files mentioned above for details on the available ``cards''.
\subsection{Data files}
The output data files are written in the directory specified by variable
\texttt{outdir}, with names specified by variable \texttt{prefix} (a string that is prepended
to all file names, whose default value is: \texttt{prefix='pwscf'}). The \texttt{iotk}
toolkit is used to write the file in a XML format, whose definition can
be found in the Developer Manual. In order to use the data directory
on a different machine, you need to convert the binary files to formatted
and back, using the \texttt{bin/iotk} script.
The execution stops if you create a file \texttt{prefix.EXIT} in the working
directory. NOTA BENE: this is the directory where the program
is executed, NOT the directory \texttt{outdir} defined in input, where files
are written. Note that with some versions of MPI, the working directory
is the directory where the \pwx\ executable is! The advantage of this
procedure is that all files are properly closed, whereas just killing
the process may leave data and output files in unusable state.
\subsection{Format of arrays containing charge density, potential, etc.}
The index of arrays used to store functions defined on 3D meshes is
actually a shorthand for three indices, following the FORTRAN convention
("leftmost index runs faster"). An example will explain this better.
Suppose you have a 3D array \texttt{psi(nr1x,nr2x,nr3x)}. FORTRAN
compilers store this array sequentially in the computer RAM in the following way:
psi( 1, 1, 1)
psi( 2, 1, 1)
psi(nr1x, 1, 1)
psi( 1, 2, 1)
psi( 2, 2, 1)
psi(nr1x, 2, 1)
psi(nr1x,nr2x, 1)
Let \texttt{ind} be the position of the \texttt{(i,j,k)} element in the above list:
the following relation
ind = i + (j - 1) * nr1x + (k - 1) * nr2x * nr1x
holds. This should clarify the relation between 1D and 3D indexing. In real
space, the \texttt{(i,j,k)} point of the FFT grid with dimensions
\texttt{nr1} ($\le$\texttt{nr1x}),
\texttt{nr2} ($\le$\texttt{nr2x}), , \texttt{nr3} ($\le$\texttt{nr3x}), is
r_{ijk}=\frac{i-1}{nr1} \tau_1 + \frac{j-1}{nr2} \tau_2 +
\frac{k-1}{nr3} \tau_3
where the $\tau_i$ are the basis vectors of the Bravais lattice.
The latter are stored row-wise in the \texttt{at} array:
$\tau_1 = $ \texttt{at(:, 1)},
$\tau_2 = $ \texttt{at(:, 2)},
$\tau_3 = $ \texttt{at(:, 3)}.
The distinction between the dimensions of the FFT grid,
\texttt{(nr1,nr2,nr3)} and the physical dimensions of the array,
\texttt{(nr1x,nr2x,nr3x)} is done only because it is computationally
convenient in some cases that the two sets are not the same.
In particular, it is often convenient to have \texttt{nrx1}=\texttt{nr1}+1
to reduce memory conflicts.
\section{Using \CP}
@ -235,139 +348,7 @@ An example of input file (Benzene Molecule):
You can find the description of the input variables in file
\subsection{Input data}
Input data for \cpx,
is organized as several namelists, followed by other fields
introduced by keywords. The namelists are
\&CONTROL:& general variables controlling the run\\
\&SYSTEM: &structural information on the system under investigation\\
\&ELECTRONS: &electronic variables: self-consistency, smearing\\
\&IONS (optional): &ionic variables: relaxation, dynamics\\
\&CELL (optional): &variable-cell optimization or dynamics\\
\end{tabular} \\
Optional namelist may be omitted if the calculation to be performed
does not require them. This depends on the value of variable calculation
in namelist \&CONTROL. Most variables in namelists have default values. Only
the following variables in \&SYSTEM must always be specified:
\texttt{ibrav} & (integer)& Bravais-lattice index\\
\texttt{celldm} &(real, dimension 6)& crystallographic constants\\
\texttt{nat} &(integer)& number of atoms in the unit cell\\
\texttt{ntyp} &(integer)& number of types of atoms in the unit cell\\
\texttt{ecutwfc} &(real)& kinetic energy cutoff (Ry) for wavefunctions.
\end{tabular} \\
For metallic systems, you have to specify how metallicity is treated
variable \texttt{occupations}. If you choose \texttt{occupations='smearing'},
you have
to specify the smearing width \texttt{degauss} and optionally the smearing
\texttt{smearing}. Spin-polarized systems must be treated as metallic system, except the
special case of a single k-point, for which occupation numbers can be fixed
(\texttt{occupations='from input'} and card OCCUPATIONS).
Explanations for the meaning of variables \texttt{ibrav} and \texttt{celldm},
as well as on alternative ways to input structural data,
are in files \texttt{Doc/INPUT\_PW.*} (for \pwx) and \texttt{Doc/INPUT\_CP.*}
(for \cpx). These files are the reference for input data and describe
a large number of other variables as well. Almost all variables have default
values, which may or may not fit your needs.
After the namelists, you have several fields (``cards'')
introduced by keywords with self-explanatory names:
CELL\_PARAMETERS (optional)\\
OCCUPATIONS (optional)\\
The keywords may be followed on the same line by an option. Unknown
fields are ignored by.
See the files mentioned above for details on the available ``cards''.
Note about k points: The k-point grid can be either automatically generated
or manually provided as a list of k-points and a weight in the Irreducible
Brillouin Zone only of the Bravais lattice of the crystal. The code will
generate (unless instructed not to do so: see variable \texttt{nosym}) all
required k-point
and weights if the symmetry of the system is lower than the symmetry of the
Bravais lattice. The automatic generation of k-points follows the convention
of Monkhorst and Pack.
\subsection{Data files}
The output data files are written in the directory specified by variable
\texttt{outdir}, with names specified by variable \texttt{prefix} (a string that is prepended
to all file names, whose default value is: \texttt{prefix='pwscf'}). The \texttt{iotk}
toolkit is used to write the file in a XML format, whose definition can
be found in the Developer Manual. In order to use the data directory
on a different machine, you need to convert the binary files to formatted
and back, using the \texttt{bin/iotk} script.
The execution stops if you create a file \texttt{prefix.EXIT} in the working
directory. NOTA BENE: this is the directory where the program
is executed, NOT the directory \texttt{outdir} defined in input, where files
are written. Note that with some versions of MPI, the working directory
is the directory where the \pwx\ executable is! The advantage of this
procedure is that all files are properly closed, whereas just killing
the process may leave data and output files in unusable state.
\subsection{Format of arrays containing charge density, potential, etc.}
The index of arrays used to store functions defined on 3D meshes is
actually a shorthand for three indices, following the FORTRAN convention
("leftmost index runs faster"). An example will explain this better.
Suppose you have a 3D array \texttt{psi(nr1x,nr2x,nr3x)}. FORTRAN
compilers store this array sequentially in the computer RAM in the following way:
psi( 1, 1, 1)
psi( 2, 1, 1)
psi(nr1x, 1, 1)
psi( 1, 2, 1)
psi( 2, 2, 1)
psi(nr1x, 2, 1)
psi(nr1x,nr2x, 1)
Let \texttt{ind} be the position of the \texttt{(i,j,k)} element in the above list:
the following relation
ind = i + (j - 1) * nr1x + (k - 1) * nr2x * nr1x
holds. This should clarify the relation between 1D and 3D indexing. In real
space, the \texttt{(i,j,k)} point of the FFT grid with dimensions
\texttt{nr1} ($\le$\texttt{nr1x}),
\texttt{nr2} ($\le$\texttt{nr2x}), , \texttt{nr3} ($\le$\texttt{nr3x}), is
r_{ijk}=\frac{i-1}{nr1} \tau_1 + \frac{j-1}{nr2} \tau_2 +
\frac{k-1}{nr3} \tau_3
where the $\tau_i$ are the basis vectors of the Bravais lattice.
The latter are stored row-wise in the \texttt{at} array:
$\tau_1 = $ \texttt{at(:, 1)},
$\tau_2 = $ \texttt{at(:, 2)},
$\tau_3 = $ \texttt{at(:, 3)}.
The distinction between the dimensions of the FFT grid,
\texttt{(nr1,nr2,nr3)} and the physical dimensions of the array,
\texttt{(nr1x,nr2x,nr3x)} is done only because it is computationally
convenient in some cases that the two sets are not the same.
In particular, it is often convenient to have \texttt{nrx1}=\texttt{nr1}+1
to reduce memory conflicts.
\subsection{Reaching the electronic ground state}
The first run, when starting from scratch, is always an electronic