Some non-critical changes before 4.3. These changes are non-final. Please

consult S.Baroni or R.Gebauer

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
obm 2011-03-04 10:08:08 +00:00
parent eb13e9e139
commit 34be833e7d
3 changed files with 118 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
Please see Examples directory for the format of the input file
prefix pwscf
Sets the prefix for generated and read files. The files
generated by the ground state pw.x run should have this
same prefix.
outdir ./
The directory that contains the run critical files, which
include the files generated by ground state pw.x run.
wfcdir unset
The directory where the scratch files will be written and read.
Restart related files are always written to outdir.
restart .false.
When set to .true., turbo lanczos.x will attempt to restart
from a previous interrupted calculation. (see restart_step
restart_step itermax
The code writes restart files every restart step iterations.
Restart files are automatically written at the end of itermax
Lanczos steps.
lr verbosity 1
This integer variable controls the amount of information written
in standard output.
itermax 500
Number of iterations to be performed.
ipol 1
An integer variable that determines which element of the
dynamical polarizabil- ity will be computed: 1 → αxx(ω),
2 → αyy(ω), and 3 → αzz(ω). When set to 4, three Lanczos chains
are sequentially performed and the full polarizability tensor
and the absorption coefficient are computed.
nipol 1 if ipol < 4; 3 if ipol=4
Determines the number of zeta coefficients to be calculated for
a given polarization direction.
ltammd .false.
When set to .true. the Tamm-Dancoff approximation is used in
constructing the Liouvillian.
no_hxc .false.
When set to .true. the change in the internal field (Hartree and
exchange-correlation) is ignored in the calculation, resulting
in an independent electron approximation.
charge_response 0
When set to 1, the code computes the response of the charge
density and writes it into a file format determined by the
variable plot type. Setting charge response to 1 makes the
presence of the card lr post mandatory.
omeg 0.0
The response of the charge density is calculated for this
transition energy (in Rydberg units)
epsil 0.0
The broadening/damping term (in Rydberg units).
beta gamma_z_prefix pwscf
The prefix of the file where the beta gamma zeta coefficients
from the first calculation can be set manually using this
parameter. The file outdir/beta gamma z prefix.beta gamma z.x
(where x=1-3) must exist.
w_T_npol 1
Number of polarization directions considered in the previous
calculation. It must be set to 3 if in the previous calculation
ipol=4, it must be set to 1 otherwise.
plot type 1
An integer variable that determines the format of the file
containing the charge density response. 1: A file containing
the x y z grid coordinates and the corre- sponding value of the
density is produced 2: The density response is written in
Xcrysden format 3: The density response is written in the
gaussian cube format

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Please see examples for the format of the input file
prefix pwscf
Prefix of the files generated by the previous turbo_lanczos.x
outdir ./
The directory where the output files produced by the previous
turbo_lanczos.x run are stored.
itermax0 500
Number of Lanczos coefficients to be read from the file.
itermax 500
The total number of Lanczos coefficients that will be considered
in the calculation of the polarizability/absorption
coefficient. If itermax >itermax0, the Lanczos coefficients
in between itermax0+1 and itermax will be extrapolated.
terminator no
Sets the extrapolation scheme. osc= biconstant extrapolation;
constant=constant extrapolation; no=no extrapolation.
epsil 0.02
The broadening/damping term (in Rydberg units).
units 0
Unit system used. 0: Rydbergs; 1: Electron volts
2: Nanometers/Electron volts
start 0.0
The polarizability and the absorption coefficient are computed
starting from this value. In units set by the units variable.
end 2.5
The polarizability and the absorption coefficient are computed
up to this value. In units set by the units variable.
increment 0.001
Incremental step used to define the mesh between start and end.
In units set by the units variable.
ipol 1
An integer variable that determines which element of the
dynamical polarizability will be computed:
1 → αxx(ω), 2 → αyy(ω), and 3 → αzz(ω). When set to 4
the polarizability tensor and oscillator strength function
are computed.
verbosity 0
This integer variable Controls the output verbosity.

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@ -61,9 +61,15 @@ PROGRAM lr_main
CALL environment_start ( 'TDDFPT' )
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"----------------------------------------")' )
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"This is TDDFPT (Time Dependent Density Functional Perturbation Theory)")' )
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Sub Version: BETA 1 ")' )
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Sub Version: 0.9 ")' )
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"")' )
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Please cite this project as: ")' )
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"O.B.Malcioglu, R. Gebauer, D. Rocca, S. Baroni,")' )
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"""turboTDDFT a code for the simulation of molecular")' )
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"spectra using the Liouville-Lanczos approach to")' )
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"time-dependent density-functional perturbation theory""")' )
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"CPC, (in press)")' )
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"----------------------------------------")' )
CALL start_clock('lr_main')