Missing variables initialization.

In some cases this can cause issues if the compiler does not set to 0
but to random values.
This commit is contained in:
Samuel Ponce 2020-08-13 18:44:33 +02:00
parent 3af2945d8e
commit 2ad2c31a36
4 changed files with 17 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
!! Set of symmetry operations
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: irt(48, nat)
!! For each atoms give the rotated atoms
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(inout) :: sxq(3, 48)
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: sxq(3, 48)
!! Symmetry matrix
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(inout) :: rtau(3, 48, nat)
!! the relative position of the rotated atom to the original one
@ -132,8 +132,6 @@
INTEGER :: nqs
INTEGER :: axis
INTEGER :: nrws
INTEGER :: ierr
@ -205,8 +203,8 @@
COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dyn(:, :, :, :) ! 3,3,nat,nat
!! Dynamical matrix
axis = 3
q(:, :) = zero
! the call to set_ndnmbr is just a trick to get quickly
! a file label by exploiting an existing subroutine
! (if you look at the sub you will find that the original

View File

@ -415,6 +415,7 @@
bmat(:, :, :, :) = czero
cu(:, :, :) = czero
cuq(:, :, :) = czero
sxq(:, :) = zero
! read interatomic force constat matrix from q2r
IF (lifc) THEN
@ -496,7 +497,7 @@
INQUIRE(FILE = TRIM(filename), EXIST = exst)
IF (.NOT. exst) CALL errore('elphon_shuffle_wrap', &
'cannot open file for reading or writing', ierr)
CALL read_disp_pattern_only (iunpattern, filename, iq_irr, ierr)
CALL read_disp_pattern_only(iunpattern, filename, iq_irr, ierr)
IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('elphon_shuffle_wrap', ' Problem with modes file', 1)
@ -533,7 +534,7 @@
! ######################### star of q #########################
sym_smallq(:) = 0
CALL star_q2(xq, at, bg, nsym, s, invs, nq, sxq, isq, imq, .TRUE., sym_smallq)
CALL star_q2(xq, at, bg, nsym, s, invs, t_rev, nq, sxq, isq, imq, .TRUE., sym_smallq)
IF (fixsym) THEN
IF (epw_noinv) imq = 1 ! Any non-zero integer is ok.
@ -719,7 +720,7 @@
! are equal to 5+ digits).
! For any volunteers, please write to giustino@civet.berkeley.edu
CALL elphon_shuffle(iq_irr, nqc_irr, nqc, gmapsym(:,isym1), eigv(:,isym1), isym, xq0, .FALSE.)
CALL elphon_shuffle(iq_irr, nqc_irr, nqc, gmapsym(:, isym1), eigv(:, isym1), isym, xq0, .FALSE.)
! bring epmatq in the mode representation of iq_first,
! and then in the cartesian representation of iq
@ -763,7 +764,7 @@
xq0 = -xq0
CALL elphon_shuffle(iq_irr, nqc_irr, nqc, gmapsym(:,isym1), eigv(:,isym1), isym, xq0, .TRUE.)
CALL elphon_shuffle(iq_irr, nqc_irr, nqc, gmapsym(:, isym1), eigv(:, isym1), isym, xq0, .TRUE.)
! bring epmatq in the mode representation of iq_first,
! and then in the cartesian representation of iq

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@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
SUBROUTINE star_q2(xq, at, bg, nsym, s, invs, nq, sxq, isq, imq, verbosity, sym_smallq)
SUBROUTINE star_q2(xq, at, bg, nsym, s, invs, t_rev, nq, sxq, isq, imq, verbosity, sym_smallq)
!! Generate the star of q vectors that are equivalent to the input one
@ -457,6 +457,8 @@
!! Symmetry operations
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: invs(48)
!! list of inverse operation indices
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: t_rev(48)
!! Time-reveral sym
INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: nq
!! degeneracy of the star of q
INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: isq(48)
@ -469,7 +471,7 @@
!! direct lattice vectors
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: bg(3, 3)
!! reciprocal lattice vectors
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: sxq(3, 48)
REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(inout) :: sxq(3, 48)
!! list of vectors in the star of q
! Local variables
@ -499,6 +501,7 @@
!! Tolerence
zero(:) = 0.d0
saq(:, :) = 0.0d0
! go to crystal coordinates
@ -525,6 +528,8 @@
+ bg(i, 2) * raq(2) &
+ bg(i, 3) * raq(3)
IF (t_rev(isym) == 1) raq = -raq
DO iq = 1, nq
IF (eqvect(raq, saq(1, iq), zero, accep)) THEN
isq(isym) = iq

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@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ subroutine star_q1(xq, at, bg, nsym, s, invs, nq, sxq, isq, imq, verbosity,&
zero(:) = 0.d0
saq(:, :) = 0.0d0
! go to crystal coordinates
@ -176,6 +177,7 @@ subroutine star_q (xq, at, bg, nsym, s, invs, nq, sxq, isq, imq, verbosity)
zero(:) = 0.d0
saq(:, :) = 0.0d0
! go to crystal coordinates