Ford-modules part 10

This commit is contained in:
fabrizio22 2021-02-24 18:22:39 +01:00
parent 739fd43748
commit 244657bc6e
6 changed files with 159 additions and 134 deletions

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@ -9,15 +9,13 @@
MODULE qeh5_base_module
!! This module contains the basic interface for basic operation for
!! serial I/O in HDF5 format. The parallel interface remains in file
!! hdf5_qe.f90 file.
!! author N. Varini, P. Delugas.
!! Last revision June 2017
! this module contains the basic interface for basic operation for
! serial I/O in HDF5 format. The parallel interface remains in file
! hdf5_qe.f90 file.
! author N. Varini, P. Delugas
! last revision June 2017
#if defined(__HDF5)
USE hdf5

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@ -10,23 +10,26 @@
subroutine recips (a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3)
! This routine generates the reciprocal lattice vectors b1,b2,b3
! given the real space vectors a1,a2,a3. The b's are units of 2 pi/a.
! first the input variables
!! This routine generates the reciprocal lattice vectors \(b_1,b_2,b_3\)
!! given the real space vectors \(a_1,a_2,a_3\). The \(b\)'s are units of
!! \(2 \pi/a\).
use kinds, ONLY: DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: a1 (3), a2 (3), a3 (3), b1 (3), b2 (3), b3 (3)
! input: first direct lattice vector
! input: second direct lattice vector
! input: third direct lattice vector
! output: first reciprocal lattice vector
! output: second reciprocal lattice vector
! output: third reciprocal lattice vector
real(DP) :: a1 (3)
!! input: first direct lattice vector
real(DP) :: a2 (3)
!! input: second direct lattice vector
real(DP) :: a3 (3)
!! input: third direct lattice vector
real(DP) :: b1 (3)
!! output: first reciprocal lattice vector
real(DP) :: b2 (3)
!! output: second reciprocal lattice vector
real(DP) :: b3 (3)
!! output: third reciprocal lattice vector
! then the local variables
! ... local variables
real(DP) :: den, s
! the denominator

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@ -8,71 +8,72 @@
MODULE gvect
! ... variables describing the reciprocal lattice vectors
! ... G vectors with |G|^2 < ecutrho, cut-off for charge density
! ... With gamma tricks, G-vectors are divided into two half-spheres,
! ... G> and G<, containing G and -G (G=0 is in G>)
! ... This is referred to as the "dense" (or "hard", or "thick") grid
!! Variables describing the reciprocal lattice vectors
!! G vectors with |G|^2 < ecutrho, cut-off for charge density
!! With gamma tricks, G-vectors are divided into two half-spheres,
!! G> and G<, containing G and -G (G=0 is in G>)
!! This is referred to as the "dense" (or "hard", or "thick") grid
USE kinds, ONLY: DP
INTEGER :: ngm = 0 ! local number of G vectors (on this processor)
! with gamma tricks, only vectors in G>
INTEGER :: ngm_g= 0 ! global number of G vectors (summed on all procs)
! in serial execution, ngm_g = ngm
INTEGER :: ngl = 0 ! number of G-vector shells
INTEGER :: ngmx = 0 ! local number of G vectors, maximum across all procs
INTEGER :: ngm = 0
!! local number of G vectors (on this processor) with gamma tricks, only
!! vectors in G>
INTEGER :: ngm_g = 0
!! global number of G vectors (summed on all procs) in serial execution,
!! \(\text{ngm}_g = \text{ngm}\).
INTEGER :: ngl = 0
!! number of G-vector shells
INTEGER :: ngmx = 0
!! local number of G vectors, maximum across all procs
REAL(DP) :: ecutrho = 0.0_DP ! energy cut-off for charge density
REAL(DP) :: gcutm = 0.0_DP ! ecutrho/(2 pi/a)^2, cut-off for |G|^2
REAL(DP) :: ecutrho = 0.0_DP
!! energy cut-off for charge density
REAL(DP) :: gcutm = 0.0_DP
!! \(\text{ecutrho}/(2 \pi/a)^2\), cut-off for \(\|G\|^2\)
INTEGER :: gstart = 2 ! index of the first G vector whose module is > 0
! Needed in parallel execution: gstart=2 for the
! proc that holds G=0, gstart=1 for all others
INTEGER :: gstart = 2
!! index of the first G vector whose module is > 0. Needed in parallel
!execution: gstart=2 for the proc that holds G=0, gstart=1 for all others.
! G^2 in increasing order (in units of tpiba2=(2pi/a)^2)
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: gg_d(:) ! device
!! \(G^2\) in increasing order (in units of \(\text{tpiba2}=(2\pi/a)^2\) )
!! device
! gl(i) = i-th shell of G^2 (in units of tpiba2)
! igtongl(n) = shell index for n-th G-vector
!! gl(i) = i-th shell of G^2 (in units of tpiba2)
!! igtongl(n) = shell index for n-th G-vector
! Duplicate of the above variables (new style duplication).
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: gl_d(:) ! device
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: igtongl_d(:) ! device
! G-vectors cartesian components ( in units tpiba =(2pi/a) )
!! G-vectors cartesian components ( in units \(\text{tpiba} =(2\pi/a)\) )
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: g_d(:,:) ! device
! mill = miller index of G vectors (local to each processor)
! G(:) = mill(1)*bg(:,1)+mill(2)*bg(:,2)+mill(3)*bg(:,3)
! where bg are the reciprocal lattice basis vectors
!! miller index of G vectors (local to each processor)
!! G(:) = mill(1)*bg(:,1)+mill(2)*bg(:,2)+mill(3)*bg(:,3)
!! where bg are the reciprocal lattice basis vectors.
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: mill_d(:,:) ! device
! ig_l2g = converts a local G-vector index into the global index
! ("l2g" means local to global): ig_l2g(i) = index of i-th
! local G-vector in the global array of G-vectors
! mill_g = miller index of all G vectors
!! converts a local G-vector index into the global index
!! ("l2g" means local to global): ig\_l2g(i) = index of i-th
!! local G-vector in the global array of G-vectors
!! Miller index of all G vectors
! the phases e^{-iG*tau_s} used to calculate structure factors
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: eigts1(:,:), eigts2(:,:), eigts3(:,:)
!! the phases \(e^{-iG\text{tau}_s}\) used to calculate structure factors.
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: eigts2(:,:), eigts3(:,:)
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: eigts1_d(:,:) ! device
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: eigts2_d(:,:)
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: eigts3_d(:,:)
@ -85,13 +86,14 @@
SUBROUTINE gvect_init( ngm_ , comm )
! Set local and global dimensions, allocate arrays
!! Set local and global dimensions, allocate arrays
USE mp, ONLY: mp_max, mp_sum
USE control_flags, ONLY : use_gpu
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: comm ! communicator of the group on which g-vecs are distributed
!! communicator of the group on which g-vecs are distributed
ngm = ngm_
@ -123,6 +125,8 @@
SUBROUTINE deallocate_gvect(vc)
!! Deallocate G-vector related arrays.
USE control_flags, ONLY : use_gpu
@ -170,9 +174,8 @@
SUBROUTINE gshells ( vc )
! calculate number of G shells: ngl, and the index ng = igtongl(ig)
! that gives the shell index ng for (local) G-vector of index ig
!! Calculate number of G shells: ngl, and the index ng = igtongl(ig)
!! that gives the shell index ng for (local) G-vector of index ig.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE constants, ONLY : eps8
@ -229,6 +232,9 @@
MODULE gvecs
!! G vectors with \(\|G\|^2 < 4*\text{ecutwfc}\), cut-off for wavefunctions
!! ("smooth" grid). Gamma tricks and units as for the "dense" grid.
USE kinds, ONLY: DP
@ -237,25 +243,33 @@
! ... G vectors with |G|^2 < 4*ecutwfc, cut-off for wavefunctions
! ... ("smooth" grid). Gamma tricks and units as for the "dense" grid
INTEGER :: ngms = 0 ! local number of smooth vectors (on this processor)
INTEGER :: ngms_g=0 ! global number of smooth vectors (summed on procs)
! in serial execution this is equal to ngms
INTEGER :: ngsx = 0 ! local number of smooth vectors, max across procs
INTEGER :: ngms = 0
!! local number of smooth vectors (on this processor)
INTEGER :: ngms_g=0
!! global number of smooth vectors (summed on procs)
!! in serial execution this is equal to ngms
INTEGER :: ngsx = 0
!! local number of smooth vectors, max across procs
REAL(DP) :: ecuts = 0.0_DP ! energy cut-off = 4*ecutwfc
REAL(DP) :: gcutms= 0.0_DP ! ecuts/(2 pi/a)^2, cut-off for |G|^2
REAL(DP) :: ecuts = 0.0_DP
!! energy cut-off = 4*ecutwfc
REAL(DP) :: gcutms= 0.0_DP
!! ecuts/(2 pi/a)^2, cut-off for |G|^2
REAL(DP) :: dual = 0.0_DP ! ecutrho=dual*ecutwfc
LOGICAL :: doublegrid = .FALSE. ! true if smooth and dense grid differ
! doublegrid = (dual > 4)
REAL(DP) :: dual = 0.0_DP
!! ecutrho=dual*ecutwfc
LOGICAL :: doublegrid = .FALSE.
!! true if smooth and dense grid differ. doublegrid = (dual > 4)
SUBROUTINE gvecs_init( ngs_ , comm )
!! G-vector initialization
USE mp, ONLY: mp_max, mp_sum
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: comm ! communicator of the group on which g-vecs are distributed
!! communicator of the group on which g-vecs are distributed
ngms = ngs_

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@ -9,9 +9,8 @@
MODULE recvec_subs
! ... subroutines generating G-vectors and variables nl* needed to map
! ... G-vector components onto the FFT grid(s) in reciprocal space
!! Subroutines generating G-vectors and variables nl* needed to map
!! G-vector components onto the FFT grid(s) in reciprocal space.
USE kinds, ONLY : dp
USE fft_types, ONLY: fft_stick_index, fft_type_descriptor
@ -30,11 +29,10 @@ CONTAINS
SUBROUTINE ggen ( dfftp, gamma_only, at, bg, gcutm, ngm_g, ngm, &
g, gg, mill, ig_l2g, gstart, no_global_sort )
! This routine generates all the reciprocal lattice vectors
! contained in the sphere of radius gcutm. Furthermore it
! computes the indices nl which give the correspondence
! between the fft mesh points and the array of g vectors.
!! This routine generates all the reciprocal lattice vectors
!! contained in the sphere of radius gcutm. Furthermore it
!! computes the indices nl which give the correspondence
!! between the fft mesh points and the array of g vectors.
USE mp, ONLY: mp_rank, mp_size, mp_sum
USE constants, ONLY : eps8
@ -271,27 +269,24 @@ CONTAINS
SUBROUTINE ggens( dffts, gamma_only, at, g, gg, mill, gcutms, ngms, &
gs, ggs )
! Initialize number and indices of g-vectors for a subgrid,
! for exactly the same ordering as for the original FFT grid
!! Initialize number and indices of g-vectors for a subgrid,
!! for exactly the same ordering as for the original FFT grid
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: gamma_only
TYPE (fft_type_descriptor), INTENT(INOUT) :: dffts
! primitive lattice vectors
!! primitive lattice vectors
REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: at(3,3)
! G-vectors in FFT grid
!! G-vectors in FFT grid
REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: g(:,:), gg(:)
! Miller indices for G-vectors of FFT grid
!! Miller indices for G-vectors of FFT grid
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: mill(:,:)
! cutoff for subgrid
!! cutoff for subgrid
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN):: gcutms
! Local number of G-vectors in subgrid
!! Local number of G-vectors in subgrid
! Optionally: G-vectors and modules
!! Optionally: G-vectors and modules
INTEGER :: i, ng, ngm

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@ -8,12 +8,20 @@
SUBROUTINE remove_tot_torque( nat, tau, mass, force )
!! This routine sets to zero the total torque associated to the internal
!! forces acting on the atoms by correcting the force vector.
! ... This routine sets to zero the total torque associated to the internal
! ... forces acting on the atoms by correcting the force vector.
!! The algorithm is based on the following expressions ( F' is the
!! torqueless force ) :
!! $$ {\bf m} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_i d {\bf R}_i\times {\bf F}_i $$
!! $$ {\bf F}_i' = {\bf F}_i - \frac{1}{\|d {\bf R}_i\|^2} {\bf m} \times d {\bf R}_i $$
!! with \( d {\bf R}_i = {\bf R}_i - {\bf R}_\text{cm} \)
!! Written by Carlo Sbraccia (2006).
! ... The algorithm is based on the following expressions ( F' is the
! ... torqueless force ) :
! _
! _ 1 \ __ _ __ _ _
! ... m = --- /_ dR_i /\ F_i , dR_i = ( R_i - R_cm ) ,
@ -24,16 +32,20 @@ SUBROUTINE remove_tot_torque( nat, tau, mass, force )
! |dR_i|^2
! ... written by carlo sbraccia (2006)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: tau(3,nat)
!! number of atoms
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: tau(3,nat)
!! atomic positions
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: mass(nat)
!! atomic mass
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: force(3,nat)
!! force on atoms
! ... local variables
REAL(DP) :: m(3), mo(3), tauref(3), delta(3), sumf(3)

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@ -8,18 +8,19 @@
subroutine hpsort_eps (n, ra, ind, eps)
! sort an array ra(1:n) into ascending order using heapsort algorithm,
! and considering two elements being equal if their values differ
! for less than "eps".
! n is input, ra is replaced on output by its sorted rearrangement.
! create an index table (ind) by making an exchange in the index array
! whenever an exchange is made on the sorted data array (ra).
! in case of equal values in the data array (ra) the values in the
! index array (ind) are used to order the entries.
! if on input ind(1) = 0 then indices are initialized in the routine,
! if on input ind(1) != 0 then indices are assumed to have been
! initialized before entering the routine and these
! indices are carried around during the sorting process
!! Sort an array ra(1:n) into ascending order using heapsort algorithm,
!! and considering two elements being equal if their values differ
!! for less than "eps".
!! \(\text{n}\) is input, \(\text{ra}\) is replaced on output by its
!! sorted rearrangement.
!! Create an index table (ind) by making an exchange in the index array
!! whenever an exchange is made on the sorted data array (\(\text{ra}\)).
!! In case of equal values in the data array (\(\text{ra}\)) the values
!! in the index array (ind) are used to order the entries.
!! If on input ind(1) = 0 then indices are initialized in the routine,
!! if on input ind(1) != 0 then indices are assumed to have been
!! initialized before entering the routine and these indices are carried
!! around during the sorting process.
! no work space needed !
! free us from machine-dependent sorting-routines !
@ -134,16 +135,17 @@ end subroutine hpsort_eps
subroutine hpsort (n, ra, ind)
! sort an array ra(1:n) into ascending order using heapsort algorithm.
! n is input, ra is replaced on output by its sorted rearrangement.
! create an index table (ind) by making an exchange in the index array
! whenever an exchange is made on the sorted data array (ra).
! in case of equal values in the data array (ra) the values in the
! index array (ind) are used to order the entries.
! if on input ind(1) = 0 then indices are initialized in the routine,
! if on input ind(1) != 0 then indices are assumed to have been
! initialized before entering the routine and these
! indices are carried around during the sorting process
!! Sort an array ra(1:n) into ascending order using heapsort algorithm.
!! \(\text{n}\) is input, \(\text{ra}\) is replaced on output by its
!! sorted rearrangement.
!! Create an index table (ind) by making an exchange in the index array
!! whenever an exchange is made on the sorted data array (ra).
!! In case of equal values in the data array (ra) the values in the
!! index array (ind) are used to order the entries.
!! If on input ind(1) = 0 then indices are initialized in the routine,
!! If on input ind(1) != 0 then indices are assumed to have been
!! initialized before entering the routine and these indices are carried
!! around during the sorting process.
! no work space needed !
! free us from machine-dependent sorting-routines !
@ -251,16 +253,17 @@ end subroutine hpsort
subroutine ihpsort (n, ia, ind)
! sort an integer array ia(1:n) into ascending order using heapsort algorithm.
! n is input, ia is replaced on output by its sorted rearrangement.
! create an index table (ind) by making an exchange in the index array
! whenever an exchange is made on the sorted data array (ia).
! in case of equal values in the data array (ia) the values in the
! index array (ind) are used to order the entries.
! if on input ind(1) = 0 then indices are initialized in the routine,
! if on input ind(1) != 0 then indices are assumed to have been
! initialized before entering the routine and these
! indices are carried around during the sorting process
!! Sort an integer array ia(1:n) into ascending order using heapsort
!! algorithm. \(\text{n}\) is input, \(\text{ia}\) is replaced on output
!! by its sorted rearrangement.
!! Create an index table (ind) by making an exchange in the index array
!! whenever an exchange is made on the sorted data array (ia).
!! in case of equal values in the data array (ia) the values in the
!! index array (ind) are used to order the entries.
!! If on input ind(1) = 0 then indices are initialized in the routine,
!! If on input ind(1) != 0 then indices are assumed to have been
!! initialized before entering the routine and these indices are carried
!! around during the sorting process.
! no work space needed !
! free us from machine-dependent sorting-routines !