pw.x module of PWgui updated

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
kokalj 2010-05-04 11:02:34 +00:00
parent 1ca473ed81
commit 1c71f8cebe
3 changed files with 317 additions and 572 deletions

View File

@ -6,49 +6,39 @@
tracevar calculation w {
set nat [varvalue nat]
set calc [varvalue calculation]
set widget [getWidgetFromVarident ion_dynamics]
set calc [varvalue calculation]
set ion_dynamics [varvalue ion_dynamics]
set widget [getWidgetFromVarident ion_dynamics]
set all {ions cell phonon vc_md path neb metadyn constraints_card collective_vars_card}
set all {ions cell vc_md path neb constraints_card}
#foreach group $all {
# groupwidget $group disable
set disable {}
set enable {}
widgetconfigure ion_temperature -textvalues {
"velocity rescaling via tempw&tolp <rescaling>"
"velocity rescaling via tempw&nraise <rescale-v>"
"velocity rescaling via delta_t <rescale-T>"
"reduce ionic temperature via delta_t&nraise <reduce-T>"
"\"soft\" Berendsen velocity rescaling via tempw&nraise <berendsen>"
"use Andersen thermostat via tempw&nraise <andersen>"
"not controlled <not_controlled>"
switch -exact -- $calc {
'scf' -
'nscf' {
set disable $all
'phonon' {
set disable $all
varset ion_dynamics -value {}
'relax' {
set enable {ions constraints_card}
set disable {cell phonon vc_md path neb metadyn collective_vars_card}
set disable {cell vc_md path neb}
widget ion_dynamics enable
widgetconfigure ion_dynamics -textvalues {
"BFGS quasi-newton method for structural optimization <bfgs>"
"damped dynamics (quick-min Verlet) for structural optimization <damp>"
if { ! [regexp bfgs|damp $ion_dynamics] } {
varset ion_dynamics -value {}
'vc-relax' {
set enable {ions cell vc_md constraints_card}
set disable {phonon path neb metadyn collective_vars_card}
set disable {path neb}
widget ion_dynamics enable
widgetconfigure ion_dynamics -textvalues {
@ -56,6 +46,10 @@ tracevar calculation w {
"Beeman algorithm for variable cell damped dynamics <damp>"
if { ! [regexp bfgs|damp $ion_dynamics] } {
varset ion_dynamics -value {}
widget cell_dynamics enable
widgetconfigure cell_dynamics -textvalues {
"None <none>"
@ -65,29 +59,41 @@ tracevar calculation w {
'md' {
set enable {ions constraints_card}
set disable {cell phonon vc_md path neb metadyn collective_vars_card}
set enable {ions constraints_card}
set disable {cell vc_md path neb}
widget ion_dynamics enable
widgetconfigure ion_dynamics -textvalues {
"Verlet algorithm for molecular dynamics <verlet>"
"over-damped Langevin dynamics <langevin>"
if { ! [regexp verlet|langevin $ion_dynamics] } {
varset ion_dynamics -value {}
'vc-md' {
set enable {ions cell vc_md constraints_card}
set disable {phonon path neb metadyn collective_vars_card}
set enable {ions cell vc_md constraints_card}
set disable {path neb}
widget ion_dynamics enable
widgetconfigure ion_dynamics -textvalues {
"Beeman algorithm for variable cell MD <beeman>"
if { ! [regexp beeman $ion_dynamics] } {
varset ion_dynamics -value {}
widgetconfigure ion_temperature -textvalues {
"velocity rescaling via tempw&tolp <rescaling>"
"not controlled <not_controlled>"
if { ! [regexp rescaling [varvalue ion_temperature]] } {
varset ion_temperature -value {}
widget cell_dynamics enable
widgetconfigure cell_dynamics -textvalues {
"None <none>"
@ -97,31 +103,29 @@ tracevar calculation w {
'neb' {
set enable {ions path neb constraints_card}
set disable {cell phonon vc_md metadyn collective_vars_card}
set disable {cell vc_md}
widget opt_scheme enable
widgetconfigure opt_scheme -textvalues {
"optimization algorithm based on molecular dynamics <quick-min>"
"second Broyden method <broyden>"
"Broyden method <broyden>"
"Alternate Broyden method <broyden2>"
"steepest descent <sd>"
'smd' {
set enable {ions path constraints_card collective_vars_card}
set disable {cell phonon vc_md neb metadyn}
set enable {ions path constraints_card}
set disable {cell vc_md neb}
widget opt_scheme enable
widgetconfigure opt_scheme -textvalues {
"optimization algorithm based on molecular dynamics <quick-min>"
"second Broyden method <broyden>"
"Broyden method <broyden>"
"Alternate Broyden method <broyden2>"
"steepest descent <sd>"
"finite temperature langevin dynamics <langevin>"
'metadyn' {
set enable {ions metadyn neb constraints_card collective_vars_card}
set disable {cell phonon vc_md path}
foreach group $enable {
@ -133,12 +137,12 @@ tracevar calculation w {
# force to update the state of widgets by resetting corresponding variables
varset ion_dynamics -value [varvalue ion_dynamics]
varset opt_scheme -value [varvalue opt_scheme]
varset CI_scheme -value [varvalue CI_scheme]
varset constraints_enable -value [varvalue constraints_enable]
varset collective_vars_enable -value [varvalue collective_vars_enable]
varset ion_dynamics -value [varvalue ion_dynamics]
varset ion_temperature -value [varvalue ion_temperature]
varset cell_dynamics -value [varvalue cell_dynamics]
varset opt_scheme -value [varvalue opt_scheme]
varset CI_scheme -value [varvalue CI_scheme]
varset constraints_enable -value [varvalue constraints_enable]
# take care of NEB || SMD coordinates
@ -256,29 +260,6 @@ tracevar ntyp w {
widgetconfigure Hubbard_alpha -end $ntyp
#tracevar nspin w {
# if { [vartextvalue nspin] == "Yes" || [vartextvalue nspin] == "Yes noncollinear"} {
# widget starting_magnetization enable
# widgetconfigure starting_magnetization -end [varvalue ntyp]
# if { [vartextvalue nspin] == "Yes" } {
# groupwidget noncolin_group disable
# #widget angle1 disable
# #widget angle2 disable
# } else {
# groupwidget noncolin_group enable
# #widget angle1 enable
# #widget angle2 enable
# widgetconfigure angle1 -end [varvalue ntyp]
# widgetconfigure angle2 -end [varvalue ntyp]
# }
# } else {
# widget starting_magnetization disable
# groupwidget noncolin_group disable
# #widget angle1 disable
# #widget angle2 disable
# }
tracevar nspin w {
if { [vartextvalue nspin] == "Yes" } {
@ -296,8 +277,6 @@ tracevar nspin w {
groupwidget spin_polarization disable
groupwidget noncolin_group disable
#widget angle1 disable
#widget angle2 disable
# constrained/fixed magnetization
@ -325,8 +304,6 @@ tracevar noncolin w {
groupwidget spin_polarization disable
groupwidget noncolin_group disable
#widget angle1 disable
#widget angle2 disable
# constrained/fixed magnetization
@ -344,6 +321,18 @@ tracevar tefield w {
proc lelfield_widgets {status} {
foreach w {nberrycyc efield efield_cart} {
widget $w $status
tracevar lelfield w {
switch -- [vartextvalue lelfield] {
Yes { foreach w {nberrycyc efield efield_cart} {widget $w enable} }
default { foreach w {nberrycyc efield efield_cart} {widget $w disable} }
tracevar lda_plus_u w {
switch -- [vartextvalue lda_plus_u] {
Yes { widget mixing_fixed_ns enable; groupwidget hubbard enable }
@ -398,10 +387,11 @@ tracevar ion_dynamics w {
# MD
switch -exact -- $calc {
'scf' - 'nscf' - 'phonon' - 'neb' - 'smd' {
'scf' - 'nscf' - 'bands' - 'neb' - 'smd' {
groupwidget md disable
'relax' - 'vc-relax' - 'md' - 'vc-md' - 'metadyn' {
'relax' - 'vc-relax' {
# check !!!
switch -exact -- $iond {
'damp' - 'verlet' - 'langevin' - 'beeman' {
groupwidget md enable
@ -411,6 +401,10 @@ tracevar ion_dynamics w {
'md' - 'vc-md' {
# check !!!
groupwidget md enable
@ -534,7 +528,7 @@ tracevar constraints_enable w {
set calc [varvalue calculation]
if { [regexp relax|md|metadyn $calc] } {
if { [regexp relax|md $calc] } {
widget constraints_enable enable
@ -586,38 +580,9 @@ tracevar nconstr w {
#varset old_nconstr -value $nc
tracevar collective_vars_enable w {
set calc [varvalue calculation]
if { [regexp smd|metadyn $calc] } {
widget collective_vars_enable enable
if { $calc == "'metadyn'" } {
varset collective_vars_enable -value Yes
if { [varvalue collective_vars_enable] } {
groupwidget collective_vars_card enable
} else {
groupwidget collective_vars_card disable
} else {
widget collective_vars_enable disable
groupwidget collective_vars_card disable
tracevar ncolvars w {
set nc [varvalue ncolvars]
widgetconfigure collective_vars_table -rows $nc
tracevar do_ee w {
switch -- [varvalue do_ee] {
.true. - .t. {
tracevar assume_isolated w {
switch -- [varvalue assume_isolated] {
'dcc' {
groupwidget ee enable
default {
@ -649,7 +614,6 @@ postprocess {
varset diagonalization -value {}
varset CI_scheme -value {}
varset ion_dynamics -value {}
varset do_ee -value {}
varset K_POINTS_flags -value automatic
varset CELL_PARAMETERS_flags -value cubic

View File

@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ help calculation -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
a string describing the task to be performed:
'scf', 'nscf', 'bands', 'phonon', 'relax', 'md',
'vc-relax', 'vc-md', 'neb', 'smd', 'metadyn'
'scf', 'nscf', 'bands', 'relax', 'md',
'vc-relax', 'vc-md', 'neb', 'smd'
(vc = variable-cell).
@ -371,6 +371,8 @@ Specifies the amount of disk I/O activity
'low' : store wfc in memory, save only at the end
'none': do not save wfc, not even at the end
(guaranteed to work only for 'scf', 'nscf',
'band' calculations)
If restarting from an interrupted calculation, the code
will try to figure out what is available on disk. The
@ -699,7 +701,9 @@ grouphelp {A B C cosAB cosAC cosBC} -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
Traditional crystallographic constants (a,b,c in ANGSTROM),
cosab = cosine of the angle between axis a and b
specify either these OR celldm but NOT both.
If ibrav=0 only alat = a is used (if present)
The axis are chosen according to the value of ibrav.
If ibrav is not specified, the axis are taken from card
CELL_PARAMETERS and only a is used as lattice parameter.
@ -750,7 +754,7 @@ help nbnd -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em>
for an insulator, nbnd = number of valence bands
(nbnd=nelec/2, see below for nelec);
(nbnd = # of electrons /2);
for a metal, 20% more (minimum 4 more)
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
@ -766,21 +770,23 @@ k-point, not the number of bands per k-point, is doubled
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help nelec -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
help tot_charge -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>nelec</b></big>
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>tot_charge</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> the same as ionic charge (neutral cell)
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 0.0
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
number of electron in the unit cell
(may be noninteger if you wish)
total charge of the system. Useful for simulations with charged cells.
By default the unit cell is assumed to be neutral (tot_charge=0).
tot_charge=+1 means one electron missing from the system,
tot_charge=-1 means one additional electron, and so on.
A compensating jellium background is inserted
to remove divergences if the cell is not neutral
In a periodic calculation a compensating jellium background is
inserted to remove divergences if the cell is not neutral.
@ -788,18 +794,50 @@ to remove divergences if the cell is not neutral
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help tot_charge -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
help tot_magnetization -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>tot_charge</b></big>
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>tot_magnetization</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 0
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> -1 [unspecified]
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
total system charge. Used only if nelec is unspecified,
otherwise it is ignored.
total majority spin charge - minority spin charge.
Used to impose a specific total electronic magnetization.
If unspecified then tot_magnetization variable is ignored and
the amount of electronic magnetization is determined during
the self-consistent cycle.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help starting_magnetization -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>starting_magnetization(i), i=1,ntyp</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
starting spin polarization (values between -1 and 1)
on atomic type 'i' in a spin-polarized calculation.
Breaks the symmetry and provides a starting point for
self-consistency. The default value is zero, BUT a value
MUST be specified for AT LEAST one atomic type in spin
polarized calculations. Note that if start from zero
initial magnetization, you will get zero final magnetization
in any case. If you desire to start from an antiferromagnetic
state, you may need to define two different atomic species
corresponding to sublattices of the same atomic type.
If you fix the magnetization with "tot_magnetization",
you should not specify starting_magnetization.
If you are restarting from a previous run, or from an
interrupted run, starting_magnetization is ignored.
@ -836,10 +874,17 @@ help ecutrho -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
kinetic energy cutoff (Ry) for charge density and potential
For norm-conserving pseudopotential you should stick to the
default value, you can reduce it by a little but it will
introduce noise especially on forces and stress.
If there are ultrasoft PP, a larger value than the default is
often desirable (ecutrho = 8 to 12 times ecutwfc, typically).
If all PP are norm-conserving, you should stick to the default;
you may reduce it to spare time, but not by a large amount.
PAW datasets can often be used at 4*ecutwfc, but it depends
on the shape of augmentation charge: testing is mandatory.
The use of gradient-corrected functional, especially in cells
with vacuum, or for pseudopotential without non-linear core
correction, usually requires an higher values of ecutrho
to be accurately converged.
@ -981,7 +1026,7 @@ help occupations -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
'smearing': gaussian smearing for metals
requires a value for degauss
'tetrahedra' : for metals and DOS calculation
'tetrahedra' : for calculation of DOS in metals
(see PRB49, 16223 (1994))
Requires uniform grid of k-points,
automatically generated (see below)
@ -1092,105 +1137,6 @@ if .true. the program will perform a noncollinear calculation.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help starting_magnetization -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>starting_magnetization(i), i=1,ntyp</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
starting spin polarization (values between -1 and 1)
on atomic type 'i' in a spin-polarized calculation.
Breaks the symmetry and provides a starting point for
self-consistency. The default value is zero, BUT a value
MUST be specified for AT LEAST one atomic type in spin
polarized calculations. Note that if start from zero
initial magnetization, you will get zero final magnetization
in any case. If you desire to start from an antiferromagnetic
state, you may need to define two different atomic species
corresponding to sublattices of the same atomic type.
If you fix the magnetization with "nelup/neldw" or with
"multiplicity" or with "tot_magnetization", you should
not specify starting_magnetization.
If you are restarting from a previous run, or from an
interrupted run, starting_magnetization is ignored.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
grouphelp {nelup neldw} -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>nelup, neldw</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
number of spin-up and spin-down electrons, respectively
Note that this fixes the final value of the magnetization.
The sum must yield nelec that must also be specified
explicitly in this case. Not valid for spin-unpolarized
or noncollinear calculations, only for LSDA. Obsolescent:
use multiplicity or tot_magnetization instead.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help multiplicity -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>multiplicity</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 0 [unspecified]
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
spin multiplicity (2s+1). 1 is singlet, 2 for doublet etc.
Note that this fixes the final value of the magnetization.
if unspecified or a non-zero value is specified in nelup/neldw
then multiplicity variable is ignored.
Do not specify both multiplicity and tot_magnetization.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help tot_magnetization -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>tot_magnetization</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> -1 [unspecified]
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
majority spin - minority spin (nelup - neldw).
if unspecified or a non-zero value is specified in nelup/neldw
then tot_magnetization variable is ignored.
Do not specify both multiplicity and tot_magnetization.
YES, there is redundancy! nelup/neldw are enough to specify
the spin state. However these variables are not very convenient
and will be eliminated from the input in future versions.
It is recommended to use either 'multiplicity' or equivalently
'tot_magnetization' to specify the spin state.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help ecfixed -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
@ -1438,13 +1384,14 @@ help eamp -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
Amplitude of the electric field (in a.u. = 51.44 10^10 V/m )
Amplitude of the electric field, in ***Hartree*** a.u.;
1 a.u. = 51.4220632*10^10 V/m). Used only if tefield=.TRUE.
The sawlike potential increases with slope "eamp" in the
region from (emaxpos+eopreg-1) to (emaxpos), then decreases
to 0 until (emaxpos+eopreg), in units of the crystal
vector "edir". Important: the change of slope of this
potential must be located in the empty region, or else
unphysical forces will result. Used only if tefield is .TRUE.
unphysical forces will result.
@ -1495,6 +1442,8 @@ help constrained_magnetization -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>CHARACTER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 'none'
<br><li> <em>See: </em> lambda, fixed_magnetization
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
@ -1534,7 +1483,9 @@ Currently available choices:
with the z axis (theta = fixed_magnetization(3))
is constrained:
LAMBDA * ( magnetization(1) - magnetization(3)*tan(theta) )**2
LAMBDA * ( arccos(magnetization(3)/mag_tot) - theta )**2
where mag_tot is the modulus of the total magnetization.
'atomic direction':
not all the components of the atomic
@ -1542,6 +1493,10 @@ Currently available choices:
of angle1, and the penalty functional is:
LAMBDA * SUM_{itype} ( mag_mom(3,itype)/mag_mom_tot - cos(angle1(ityp)) )**2
N.B.: symmetrization may prevent to reach the desired orientation
of the magnetization. Try not to start with very highly symmetric
configurations or use the nosym flag (only as a last remedy)
@ -1556,6 +1511,8 @@ help fixed_magnetization -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 0.d0
<br><li> <em>See: </em> constrained_magnetization
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
@ -1573,12 +1530,16 @@ help lambda -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>lambda</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 1.d0
<br><li> <em>See: </em> constrained_magnetization
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
parameter used for constrained_magnetization calculations
NB: LAMBDA is reduced in the first iterations and is increased
slowly up to the input value.
N.B.: if the scf calculation does not converge, try to reduce lambda
to obtain convergence, then restart the run with a larger lambda
@ -1626,35 +1587,50 @@ help assume_isolated -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>assume_isolated</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>LOGICAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> .FALSE.
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>CHARACTER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 'none'
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
if .TRUE. the system is assumed to be isolated (a molecule or cluster
in a supercell) and the Makov-Payne correction to the total energy is
computed. An estimate of the vacuum level is also calculated so that
eigenvalues can be properly aligned.
Used to perform calculation assuming the system to be
isolated (a molecule of a clustr in a 3D supercell).
Currently available choices:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help do_ee -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>do_ee</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>LOGICAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> .FALSE.
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
if .TRUE. the system is embedded the electrostatic environment
described in the EE namelist.
'none' (default): regular periodic calculation w/o any correction.
'makov-payne', 'm-p', 'mp' : the Makov-Payne correction to the
total energy is computed. An estimate of the vacuum
level is also calculated so that eigenvalues can be
properly aligned.
G.Makov, and M.C.Payne,
"Periodic boundary conditions in ab initio
calculations" , Phys.Rev.B 51, 4014 (1995)
'dcc' : density counter charge correction.
The electrostatic problem is solved in open boundary
conditions (OBC). This approach provides the correct
scf potential and energies (not just a correction to
energies as 'mp'). BEWARE: the molecule should be
centered around the middle of the cell, not around
the origin (0,0,0).
The OBC problem is solved using a multi-grid algorithm
that requires additional input provided in the separate
namelist EE (see later).
Theory described in:
I.Dabo, B.Kozinsky, N.E.Singh-Miller and N.Marzari,
"Electrostatic periodic boundary conditions and
real-space corrections", Phys.Rev.B 77, 115139 (2008)
'martyna-tuckerman', 'm-t', 'mt' : Martyna-Tuckerman correction.
As for the dcc correction the scf potential is also
corrected. Implementation adapted from:
G.J. Martyna, and M.E. Tuckerman,
"A reciprocal space based method for treating long
range interactions in ab-initio and force-field-based
calculation in clusters", J.Chem.Phys. 110, 2810 (1999)
@ -1851,46 +1827,15 @@ help diagonalization -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
Typically slower than 'david' but it uses less memory
and is more robust (it seldom fails)
'cg-serial' : as above, do not use the parallel subspace
diagonalization (see below) between iterations,
but only serial diagonalization (for testing purposes)
'david-serial': do not use parallel subspace diagonalization
in Davidson algorithm (for testing purposes).
'cg-serial', 'david-serial': obsolete, use "-ndiag 1 instead"
The subspace diagonalization in Davidson is performed
by a fully distributed-memory parallel algorithm on
4 or more processors, by default. The allocated memory
scales down with the number of procs. Procs involved
in diagonalization can be changed with input parameter
"ortho_para". On multicore CPUs often it is convenient
to let only one core per CPU to work on linear algebra.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help ortho_para -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>ortho_para</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 0
<br><li> <em>Status: </em> OBSOLESCENT: use command-line option " -ndiag XX" instead
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
meaningful for diagonalization='david' and parallel executables.
The number of processors to be used for the parallel subspace
diagonalization algorithm. With the default value (0) the code
tries to use as many processors as available. Note that the
algorithm uses a square number of processors (4, 9, 16, 25,...),
so the actual number of processors used will be the largest
square number less or equal to ortho_para (if set) or to the
total number of processors (if ortho_para is not set).
in diagonalization can be changed with command-line
option "-ndiag N". On multicore CPUs it is often
convenient to let just one core per CPU to work
on linear algebra.
@ -1913,9 +1858,7 @@ superposition of atomic orbitals; 1.D-5 if starting from a
charge density. During self consistency the threshold (ethr)
is automatically reduced when approaching convergence.
For non-scf calculations, this is the threshold used in the
iterative diagonalization. The default is conv_thr / nelec.
For 'phonon' calculations, diago_thr_init is ignored:
the threshold is always set to conv_thr / nelec .
iterative diagonalization. The default is conv_thr /N elec.
@ -1952,8 +1895,10 @@ help diago_david_ndim -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
For Davidson diagonalization: dimension of workspace
(number of wavefunction packets, at least 2 needed).
A larger value may yield a faster algorithm but uses
more memory
A larger value may yield a somewhat faster algorithm
but uses more memory. The opposite holds for smaller values.
Try diago_david_ndim=2 if you are tight on memory or if
your job is large: the speed penalty is often negligible
@ -1992,8 +1937,29 @@ help efield -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
For finite electric field calculations (lelfield == .TRUE.),
it defines the intensity of the field in a.u.
Amplitude of the finite electric field (in Ry a.u.;
1 a.u. = 36.3609*10^10 V/m). Used only if lelfield=.TRUE.
and if k-points (K_POINTS card) are not automatic.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help efield_cart -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>efield_cart(i), i=1,3</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> (0.D0, 0.D0, 0.D0)
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
Finite electric field (in Ry a.u.=36.3609*10^10 V/m) in
cartesian axis. Used only if lelfield=.TRUE. and if
k-points (K_POINTS card) are automatic.
@ -2026,7 +1992,7 @@ help startingwfc -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>startingwfc</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>CHARACTER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 'atomic'
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 'atomic+random'
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
@ -2176,17 +2142,20 @@ help pot_extrapolation -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
Used to extrapolate the potential from preceding ionic steps.
Used to extrapolate the potential from preceding ionic steps.
'none' : no extrapolation
'none' : no extrapolation
'atomic' : extrapolate the potential as if it was a sum of
atomic-like orbitals
'atomic' : extrapolate the potential as if it was a sum of
atomic-like orbitals
'first_order' : extrapolate the potential with first-order
'first_order' : extrapolate the potential with first-order
'second_order': as above, with second order formula
'second_order': as above, with second order formula
Note: 'first_order' and 'second-order' extrapolation make sense
only for molecular dynamics calculations
@ -2204,15 +2173,17 @@ help wfc_extrapolation -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
Used to extrapolate the wavefunctions from preceding ionic steps.
Used to extrapolate the wavefunctions from preceding ionic steps.
'none' : no extrapolation
'none' : no extrapolation
'first_order' : extrapolate the wave-functions with first-order
'first_order' : extrapolate the wave-functions with first-order
'second_order': as above, with second order formula
'second_order': as above, with second order formula.
Note: 'first_order' and 'second-order' extrapolation make sense
only for molecular dynamics calculations
@ -2583,6 +2554,10 @@ Specify the type of optimization scheme:
'broyden' : quasi-Newton Broyden's second method (suggested)
'broyden2' : another variant of the quasi-Newton Broyden's
second method to be tested and compared with the
previous one.
'quick-min' : an optimisation algorithm based on the
projected velocity Verlet scheme
@ -2760,84 +2735,6 @@ are optimised. The other images are kept frozen.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help fe_step -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>fe_step(i), i=1,ncolvar</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 0.04
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
Meta-dynamics step length (in principle different for each
collective variable), defined using the same units used
to define the collective variables themselves.
The step also defines the spread of the Gaussian-like bias
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help g_amplitude -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>g_amplitude</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 0.005 Hartree
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
Amplitude of the gaussians used in meta-dynamics.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help fe_nstep -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>fe_nstep</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 100
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
Maximum number of steps used to evaluate the potential of
mean force.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help sw_nstep -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>sw_nstep</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 10
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
Number of steps used to switch to the new values of the
collective variables.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help cell_dynamics -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
@ -2982,69 +2879,6 @@ xyzt = x1, x2, y2, x3, y3, z3 (i.e. lower xyz triangle of
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help modenum -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>modenum</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 0
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
For single-mode phonon calculation : modenum is the index of the
irreducible representation (irrep) into which the reducible
representation formed by the 3*nat atomic displacements are
decomposed in order to perform the phonon calculation.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help xqq -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>xqq(i), i=1,3</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
q-point (units 2pi/a) for phonon calculation.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help which_compensation -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>which_compensation</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>CHARACTER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 'none'
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
'dcc' : density counter charge correction.
The electrostatic problem is solved in open boundary
conditions. At variance with the Makov-Payne approach
that only estimates an energy correction here the
scf potential is corrected as well.
Theory described in:
I.Dabo, B.Kozinsky, N.E.Singh-Miller and N.Marzari,
"Electrostatic periodic boundary conditions and
real-space corrections", Phys.Rev.B 77, 115139 (2008)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help ecutcoarse -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
@ -3156,7 +2990,7 @@ help atomic_species -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
mass of the atomic species [amu: mass of C = 12]
not used if calculation='scf','nscf', 'bands', 'phonon'
not used if calculation='scf', 'nscf', 'bands'
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>PseudoPot_X</b></big>
@ -3194,6 +3028,20 @@ angstrom: atomic positions are in cartesian coordinates,
crystal : atomic positions are in crystal coordinates, i.e.
in relative coordinates of the primitive lattice vectors (see below)
each atomic coordinate can also be specified as simple algebrical expressions,
in order to be interpreted correctly each expression must NOT contain any blank
space and must NOT start with a "+" sign. The available expressions are:
+ (plus), - (minus), / (division), * (multiplication), ^ (power)
All numerical constants included are considered as double-precision numbers;
i.e. 1/2 is 0.5, not zero. Other functions, such as sin, sqrt or exp are
not available, although sqrt can be replaced with ^(1/2). Example:
C 1/3 1/2*3^(-1/2) 0
is equivalent to
C 0.333333 0.288675 0.000000
Please note that this feature is still NOT supported by XCrysDen (which will
display a wrong structure, or nothing at all).
@ -3247,7 +3095,7 @@ help atomic_coordinates -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
component i of the force for this atom is multiplied by if_pos(i),
which must be either 0 or 1. Used to keep selected atoms and/or
selected components fixed in meta-dynamics, neb, smd, MD dynamics or
selected components fixed in neb, smd, MD dynamics or
structural optimization run.
@ -3554,68 +3402,6 @@ This variable is optional.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help ncolvar -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>ncolvar</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
<blockquote><pre> Number of collective variables.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help colvar_tol -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>colvar_tol</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
<blockquote><pre> Tolerance used for SHAKE.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help collective_vars_table -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>colvar_type</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>CHARACTER</li>
<br><li> <em>See: </em> constr_type
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
See the definition of constr_type in the CONSTRAINTS card.
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>colvar(1), colvar(2), colvar(3), colvar(4)</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>
<br><li> <em>See: </em> constr(1)
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
These variables have different meanings for
different collective variable types. See the
definition of constr in the CONSTRAINTS card.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help occupations_table -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {

View File

@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ module PW -title "PWSCF GUI: module PW.x" -script {
-default "from scratch <from_scratch>"
var wf_collect {
@ -200,6 +199,11 @@ module PW -title "PWSCF GUI: module PW.x" -script {
-value { .true. .false. }
var nberrycyc {
-label "Num. of iterations for lelfield [see help] (nberrycyc):"
-validate posint
separator -label "--- Berry phase ---"
var lberry {
@ -222,10 +226,6 @@ module PW -title "PWSCF GUI: module PW.x" -script {
-label "Num. of k-points along each symmetry-reduced string (nppstr):"
-validate posint
var nberrycyc {
-label "Num. of iterations for lelfield [see help] (nberrycyc):"
-validate posint
@ -612,7 +612,6 @@ module PW -title "PWSCF GUI: module PW.x" -script {
"No correction <none>"
-value {'makov-payne' 'martyna-tuckerman' 'dcc' 'none'}
-default "No correction <none>"
separator -label "--- Semi-empirical van der Waals ---"
@ -775,6 +774,13 @@ module PW -title "PWSCF GUI: module PW.x" -script {
-validate fortranreal
dimension efield_cart {
-label "Finite electric field in cartesian axis (efield_cart):"
-validate fortranreal
-start 1
-end 3
separator -label "--- Ultrasoft pseudopotentials ---"
var tqr {
@ -1166,17 +1172,6 @@ module PW -title "PWSCF GUI: module PW.x" -script {
page eePage -name "EE" {
namelist ee -name "EE" {
var which_compensation {
-label "Correction for electrostatic environment (which_compensation):"
-widget optionmenu
-textvalue {
{None <none>}
{Density counter charge correction <dcc>}
-value {'none' 'dcc'}
var ecutcoarse {
-validate fortranposreal
-label "Kinetic energy cutoff for the open boundary (ecutcoarse):"
@ -1492,48 +1487,48 @@ module PW -title "PWSCF GUI: module PW.x" -script {
group collective_vars_group -name "Card: COLLECTIVE_VARS" -decor normal {
auxilvar collective_vars_enable {
-label "Use collective variables:"
-value {Yes No}
-widget radiobox
-default No
group collective_vars_card -decor none {
keyword collective_vars COLLECTIVE_VARS\n
line collective_vars_line1 -decor none {
var ncolvar {
-label "Number of collective variables:"
-validate posint
-widget spinint
-default 1
-outfmt " %d "
var colvar_tol {
-label "Tolerance for keeping the collective variables satisfied:"
-validate fortranposreal
table collective_vars_table {
-caption "Enter data for collective variables:\n colvar-type colvar(1,.) colvar(2,.) ... \n\n(see the definition of constr in the CONSTRAINTS card.)"
-head {colvar-type colvar-specifications ... ... ... ...}
-validate {string fortranreal}
-cols 6
-rows 1
-optionalcols 3
-widgets {{optionmenu {'type_coord' 'atom_coord' 'distance' 'planar_angle' 'torsional_angle' 'bennett_proj'}} entry}
-outfmt {" %s " %S}
-infmt {%d %S}
# group collective_vars_group -name "Card: COLLECTIVE_VARS" -decor normal {
# auxilvar collective_vars_enable {
# -label "Use collective variables:"
# -value {Yes No}
# -widget radiobox
# -default No
# }
# group collective_vars_card -decor none {
# keyword collective_vars COLLECTIVE_VARS\n
# line collective_vars_line1 -decor none {
# var ncolvar {
# -label "Number of collective variables:"
# -validate posint
# -widget spinint
# -default 1
# -outfmt " %d "
# }
# var colvar_tol {
# -label "Tolerance for keeping the collective variables satisfied:"
# -validate fortranposreal
# }
# }
# table collective_vars_table {
# -caption "Enter data for collective variables:\n colvar-type colvar(1,.) colvar(2,.) ... \n\n(see the definition of constr in the CONSTRAINTS card.)"
# -head {colvar-type colvar-specifications ... ... ... ...}
# -validate {string fortranreal}
# -cols 6
# -rows 1
# -optionalcols 3
# -widgets {{optionmenu {'type_coord' 'atom_coord' 'distance' 'planar_angle' 'torsional_angle' 'bennett_proj'}} entry}
# -outfmt {" %s " %S}
# -infmt {%d %S}
# }
# }
# }