io_base logic simplified even more,

variable wf_collect added to the control namelist.
This logical variable will be used in pw to
collect wave funcions at the end of a parallel run.

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
cavazzon 2003-09-02 09:16:09 +00:00
parent b13d6feaf1
commit 0afcf95c6f
9 changed files with 247 additions and 611 deletions

View File

@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ CONTAINS
REAL(dbl) :: ef, rnel, wfc_scal_cp90
character(len=4) :: atom_label(nsp)
LOGICAL :: twrite
LOGICAL :: tscal
LOGICAL :: teig
LOGICAL :: tmill
@ -143,7 +142,6 @@ CONTAINS
kunit = 1
lgauss = .FALSE.
ltetra = .FALSE.
twrite = .TRUE.
tupf = .TRUE.
lgamma = .TRUE.
tfixed_occ_ = .FALSE.
@ -153,7 +151,7 @@ CONTAINS
emaxpos_ = 0.0d0
eopreg_ = 0.0d0
eamp_ = 0.0d0
CALL write_restart_header(ndw, twrite, nfi, iswitch, trutime, nr1, nr2, nr3, &
CALL write_restart_header(ndw, nfi, iswitch, trutime, nr1, nr2, nr3, &
nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, ng_g, nk, ngwkg, nspin, nbnd, rnel, nelu, &
neld, nat, ntyp, na, acc, nacx, ecutwfc, ecutrho, alat, ekincm, &
kunit, k1, k2, k3, nk1, nk2, nk3, dgauss, ngauss, lgauss, ntetra, ltetra, &
@ -176,8 +174,7 @@ CONTAINS
htm = TRANSPOSE(hold)
htvel = TRANSPOSE(velh)
htm2 = 0.0d0
twrite = .TRUE.
CALL write_restart_cell( ndw, twrite, ibrav, celldm, ht, htm, &
CALL write_restart_cell( ndw, ibrav, celldm, ht, htm, &
htm2, htvel, vnhh, xnhh0, xnhhm, hdum)
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
@ -210,8 +207,7 @@ CONTAINS
xdum = 0.0d0
cdmi = 0.0d0
tscal = .TRUE.
twrite = .TRUE.
CALL write_restart_ions(ndw, twrite, atom_label, tscal, stau0, svel0, &
CALL write_restart_ions(ndw, atom_label, tscal, stau0, svel0, &
staum, svelm, tautmp, fiontmp, cdmi, nat, ntyp, ityp, na, mass, &
vnhp, xnhp0, xnhpm, xdum)
@ -228,7 +224,7 @@ CONTAINS
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
DO i = 1, nsp
! CALL write_restart_pseudo( ndw, twrite, &
! CALL write_restart_pseudo( ndw, &
! zmesh_, xmin_, dx_, r(:,i), rab(:,i), vnl(:,:,i), chi(:,:,i), oc(:,i), &
! rho_at(:,i), rho_atc(:,i), mesh(i), msh(i), nchi(i), lchi(:,i), &
! numeric(i), cc(:,i), alpc(:,i), zp(i), aps(:,:,i), alps(:,:,i), &
@ -254,8 +250,7 @@ CONTAINS
tocc = .FALSE.
tlam = .TRUE.
teig = .FALSE.
twrite = .TRUE.
CALL write_restart_electrons( ndw, twrite, occ, occ, tocc, lambda, lambdam, &
CALL write_restart_electrons( ndw, occ, occ, tocc, lambda, lambdam, &
nx, tlam, nbnd, ispin, nspin, ik, nk, rnel, nelu, neld, vnhe, xnhe0, xnhem, xdum, &
ef, teig, eigtmp, eigtmp)
@ -273,8 +268,7 @@ CONTAINS
CALL mp_sum( mill )
tmill = .TRUE.
twrite = .TRUE.
CALL write_restart_gvec( ndw, twrite, ng_g, bi1, bi2, bi3, &
CALL write_restart_gvec( ndw, ng_g, bi1, bi2, bi3, &
bi1, bi2, bi3, tmill, mill )
@ -290,8 +284,7 @@ CONTAINS
wk = 1.0d0
tetra = 0.0d0
isk = 1
twrite = .TRUE.
CALL write_restart_gkvec(ndw, twrite, i, nk, ngwkg(i), xk, wk, tetra, isk)
CALL write_restart_gkvec(ndw, i, nk, ngwkg(i), xk, wk, tetra, isk)
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
@ -300,13 +293,12 @@ CONTAINS
trho = .FALSE.
tv = .FALSE.
twrite = .TRUE.
DO j = 1, nspin
ALLOCATE( rhog(ng), vg(ng) )
! CALL fft_initialize
! CALL pfwfft( rhog(:,i), rho(i)%r(:,:,:) )
! CALL pfwfft( vg(:,i) , vpot(:,:,:,i) )
CALL write_restart_charge(ndw, twrite, rhog, trho, vg, tv, ng_g, &
CALL write_restart_charge(ndw, rhog, trho, vg, tv, ng_g, &
j, nspin, ig_l2g, ng )
DEALLOCATE( rhog, vg )
@ -318,14 +310,13 @@ CONTAINS
tw0 = .TRUE.
twm = .TRUE.
twrite = .TRUE.
call invmat3(h,ainv,deth)
wfc_scal_cp90 = 1.0d0 / SQRT(ABS(deth))
DO j = 1, nspin
DO i = 1, nk
nb_g = nx
CALL write_restart_wfc(ndw, twrite, i, nk, kunit, j, nspin, &
CALL write_restart_wfc(ndw, i, nk, kunit, j, nspin, &
wfc_scal_cp90, c0, tw0, cm, twm, ngwt, nb_g, ig_l2g, ngw )
@ -419,7 +410,6 @@ CONTAINS
real(kind=8) :: vnhp_, xnhp0_, xnhpm_
integer :: strlen, ibrav_, kunit_
character(len=80) :: filename
LOGICAL :: tread
LOGICAL :: tscal
LOGICAL :: tmill, tigl, lgamma_
LOGICAL :: teig, tupf_
@ -466,8 +456,7 @@ CONTAINS
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
tread = .TRUE.
CALL read_restart_header( ndr, tread, nfi_, iswitch_, trutime_, &
CALL read_restart_header( ndr, nfi_, iswitch_, trutime_, &
nr1_, nr2_, nr3_, nr1s_, nr2s_, nr3s_, ng_g_, nk_, ngwkg_, nspin_, nbnd_, &
rnel_, nelu_, neld_, nat_, ntyp_, na_, acc_, nacx_, ecutwfc_, ecutrho_, &
alat_, ekincm_, kunit_, k1_, k2_, k3_, nk1_, nk2_, nk3_, dgauss_, ngauss_, &
@ -503,8 +492,7 @@ CONTAINS
hdum = 0.0d0
htm2 = 0.0d0
tread = .TRUE.
CALL read_restart_cell( ndr, tread, ibrav_, celldm_, ht, htm, &
CALL read_restart_cell( ndr, ibrav_, celldm_, ht, htm, &
htm2, htvel, vnhh, xnhh0, xnhhm, hdum)
h = TRANSPOSE( ht )
@ -528,8 +516,7 @@ CONTAINS
xdum = 0.0d0
cdmi = 0.0d0
tread = .TRUE.
CALL read_restart_ions(ndr, tread, atom_label, tscal, stau0, svel0, &
CALL read_restart_ions(ndr, atom_label, tscal, stau0, svel0, &
staum, svelm, tautmp, fiontmp, cdmi, nat_, ntyp_, ityp, na_, mass, vnhp_, &
xnhp0_, xnhpm_, xdum)
@ -588,8 +575,7 @@ CONTAINS
tlam = .FALSE.
teig = .FALSE.
tread = .TRUE.
CALL read_restart_electrons( ndr, tread, occ, occ, tocc, lambda, &
CALL read_restart_electrons( ndr, occ, occ, tocc, lambda, &
lambdam, nx_, tlam, nbnd_, ispin_, nspin_, ik_, nk_, rnel_, nelu_, neld_, &
vnhe, xnhe0, xnhem, xdum, ef, teig, eigtmp, eigtmp)
@ -605,9 +591,8 @@ CONTAINS
mill(:,ig_l2g(i)) = mill_l(:,i)
CALL mp_sum( mill )
tread = .TRUE.
tmill = .FALSE.
CALL read_restart_gvec( ndr, tread, ng_g_, bi1_, bi2_, bi3_, &
CALL read_restart_gvec( ndr, ng_g_, bi1_, bi2_, bi3_, &
bi1_, bi2_, bi3_, tmill, mill )
@ -620,8 +605,7 @@ CONTAINS
xk(2) = 0.0d0
xk(3) = 0.0d0
wk = 1.0d0
tread = .TRUE.
CALL read_restart_gkvec(ndr, tread, ik_, nk_, ngwkg_(i), &
CALL read_restart_gkvec(ndr, ik_, nk_, ngwkg_(i), &
xk, wk, tetra_, isk_)
@ -633,8 +617,7 @@ CONTAINS
tv = .FALSE.
DO j = 1, nspin
ALLOCATE( rhog(ng), vg(ng) )
tread = .TRUE.
CALL read_restart_charge(ndr, tread, rhog, trho, vg, tv, ng_g_, &
CALL read_restart_charge(ndr, rhog, trho, vg, tv, ng_g_, &
ispin_, nspin_, ig_l2g, ng )
! CALL fft_initialize
! CALL pinvfft( vpot(:,:,:,i), rhog(:,i) )
@ -659,8 +642,7 @@ CONTAINS
DO j = 1, nspin
DO i = 1, nk
tread = .TRUE.
CALL read_restart_wfc(ndr, tread, ik_, nk_, kunit_, ispin_, nspin_, &
CALL read_restart_wfc(ndr, ik_, nk_, kunit_, ispin_, nspin_, &
wfc_scal, c0, tw0, cm, twm, ngwt_, nbnd_, ig_l2g, ngw )

View File

@ -208,10 +208,18 @@
INTEGER :: nppstr = 0
LOGICAL :: wf_collect = .FALSE.
! This flag is effective only with PW code, and controls the way
! in which wave functions are stored to disk,
! .TRUE. collect all wave functions and store them in restart file
! ( .save )
! .FALSE. do not collect wave function they are left in temporary
! local file
NAMELIST / control / title, calculation, verbosity, restart_mode, &
nstep, iprint, isave, tstress, tprnfor, dt, ndr, ndw, outdir, prefix, &
max_seconds, ekin_conv_thr, etot_conv_thr, forc_conv_thr, &
pseudo_dir, disk_io, tefield, dipfield, lberry, gdir, nppstr
pseudo_dir, disk_io, tefield, dipfield, lberry, gdir, nppstr, wf_collect

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
lberry = .FALSE.
gdir = 0
nppstr = 0
wf_collect = .FALSE.
@ -305,6 +306,7 @@
CALL mp_bcast( lberry, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( gdir, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nppstr, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( wf_collect, ionode_id )

View File

@ -54,14 +54,25 @@ subroutine openfilq
kunittmp = 1
# ifdef __PARA
kunittmp = kunit
# endif
call readfile_new( 'wave', ndr, edum, wdum, kunittmp, lrwfc, iuwfc, ierr )
if( ierr > 0 ) then
call errore ('openfilq', 'file '//filint//' not found', 1)
#if defined __NEW_PUNCH
end if
end if

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ subroutine phq_readin
use parameters, only : DP
use phcom
use io
use control_flags, only : twfcollect
#ifdef __PARA
use para
@ -31,9 +32,11 @@ subroutine phq_readin
! counter on atoms
! counter on types
character(len=256) :: outdir
logical :: wf_collect ! ( see module input_parameters )
namelist / inputph / tr2_ph, amass, alpha_mix, niter_ph, nmix_ph, &
maxirr, nat_todo, iverbosity, outdir, epsil, trans, elph, zue, nrapp, &
time_max, reduce_io, prefix, fildyn, filelph, fildvscf, fildrho
time_max, reduce_io, prefix, fildyn, filelph, fildvscf, fildrho, &
! tr2_ph : convergence threshold
! amass : atomic masses
! alpha_mix: the mixing parameter
@ -103,6 +106,9 @@ subroutine phq_readin
200 call errore ('phq_readin', 'reading inputph namelist', abs (ios) )
twfcollect = wf_collect
! Check all namelist variables

View File

@ -110,6 +110,8 @@ subroutine iosys
nbnd_ => nbnd
use fixed_occ, only : &
use control_flags, only : &
! CONTROL namelist
@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ subroutine iosys
restart_mode, nstep, iprint, tstress, tprnfor, &
dt, outdir, prefix, max_seconds, &
etot_conv_thr, forc_conv_thr, pseudo_dir, disk_io, tefield, &
dipfield, lberry, gdir, nppstr
dipfield, lberry, gdir, nppstr, wf_collect
! SYSTEM namelist
@ -195,6 +197,8 @@ subroutine iosys
call errore('input','LSDA not available with electric field',1)
twfcollect = wf_collect
! ... Set Values for electron and bands

View File

@ -15,8 +15,14 @@ subroutine openfil
use pwcom
use io, only: prefix
use restart_module, only: readfile_new
#ifdef __PARA
use para
implicit none
logical :: exst
integer :: ndr, kunittmp, ierr
real(kind=DP) :: edum(1,1), wdum(1,1)
! iunwfc contains the wavefunctions
@ -32,10 +38,35 @@ subroutine openfil
nwordwfc = 2 * nbnd * npwx
call diropn (iunwfc, trim(prefix)//'.wfc', nwordwfc, exst)
if (startingwfc.eq.'file'.and..not.exst) then
#if defined __NEW_PUNCH
ndr = 4
kunittmp = 1
# ifdef __PARA
kunittmp = kunit
# endif
call readfile_new( 'wave', ndr, edum, wdum, kunittmp, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ierr )
if ( ierr > 0 ) then
write (6, '(5x,"Cannot read wfc file: not found")')
#if defined __NEW_PUNCH
end if
! Needed for LDA+U

View File

@ -137,24 +137,14 @@ subroutine writefile_new( what, ndw, et_g, wg_g, kunit )
twrgvec = .TRUE.
twrgkvec = .TRUE.
twrchden = .TRUE.
twrwfc = .TRUE.
CASE ( 'wave' )
twrwfc = .TRUE.
if( twfcollect ) twrwfc = .TRUE.
CASE ( 'config' )
twrhead = .TRUE.
twrxdim = .TRUE.
twrcell = .TRUE.
twrpos = .TRUE.
twrhead = .TRUE.
twrxdim = .TRUE.
twrcell = .TRUE.
twrpos = .TRUE.
twrsym = .TRUE.
twrpseudo = .TRUE.
twrocc = .TRUE.
twrgvec = .TRUE.
twrgkvec = .TRUE.
CALL errore( ' writefile_new ', ' unknown value for what ', 1 )
@ -224,20 +214,28 @@ subroutine writefile_new( what, ndw, et_g, wg_g, kunit )
! tupf = .TRUE. ! the pseudopotential are saved in UPF format
lgamma = gamma_only
CALL write_restart_header(ndw, twrhead, istep, iswitch, trutime, nr1, nr2, nr3, &
if( twrhead ) then
CALL write_restart_header(ndw, istep, iswitch, trutime, nr1, nr2, nr3, &
nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, ngm_g, nkstot, ngk_g, nspin, nbnd, nelec, nelu, neld, &
nat, ntyp, na, acc, nacx, ecutwfc, ecutrho, alat, ekincm, &
kunit, k1, k2, k3, nk1, nk2, nk3, degauss, ngauss, lgauss, ntetra, ltetra, &
natomwfc, gcutm, gcutms, dual, doublegrid, modenum, lstres, lforce, &
title, crystal, tmp_dir, tupf, lgamma, &
tfixed_occ, tefield, dipfield, edir, emaxpos, eopreg, eamp, twfcollect)
CALL write_restart_header(ndw)
end if
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
CALL write_restart_xdim( ndw, twrxdim, &
if( twrxdim ) then
CALL write_restart_xdim( ndw, &
npwx, nbndx, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nrxx, nrx1s, nrx2s, nrx3s, nrxxs )
CALL write_restart_xdim( ndw )
end if
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
! == CELL & METRIC ==
@ -251,8 +249,12 @@ subroutine writefile_new( what, ndw, et_g, wg_g, kunit )
htm = ht0
htm2 = ht0
htvel = 0.0d0
CALL write_restart_cell( ndw, twrcell, ibrav, celldm, ht0, htm, &
if( twrcell ) then
CALL write_restart_cell( ndw, ibrav, celldm, ht0, htm, &
htm2, htvel, xhnosp, xhnos0, xhnosm, xhnosm2)
CALL write_restart_cell( ndw )
end if
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
! == IONS ==
@ -279,9 +281,13 @@ subroutine writefile_new( what, ndw, et_g, wg_g, kunit )
cdmi = 0.0d0
tscal = .FALSE.
CALL write_restart_ions(ndw, twrpos, atm, tscal, stau0, svel0, &
if( twrpos ) then
CALL write_restart_ions(ndw, atm, tscal, stau0, svel0, &
staum, svelm, tautmp, force, cdmi, nat, ntyp, ityp, na, amass, xnosp, &
xnos0, xnosm, xnosm2)
CALL write_restart_ions(ndw)
end if
DEALLOCATE( stau0, svel0, staum, svelm, tautmp )
@ -290,7 +296,7 @@ subroutine writefile_new( what, ndw, et_g, wg_g, kunit )
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
IF( twrsym ) THEN
CALL write_restart_symmetry( ndw, twrsym, &
CALL write_restart_symmetry( ndw, &
symm_type, sname, s, irt, nat, ftau, nsym, invsym, noinv )
CALL write_restart_symmetry( ndw )
@ -318,7 +324,7 @@ subroutine writefile_new( what, ndw, et_g, wg_g, kunit )
call read_pseudo_upf(iunps, upf, ierr)
CALL write_restart_pseudo( ndw, twrpseudo, &
CALL write_restart_pseudo( ndw, &
upf%generated, upf%date_author, upf%comment, upf%psd, upf%typ, upf%tvanp, &
upf%nlcc, upf%dft, upf%zp, upf%etotps, upf%ecutwfc, upf%ecutrho, upf%nv, &
upf%lmax, upf%mesh, upf%nwfc, upf%nbeta, upf%els(:), upf%lchi(:), upf%oc(:), &
@ -329,7 +335,7 @@ subroutine writefile_new( what, ndw, et_g, wg_g, kunit )
CALL deallocate_pseudo_upf( upf )
close( iunps )
CALL write_restart_pseudo( ndw, twrpseudo, &
CALL write_restart_pseudo( ndw, &
zmesh(i), xmin(i), dx(i), r(:,i), rab(:,i), vnl(:,:,i), chi(:,:,i), oc(:,i), &
rho_at(:,i), rho_atc(:,i), mesh(i), msh(i), nchi(i), lchi(:,i), &
numeric(i), cc(:,i), alpc(:,i), zp(i), aps(:,:,i), alps(:,:,i), &
@ -363,7 +369,7 @@ subroutine writefile_new( what, ndw, et_g, wg_g, kunit )
ALLOCATE( lambda(1,1) )
occtmp = 0.0d0
ispin = isk( ik )
CALL write_restart_electrons( ndw, twrocc, occtmp, occtmp, tocc, lambda, lambda, &
CALL write_restart_electrons( ndw, occtmp, occtmp, tocc, lambda, lambda, &
ldim, tlam, nbnd, ispin, nspin, ik, nkstot, nelec, nelu, neld, &
xenosp, xenos0, xenosm, xenosm2, &
ef, teig, et_g(:,ik), wg_g(:,ik) )
@ -385,7 +391,7 @@ subroutine writefile_new( what, ndw, et_g, wg_g, kunit )
bg1_ = bg(:,1)
bg2_ = bg(:,2)
bg3_ = bg(:,3)
CALL write_restart_gvec( ndw, twrgvec, ngm_g, bg1_, bg2_, bg3_, &
CALL write_restart_gvec( ndw, ngm_g, bg1_, bg2_, bg3_, &
bg1_, bg2_, bg3_, tmill, mill )
@ -404,7 +410,7 @@ subroutine writefile_new( what, ndw, et_g, wg_g, kunit )
tetratmp = 0
npwt = npwx
CALL write_restart_gkvec(ndw, twrgkvec, ik, nkstot, ngk_g(ik), &
CALL write_restart_gkvec(ndw, ik, nkstot, ngk_g(ik), &
xk(:,ik), wk(ik), tetratmp, isk(ik))
CALL write_restart_gkvec( ndw )
@ -425,7 +431,6 @@ subroutine writefile_new( what, ndw, et_g, wg_g, kunit )
IF( twrwfc ) THEN
twrite = .TRUE.
twf0 = .TRUE.
twfm = .FALSE.
wfc_scal = 1.0d0
@ -439,7 +444,7 @@ subroutine writefile_new( what, ndw, et_g, wg_g, kunit )
ispin = isk( ik )
! write(6,*) ' ### ', ik,nkstot,iks,ike,kunit,nproc,nproc_pool ! DEBUG
CALL write_restart_wfc(ndw, twrite, ik, nkstot, kunit, ispin, nspin, &
CALL write_restart_wfc(ndw, ik, nkstot, kunit, ispin, nspin, &
wfc_scal, evc, twf0, evc, twfm, npw_g, nbnd, igk_l2g(:,ik-iks+1), ngk(ik-iks+1) )
@ -514,7 +519,7 @@ subroutine readfile_new( what, ndr, et_g, wg_g, kunit, nsizwfc, iunitwfc, ierr )
integer, intent(inout) :: kunit
logical :: tovrw, exst
logical :: exst
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: stau0(:,:), staum(:,:), amass_(:)
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: svel0(:,:), svelm(:,:), tautmp(:,:), force_(:,:)
real(kind=DP) :: xnosp, xnos0, xnosm, xnosm2, cdmi(3)
@ -600,12 +605,7 @@ subroutine readfile_new( what, ndr, et_g, wg_g, kunit, nsizwfc, iunitwfc, ierr )
trdgkvec = .TRUE.
trdchden = .TRUE.
trdwfc = .TRUE.
CASE ( 'wave' )
trdwfc = .TRUE.
CASE ( 'dim' )
trdhead = .TRUE.
trdxdim = .TRUE.
CASE ( 'nowave' )
trdhead = .TRUE.
trdxdim = .TRUE.
trdcell = .TRUE.
@ -615,6 +615,14 @@ subroutine readfile_new( what, ndr, et_g, wg_g, kunit, nsizwfc, iunitwfc, ierr )
trdocc = .TRUE.
trdgvec = .TRUE.
trdgkvec = .TRUE.
trdchden = .TRUE.
CASE ( 'wave' )
trdwfc = .TRUE.
CASE ( 'dim' )
trdhead = .TRUE.
trdxdim = .TRUE.
CALL errore( ' writefile_new ', ' unknown value for what ', 1 )
@ -625,7 +633,7 @@ subroutine readfile_new( what, ndr, et_g, wg_g, kunit, nsizwfc, iunitwfc, ierr )
IF( trdhead ) THEN
CALL read_restart_header(ndr, trdhead, istep, iswitch, trutime_, nr1, nr2, nr3, &
CALL read_restart_header(ndr, istep, iswitch, trutime_, nr1, nr2, nr3, &
nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, ngm_g, nkstot, ngk_g, nspin, nbnd, nelec, nelu_, &
neld_, nat, ntyp, na_, acc_, nacx_, ecutwfc, ecutrho_, alat, ekincm_, &
kunit_, k1, k2, k3, nk1, nk2, nk3, degauss, ngauss, lgauss, ntetra, ltetra, &
@ -686,8 +694,8 @@ subroutine readfile_new( what, ndr, et_g, wg_g, kunit, nsizwfc, iunitwfc, ierr )
IF( trdxdim ) THEN
CALL read_restart_xdim( ndr, trdxdim, &
npwx, nbndx, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nrxx, nrx1s, nrx2s, nrx3s, nrxxs )
CALL read_restart_xdim( ndr, npwx, nbndx, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, &
nrxx, nrx1s, nrx2s, nrx3s, nrxxs )
@ -703,7 +711,7 @@ subroutine readfile_new( what, ndr, et_g, wg_g, kunit, nsizwfc, iunitwfc, ierr )
IF( trdcell ) THEN
CALL read_restart_cell( ndr, trdcell, ibrav, celldm, ht0, htm, &
CALL read_restart_cell( ndr, ibrav, celldm, ht0, htm, &
htm2, htvel, xhnosp, xhnos0, xhnosm, xhnosm2)
at = TRANSPOSE( ht0 / alat )
@ -734,7 +742,7 @@ subroutine readfile_new( what, ndr, et_g, wg_g, kunit, nsizwfc, iunitwfc, ierr )
ALLOCATE( ityp_(nat) )
ALLOCATE( amass_(ntyp) )
CALL read_restart_ions(ndr, trdpos, atom_label(1:ntyp), tscal, stau0, svel0, &
CALL read_restart_ions(ndr, atom_label(1:ntyp), tscal, stau0, svel0, &
staum, svelm, tautmp, force_, cdmi, nat_, ntyp_, ityp_, na_, amass_, xnosp, &
xnos0, xnosm, xnosm2)
@ -759,7 +767,7 @@ subroutine readfile_new( what, ndr, et_g, wg_g, kunit, nsizwfc, iunitwfc, ierr )
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
if( trdsym ) then
CALL read_restart_symmetry( ndr, trdsym, &
CALL read_restart_symmetry( ndr, &
symm_type, sname, s, irt, nat_, ftau, nsym, invsym, noinv )
CALL read_restart_symmetry( ndr )
@ -769,8 +777,6 @@ subroutine readfile_new( what, ndr, et_g, wg_g, kunit, nsizwfc, iunitwfc, ierr )
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
tovrw = .TRUE.
DO i = 1, ntyp
if( trdpseudo ) then
@ -784,7 +790,7 @@ subroutine readfile_new( what, ndr, et_g, wg_g, kunit, nsizwfc, iunitwfc, ierr )
upf%qfunc( 0:ndm, 1:nbrx, 1:nbrx ), upf%qfcoef( 1:nqfm, 1:lqmax, 1:nbrx, 1:nbrx ), &
upf%chi( 0:ndm, nchix ), upf%rho_at( 0:ndm ) )
CALL read_restart_pseudo( ndr, trdpseudo, &
CALL read_restart_pseudo( ndr, &
upf%generated, upf%date_author, upf%comment, upf%psd, upf%typ, upf%tvanp, &
upf%nlcc, upf%dft, upf%zp, upf%etotps, upf%ecutwfc, upf%ecutrho, upf%nv, &
upf%lmax, upf%mesh, upf%nwfc, upf%nbeta, upf%els, upf%lchi, upf%oc, &
@ -807,7 +813,7 @@ subroutine readfile_new( what, ndr, et_g, wg_g, kunit, nsizwfc, iunitwfc, ierr )
CALL read_restart_pseudo( ndr, trdpseudo, &
CALL read_restart_pseudo( ndr, &
zmesh(i), xmin(i), dx(i), r(:,i), rab(:,i), vnl(:,:,i), chi(:,:,i), oc(:,i), &
rho_at(:,i), rho_atc(:,i), mesh(i), msh(i), nchi(i), lchi(:,i), &
numeric(i), cc(:,i), alpc(:,i), zp(i), aps(:,:,i), alps(:,:,i), &
@ -827,11 +833,6 @@ subroutine readfile_new( what, ndr, et_g, wg_g, kunit, nsizwfc, iunitwfc, ierr )
! IF( what == 'nowave' ) THEN
! CALL mp_end()
! stop 'qui'
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
@ -846,8 +847,7 @@ subroutine readfile_new( what, ndr, et_g, wg_g, kunit, nsizwfc, iunitwfc, ierr )
ALLOCATE( occtmp(nbnd) )
ALLOCATE( lambda(1,1) )
occtmp = 0.0d0
CALL read_restart_electrons( ndr, trdocc, &
occtmp, occtmp, tocc, lambda, lambda, &
CALL read_restart_electrons( ndr, occtmp, occtmp, tocc, lambda, lambda, &
ldim, tlam, nbnd_, ispin_, nspin_, ik_, nkstot_, nelec_, nelu_, neld_, &
xenosp_, xenos0_, xenosm_, xenosm2_, ef, teig, et_g(:,ik), wg_g(:,ik) )
DEALLOCATE( occtmp )
@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ subroutine readfile_new( what, ndr, et_g, wg_g, kunit, nsizwfc, iunitwfc, ierr )
ALLOCATE( mill(3,1) )
mill = 0
tmill = .FALSE.
CALL read_restart_gvec( ndr, trdgvec, &
CALL read_restart_gvec( ndr, &
ngm_g, bg_(:,1), bg_(:,2), bg_(:,3), bg_(:,1), bg_(:,2), bg_(:,3), tmill, mill )
@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ subroutine readfile_new( what, ndr, et_g, wg_g, kunit, nsizwfc, iunitwfc, ierr )
DO ik = 1, nkstot
IF ( trdgkvec ) THEN
CALL read_restart_gkvec(ndr, trdgkvec, &
CALL read_restart_gkvec(ndr, &
ik_, nkstot_, ngk_g(ik), xk(:,ik), wk(ik), tetratmp, isk(ik))
IF( ltetra ) THEN
tetra(:,ik) = tetratmp
@ -934,7 +934,6 @@ subroutine readfile_new( what, ndr, et_g, wg_g, kunit, nsizwfc, iunitwfc, ierr )
tovrw = .FALSE.
twf0 = .TRUE.
twfm = .FALSE.
tigl = .FALSE.
@ -969,16 +968,19 @@ subroutine readfile_new( what, ndr, et_g, wg_g, kunit, nsizwfc, iunitwfc, ierr )
CALL mp_bcast( npw_g, ipdest )
CALL read_restart_wfc(ndr, trdwfc, ik, nkstot, kunit, ispin_, nspin_, &
CALL read_restart_wfc(ndr, ik, nkstot, kunit, ispin_, nspin_, &
wfc_scal, evc, twf0, evc, twfm, npw_g, nbnd_, igk_l2g(:,ik-iks+1), npw )
! WRITE(6,*) ' *** DEBUG readfile ', evc(1,1), nsizwfc, iunitwfc, (ik-iks+1)
IF( twf0 ) THEN
IF( (ik >= iks) .AND. (ik <= ike) ) THEN
IF( wfc_scal /= 1.0d0 ) THEN
CALL DSCAL( 2*nsizwfc, wfc_scal, evc, 1)
call davcio (evc(1,1), nsizwfc, iunitwfc, (ik-iks+1), 1)
ierr = 1
@ -1023,17 +1025,13 @@ subroutine readfile_config( ndr, ibrav, nat, alat, at, tau, ierr )
use parameters, only: nacx, nsx
#ifdef __PARA
use para, only: nproc
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: ndr
integer, intent(out) :: ibrav, nat, ierr
real(kind=DP), intent(out) :: alat, at(:,:), tau(:,:)
logical :: tread, tovrw, exst
logical :: tread, exst
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: stau0(:,:), staum(:,:), amass_(:)
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: svel0(:,:), svelm(:,:), tautmp(:,:), force_(:,:)
real(kind=DP) :: xnosp, xnos0, xnosm, xnosm2, cdmi(3)
@ -1053,7 +1051,7 @@ subroutine readfile_config( ndr, ibrav, nat, alat, at, tau, ierr )
real(kind=DP) :: trutime_, nelec_, ecutwfc_, ecutrho_, alat_, ekincm_
real(kind=DP) :: degauss_, gcutm_, gcutms_, dual_
real(kind=DP) :: acc_(nacx)
logical :: lgauss_, ltetra_, doublegrid_, lstres_, lforce_, tupf, lgamma
logical :: lgauss_, ltetra_, doublegrid_, lstres_, lforce_, tupf_, lgamma_
character(len=80) :: title_, crystal_, tmp_dir_
real(kind=DP) :: celldm_(6)
@ -1068,6 +1066,8 @@ subroutine readfile_config( ndr, ibrav, nat, alat, at, tau, ierr )
! ... end of declarations
! read configuration from .save file
ierr = 0
filename = trim( prefix )//'.save'
write (6, '(/,5x,"Reading file ",a14)') filename
@ -1081,6 +1081,10 @@ subroutine readfile_config( ndr, ibrav, nat, alat, at, tau, ierr )
rewind ndr
end if
call mp_bcast( ierr, ionode_id )
! if the file is not present or unreadable
! return immediately
if( ierr /= 0 ) then
end if
@ -1089,22 +1093,19 @@ subroutine readfile_config( ndr, ibrav, nat, alat, at, tau, ierr )
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
tread = .TRUE.
CALL read_restart_header(ndr, tread, istep_, iswitch_, trutime_, nr1_, nr2_, nr3_, &
CALL read_restart_header(ndr, istep_, iswitch_, trutime_, nr1_, nr2_, nr3_, &
nr1s_, nr2s_, nr3s_, ngmg_, nkstot_, ngk_g, nspin_, nbnd_, nelec_, nelu_, &
neld_, nat_, ntyp_, na_, acc_, nacx_, ecutwfc_, ecutrho_, alat_, ekincm_, &
kunit_, k1_, k2_, k3_, nk1_, nk2_, nk3_, degauss_, ngauss_, lgauss_, ntetra_, ltetra_, &
natomwfc_, gcutm_, gcutms_, dual_, doublegrid_, modenum_, lstres_, lforce_, &
title_, crystal_, tmp_dir_, tupf, lgamma, &
title_, crystal_, tmp_dir_, tupf_, lgamma_, &
tfixed_occ_, tefield_, dipfield_, edir_, emaxpos_, eopreg_, eamp_, twfcollect_ )
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
tread = .TRUE.
CALL read_restart_xdim( ndr, tread, &
CALL read_restart_xdim( ndr, &
npwx_, nbndx_, nrx1_, nrx2_, nrx3_, nrxx_, nrx1s_, nrx2s_, nrx3s_, nrxxs_ )
@ -1112,16 +1113,13 @@ subroutine readfile_config( ndr, ibrav, nat, alat, at, tau, ierr )
! == CELL & METRIC ==
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
tread = .TRUE.
CALL read_restart_cell( ndr, tread, ibrav_, celldm_, ht0, htm, &
CALL read_restart_cell( ndr, ibrav_, celldm_, ht0, htm, &
htm2, htvel, xhnosp, xhnos0, xhnosm, xhnosm2)
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
! == IONS ==
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
tread = .TRUE.
ALLOCATE( stau0(3, nat_) )
ALLOCATE( staum(3, nat_) )
ALLOCATE( svel0(3, nat_) )
@ -1131,7 +1129,7 @@ subroutine readfile_config( ndr, ibrav, nat, alat, at, tau, ierr )
ALLOCATE( ityp_(nat_) )
ALLOCATE( amass_(ntyp_) )
CALL read_restart_ions(ndr, tread, atom_label(1:ntyp_), tscal, stau0, svel0, &
CALL read_restart_ions(ndr, atom_label(1:ntyp_), tscal, stau0, svel0, &
staum, svelm, tautmp, force_, cdmi, nat_, ntyp_, ityp_, na_, amass_, xnosp, &
xnos0, xnosm, xnosm2)