Mempry report updated to take into account scratch memory used in addusedens

as suggested by Pietro Bonfa'. Minor documentation updates.

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
giannozz 2017-04-04 16:08:30 +00:00
parent 5376f72b5a
commit 07fa2341d6
3 changed files with 48 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
New in svn version:
* SCAN functional with libxc v.3; bands with meta-GGA can be computed
(Davide ceresoli)
(Davide Ceresoli)
Fixed in svn version

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Hybrid Hartree-Fock+DFT functionals are a still evolving feature in PWscf.
Only a few functionalities are implemented.
Some of the following notes may be obsolete.
The following hybrid functionals are implemented: Hartree-Fock, PBE0,
@ -178,8 +178,5 @@
Running it will generate directory "results" to be compared with directory
Please report problems and suggestions to QE developers, in particular:
Stefano de Gironcoli <>,
Paolo Giannozzi <>,
Layla Martin-Samos <>),
or in general to <>
Please report problems and suggestions to the mailing list of QE developers:

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@ -32,10 +32,11 @@ SUBROUTINE memory_report()
USE fixed_occ, ONLY : one_atom_occupations
USE wannier_new,ONLY: use_wannier
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : npol
USE uspp_param,ONLY : lmaxkb, upf, nh
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : npol, nspin_mag
USE control_flags, ONLY: isolve, nmix, imix, gamma_only, lscf, io_level, &
lxdm, smallmem
USE ions_base, ONLY : ntyp=>nsp
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ntyp => nsp, ityp
USE mp_diag, ONLY : np_ortho
USE mp_bands, ONLY : nproc_bgrp, nbgrp
USE mp_images, ONLY : nproc_image
@ -45,11 +46,12 @@ SUBROUTINE memory_report()
INTEGER :: g_fact, mix_type_size, scf_type_size
INTEGER :: nk, nbnd_l, npwx_g, npwx_l, ngxx_g, nexx_l
INTEGER :: maxnab, maxnij, nab, na, nij, nt
! these quantities are real in order to prevent integer overflow
REAL(dp), PARAMETER :: complex_size=16_dp, real_size=8_dp, int_size=4_dp
REAL(dp) :: ram, ram1, maxram, totram
REAL(dp) :: ram, ram_, ram1, maxram, totram
IF ( gamma_only) THEN
g_fact = 2 ! use half plane waves or G-vectors
@ -123,10 +125,11 @@ SUBROUTINE memory_report()
! double grid: nls, nlsm
ram = ram + int_size * ngms * 2
! now scratch space that raises the "high watermark"
! compute ram_: scratch space that raises the "high watermark"
! hpsi, spsi, matrices allocated in iterative diagonalization
! nbnd_l : estimated dimension of distributed matrices
! ram1: scratch space allocated in iterative diagonalization
! hpsi, spsi, hr and sr matrices, scalar products
! nbnd_l is the estimated dimension of distributed matrices
nbnd_l = nbndx/np_ortho(1)
ram1 = complex_size/g_fact * ( 2*nbnd_l**2 + & ! hr, sr
@ -135,13 +138,45 @@ SUBROUTINE memory_report()
ram1 = ram1 + complex_size * nbndx * npol * npwx_l ! hpsi
IF ( okvan ) ram1 = ram1 + complex_size * nbndx * npol * npwx_l ! spsi
ram_ = ram1
! arrays allocated in approx_screening2 during charge mixing
IF ( lscf .AND. imix > 1 ) &
ram1 = MAX( ram1, complex_size * ngm * 27 + real_size * dffts%nnr )
maxram = ram + ram1
ram_ = MAX( ram_, complex_size * ngm * 27 + real_size * dffts%nnr )
! ram1: arrays allocated in addusdens and newq
IF ( okvan ) THEN
maxnab = 0
maxnij = 0
DO nt = 1, ntyp
IF ( upf(nt)%tvanp ) THEN
! nij = max number of (ih,jh) pairs per atom type nt
nij = nh(nt)*(nh(nt)+1)/2
IF ( nij > maxnij ) maxnij = nij
! count max number of atoms of type nt
nab = 0
DO na = 1, nat
IF ( ityp(na) == nt ) nab = nab + 1
IF ( nab > maxnab ) maxnab = nab
! ylmk0 qmod
ram1 = real_size * ngm * ( (2*lmaxkb+1) * (2*lmaxkb+1) + 1 )
! aux skk aux2 qgm
ram1 = ram1 + complex_size * ngm * ( nspin_mag + maxnab + maxnij + 1)
ram_ = MAX ( ram_, ram1 )
maxram = ram + ram_
! arrays used for global sorting in ggen:
! mill_g, mill_unsorted, igsrt, g2sort_g, total dimensions: