Comments + cleanup

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
cavazzon 2003-04-24 08:21:36 +00:00
parent 37a8dec5dd
commit 029005dfa4
1 changed files with 21 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -165,17 +165,24 @@ CONTAINS
desc%ngl( 1:nproc ) = ngp( 1:nproc )
! Set for each stick the processor that owns it
IF( SIZE( desc%isind ) < ( nr1x * nr2x ) ) &
CALL errore( ' fft_dlay_set ', ' wrong descriptor dimensions, isind ', 5 )
IF( SIZE( desc%iplp ) < ( nr1x ) .OR. SIZE( desc%iplw ) < ( nr1x ) ) &
CALL errore( ' fft_dlay_set ', ' wrong descriptor dimensions, ipl ', 5 )
! 1. Temporarily store in the array "desc%isind" the index of the processor
! that own the corresponding stick (index of proc starting from 1)
! 2. Set the array elements of "desc%iplw" and "desc%iplp" to one
! for that index corresponding to YZ planes containing at least one stick
! this are used in the FFT transform along Y
desc%isind = 0
desc%iplp = 0
desc%iplw = 0
DO iss = 1, nst
is = index( iss )
i1 = in1( is )
@ -204,6 +211,11 @@ CONTAINS
! Compute for each proc the global index ( starting from 0 ) of the first
! local stick ( desc%iss )
DO i = 1, nproc
IF( i == 1 ) THEN
desc%iss( i ) = 0
@ -215,6 +227,13 @@ CONTAINS
IF( SIZE( desc%ismap ) < ( nst ) ) &
CALL errore( ' fft_dlay_set ', ' wrong descriptor dimensions ', 6 )
! 1. Set the array desc%ismap which maps stick indexes to
! position in the palne ( iss )
! 2. Re-set the array "desc%isind", that maps position
! in the plane with stick indexes (it is the inverse of desc%ismap )
desc%ismap = 0
nsp = 0
DO iss = 1, SIZE( desc%isind )