
53 lines
1.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

! Copyright (C) 2001,2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine restart_from_file
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE io_files, ONLY : iunres
USE control_flags, ONLY: restart
implicit none
character :: where * 20 ! parameter indicating from where to restart
logical :: exst
! check if restart file is present
iunres = 1
if (.not.restart) then
! WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"RECOVER from restart file has been switched off on input")')
call seqopn (iunres, 'restart', 'unformatted', exst)
! if (exst) WRITE( stdout,'(/5x,"Existing restart file has been removed")')
close (unit = iunres, status = 'delete')
call seqopn (iunres, 'restart', 'unformatted', restart)
if (.not.restart) then
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"RECOVER from restart file failed: file not found")')
close (unit = iunres, status = 'delete')
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"read information from restart file")')
read (iunres, err = 10, end = 10) where
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"Restarting in ",a)') where
if (where.ne.'ELECTRONS'.and.where.ne.'IONS') then
WRITE( stdout,*) where, '......?'
call errore ('readin', ' wrong recover file ', 1)
! close the file for later use
close (unit = iunres, status = 'keep')
10 call errore ('readin', 'problems in reading recover file', 1)
end subroutine restart_from_file