
1351 lines
42 KiB
Raw Normal View History

! Copyright (C) 2002-2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "machine.h"
! ... this subroutine reads input data from standard input ( unit 5 )
! ... Use "-input filename" to read input from file "filename":
! ... may be useful if you have trouble reading from standard input
! ... ---------------------------------------------------------------
! ... access the modules renaming the variables that have the same name
! ... as the input parameters, this is required in order to use a code
! ... independent input parser
USE constants, ONLY : AU, eV_to_kelvin
USE para, ONLY : npool
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE bp, ONLY : nppstr_ => nppstr, &
gdir_ => gdir, &
lberry_ => lberry
USE brilz, ONLY : at, alat, omega, &
celldm_ => celldm, &
ibrav_ => ibrav
USE ions_base, ONLY : ntyp_ => nsp
USE basis, ONLY : nat_ => nat, &
ityp, tau, atomic_positions, atm, &
startingwfc_ => startingwfc, &
startingpot_ => startingpot, &
USE char, ONLY : title_ => title, &
USE cellmd, ONLY : cmass, ttol, omega_old, at_old, ntcheck, &
cell_factor_ => cell_factor , &
press_ => press, &
calc, lmovecell
USE constants, ONLY : pi, rytoev, uakbar, amconv, bohr_radius_angs
USE dynam, ONLY : dt_ => dt, &
temperature, amass, delta_t, nraise
USE extfield, ONLY : tefield_ => tefield, &
dipfield_ => dipfield, &
edir_ => edir, &
emaxpos_ => emaxpos, &
eopreg_ => eopreg, &
eamp_ => eamp, &
USE io_files, ONLY : input_drho, output_drho
USE force_mod, ONLY : lforce, lstres, force
USE gvect, ONLY : dual, &
nr1_ => nr1, &
nr2_ => nr2, &
nr3_ => nr3, &
ecutwfc_ => ecutwfc, &
ecfixed_ => ecfixed, &
qcutz_ => qcutz, &
q2sigma_ => q2sigma
USE gsmooth, ONLY : nr1s_ => nr1s, &
nr2s_ => nr2s, &
nr3s_ => nr3s
USE klist, ONLY : xk, wk, nks, ngauss,&
xqq_ => xqq, &
degauss_ => degauss, &
nelec_ => nelec
USE ktetra, ONLY : nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3, ltetra
USE ldaU, ONLY : Hubbard_U_ => hubbard_u, &
Hubbard_alpha_ => hubbard_alpha, &
niter_with_fixed_ns, starting_ns, &
lda_plus_u_ => lda_plus_u
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin_ => nspin, &
starting_magnetization_ => starting_magnetization, &
USE io_files, ONLY : tmp_dir, &
prefix_ => prefix, &
pseudo_dir_ => pseudo_dir, &
USE relax, ONLY : if_pos, epsf, starting_scf_threshold, &
restart_bfgs, epse
USE control_flags, ONLY : diis_ethr_cg, diis_ndim, diis_wfc_keep, isolve, &
max_cg_iter, diis_buff, david, imix, nmix, &
iverbosity, tr2, niter, order, iswitch, &
upscale_ => upscale, &
mixing_beta_ => mixing_beta, &
nstep_ => nstep, &
iprint_ => iprint, &
nosym_ => nosym, &
modenum_ => modenum, &
reduce_io, ethr, lscf, lbfgs, lmd, lneb, lphonon, &
noinv, restart, loldbfgs, lconstrain, &
USE wvfct, ONLY : ibm_baco2, &
nbnd_ => nbnd
USE fixed_occ, ONLY : tfixed_occ
USE control_flags, ONLY : twfcollect
USE neb_variables, ONLY : lsteep_des, lquick_min , ldamped_dyn, lmol_dyn, &
num_of_images_ => num_of_images, &
CI_scheme_ => CI_scheme, &
VEC_scheme_ => VEC_scheme, &
optimization_ => optimization, &
damp_ => damp, &
temp_req_ => temp_req, &
ds_ => ds, &
k_max_ => k_max, &
k_min_ => k_min, &
neb_thr_ => neb_thr, &
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : baco_ibm_xlf, &
noncolin_ => noncolin, &
lambda_ => lambda, &
i_cons_ => i_cons, &
mcons_ => mcons, &
angle1_ => angle1, &
angle2_ => angle2, &
report_ => report
USE bfgs_module, ONLY : bfgs_xlf_bug, &
lbfgs_ndim_ => lbfgs_ndim, &
trust_radius_max_ => trust_radius_max, &
trust_radius_min_ => trust_radius_min, &
trust_radius_ini_ => trust_radius_ini, &
trust_radius_end_ => trust_radius_end, &
w_1_ => w_1, &
w_2_ => w_2
USE check_stop, ONLY : check_stop_init
! CONTROL namelist
USE input_parameters, ONLY : title, calculation, verbosity, &
restart_mode, nstep, iprint, tstress, tprnfor, &
dt, outdir, prefix, max_seconds, &
etot_conv_thr, forc_conv_thr, pseudo_dir, &
disk_io, tefield, dipfield, lberry, gdir, &
nppstr, wf_collect
! SYSTEM namelist
USE input_parameters, ONLY : ibrav, celldm, a, b, c, cosab, cosac, cosbc, &
nat, ntyp, nbnd, nelec, ecutwfc, ecutrho, &
nr1, nr2, nr3, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, &
nosym, starting_magnetization, &
occupations, degauss, smearing, &
nspin, ecfixed, qcutz, q2sigma, &
lda_plus_U, Hubbard_U, Hubbard_alpha, &
edir, emaxpos, eopreg, eamp, starting_ns_eigenvalue, &
noncolin, lambda, i_cons, mcons, angle1, &
angle2, report
! ELECTRONS namelist
USE input_parameters, ONLY : electron_maxstep, electron_dynamics, &
mixing_mode, mixing_beta, mixing_ndim, &
mixing_fixed_ns, diago_cg_maxiter, &
diago_david_ndim, diago_diis_buff, &
diago_diis_ndim, diago_diis_keep, &
diago_diis_ethr, diagonalization, startingwfc, &
startingpot, conv_thr, diago_thr_init
! IONS namelist
USE input_parameters, ONLY : ion_dynamics, ion_positions, ion_temperature, &
tempw, tolp, upscale, potential_extrapolation, &
CI_scheme, VEC_scheme, minimization_scheme, &
num_of_images, optimization, damp, temp_req, &
ds, k_max, k_min, neb_thr, &
trust_radius_max, trust_radius_min, &
trust_radius_ini, trust_radius_end, &
w_1, w_2, lbfgs_ndim
! CELL namelist
USE input_parameters, ONLY : cell_parameters, cell_dynamics, press, &
wmass, cell_temperature, cell_dofree, &
! PHONON namelist
USE input_parameters, ONLY : phonon, modenum, xqq
! ... NEB specific
USE input_parameters, ONLY : pos
USE read_namelists_module, ONLY: read_namelists
! ... local variables
INTEGER :: unit = 5, &! standard input unit
i, iiarg, nargs, ia, ios, ierr, ilen, is, image, nt
INTEGER :: iargc
CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: input_file
CALL getenv( 'HOME', pseudo_dir )
pseudo_dir = TRIM( pseudo_dir ) // '/pw/pseudo/'
! ... Input from file ?
nargs = iargc()
DO iiarg = 1, ( nargs - 1 )
CALL getarg( iiarg, input_file )
IF ( TRIM( input_file ) == '-input' .OR. &
TRIM( input_file ) == '-inp' .OR. &
TRIM( input_file ) == '-in' ) THEN
CALL getarg( ( iiarg + 1 ) , input_file )
OPEN ( UNIT = unit, FILE = input_file, FORM = 'FORMATTED', &
STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ierr )
CALL errore( 'iosys', 'input file ' // TRIM( input_file ) // &
& ' not found' , ierr )
! ... all namelists are read
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
CALL read_namelists( 'PW' )
nraise = 100
delta_t = 1.D0
! ... translate from input to internals of PWscf, various checks
CALL check_stop_init( max_seconds )
IF ( tefield .AND. ( .NOT. nosym ) ) THEN
nosym = .TRUE.
WRITE( stdout, &
'(5x,"Presently no symmetry can be used with electric field",/)' )
IF ( tefield .AND. tstress ) THEN
tstress = .FALSE.
WRITE( stdout, &
'(5x,"Presently stress not available with electric field",/)' )
IF ( tefield .AND. ( nspin == 2 ) ) THEN
CALL errore( 'iosys', 'LSDA not available with electric field' , 1 )
twfcollect = wf_collect
! ... Set Values for electron and bands
tfixed_occ = .FALSE.
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( occupations ) )
CASE ( 'fixed' )
ngauss = 0
ltetra = .FALSE.
IF ( degauss /= 0.D0 ) THEN
CALL errore( ' iosys ', &
& ' fixed occupations, gauss. broadening ignored', -1 )
degauss = 0.D0
CASE ( 'smearing' )
ltetra = .FALSE.
IF ( degauss == 0.D0 ) THEN
CALL errore( ' iosys ', &
& ' smearing requires gaussian broadening', 1 )
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( smearing ) )
CASE ( 'gaussian' , 'gauss' )
ngauss = 0
CASE ( 'methfessel-paxton' , 'm-p' , 'mp' )
ngauss = 1
CASE ( 'marzari-vanderbilt' , 'cold' , 'm-v' , 'mv' )
ngauss = -1
CASE ( 'fermi-dirac' , 'f-d' , 'fd' )
ngauss = -99
CASE ( 'tetrahedra' )
ngauss = 0
ltetra = .TRUE.
CASE ( 'from_input' )
ngauss = 0
ltetra = .FALSE.
tfixed_occ = .TRUE.
CALL errore( ' iosys ',' occupations ' // TRIM( occupations ) // &
& 'not implemented', 1 )
IF( nbnd < 1 ) THEN
CALL errore( ' iosys ', ' nbnd less than 1 ', nbnd )
IF( nelec < 0 ) THEN
CALL errore( ' iosys ', ' nelec less than 0 ', nelec )
lsda = ( nspin == 2 )
! ... starting_magnetization(ia) = -2.D0 means "not set" -- set it to 0
DO ia = 1, ntyp
IF ( starting_magnetization(ia) == -2.D0 ) &
starting_magnetization(ia) = 0.D0
IF ( ecutrho <= 0.D0 ) THEN
dual = 4.D0
dual = ecutrho / ecutwfc
IF( dual <= 1.D0 ) THEN
CALL errore( ' iosys ', ' invalid dual? ', 1 )
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( restart_mode ) )
CASE ( 'from_scratch' )
restart = .FALSE.
restart_bfgs = .FALSE.
startingconfig = 'input'
CASE ( 'restart' )
! ... NEB specific
IF ( calculation == 'neb' ) THEN
restart = .FALSE.
restart_bfgs = .FALSE.
restart = .TRUE.
restart_bfgs = .TRUE.
IF ( TRIM( ion_positions ) == 'from_input' ) THEN
startingconfig = 'input'
startingconfig = 'file'
CALL errore( ' iosys ', ' unknown restart_mode ' // &
& TRIM( restart_mode ), 1 )
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( disk_io ) )
CASE ( 'high' )
reduce_io = .FALSE.
reduce_io = .TRUE.
restart = .FALSE.
Hubbard_U(:) = Hubbard_U(:) / rytoev
Hubbard_alpha(:)= Hubbard_alpha(:) / rytoev
ethr = diago_thr_init
! ... initialization of logical variables
lscf = .FALSE.
lbfgs = .FALSE.
lmd = .FALSE.
lneb = .FALSE.
lforce = tprnfor
lmovecell = .FALSE.
lphonon = .FALSE.
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( calculation ) )
CASE ( 'scf' )
lscf = .TRUE.
iswitch = 0 ! ... obsolescent: do not use in new code ( 29/10/2003 C.S.)
nstep = 1
CASE ( 'nscf' )
iswitch = -1
lforce = .FALSE.
nstep = 1
CASE ( 'relax' )
lscf = .TRUE.
lbfgs = .TRUE.
iswitch = 1 ! ... obsolescent: do not use in new code ( 29/10/2003 C.S.)
lforce = .TRUE.
CASE ( 'md' )
lscf = .TRUE.
lmd = .TRUE.
iswitch = 3 ! ... obsolescent: do not use in new code ( 29/10/2003 C.S.)
lforce = .TRUE.
CASE ( 'vc-relax' , 'vc-md' )
lscf = .TRUE.
lmd = .TRUE.
iswitch = 3 ! ... obsolescent: do not use in new code ( 29/10/2003 C.S.)
lmovecell = .TRUE.
lforce = .TRUE.
CASE ( 'phonon' )
iswitch = -2 ! ... obsolescent: do not use in new code ( 29/10/2003 C.S.)
lphonon = .TRUE.
nstep = 1
! ... NEB specific
CASE ( 'neb' )
lscf = .TRUE.
lneb = .TRUE.
iswitch = 1 ! ... obsolescent: do not use in new code ( 29/10/2003 C.S.)
lforce = tprnfor
CALL errore( ' iosys ', ' calculation ' // &
& TRIM( calculation ) // ' not implemented', 1 )
IF ( modenum /= 0 ) THEN
iswitch = - 4
IF ( startingpot /= 'atomic' .AND. startingpot /= 'file' ) THEN
CALL errore( ' iosys', 'wrong startingpot: use default', -1 )
IF ( lscf ) startingpot = 'atomic'
IF ( .NOT. lscf ) startingpot = 'file'
IF ( .NOT. lscf .AND. startingpot /= 'file' ) THEN
CALL errore( ' iosys', 'wrong startingpot: use default', -1 )
startingpot = 'file'
IF ( startingwfc /= 'atomic' .AND. startingwfc /= 'random' .AND. &
startingwfc /= 'file' ) THEN
CALL errore( ' iosys', 'wrong startingwfc: use default', -1 )
startingwfc = 'atomic'
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( electron_dynamics ) )
CASE ( 'none' )
CALL errore( ' iosys ',' unknown electron_dynamics '// &
& TRIM( electron_dynamics ), 1 )
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( diagonalization ) )
CASE ( 'cg' )
isolve = 1
max_cg_iter = diago_cg_maxiter
CASE ( 'diis' )
isolve = 2
max_cg_iter = diago_cg_maxiter
diis_buff = diago_diis_buff
diis_ethr_cg = diago_diis_ethr ! ... SF
diis_ndim = diago_diis_ndim ! ... SF
diis_wfc_keep = diago_diis_keep
CASE ( 'david' )
isolve = 0
david = diago_david_ndim
isolve = 0
david = diago_david_ndim
tr2 = conv_thr
niter = electron_maxstep
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( potential_extrapolation ) )
CASE ( 'none' )
order = 0
CASE ( 'atomic' )
order = 1
CASE ( 'wfc' )
order = 2
CASE ( 'wfc2' )
order = 3
order = 1
IF ( occupations == 'fixed' .AND. nspin == 2 .AND. lscf ) THEN
CALL errore( ' iosys ', &
& ' fixed occupations and lsda not implemented ', 1 )
! ... initialization of logical variables
calc = ' '
lbfgs = .FALSE.
loldbfgs = .FALSE.
lmd = .FALSE.
ldamped = .FALSE.
lconstrain = .FALSE.
IF ( TRIM( calculation ) == 'relax' ) THEN
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( ion_dynamics ) )
CASE ( 'bfgs' )
iswitch = 1 ! ... obsolescent: do not use in new code ( 29/10/2003 C.S.)
lbfgs = .TRUE.
epse = etot_conv_thr
epsf = forc_conv_thr
IF ( epse <= 20.D0 * ( tr2 / upscale ) ) &
CALL errore( ' iosys ', ' required etot_conv_thr is too small:' // &
& ' conv_thr must be reduced', 1 )
CASE ( 'old-bfgs' )
iswitch = 1 ! ... obsolescent: do not use in new code ( 29/10/2003 C.S.)
loldbfgs = .TRUE.
epse = etot_conv_thr
epsf = forc_conv_thr
IF ( epse <= 20.D0 * ( tr2 / upscale ) ) &
CALL errore( ' iosys ', ' required etot_conv_thr is too small:' // &
& ' conv_thr must be reduced', 1 )
CASE ( 'constrained-damp' )
iswitch = 4 ! ... obsolescent: do not use in new code ( 29/10/2003 C.S.)
lmd = .TRUE.
ldamped = .TRUE.
lconstrain = .TRUE.
epse = etot_conv_thr
epsf = forc_conv_thr
CASE ( 'damp' )
iswitch = 3 ! ... obsolescent: do not use in new code ( 29/10/2003 C.S.)
lmd = .TRUE.
ldamped = .TRUE.
epse = etot_conv_thr
epsf = forc_conv_thr
ntcheck = nstep + 1
CALL errore( ' iosys ', 'calculation=' // TRIM( calculation ) // &
& ': ion_dynamics=' // TRIM( ion_dynamics ) // &
& ' not supported', 1 )
ELSE IF ( TRIM( calculation ) == 'md' ) THEN
lmd = .TRUE.
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( ion_dynamics ) )
CASE ( 'verlet' )
iswitch = 3 ! ... obsolescent: do not use in new code ( 29/10/2003 C.S.)
CASE ( 'constrained-verlet' )
lconstrain = .TRUE.
iswitch = 4 ! ... obsolescent: do not use in new code ( 29/10/2003 C.S.)
CASE ( 'beeman' )
iswitch = 3 ! ... obsolescent: do not use in new code ( 29/10/2003 C.S.)
calc = 'md'
ntcheck = nstep + 1
CALL errore( ' iosys ', 'calculation=' // TRIM( calculation ) // &
& ': ion_dynamics=' // TRIM( ion_dynamics ) // &
& ' not supported', 1 )
ELSE IF ( TRIM( calculation ) == 'vc-relax' ) THEN
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( cell_dynamics ) )
CASE ( 'none' )
epse = etot_conv_thr
epsf = forc_conv_thr
iswitch = 3 ! ... obsolescent: do not use in new code ( 29/10/2003 C.S.)
calc = 'mm'
ntcheck = nstep + 1
CASE ( 'damp-pr' )
epse = etot_conv_thr
epsf = forc_conv_thr
iswitch = 3 ! ... obsolescent: do not use in new code ( 29/10/2003 C.S.)
calc = 'cm'
ntcheck = nstep + 1
CASE ( 'damp-w' )
epse = etot_conv_thr
epsf = forc_conv_thr
iswitch = 3 ! ... obsolescent: do not use in new code ( 29/10/2003 C.S.)
calc = 'nm'
ntcheck = nstep + 1
CALL errore( ' iosys ', 'calculation=' // TRIM( calculation ) // &
& ': cell_dynamics=' // TRIM( cell_dynamics ) // &
& ' not supported', 1 )
IF ( TRIM( ion_dynamics ) /= 'damp' ) THEN
CALL errore( ' iosys ', 'calculation=' // TRIM( calculation ) // &
& ': ion_dynamics=' // TRIM( ion_dynamics ) // &
& ' not supported', 1 )
ELSE IF ( TRIM( calculation ) == 'vc-md' ) THEN
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( cell_dynamics ) )
CASE ( 'none' )
iswitch = 3 ! ... obsolescent: do not use in new code ( 29/10/2003 C.S.)
calc = 'md'
ntcheck = nstep + 1
CASE ( 'pr' )
iswitch = 3 ! ... obsolescent: do not use in new code ( 29/10/2003 C.S.)
calc = 'cd'
ntcheck = nstep + 1
CASE ( 'w' )
iswitch = 3 ! ... obsolescent: do not use in new code ( 29/10/2003 C.S.)
calc = 'nd'
ntcheck = nstep + 1
CALL errore( ' iosys ', 'calculation=' // TRIM( calculation ) // &
& ': ion_dynamics=' // TRIM( ion_dynamics ) // &
& ' not supported', 1 )
IF ( TRIM( ion_dynamics ) /= 'beeman' ) THEN
CALL errore( ' iosys ', 'calculation=' // TRIM( calculation ) // &
& ': ion_dynamics=' // TRIM( ion_dynamics ) // &
& ' not supported', 1 )
ELSE IF ( TRIM( calculation ) == 'neb' ) THEN
! ... NEB specific
nstep_neb = nstep
IF ( num_of_images < 2 ) THEN
CALL errore( ' iosys ', 'calculation=' // TRIM( calculation ) // &
& ': num_of_images must be at least 2', 1 )
IF ( ( CI_scheme /= "no-CI" ) .AND. &
( CI_scheme /= "highest-TS" ) .AND. &
( CI_scheme /= "all-SP" ) .AND. &
( CI_scheme /= "manual" ) ) THEN
CALL errore( ' iosys ', 'calculation=' // TRIM( calculation ) // &
& ': unknown CI_scheme', 1 )
IF ( ( VEC_scheme /= "energy-weighted" ) .AND. &
( VEC_scheme /= "gradient-weighted" ) ) THEN
CALL errore( ' iosys ', 'calculation=' // TRIM( calculation ) // &
& ': unknown VEC_scheme', 1 )
! ... initialization of logical variables
lsteep_des = .FALSE.
lquick_min = .FALSE.
ldamped_dyn = .FALSE.
lmol_dyn = .FALSE.
SELECT CASE ( minimization_scheme )
CASE ( "sd" )
lsteep_des = .TRUE.
CASE ( "quick-min" )
lquick_min = .TRUE.
CASE ( "damped-dyn" )
ldamped_dyn = .TRUE.
CASE ( "mol-dyn" )
lmol_dyn = .TRUE.
IF ( temp_req == 0 ) &
WRITE( stdout,'(/,T2,"WARNING: tepm_req has not been set" )')
temp_req = temp_req / ( eV_to_kelvin * AU )
CASE default
CALL errore( ' iosys ','calculation=' // TRIM( calculation ) // &
& ': unknown minimization_scheme', 1 )
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( ion_temperature ) )
CASE ( 'not_controlled' )
CASE ( 'rescaling' )
temperature = tempw
ttol = tolp
CALL errore( ' iosys ', ' unknown ion_temperature ' // &
& TRIM( ion_temperature ), 1 )
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( cell_temperature ) )
CASE ( 'not_controlled' )
CALL errore( ' iosys ', ' unknown cell_temperature ' // &
& TRIM( cell_temperature ), 1 )
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( cell_dofree ) )
CASE ( 'all' )
CALL errore( ' iosys ', &
& ' unknown cell_dofree ' // TRIM( cell_dofree ), 1 )
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( mixing_mode ) )
CASE ( 'plain' )
imix = 0
starting_scf_threshold = tr2
CASE ( 'TF' )
imix = 1
starting_scf_threshold = tr2
CASE ( 'local-TF' )
imix = 2
starting_scf_threshold = tr2
CASE ( 'potential' )
imix = -1
starting_scf_threshold = SQRT( tr2 )
CALL errore( ' iosys ', ' unknown mixing ' // TRIM( mixing_mode ), 1 )
IF ( dipfield .AND. imix.ne.-1 ) THEN
CALL errore( 'iosys', 'use mixing_mod=potential with dipfield' , 1 )
nmix = mixing_ndim
niter_with_fixed_ns = mixing_fixed_ns
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( verbosity ) )
CASE ( 'high' )
iverbosity = 1
iverbosity = 0
tmp_dir = TRIM( outdir )
lstres = ( tstress .AND. lscf )
IF ( lberry_ .AND. npool > 1 ) &
CALL errore( ' iosys ', ' Berry Phase not implemented with pools ', 1 )
! ... Copy values from input module to PW internals
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
nppstr_ = nppstr
gdir_ = gdir
lberry_ = lberry
title_ = title
dt_ = dt
tefield_ = tefield
dipfield_ = dipfield
prefix_ = TRIM( prefix )
pseudo_dir_ = TRIM( pseudo_dir )
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
nstep_ = nstep
iprint_ = iprint
celldm_ = celldm
ibrav_ = ibrav
nat_ = nat
ntyp_ = ntyp
edir_ = edir
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
emaxpos_ = emaxpos
eopreg_ = eopreg
eamp_ = eamp
nr1_ = nr1
nr2_ = nr2
nr3_ = nr3
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
ecutwfc_ = ecutwfc
ecfixed_ = ecfixed
qcutz_ = qcutz
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
q2sigma_ = q2sigma
nr1s_ = nr1s
nr2s_ = nr2s
nr3s_ = nr3s
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
degauss_ = degauss
nelec_ = nelec
noncolin_ = noncolin
angle1_ = angle1
angle2_ = angle2
report_ = report
i_cons_ = i_cons
mcons_ = mcons
lambda_ = lambda
Hubbard_U_( 1 : ntyp ) = hubbard_u( 1 : ntyp )
Hubbard_alpha_( 1 : ntyp ) = hubbard_alpha( 1 : ntyp )
lda_plus_u_ = lda_plus_u
nspin_ = nspin
starting_magnetization_ = starting_magnetization
starting_ns = starting_ns_eigenvalue
nosym_ = nosym
nbnd_ = nbnd
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
startingwfc_ = startingwfc
startingpot_ = startingpot
mixing_beta_ = mixing_beta
upscale_ = upscale
press_ = press
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
cell_factor_ = cell_factor
modenum_ = modenum
xqq_ = xqq
! ... NEB specific
num_of_images_ = num_of_images
CI_scheme_ = CI_scheme
VEC_scheme_ = VEC_scheme
optimization_ = optimization
damp_ = damp
temp_req_ = temp_req
ds_ = ds
k_max_ = k_max
k_min_ = k_min
neb_thr_ = neb_thr
! ... new BFGS specific
lbfgs_ndim_ = lbfgs_ndim
trust_radius_max_ = trust_radius_max
trust_radius_min_ = trust_radius_min
trust_radius_ini_ = trust_radius_ini
trust_radius_end_ = trust_radius_end
w_1_ = w_1
w_2_ = w_2
! ... read following cards
ALLOCATE( tau( 3, nat_ ) )
ALLOCATE( ityp( nat_ ) )
ALLOCATE( force( 3, nat_ ) ) ! ... compatibility with old readin
ALLOCATE( if_pos( 3, nat_ ) )
IF ( tefield ) ALLOCATE( forcefield( 3, nat_ ) )
CALL read_cards( psfile, atomic_positions )
! ... set up atomic positions and crystal lattice
IF ( celldm_(1) == 0.D0 .AND. a /= 0.D0 ) THEN
IF ( ibrav_ == 0 ) ibrav = 14
celldm_(1) = a / bohr_radius_angs
celldm_(2) = b / a
celldm_(3) = c / a
celldm_(4) = cosab
celldm_(5) = cosac
celldm_(6) = cosbc
ELSE IF ( celldm_(1) /= 0.D0 .AND. a /= 0.D0 ) THEN
CALL errore( 'input', ' do not specify both celldm and a,b,c!', 1 )
IF ( ibrav_ == 0 .AND. celldm_(1) /= 0.D0 ) THEN
! ... input at are in units of alat
alat = celldm_(1)
ELSE IF ( ibrav_ == 0 .AND. celldm_(1) == 0.D0 ) THEN
! ... input at are in atomic units: define alat
celldm_(1) = SQRT( at(1,1)**2 + at(1,2)**2 + at(1,3)**2 )
alat = celldm_(1)
! ... bring at to alat units
at(:,:) = at(:,:) / alat
! ... generate at (atomic units)
CALL latgen( ibrav, celldm_, at(1,1), at(1,2), at(1,3), omega )
alat = celldm_(1)
! ... bring at to alat units
at(:,:) = at(:,:) / alat
CALL volume( alat, at(1,1), at(1,2), at(1,3), omega )
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
IF ( calculation == 'neb' ) THEN
! ... NEB specific
DO image = 1, num_of_images_
tau = RESHAPE( SOURCE = pos(1:3*nat_,image), SHAPE = (/ 3 , nat_ /) )
SELECT CASE ( atomic_positions )
! ... convert input atomic positions to internally used format:
! ... tau in a0 units
CASE ( 'alat' )
! ... input atomic positions are divided by a0: do nothing
CASE ( 'bohr' )
! ... input atomic positions are in a.u.: divide by alat
tau = tau / alat
CASE ( 'crystal' )
! ... input atomic positions are in crystal axis
CALL cryst_to_cart( nat_, tau, at, 1 )
CASE ( 'angstrom' )
! ... atomic positions in A: convert to a.u. and divide by alat
tau = tau / bohr_radius_angs / alat
CALL errore( ' iosys ',' atomic_positions=' // &
& TRIM( atomic_positions ) // ' not implemented ', 1 )
pos(1:3*nat_,image) = RESHAPE( SOURCE = tau, SHAPE = (/ 3 * nat_ /) )
SELECT CASE ( atomic_positions )
! ... convert input atomic positions to internally used format:
! ... tau in a0 units
CASE ( 'alat' )
! ... input atomic positions are divided by a0: do nothing
CASE ( 'bohr' )
! ... input atomic positions are in a.u.: divide by alat
tau = tau / alat
CASE ( 'crystal' )
! ... input atomic positions are in crystal axis
CALL cryst_to_cart( nat_, tau, at, 1 )
CASE ( 'angstrom' )
! ... atomic positions in A: convert to a.u. and divide by alat
tau = tau / bohr_radius_angs / alat
CALL errore( ' iosys ',' atomic_positions=' // &
& TRIM( atomic_positions ) // ' not implemented ', 1 )
! ... set default value of wmass
IF ( wmass == 0.D0 ) THEN
IF ( calc == 'nd' .OR. calc == 'nm' ) THEN
DO ia = 1, nat
wmass = wmass + amass(ityp(ia))
wmass = 0.75D0 * wmass / pi / pi / omega**( 2.D0 / 3.D0 )
IF ( calc == 'cd' .OR. calc == 'cm' ) THEN
DO ia = 1, nat
wmass = wmass + amass(ityp(ia))
wmass = 0.75D0 * wmass / pi / pi
! ... unit conversion for cell mass and pressure
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
cmass = wmass * amconv
press_ = press_ / uakbar
! ... read pseudopotentials
CALL readpp()
! ... Renata's dynamics uses masses in atomic units
IF ( calc /= ' ' ) THEN
amass = amass * amconv
! ... In the case of variable cell dynamics save old cell variables
! ... and initialize a few other variables
IF ( lmovecell ) THEN
at_old = at
omega_old = omega
lstres = .TRUE.
IF ( cell_factor_ <= 0.D0 ) cell_factor_ = 1.2D0
IF ( cmass <= 0.D0 ) &
CALL errore( 'readin', &
& 'vcsmd: a positive value for cell mass is required', 1 )
cell_factor_ = 1.D0
CALL verify_tmpdir()
CALL restart_from_file()
IF ( startingconfig == 'file' ) CALL read_config_from_file()
CALL write_config_to_file()
! ... Files
input_drho = ' '
output_drho = ' '
crystal = ' '
SUBROUTINE read_cards( psfile, atomic_positions_ )
USE wvfct, ONLY : gamma_only
USE brilz, ONLY : at, ibrav, symm_type, celldm
USE basis, ONLY : nat, ntyp, ityp, tau, atm
USE klist, ONLY : nks
USE ktetra, ONLY : nk1_ => nk1, &
nk2_ => nk2, &
nk3_ => nk3, &
k1_ => k1, &
k2_ => k2, &
k3_ => k3
USE klist, ONLY : lxkcry, &
xk_ => xk, &
wk_ => wk
USE fixed_occ, ONLY : tfixed_occ, &
f_inp_ => f_inp
USE relax, ONLY : fixatom, &
if_pos_ => if_pos
USE dynam, ONLY : amass
USE control_flags, ONLY : lconstrain
USE constraints_module, ONLY : nconstr, constr_tol, constr, target
USE input_parameters, ONLY : atom_label, atom_pfile, atom_mass, &
atom_ptyp, taspc, tapos, rd_pos, &
atomic_positions, if_pos, sp_pos, &
k_points, xk, wk, nk1, nk2, nk3, &
k1, k2, k3, nkstot, cell_symmetry, rd_ht, &
trd_ht, f_inp, calculation,&
nconstr_inp, constr_tol_inp, constr_inp
USE read_cards_module, ONLY : read_cards_base => read_cards
USE parser
USE basic_algebra_routines, ONLY : norm
CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: psfile(ntyp)
CHARACTER (LEN=30) :: atomic_positions_
LOGICAL :: tcell = .FALSE.
INTEGER :: i, is, ns, ia, ik
amass = 0
CALL read_cards_base( 'PW' )
IF ( .NOT. taspc ) &
CALL errore( ' cards ', ' atomic species info missing', 1 )
IF ( .NOT. tapos ) &
CALL errore( ' cards ', ' atomic position info missing', 1 )
DO is = 1, ntyp
amass(is) = atom_mass(is)
psfile(is) = atom_pfile(is)
atm(is) = atom_label(is)
IF( amass(is) <= 0.D0 ) THEN
CALL errore( ' iosys ', ' invalid mass ', is )
DO ia = 1, nat
tau(:,ia) = rd_pos(:,ia)
ityp(ia) = sp_pos(ia)
! ... TEMP: calculate fixatom (to be removed)
fixatom = 0
fix1: DO ia = nat, 1, -1
IF ( if_pos(1,ia) /= 0 .OR. &
if_pos(2,ia) /= 0 .OR. &
if_pos(3,ia) /= 0 ) EXIT fix1
fixatom = fixatom + 1
END DO fix1
! ... The constrain on fixed coordinates is implemented using the array
! ... if_pos whose value is 0 when the coordinate is to be kept fixed, 1
! ... otherwise. fixatom is maintained for compatibility. ( C.S. 15/10/2003 )
if_pos_ = 1
if_pos_(:,:) = if_pos(:,1:nat)
atomic_positions_ = TRIM( atomic_positions )
IF ( k_points == 'automatic' ) THEN
! ... automatic generation of k-points
gamma_only = .FALSE.
lxkcry = .FALSE.
nks = 0
! nk1,nk2,nk3 and k1,k2,k3 are initialized even when not used
nk1_ = nk1
nk2_ = nk2
nk3_ = nk3
k1_ = k1
k2_ = k2
k3_ = k3
ELSE IF ( k_points == 'tpiba' ) THEN
! ... input k-points are in 2pi/a units
gamma_only = .FALSE.
lxkcry = .FALSE.
nks = nkstot
xk_(:,1:nks) = xk(:,1:nks)
wk_(1:nks) = wk(1:nks)
nk1_ = 0
nk2_ = 0
nk3_ = 0
k1_ = 0
k2_ = 0
k3_ = 0
ELSE IF ( k_points == 'crystal' ) THEN
! ... input k-points are in crystal (reciprocal lattice) axis
gamma_only = .FALSE.
lxkcry = .TRUE.
nks = nkstot
xk_(:,1:nks) = xk(:,1:nks)
wk_(1:nks) = wk(1:nks)
nk1_ = 0
nk2_ = 0
nk3_ = 0
k1_ = 0
k2_ = 0
k3_ = 0
ELSE IF ( k_points == 'gamma' ) THEN
! ... Only Gamma (k=0) is used
! ... specialized routines are used
gamma_only = .TRUE.
lxkcry = .FALSE.
nks = 1
xk_(:,1) = 0.0
wk_(1) = 1.0
nk1_ = 0
nk2_ = 0
nk3_ = 0
k1_ = 0
k2_ = 0
k3_ = 0
! ... default: input k-points are in 2pi/a units
gamma_only = .FALSE.
lxkcry = .FALSE.
nks = nkstot
xk_(:,1:nks) = xk(:,1:nks)
wk_(1:nks) = wk(1:nks)
nk1_ = 0
nk2_ = 0
nk3_ = 0
k1_ = 0
k2_ = 0
k3_ = 0
IF ( tfixed_occ ) THEN
IF ( nks > 1 .OR. ( nk1 * nk2 * nk3 ) > 1 ) &
CALL errore( 'read_cards', &
& 'only one k point with fixed occupations', 1 )
f_inp_ = f_inp
IF ( trd_ht ) THEN
symm_type = cell_symmetry
at = TRANSPOSE( rd_ht )
tcell = .TRUE.
IF ( ibrav == 0 .AND. .NOT. tcell ) &
CALL errore( ' cards ', ' ibrav=0: must read cell parameters', 1 )
IF ( ibrav /= 0 .AND. tcell ) &
CALL errore( ' cards ', ' redundant data for cell parameters', 2 )
IF ( lconstrain ) THEN
nconstr = nconstr_inp
constr_tol = constr_tol_inp
ALLOCATE( constr(2,nconstr) )
ALLOCATE( target(nconstr) )
constr(:,:) = constr_inp(:,1:nconstr)
! ... target value of the constrain ( in bohr )
DO ia = 1, nconstr
target(ia) = norm( tau(:,constr(1,ia)) - &
tau(:,constr(2,ia)) ) * celldm(1)
! ... "if_pos" constrains are not compatible with other constrains
if_pos_ = 1
IF ( fixatom > 0 ) &
CALL errore( ' cards ', &
& ' constrains are not compatible with fixed atoms', 1 )
SUBROUTINE verify_tmpdir()
USE input_parameters, ONLY : restart_mode
USE control_flags, ONLY : lneb
USE io_files, ONLY : prefix, tmp_dir, nd_nmbr
USE neb_variables, ONLY : num_of_images
USE para, ONLY : me, mypool
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier
USE parser, ONLY : int_to_char, delete_if_present
INTEGER :: l, ios, image
CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: tmp_dir_saved
INTEGER :: c_mkdir
EXTERNAL c_mkdir
! ... verify if tmp_dir ends with /, add one if needed
l = LEN_TRIM( tmp_dir )
IF ( tmp_dir(l:l) /= '/' ) THEN
IF ( l > 0 .AND. l < LEN( tmp_dir ) ) THEN
CALL errore( 'outdir: ', tmp_dir // ' truncated or empty', 1 )
ios = 0
OPEN( UNIT = 4, FILE = TRIM( tmp_dir ) // 'pwscf' // nd_nmbr, &
IF ( ios /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'outdir: ', TRIM( tmp_dir ) // &
& ' non existent or non writable', 1 )
! ... if starting from scratch all temporary files are removed
! ... from tmp_dir ( only by the master node )
IF ( restart_mode == 'from_scratch' ) THEN
IF ( me == 1 .AND. mypool == 1 ) THEN
! ... wfc-extrapolation file is removed
CALL delete_if_present( TRIM( tmp_dir ) // TRIM( prefix ) // '.update' )
! ... MD restart file is removed
CALL delete_if_present( TRIM( tmp_dir ) // TRIM( prefix ) // '.md' )
! ... BFGS rstart file is removed
CALL delete_if_present( TRIM( tmp_dir ) // TRIM( prefix ) // '.bfgs' )
! ... NEB specific
! ... in the scratch directory the tree of subdirectories needed by neb are
! ... created
IF ( lneb ) THEN
tmp_dir_saved = tmp_dir
DO image = 1, num_of_images
ios = 0
tmp_dir = TRIM( tmp_dir_saved ) // TRIM( prefix ) //"_" // &
TRIM( int_to_char( image ) ) // '/'
IF ( me == 1 .AND. mypool == 1 ) THEN
! ... a scratch directory for this image of the elastic band is
! ... created ( only by the master node )
ios = c_mkdir( TRIM( tmp_dir ), LEN_TRIM( tmp_dir ) )
! ... all jobs are syncronized
CALL mp_barrier()
! ... each job checks whether the scratch directory is accessible
! ... or not
OPEN( UNIT = 4, FILE = TRIM( tmp_dir ) // 'pwscf' // nd_nmbr, &
IF ( ios /= 0 ) &
CALL errore( 'outdir: ', TRIM( tmp_dir ) // &
& ' non existent or non writable', 1 )
! ... if starting from scratch all temporary files are removed
! ... from tmp_dir ( only by the master node )
IF ( restart_mode == 'from_scratch' ) THEN
IF ( me == 1 .AND. mypool == 1 ) THEN
! ... standard output of the self-consistency is removed
CALL delete_if_present( TRIM( tmp_dir ) // 'PW.out' )
tmp_dir = tmp_dir_saved
END SUBROUTINE verify_tmpdir