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! Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Quantum-ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
SUBROUTINE move_electrons( nfi, tfirst, tlast, b1, b2, b3, fion, &
enthal, enb, enbi, fccc, ccc, dt2bye )
! ... this routine updates the electronic degrees of freedom
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE control_flags, ONLY : lwf, tfor, tprnfor, thdyn, use_task_groups
USE cg_module, ONLY : tcg
USE cp_main_variables, ONLY : eigr, bec, irb, eigrb, rhog, rhos, rhor, &
ei1, ei2, ei3, sfac, ema0bg, becdr, &
taub, lambda, lambdam, lambdap
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY : c0, cm, phi => cp
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega, ibrav, h, press
USE uspp, ONLY : becsum, vkb, nkb
USE energies, ONLY : ekin, enl, entropy, etot
USE grid_dimensions, ONLY : nnrx
USE electrons_base, ONLY : nbsp, nspin, f, nudx
USE core, ONLY : nlcc_any, rhoc
USE ions_positions, ONLY : tau0
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat
USE stre, ONLY : stress
USE dener, ONLY : detot, denl, dekin6
USE efield_module, ONLY : tefield, ipolp, qmat, gqq, evalue, &
tefield2, ipolp2, qmat2, gqq2, evalue2
USE wannier_subroutines, ONLY : get_wannier_center, wf_options, &
write_charge_and_exit, ef_tune
USE cpr_subroutines, ONLY : compute_stress
USE ensemble_dft, ONLY : compute_entropy2
USE efield_module, ONLY : berry_energy, berry_energy2
USE cp_interfaces, ONLY : runcp_uspp, runcp_uspp_force_pairing, &
runcp_uspp_bgl, interpolate_lambda
USE gvecw, ONLY : ngw
USE orthogonalize_base, ONLY : calphi
USE control_flags, ONLY : force_pairing
USE cp_interfaces, ONLY : rhoofr
USE electrons_base, ONLY : nupdwn
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: tfirst, tlast
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: b1(3), b2(3), b3(3)
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: fion(3,nat)
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: dt2bye
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: fccc, ccc
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: enb, enbi
REAL(DP) :: ei_unp
INTEGER :: i, j, is, n2
electron_dynamic: IF ( tcg ) THEN
CALL runcg_uspp( nfi, tfirst, tlast, eigr, bec, irb, eigrb, &
rhor, rhog, rhos, rhoc, ei1, ei2, ei3, sfac, &
fion, ema0bg, becdr, lambdap, lambda )
CALL compute_stress( stress, detot, h, omega )
IF ( lwf ) &
CALL get_wannier_center( tfirst, cm, bec, becdr, eigr, &
eigrb, taub, irb, ibrav, b1, b2, b3 )
CALL rhoofr( nfi, c0, irb, eigrb, bec, &
becsum, rhor, rhog, rhos, enl, denl, ekin, dekin6 )
! ... put core charge (if present) in rhoc(r)
IF ( nlcc_any ) CALL set_cc( irb, eigrb, rhoc )
IF ( lwf ) THEN
CALL write_charge_and_exit( rhog )
CALL ef_tune( rhog, tau0 )
CALL vofrho( nfi, rhor(1,1), rhog(1,1), rhos(1,1), rhoc(1), tfirst, tlast, &
ei1, ei2, ei3, irb(1,1), eigrb(1,1), sfac(1,1), tau0(1,1), fion(1,1) )
IF ( lwf ) CALL wf_options( tfirst, nfi, cm, becsum, bec, becdr, &
eigr, eigrb, taub, irb, ibrav, b1, &
b2, b3, rhor, rhog, rhos, enl, ekin )
CALL compute_stress( stress, detot, h, omega )
enthal = etot + press * omega
IF( tefield ) THEN
CALL berry_energy( enb, enbi, bec, c0, fion )
etot = etot + enb + enbi
IF( tefield2 ) THEN
CALL berry_energy2( enb, enbi, bec, c0, fion )
etot = etot + enb + enbi
! verlet algorithm
! loop which updates electronic degrees of freedom
! cm=c(t+dt) is obtained from cm=c(t-dt) and c0=c(t)
! the electron mass rises with g**2
CALL newd( rhor, irb, eigrb, becsum, fion )
CALL prefor( eigr, vkb )
IF( force_pairing ) THEN
CALL runcp_uspp_force_pairing( nfi, fccc, ccc, ema0bg, dt2bye, &
rhos, bec, c0, cm, ei_unp )
! lambda( nudx, nudx, 1) = ei_unp
IF( use_task_groups ) THEN
CALL runcp_uspp_bgl( nfi, fccc, ccc, ema0bg, dt2bye, &
rhos, bec, c0, cm )
CALL runcp_uspp( nfi, fccc, ccc, ema0bg, dt2bye, &
rhos, bec, c0, cm )
! contribution to fion due to lambda
! ... nlfq needs deeq bec
IF ( tfor .OR. tprnfor ) CALL nlfq( c0, eigr, bec, becdr, fion )
IF ( (tfor.or.tprnfor) .AND. tefield ) &
CALL bforceion( fion, .TRUE. , ipolp, qmat, bec, becdr, gqq, evalue )
IF ( (tfor.or.tprnfor) .AND. tefield2 ) &
CALL bforceion( fion, .TRUE. , ipolp2, qmat2, bec, becdr, gqq2, evalue2 )
IF( force_pairing ) THEN
lambda( nudx, nudx, 2 ) = 0.d0
lambda( 1:nupdwn(2), 1:nupdwn(2), 2 ) = lambda(1:nupdwn(2), 1:nupdwn(2), 1 )
lambdam( 1:nupdwn(2), 1:nupdwn(2), 2 ) = lambdam(1:nupdwn(2), 1:nupdwn(2), 1 )
IF ( tfor .OR. thdyn ) then
CALL interpolate_lambda( lambdap, lambda, lambdam )
! take care of the otherwise uninitialized lambdam
lambdam = lambda
! ... calphi calculates phi
! ... the electron mass rises with g**2
CALL calphi( c0, ngw, bec, nkb, vkb, phi, nbsp, ema0bg )
! ... begin try and error loop (only one step!)
! ... nlfl and nlfh need: lambda (guessed) becdr
IF ( tfor .OR. tprnfor ) CALL nlfl( bec, becdr, lambda, fion )
END IF electron_dynamic
END SUBROUTINE move_electrons