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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine update_pot
! update potential, use the integer variable order to decide the way
! order = 0 copy the old potential (nothing is done)
! order = 1 subtract old atomic charge density and sum the n
! if dynamics is done the routine extrapolates als
! the difference between the the scf charge and th
! atomic one,
! order = 2 extrapolate the wavefunctions:
! |psi(t+dt)> = 2*|psi(t)> - |psi(t-dt)>
! order = 3 extrapolate the wavefunctions with the second or
! formula:
! |psi(t+dt)> = |psi(t) +
! + alpha0*(|psi(t)> - |psi(t-dt
! + beta0* (|psi(t-dt)> - |psi(t-2*
! where alpha0 and beta0 are calculated in "dynami
! that |tau'-tau(t+dt)| is minimum; tau' and tau(t
! are respectively the atomic positions at time t+
! the extrapolated one:
! tau(t+dt) = tau(t) +
! + alpha0*( tau(t) - tau(t-dt) )
! + beta0*( tau(t-dt) -tau(t-2*dt) )
use pwcom
implicit none
call start_clock ('update_pot')
if (order.eq.0) return
if (order.gt.2.and.iswitch.le.2) then
order = 2
call error ('update_pot', 'order > 2 not allowed in bfgs', - 1)
call extrapolate_charge
if (order.ge.2) call extrapolate_wfcs
call stop_clock ('update_pot')
end subroutine update_pot
subroutine extrapolate_charge
#include "machine.h"
use pwcom
use io, only: prefix
implicit none
integer :: ir
! do-loop variable on FFT grid
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: work (:), work1 (:)
real(kind=DP) :: charge
! workspace, is the difference between t
! charge density and the atomic one at t
! the same thing at time t-dt
! charge
call setv (nrxx, 0.d0, work, 1)
! if order = 1 update the potential subtracting to the charge densit
! the "old" atomic charge and summing the new one
write (6,'(/5x,"NEW-OLD atomic charge density approx. for the potential")')
! in the lsda case the magnetization will follow rigidly the density kee
! fixed the value of zeta=mag/rho_tot. zeta is set here and put in rho(*
! while rho(*,1) will contain the total valence charge
if (lsda) call rho2zeta (rho, rho_core, nrxx, nspin, + 1)
! subtract the old atomic charge density
call atomic_rho (work, 1)
call DAXPY (nrxx, - 1.0d0, work, 1, rho, 1)
if (lmovecell) call DSCAL (nrxx, omega_old, rho, 1)
! if dynamics extrapolate the difference between the atomic charge a
! the self-consistent one
if (iswitch.gt.2) then
if (istep.eq.1) then
call io_pot ( + 1,trim(prefix)//'.oldrho', rho, 1)
call setv (nrxx, 0.d0, work1, 1)
call io_pot ( - 1,trim(prefix)//'.oldrho', work, 1)
call io_pot ( + 1,trim(prefix)//'.oldrho', rho, 1)
if (istep.eq.2) then
call io_pot ( + 1,trim(prefix)//'.oldrho2', work, 1)
call io_pot ( - 1,trim(prefix)//'.oldrho2', work1, 1)
call io_pot ( + 1,trim(prefix)//'.oldrho2', work, 1)
! alpha0 and beta0 have been calculated in dynamics or in vcsmd subs.
do ir = 1, nrxx
rho(ir,1) = rho(ir,1) + alpha0 * ( rho(ir,1) - work(ir) ) + &
beta0 * ( work(ir) - work1(ir) )
if (lmovecell) call DSCAL (nrxx, 1.0d0 / omega, rho, 1)
! calculate structure factors for the new positions
if (lmovecell) call scale_h
call struc_fact (nat, tau, ntyp, ityp, ngm, g, bg, nr1, nr2, nr3, &
strf, eigts1, eigts2, eigts3)
! add atomic charges in the new positions
call atomic_rho (work, 1)
call DAXPY (nrxx, 1.0d0, work, 1, rho, 1)
call set_rhoc
! reset up and down charge densities in the LSDA case
if (lsda) call rho2zeta (rho, rho_core, nrxx, nspin, -1)
call v_of_rho (rho, rho_core, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, &
nrxx, nl, ngm, gstart, nspin, g, gg, alat, omega, &
ehart, etxc, vtxc, charge, vr)
! write potential (and rho) on file
if (imix.ge.0) call io_pot(+1,trim(prefix)//'.rho',rho,nspin)
call io_pot(+1,trim(prefix)//'.pot',vr,nspin)
end subroutine extrapolate_charge
subroutine extrapolate_wfcs
! This routine extrapolate the wfc's after a "parallel alignment"
! of the basis of the t-dt and t time steps, according to the Mead
! recipe, see Rev. Mod. Phys., vol 64, pag. 51 (1992), eqs. 3.20-3.2
#include "machine.h"
use pwcom
implicit none
#define ONE (1.d0,0.d0)
#define ZERO (0.d0,0.d0)
integer :: j, i, ik
! do-loop variables
! counter on k-points
complex(kind=DP), allocatable:: u_m (:,:), s_m (:,:), sp_m (:,:), temp (:,:)
! the unitary matrix (eq. 3.21)
! the overlap matrix s (eq. 3.24)
! its dagger
! workspace
complex(kind=DP), allocatable:: evcold(:,:)
! wavefunctions at previous iteration
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: ew (:)
! the eigenvalues of sp_m*s_m
logical :: first
! Used for initialization
data first / .true. /
save first
if (first) then
first = .false.
if (isolve.eq.1.and.startingwfc.eq.'atomic') then
if (istep.eq.1) then
if (nks.gt.1) rewind (iunigk)
do ik = 1, nks
if (nks.gt.1) read (iunigk) npw, igk
call davcio (evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik, - 1)
call ZCOPY (npwx * nbnd, evc, 1, evcold, 1)
call davcio (evcold, nwordwfc, iunoldwfc, ik, 1)
if (order.eq.2) then
write (6, '(5x,"Extrapolating wave-functions (first order) ...")')
write (6, '(5x,"Extrapolating wave-functions (second order) ...")')
allocate ( u_m(nbnd,nbnd), s_m(nbnd,nbnd), sp_m(nbnd,nbnd), &
temp(nbnd,nbnd), ew(nbnd) )
if (nks.gt.1) rewind (iunigk)
do ik = 1, nks
if (nks.gt.1) read (iunigk) npw, igk
call davcio (evcold, nwordwfc, iunoldwfc, ik, - 1)
call davcio (evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik, - 1)
if (istep.eq.2.and.order.gt.2) then
call davcio (evcold, nwordwfc, 10, ik, 1)
! construct s_m = <evcold|evc>
call ZGEMM ('c', 'n', nbnd, nbnd, npw, ONE, evcold, npwx, evc, &
npwx, ZERO, s_m, nbnd)
#ifdef PARA
call reduce (2 * nbnd * nbnd, s_m)
! temp = sp_m*s_m
call ZGEMM ('c', 'n', nbnd, nbnd, nbnd, ONE, s_m, nbnd, s_m, &
nbnd, ZERO, temp, nbnd)
! diagonalize temp, use u_m as workspace to accomodate the eigenvect
! matrix which diagonalizes temp, sp_m is its hermitean conjugate
call cdiagh (nbnd, temp, nbnd, ew, u_m)
do i = 1, nbnd
do j = 1, nbnd
sp_m (j, i) = conjg (u_m (i, j) ) / sqrt (ew (j) )
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', nbnd, nbnd, nbnd, ONE, u_m, nbnd, sp_m, &
nbnd, ZERO, temp, nbnd)
! temp = [ sp_m * s_m ]^(-1/2)
call ZGEMM ('n', 'c', nbnd, nbnd, nbnd, ONE, temp, nbnd, s_m, &
nbnd, ZERO, u_m, nbnd)
! and u_m is the unitary matrix [ sp_m * s_m ]^(-1/2)*sp_m (eq.3.29)
! now use evcold as workspace to calculate
! evcold_i = sum_j evc_j*u_m_ji
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', npw, nbnd, nbnd, ONE, evc, npwx, u_m, &
nbnd, ZERO, evcold, npwx)
! and copy evcold in evc
call ZCOPY (npwx * nbnd, evcold, 1, evc, 1)
! save on file evc
call davcio (evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik, 1)
! re-read from file the right evcold
call davcio (evcold, nwordwfc, iunoldwfc, ik, - 1)
! extrapolate the wfc's, if order=3 use the second order extrapolati
! formula, alpha0 and beta0 are calculated in "dynamics"
if (order.gt.2) then
do j = 1, nbnd
do i = 1, npw
evc (i, j) = (1 + alpha0) * evc (i, j) + (beta0 - alpha0) &
* evcold (i, j)
call davcio (evcold, nwordwfc, 10, ik, - 1)
do j = 1, nbnd
do i = 1, npw
evc (i, j) = evc (i, j) - beta0 * evcold (i, j)
do j = 1, nbnd
do i = 1, npw
evc (i, j) = 2 * evc (i, j) - evcold (i, j)
! move the files: "old" -> "old1" and "now" -> "old"
if (order.gt.2) then
call davcio (evcold, nwordwfc, iunoldwfc, ik, - 1)
call davcio (evcold, nwordwfc, 10, ik, 1)
call davcio (evcold, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik, - 1)
call davcio (evcold, nwordwfc, iunoldwfc, ik, 1)
! save evc on file iunwfc
call davcio (evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik, 1)
deallocate(u_m, s_m, sp_m, temp, ew)
deallocate (evcold)
end subroutine extrapolate_wfcs