
233 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine dqrhod2v (ipert, drhoscf)
! calculates the term containing the second variation of the potential
! and the first variation of the charge density with respect to a
! perturbation at a generic q
#include "machine.h"
use pwcom
use phcom
use d3com
use allocate
#ifdef PARA
use para
implicit none
integer :: ipert
complex (8) :: drhoscf (nrxx)
! the variation of the charge density
! local variables
integer :: icart, jcart, na_icart, na_jcart, na, ng, nt, &
ik, ikk, ikq, ig, ibnd, nu_i, nu_j, nu_k, ikb, jkb, nrec, ios
! index of the perturbation associated with drho
! counter on polarizations
! counter on polarizations
! counter on modes
! counter on modes
! counter on atoms
! counter on G vectors
! counter on atomic types
! counter on k points
! counter on k points
! counter on k+q points
! counter on G vectors
! counter on bands
! counter on modes
! counter on modes
! counter on modes
! counters on beta functions
! record position of dwfc
! integer variable for I/O control
real (8) :: gtau, wgg
! the product G*\tau_s
! the weight of a K point
complex (8) :: ZDOTC, fac, alpha (8), work
complex (8), pointer :: d3dywrk (:,:), work0 (:), &
work1 (:), work2 (:), work3 (:), work4 (:), work5 (:), work6 (:)
! work space
call mallocate (d3dywrk, 3 * nat, 3 * nat)
call mallocate (work0, nrxx)
call mallocate (work1, npwx)
call mallocate (work2, npwx)
call mallocate (work3, npwx)
call mallocate (work4, npwx)
call mallocate (work5, npwx)
call mallocate (work6, npwx)
call setv (2 * 9 * nat * nat, 0.0d0, d3dywrk, 1)
! Here the contribution deriving from the local part of the potential
#ifdef PARA
! ... computed only by the first pool (no sum over k needed)
if (mypool.ne.1) goto 100
call ZCOPY (nrxx, drhoscf, 1, work0, 1)
call cft3 (work0, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, - 1)
do na = 1, nat
do icart = 1, 3
na_icart = 3 * (na - 1) + icart
do jcart = 1, 3
na_jcart = 3 * (na - 1) + jcart
do ng = 1, ngm
gtau = tpi * ( (xq (1) + g (1, ng) ) * tau (1, na) + &
(xq (2) + g (2, ng) ) * tau (2, na) + &
(xq (3) + g (3, ng) ) * tau (3, na) )
fac = DCMPLX (cos (gtau), - sin (gtau) )
d3dywrk (na_icart, na_jcart) = d3dywrk (na_icart, na_jcart) &
- tpiba2 * omega * (xq (icart) + g (icart, ng) ) * &
(xq (jcart) + g (jcart, ng) ) * &
vlocq (ng, ityp (na) ) * fac * conjg (work0 (nl (ng) ) )
#ifdef PARA
call reduce (2 * 9 * nat * nat, d3dywrk)
! each pool contributes to next term
100 continue
! Here we compute the nonlocal (Kleinman-Bylander) contribution.
rewind (unit = iunigk)
do ik = 1, nksq
read (iunigk, err = 200, iostat = ios) npw, igk
200 call error ('dqrhod2v', 'reading igk', abs (ios) )
if (lgamma) then
ikk = ik
ikq = ik
npwq = npw
ikk = 2 * ik - 1
ikq = 2 * ik
read (iunigk, err = 300, iostat = ios) npwq, igkq
300 call error ('dqrhod2v', 'reading igkq', abs (ios) )
wgg = wk (ikk)
call davcio (evc, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikk, - 1)
! In metallic case it necessary to know the wave function at k+q point
! so as to correct dpsi. dvpsi is used as working array
if (degauss.ne.0.d0) call davcio (dvpsi, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikq, -1)
call init_us_2 (npwq, igkq, xk (1, ikq), vkb)
call init_us_2 (npw, igk, xk (1, ikk), vkb0)
! Reads the first variation of the wavefunction projected on conduction
nrec = (ipert - 1) * nksq + ik
call davcio (dpsi, lrdwf, iudqwf, nrec, - 1)
! In the metallic case corrects dpsi so as that the density matrix
! will be: Sum_{k,nu} 2 * | dpsi > < psi |
if (degauss.ne.0.d0) then
nrec = ipert + (ik - 1) * 3 * nat
call davcio (psidqvpsi, lrpdqvp, iupdqvp, nrec, - 1)
call dpsi_corr (dvpsi, psidqvpsi, ikk, ikq, ipert)
do icart = 1, 3
do jcart = 1, 3
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
do ig = 1, npw
work5(ig)= work1(ig)*tpiba*(xk(jcart,ikk)+g(jcart,igk(ig)))
do ig = 1, npwq
work6(ig)= work3(ig)*tpiba*(xk(jcart,ikq)+g(jcart,igkq(ig)))
do nt = 1, ntyp
do na = 1, nat
if (ityp (na).eq.nt) then
na_icart = 3 * (na - 1) + icart
na_jcart = 3 * (na - 1) + jcart
do ikb = 1, nh (nt)
jkb = jkb+1
alpha(1) = ZDOTC(npw, work1, 1,vkb0(1,jkb), 1)
alpha(2) = ZDOTC(npwq,vkb(1,jkb), 1, work4, 1)
alpha(3) = ZDOTC(npw, work2, 1,vkb0(1,jkb), 1)
alpha(4) = ZDOTC(npwq,vkb(1,jkb), 1, work3, 1)
alpha(5) = ZDOTC(npw, work5, 1,vkb0(1,jkb), 1)
alpha(6) = ZDOTC(npwq,vkb(1,jkb),1,dpsi(1,ibnd),1)
alpha(7) = ZDOTC(npw, evc(1,ibnd),1,vkb0(1,jkb),1)
alpha(8) = ZDOTC(npwq,vkb(1,jkb),1,work6, 1)
#ifdef PARA
call reduce(16, alpha)
d3dywrk(na_icart,na_jcart) = d3dywrk(na_icart,na_jcart) &
+ conjg(alpha(1) * alpha(2) + alpha(3) * alpha(4) - &
alpha(5) * alpha(6) - alpha(7) * alpha(8) ) &
* dvan (ikb, ikb, nt) * wgg * 2.0d0
end do
end do
#ifdef PARA
call poolreduce (2 * 9 * nat * nat, d3dywrk)
! Rotate the dynamical matrix on the basis of patterns
! some indices do not need to be rotated
nu_k = ipert
do nu_i = 1, 3 * nat
if (q0mode (nu_i) ) then
do nu_j = 1, 3 * nat
work = (0.0d0, 0.0d0)
do na = 1, nat
do icart = 1, 3
na_icart = 3 * (na - 1) + icart
do jcart = 1, 3
na_jcart = 3 * (na - 1) + jcart
work = work + ug0 (na_icart, nu_i) * &
d3dywrk (na_icart,na_jcart) * u (na_jcart, nu_j)
d3dyn (nu_i, nu_k, nu_j) = d3dyn (nu_i, nu_k, nu_j) + work
d3dyn (nu_i, nu_j, nu_k) = d3dyn (nu_i, nu_j, nu_k) + conjg(work)
call mfree (work6)
call mfree (work5)
call mfree (work4)
call mfree (work3)
call mfree (work2)
call mfree (work1)
call mfree (work0)
call mfree (d3dywrk)
end subroutine dqrhod2v