
112 lines
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Raw Normal View History

! Copyright (C) 2001-2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine work_function (wf)
! Print out the workfunction, calculated as the difference between the
! potential energy and the fermi energy.
! Written for supercells with the main axis along z.
use pwcom
#ifdef __PARA
use para
use mp
implicit none
integer :: ionode_id = 0
real(kind=DP) :: wmean1, wmean2, meancharge, wx1, wx2, wxm, vx, vc, ex, &
ec, rhox, rs, vcca, wf
integer :: n1, n2, ni, nmean
logical :: exst
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: raux1 (:), vaux1 (:), aux (:)
! auxiliary vectors for charge and potential
allocate (raux1( nrx1 * nrx2 * nrx3))
allocate (vaux1( nrx1 * nrx2 * nrx3))
if (nspin .ne. 1) &
call errore ('work_function','spin polarization not implemented',1)
current_spin = 1
#ifdef __PARA
allocate (aux ( nrxx))
aux(:) = rho(:,current_spin) + rho_core(:)
call gather (aux, raux1)
raux1(1:nrxx) = rho(1:nrxx,current_spin) + rho_core(1:nrxx)
#ifdef __PARA
aux(:) = vltot(:) + vr(:,current_spin)
call gather (aux, vaux1)
vaux1(1:nrxx) = vltot(1:nrxx) + vr(1:nrxx,current_spin)
#ifdef __PARA
if (me.eq.1.and.mypool.eq.1) then
call seqopn (17, 'workf', 'formatted', exst)
call seqopn (19, 'charge', 'formatted', exst)
nmean = (nr3 + 1) / 2
do nmean = 1, nr3
wmean1 = 0.d0
wmean2 = 0.d0
meancharge = 0.d0
wx1 = 0.d0
wx2 = 0.d0
wxm = 0.d0
do n2 = 1, nr2
do n1 = 1, nr1
ni = n1 + (n2 - 1) * nrx1 + (nmean - 1) * nrx1 * nrx2
meancharge = meancharge+raux1 (ni)
wxm = wxm + raux1 (ni) **2
wmean1 = wmean1 + vaux1 (ni)
wx1 = wx1 + vaux1 (ni) **2
rhox = abs (raux1 (ni) )
vx = 0.d0
if (rhox.gt.1.0e-30) then
call xc (rhox, ex, ec, vx, vc)
vx = e2 * (vx + vc)
wmean2 = wmean2 + vaux1 (ni) - vx
wx2 = wx2 + (vaux1 (ni) - vx) **2
wmean1 = wmean1 / dfloat (nr1 * nr2)
wmean2 = wmean2 / dfloat (nr1 * nr2)
meancharge = meancharge / dfloat (nr1 * nr2)
wx1 = dsqrt (wx1 / dfloat (nr1 * nr2) - wmean1 * wmean1)
wx2 = dsqrt (wx2 / dfloat (nr1 * nr2) - wmean2 * wmean2)
wxm = dsqrt (wxm / dfloat (nr1 * nr2) - meancharge**2)
if (nmean.eq. (nr3 + 1) / 2) wf = wmean2 - ef
write (17, * ) nmean, (wmean1 - ef) * rytoev, wx1 * rytoev, &
(wmean2 - ef) * rytoev, wx2 * rytoev
write (19, * ) nmean, meancharge, wxm
if (nmean.eq. (nr3 + 1) / 2) then
write (6, 9130) rytoev * (wmean1 - ef), wx1 * rytoev, &
rytoev * (wmean2 - ef), wx2 * rytoev
#ifdef __PARA
CALL mp_bcast( wf, ionode_id )
write (6, '(/5x,"Work function written on file workf")')
write (6, '( 5x,"Planar mean charge written on file charge")')
9130 format (/' workfunction = ',f10.4,' +- ',f6.4,' eV', &
& /' without exchcorr = ',f10.4,' +- ',f6.4,' eV')
close (17)
close (19)
end subroutine work_function