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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine dvanqq
! This routine calculates four integrals of the Q functions and
! its derivatives with c V_loc and V_eff which are used
! to compute term dV_bare/dtau * psi in addusdvqpsi and in addusdynmat.
! The result is stored in int1,int2,int4,int5. The routine is called
! only once. int4 and int5 are deallocated after use in
! addusdynmat, and int1 and int2 saved on disk by that routine.
#include "f_defs.h"
USE kinds, only : DP
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega, tpiba2, tpiba
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ityp, ntyp => nsp
use gvect, only : ngm, gg, nrxx, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, &
nl, g, ig1, ig2, ig3, eigts1, eigts2, eigts3
use lsda_mod, only : nspin
use spin_orb, only : lspinorb, domag
use scf, only : v, vltot
use noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin, npol, nspin_mag
USE uspp, ONLY: okvan
USE uspp_param, ONLY: upf, lmaxq, nh
USE phus, ONLY : int1, int2, int4, int4_nc, int5, int5_so
USE eqv, ONLY : vlocq
USE qpoint, ONLY : eigqts, xq
USE control_ph, ONLY : recover, ldisp, lgamma
USE mp_global, ONLY: intra_pool_comm
USE mp, ONLY: mp_sum
implicit none
! And the local variables
integer :: nt, na, nb, ig, nta, ntb, ir, ih, jh, ijh, ipol, jpol, is
! counters
integer :: is1, is2, ijs, lh, kh, find_ijh
real(DP), allocatable :: qmod (:), qmodg (:), qpg (:,:), &
ylmkq (:,:), ylmk0 (:,:)
! the modulus of q+G
! the modulus of G
! the q+G vectors
! the spherical harmonics
complex(DP) :: fact, fact1, ZDOTC
complex(DP), allocatable :: aux1 (:), aux2 (:),&
aux3 (:), aux5 (:), veff (:,:), sk(:)
! work space
complex(DP), allocatable, target :: qgm(:)
! the augmentation function at G
complex(DP), pointer :: qgmq (:)
! the augmentation function at q+G
if (.not.okvan) return
if (recover.and..not.ldisp) return
call start_clock ('dvanqq')
int1(:,:,:,:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
int2(:,:,:,:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
int4(:,:,:,:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
int5(:,:,:,:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
allocate (sk ( ngm))
allocate (aux1( ngm))
allocate (aux2( ngm))
allocate (aux3( ngm))
allocate (aux5( ngm))
allocate (qmodg( ngm))
allocate (ylmk0( ngm , lmaxq * lmaxq))
allocate (qgm ( ngm))
if (.not.lgamma) then
allocate (ylmkq(ngm , lmaxq * lmaxq))
allocate (qmod( ngm))
allocate (qgmq( ngm))
qgmq =>qgm
! compute spherical harmonics
call ylmr2 (lmaxq * lmaxq, ngm, g, gg, ylmk0)
do ig = 1, ngm
qmodg (ig) = sqrt (gg (ig) )
if (.not.lgamma) then
allocate (qpg (3, ngm))
call setqmod (ngm, xq, g, qmod, qpg)
call ylmr2 (lmaxq * lmaxq, ngm, qpg, qmod, ylmkq)
deallocate (qpg)
do ig = 1, ngm
qmod (ig) = sqrt (qmod (ig) )
! we start by computing the FT of the effective potential
allocate (veff ( nrxx , nspin))
do is = 1, nspin
if (nspin.ne.4.or.is==1) then
do ir = 1, nrxx
veff (ir, is) = CMPLX (vltot (ir) + v%of_r (ir, is), 0.d0)
do ir = 1, nrxx
veff (ir, is) = CMPLX (v%of_r (ir, is), 0.d0)
call cft3 (veff (1, is), nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, - 1)
! We compute here four of the five integrals needed in the phonon
General cleanup of intrinsic functions: conversion to real => DBLE (including real part of a complex number) conversion to complex => CMPLX complex conjugate => CONJG imaginary part => AIMAG All functions are uppercase. CMPLX is preprocessed by f_defs.h and performs an explicit cast: #define CMPLX(a,b) cmplx(a,b,kind=DP) This implies that 1) f_defs.h must be included whenever a CMPLX is present, 2) CMPLX should stay in a single line, 3) DP must be defined. All occurrences of real, float, dreal, dfloat, dconjg, dimag, dcmplx removed - please do not reintroduce any of them. Tested only with ifc7 and g95 - beware unintended side effects Maybe not the best solution (explicit casts everywhere would be better) but it can be easily changed with a script if the need arises. The following code might be used to test for possible trouble: program test_intrinsic implicit none integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(14,200) real (kind=dp) :: a = 0.123456789012345_dp real (kind=dp) :: b = 0.987654321098765_dp complex (kind=dp) :: c = ( 0.123456789012345_dp, 0.987654321098765_dp) print *, ' A = ', a print *, ' DBLE(A)= ', DBLE(a) print *, ' C = ', c print *, 'CONJG(C)= ', CONJG(c) print *, 'DBLE(c),AIMAG(C) = ', DBLE(c), AIMAG(c) print *, 'CMPLX(A,B,kind=dp)= ', CMPLX( a, b, kind=dp) end program test_intrinsic Note that CMPLX and REAL without a cast yield single precision numbers on ifc7 and g95 !!! git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@2133 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2005-08-27 01:44:42 +08:00
fact1 = CMPLX (0.d0, - tpiba * omega)
do ntb = 1, ntyp
if (upf(ntb)%tvanp ) then
ijh = 0
do ih = 1, nh (ntb)
do jh = ih, nh (ntb)
ijh = ijh + 1
! compute the augmentation function
call qvan2 (ngm, ih, jh, ntb, qmodg, qgm, ylmk0)
if (.not.lgamma) call qvan2 (ngm, ih, jh, ntb, qmod, qgmq, ylmkq)
! NB: for this integral the moving atom and the atom of Q
! do not necessarily coincide
do nb = 1, nat
if (ityp (nb) == ntb) then
do ig = 1, ngm
aux1 (ig) = qgmq (ig) * eigts1 (ig1 (ig), nb) &
* eigts2 (ig2 (ig), nb) &
* eigts3 (ig3 (ig), nb)
do na = 1, nat
General cleanup of intrinsic functions: conversion to real => DBLE (including real part of a complex number) conversion to complex => CMPLX complex conjugate => CONJG imaginary part => AIMAG All functions are uppercase. CMPLX is preprocessed by f_defs.h and performs an explicit cast: #define CMPLX(a,b) cmplx(a,b,kind=DP) This implies that 1) f_defs.h must be included whenever a CMPLX is present, 2) CMPLX should stay in a single line, 3) DP must be defined. All occurrences of real, float, dreal, dfloat, dconjg, dimag, dcmplx removed - please do not reintroduce any of them. Tested only with ifc7 and g95 - beware unintended side effects Maybe not the best solution (explicit casts everywhere would be better) but it can be easily changed with a script if the need arises. The following code might be used to test for possible trouble: program test_intrinsic implicit none integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(14,200) real (kind=dp) :: a = 0.123456789012345_dp real (kind=dp) :: b = 0.987654321098765_dp complex (kind=dp) :: c = ( 0.123456789012345_dp, 0.987654321098765_dp) print *, ' A = ', a print *, ' DBLE(A)= ', DBLE(a) print *, ' C = ', c print *, 'CONJG(C)= ', CONJG(c) print *, 'DBLE(c),AIMAG(C) = ', DBLE(c), AIMAG(c) print *, 'CMPLX(A,B,kind=dp)= ', CMPLX( a, b, kind=dp) end program test_intrinsic Note that CMPLX and REAL without a cast yield single precision numbers on ifc7 and g95 !!! git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@2133 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2005-08-27 01:44:42 +08:00
fact = eigqts (na) * CONJG(eigqts (nb) )
! nb is the atom of the augmentation function
nta = ityp (na)
do ig=1, ngm
sk(ig)=vlocq(ig,nta) * eigts1(ig1 (ig), na) &
* eigts2(ig2 (ig), na) &
* eigts3(ig3 (ig), na)
do ipol = 1, 3
do ig=1, ngm
aux5(ig)= sk(ig) * (g (ipol, ig) + xq (ipol) )
int2 (ih, jh, ipol, na, nb) = fact * fact1 * &
ZDOTC (ngm, aux1, 1, aux5, 1)
do jpol = 1, 3
if (jpol >= ipol) then
do ig = 1, ngm
aux3 (ig) = aux5 (ig) * &
(g (jpol, ig) + xq (jpol) )
int5 (ijh, ipol, jpol, na, nb) = &
General cleanup of intrinsic functions: conversion to real => DBLE (including real part of a complex number) conversion to complex => CMPLX complex conjugate => CONJG imaginary part => AIMAG All functions are uppercase. CMPLX is preprocessed by f_defs.h and performs an explicit cast: #define CMPLX(a,b) cmplx(a,b,kind=DP) This implies that 1) f_defs.h must be included whenever a CMPLX is present, 2) CMPLX should stay in a single line, 3) DP must be defined. All occurrences of real, float, dreal, dfloat, dconjg, dimag, dcmplx removed - please do not reintroduce any of them. Tested only with ifc7 and g95 - beware unintended side effects Maybe not the best solution (explicit casts everywhere would be better) but it can be easily changed with a script if the need arises. The following code might be used to test for possible trouble: program test_intrinsic implicit none integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(14,200) real (kind=dp) :: a = 0.123456789012345_dp real (kind=dp) :: b = 0.987654321098765_dp complex (kind=dp) :: c = ( 0.123456789012345_dp, 0.987654321098765_dp) print *, ' A = ', a print *, ' DBLE(A)= ', DBLE(a) print *, ' C = ', c print *, 'CONJG(C)= ', CONJG(c) print *, 'DBLE(c),AIMAG(C) = ', DBLE(c), AIMAG(c) print *, 'CMPLX(A,B,kind=dp)= ', CMPLX( a, b, kind=dp) end program test_intrinsic Note that CMPLX and REAL without a cast yield single precision numbers on ifc7 and g95 !!! git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@2133 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2005-08-27 01:44:42 +08:00
CONJG(fact) * tpiba2 * omega * &
ZDOTC (ngm, aux3, 1, aux1, 1)
int5 (ijh, ipol, jpol, na, nb) = &
int5 (ijh, jpol, ipol, na, nb)
if (.not.lgamma) then
do ig = 1, ngm
aux1 (ig) = qgm (ig) * eigts1 (ig1 (ig), nb) &
* eigts2 (ig2 (ig), nb) &
* eigts3 (ig3 (ig), nb)
do is = 1, nspin_mag
do ipol = 1, 3
do ig = 1, ngm
aux2 (ig) = veff (nl (ig), is) * g (ipol, ig)
int1 (ih, jh, ipol, nb, is) = - fact1 * &
ZDOTC (ngm, aux1, 1, aux2, 1)
do jpol = 1, 3
if (jpol >= ipol) then
do ig = 1, ngm
aux3 (ig) = aux2 (ig) * g (jpol, ig)
int4 (ijh, ipol, jpol, nb, is) = - tpiba2 * &
omega * ZDOTC (ngm, aux3, 1, aux1, 1)
int4 (ijh, ipol, jpol, nb, is) = &
int4 (ijh, jpol, ipol, nb, is)
do ih = 1, nh (ntb)
do jh = ih + 1, nh (ntb)
! We use the symmetry properties of the integral factor
do nb = 1, nat
if (ityp (nb) == ntb) then
do ipol = 1, 3
do is = 1, nspin
int1(jh,ih,ipol,nb,is) = int1(ih,jh,ipol,nb,is)
do na = 1, nat
int2(jh,ih,ipol,na,nb) = int2(ih,jh,ipol,na,nb)
#ifdef __PARA
call mp_sum( int1, intra_pool_comm )
call mp_sum( int2, intra_pool_comm )
call mp_sum( int4, intra_pool_comm )
call mp_sum( int5, intra_pool_comm )
IF (noncolin) THEN
CALL set_int12_nc(0)
int4_nc = (0.d0, 0.d0)
IF (lspinorb) int5_so = (0.d0, 0.d0)
DO nt = 1, ntyp
IF ( upf(nt)%tvanp ) THEN
DO na = 1, nat
IF (ityp(na)==nt) THEN
IF (upf(nt)%has_so) THEN
CALL transform_int4_so(int4,na)
CALL transform_int5_so(int5,na)
CALL transform_int4_nc(int4,na)
IF (lspinorb) CALL transform_int5_nc(int5,na)
! do ih=1,nh(1)
! do jh=1,nh(1)
! do ipol=1,3
! WRITE( stdout,'(3i5,2f20.10)') ipol,ih,jh,int2(ih,jh,ipol,1,1)
! enddo
! enddo
! enddo
! call stop_ph(.true.)
deallocate (veff)
if (.not.lgamma) then
deallocate (qmod)
deallocate (ylmkq)
deallocate (qgm)
deallocate (ylmk0)
deallocate (qmodg)
deallocate (aux5)
deallocate (aux3)
deallocate (aux2)
deallocate (aux1)
deallocate (sk)
call stop_clock ('dvanqq')
end subroutine dvanqq